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  • SPEAKER: You type an address into a browser, you send an email,

  • you perhaps have a video conference or a chat online.

  • Have you ever stopped to consider what exactly

  • is going on underneath the hood, so to speak, of those pieces of software?

  • And really the entire infrastructure that somehow

  • connects you to the person or persons with whom you're communicating.

  • Well it turns out that there's a whole stack, so to speak,

  • of internet technologies that underline the software that you and I use

  • these days, every day.

  • And indeed, the software that we use, browsers

  • and email clients and the like, are really abstractions,

  • very user friendly abstractions, on top of some lower level implementation

  • details.

  • And these days, too, have we built abstractions even above those so known

  • as the cloud, an abstraction on top of this underlying infrastructure

  • that enables us to do most anything we want computationally without even

  • having that hardware locally.

  • So let's see if we can't distill what goes on when you do type an address

  • or a URL into the address bar of a browser and then hit Enter.

  • Or you type out an email--

  • specify someone's email address and then hit Enter.

  • What exactly is going on underneath the hood?

  • Well, at the end of the day, I dare say that what your laptop, and my laptop,

  • and our desktops, and even our servers are capable of really

  • is just sending messages in envelopes back and forth across the internet.

  • Virtual envelopes, if you will.

  • Now in our human world, an envelope needs a few things on the outside.

  • If you want to send a letter or a card or something old school to someone,

  • you need to address it, of course.

  • And you need to put, perhaps in the middle, the recipient's name,

  • and address, and other details.

  • You might put in the top left hand corner, by convention, your own name

  • and or address.

  • You might even put a little memo in the bottom

  • that specifies what's inside or fragile or some other annotation.

  • So this metaphor of the physical world is actually

  • pretty apt for what's going on underneath the hood in computers.

  • When you have a computer plugged into a network

  • or connected wirelessly to a network, it really

  • is just sending and receiving envelopes, virtual envelopes,

  • that at the end of the day are just patterns of zeros and ones,

  • but collectively, those zeros and ones represent your email or the request

  • that you've made of a web server, the response you're getting back

  • from that web server.

  • So let's see if we can't formalize exactly what these lower level

  • primitives are, consider exactly how they're layered on top of one another,

  • because thereafter we can build almost anything we want

  • on top of this infrastructure once we understand what those underlying

  • building blocks actually are.

  • So let's consider how we actually address

  • this envelope in the first place.

  • After all, when I turn on my laptop or turn on my phone

  • or open up my desktop in the morning, how does that computer or that phone

  • even know what its own address is on the internet?

  • Because just as in our human world, wherein

  • you need to be uniquely addressable in the physical world

  • in order to even receive an envelope or a card or a package,

  • so do computers need to be uniquely identifiable on the internet.

  • Now for our purposes, now we can consider the internet just

  • to be an internetworked collection of computers connected

  • via wires, connected wirelessly.

  • There's some kind of interconnectivity among all of these devices

  • and these days our phones and internet of things devices and other things

  • still.

  • So let's just stipulate that somehow or other there's

  • a physical connection, or even a wireless connection,

  • between all of these various devices.

  • So those devices all need unique addresses,

  • just like a building in the human world needs an address.

  • For instance, the computer science building here on campus is at 33 Oxford

  • Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138, USA.

  • With that precise information, can you send us a real mail or a package

  • or anything else through the physical world in order for it

  • to arrive on our doorstep?

  • But what if you, instead, wanted to send us an email

  • and get it to that building, or really me,

  • wherever I am physically in the world on my internet works device?

  • You need to know my computer's address, you

  • need to know my phone's address, or at least the mail server

  • that's responsible for receiving that message from you.

  • Well, it turns out that most any network on a campus, in a corporation,

  • even at home these days has a DHCP server.

  • Stands for a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol,

  • and that's just a fancy way of describing a server that is constantly

  • listening for new laptops, new desktops, new phones, new other devices, to wake

  • up or be turned on and to shout out the digital equivalent of hello, world,

  • what is my address?

  • Because the purpose in life of these DHCP

  • servers is to answer that question.

  • To say, David you're going to go ahead and be address today.

  • Or David, you're going to be or

  • Any number of possibilities can be used to represent

  • uniquely my particular device.

  • So DHCP servers are run by the system administrators on a campus,

  • in a company, in an internet service provider.

  • More generally, they're run by whoever provides us

  • with our internet connectivity.

  • They just exist on our network.

  • But these DHCP servers also give us other information.

  • After all, it's not really sufficient just to know what my own address is.

  • How do I know where anyone else in the world is?

  • Well, it turns out that the internet is filled

  • with devices called routers whose purpose in life,

  • as their name suggests, is to route information from point A

  • to point B to point C and so on.

  • And those routers, similarly, need to know these addresses

  • so that they know upon receiving some packet of information,

  • some virtual envelope, in which direction to send it off.

  • So these DHCP servers also tell me not just my address, but also the address

  • of the next hop, so to speak.

  • I, as a little old laptop or phone or a desktop,

  • I have no idea where 99.999 percent of the computers in the world

  • are, even higher than that perhaps.

  • But I do need to know where the next computer is on the internet,

  • so that if I want to send information that leaves this room,

  • it needs to go to a router whose purpose in life

  • is to, again, route it further along.

  • And generally there might be one, two, maybe even 30 steps

  • or hops in between me and my destination for that email or virtual envelope,

  • and those routers are all configured by people who aren't me,

  • system administrators beyond this, beyond these walls

  • to know how to route that data.

  • So we can actually see evidence of this that you yourself

  • have had underneath your fingertips all this time

  • and you might not have ever poked around.

  • For instance, if you want to see your own address,

  • keep an eye out for a number of this form.

  • It's a number dot number dot number dot number, and each of those place holders

  • represents a specific value, either starting at zero or ending at 255.

  • In other words, each of these hashes can be any value between 0 and 255,

  • and that range 0 to 255 well that's 256 total possible values.

  • That's eight bits.

  • Ergo, each of these place holders represents 8 bits, 8 more bits, 8 more,

  • 8 more.

  • So an IP address, by definition, is 32 bits.

  • And there it is.

  • IP, an acronym you've probably seen somewhere,

  • even if you've not thought hard about what it is,

  • stands for Internet Protocol.

  • Internet Protocol mandates that every computer on the internet,

  • at the risk of oversimplification, has a unique address called an IP address.

  • And those IP addresses look like this.

  • If these IP addresses are composed of 32 bits, how many possible IPs are there

  • and therefore how many possible machines can we have on our internet?

  • Well, 2 times 2 times 2, 2 to the 32, so that's four billion, give or take.

  • By design of IP addresses, you can have four billion,

  • give or take, possible permutations of zeros and ones if you have 32 in total,

  • and that gives you four billion, maximally,

  • computers and phones and internet of things devices, and the like.

  • Now that sounds big, but not when each of us

  • personally probably carries one IP address in our pocket in our phone,

  • maybe another on our wrist these days, one or more computers

  • in our life, not to mention all of the other devices and servers in the world

  • that need these addresses, too.

  • So long story short, this is version 4 of IP.

  • It's decades old, but there's also a newcomer on the field

  • called IPv6, version 6.

  • There isn't really to be a version 5.

  • And IPv6 is only finally gaining traction

  • because we're running so short on IPs that it's

  • becoming a problem for campuses, for companies, and beyond.

  • But IPv6 will use 128 bits instead of 32,

  • which gives us many, many, many, many, more possibilities, bigger

  • numbers than I can even pronounce.

  • So that should cut it for quite some time.

  • But not every computer on the internet needs a public IP address, only

  • those envelopes, so to speak, that need to leave my pocket, or my home,

  • or my campus, or my company.

  • It turns out, as a short term mechanism to squeeze a bit more utility out

  • of our 32-bit addresses, which are still omnipresent

  • and the most popular among the versions, well

  • we can actually distinguish between public IP

  • addresses that do actually go out on the internet and private addresses.

  • And indeed, if your own IP address happens

  • to start with the number 10 and then a dot or the number

  • 172.16 and then a dot, or the number 162.168 and then a dot,

  • and then something else, well, odds are, your computer has a private IP address.

  • And this is just a feature of the little router that's probably in your home,

  • or the bigger router on your campus or corporate network,

  • that enables you to have an IP address that's only used within the company,

  • only used within your home, and cannot, by definition,

  • be routed publicly beyond your company, beyond your home,

  • because the router will stop it.

  • And so here we actually have the beginnings of a firewalling mechanism,

  • if you will.

  • In the real world, a firewall is a device

  • that prevents fire from going from one store to another, for instance.

  • In the virtual world, a firewall is a piece of software

  • that prevents zeros and ones from going from one place to another.

  • And in this case do we already have a mechanism

  • via public and private addresses of keeping some data securely,

  • or with high probability securely, within our company

  • versus allowing it to go out on the internet.

  • So we'll see now some screenshots of some actual computers from Mac OS

  • and Windows alike that reveal their IP addresses,

  • and you yourself can see this on your own machines.

  • For instance, here on Windows 10 is a screenshot

  • of what your Network Preferences, so to speak, might look like.

  • And if you focus down here, it's a bit arcane at first glance,

  • but IPv4 address is 192168.1.139 when we took that screenshot.

  • And indeed, it starts with 192168 which means it's private,

  • and indeed, I took this screenshot while we were within a home network,

  • and so that suggests it can be used to route among computers in that home

  • but not beyond.

  • You'll see, too, if we move on to the next screen

  • where you see more advanced network properties,

  • you can also see the dimension of this default gateway, which is

  • synonymous with router, default router.

  • 192168.1.1.

  • So a default router or default gateway is that first hop,

  • so that if I want to send an email outside of my home,

  • I want to visit a web page outside of my company,

  • all I need do is hand that virtual envelope containing that email

  • or that web request off to the machine on the local network that

  • has that IP address.

  • I have no idea where it's going to go thereafter, to hops two and three

  • and beyond, but that's why we have this whole internet

  • and even more routers out there.

  • They, the routers, intercommunicate and relay that data,

  • hop to hop to hop, until it finally reaches its destination.

  • Now where did I get my IPv4 address from,

  • where did I get my default gateway from?

  • From the DHCP server in my home, in my company, or whatever network

  • I happen to be on.

  • And Mac OS is the same.

  • If these screens are unfamiliar, you might recognize this,

  • under System Preferences in Mac OS.

  • Here, while connected to Harvard University's network,

  • you can actually see that my IP address was

  • That number, too, starting with one of those internal or private prefixes,

  • indicative of the fact that even within Harvard,

  • where we keeping all of our Harvard traffic internal to Harvard,

  • and then not exposing that externally.

  • And indeed, if we look in the more advanced preferences here,

  • we can see that the router for my Mac was

  • Which is to say this Mac, when it's ready to send something off campus,

  • simply hands that envelope off to this particular router here.

  • And the router's job, ultimately, that first hop, a border gateway or border

  • router, literally referring to a computer

  • that physically or metaphorically is on the edge of a campus

  • or company, its purpose in life is to simply change

  • what's on that envelope initially from the private IP

  • address to one or more public IP addresses, thereby

  • maintaining this mapping.

  • So this might result in everyone else in the world thinking

  • that I and you and everyone else in my company or campus

  • are all actually at the same IP address, but that's not true.

  • Each of our personal devices has a private IP address

  • and that router can actually translate via something

  • called network address translation, or NAT, from a private address

  • to public and back.

  • And so in this way, too, can a company help mask the origin

  • or the identity of whoever it is that's accessing some internet-based service.

  • Of course, that same company could log what it is that's leaving the company

  • and coming back in, so via subpoena or another mechanism,

  • could someone certainly figure out who was accessing

  • that service at a particular time, but the outside world

  • would need help knowing that.

  • And so here, even within Harvard, it's done perhaps for that reason.

  • But also perhaps in order to use one public IP

  • address among hundreds or thousands of university affiliates,

  • so that frankly we just don't need as many IP addresses.

  • So what might be both a technological motivation

  • can also have these policy side effects as well.

  • So IP itself.

  • Protocol.

  • Well, what does that actually mean?

  • A protocol-- it's not a language, per se, it's not a programming language.

  • It's really just a set of conventions that

  • govern how computers intercommunicate.

  • IP, specifically, says that if you want to send a message on the internet,

  • you shall write a sender address on the envelope and a recipient address

  • on the envelope, and that will ensure that the routers know

  • what to do with it, and they'll send it back and forth

  • in the appropriate directions.

  • IP gives us some other features, as well, fragmentation among them.

  • It turns out for efficiency if you've got a really big email or a really

  • big file, whether a PowerPoint file or video file,

  • it's not really fair to everyone else to kind of jam that onto the network

  • and to the exclusion of other people's data at any given point in time.

  • And so IP tends to fragment big files into smaller pieces

  • and send them in multiple envelopes that eventually

  • get reassembled at the other end, so that there is a compelling feature as

  • well.

  • But this leads, of course, to a slippery slope of implications

  • for net neutrality and for companies or governments

  • to actually then start to distinguish between quality

  • of service of this type of data and this other type of data.

  • Why can they do that?

  • Well, it's all quantized at a very small unit of measure,

  • and within these packets are additional information.

  • Not just those addresses, but hints as to what type of data is in the packet.

  • Is it an email, is it a web page, is it a video conference, is it Netflix,

  • is it some competitor service?

  • And so ISPs or companies or governments can certainly

  • distinguish among these types of packets and treat them theoretically, and all

  • to really these days, differently.

  • So that they're derived simply from these basic primitives.

  • Now we can very quickly go pretty low level.

  • If you actually look back at the formal definition

  • that humans crafted decades ago for what IP is, this is how they drew it.

  • You might call this ASCII art, to borrow a phrase from our look

  • at computational thinking.

  • It's sort of an artist's rendition of some structure

  • just by using the keys on his or her keyboard.

  • And so these dashes and pluses, really, just

  • are meant to draw a rectangular picture, nothing more.

  • The numbers on top represent units of 10 bits at a time.

  • Here's bit 0, here's 10, here's 20, and over here is the 32nd such bit.

  • So start at zero, and you count as high as 31, so that's our 32nd bit.

  • And we can see a few details within here.

  • We can see details like the source address,

  • and it's the whole width of this picture indicating that indeed this

  • is a 32-bit value that composes the source address or the sender address.

  • Destination address is just as wide, so there's another 32 bits.

  • There's options and other time to live.

  • You can specify just how many routers this can be handed off

  • to before the router should say, we just don't know where

  • this destination is, we shall give up.

  • And there's other fields as well in here.

  • Now what are we really looking at?

  • This is just an artist's rendition of what

  • it means to send a pattern of bits.

  • The first few bits somehow relate to version.

  • The next few bits relate to IHL and type of service and total length.

  • Eventually, the pattern of bits represents

  • source address and destination address.

  • So any computer that's receiving just a series of bits wirelessly

  • or over the wire in the form of wavelengths of light or of electricity

  • on a wire, simply needs to realize, oh, once I've received this many bits,

  • I can infer that those bits were my source address,

  • those were my destination address.

  • But again, this is so low level, it's a lot more pleasant to sort of think

  • about things at the virtual level.

  • An envelope that just has this information written on it, and let's

  • not worry about an abstraction level below this one, wherein

  • we get into the weeds of this data.

  • But it turns out that IP is not the only protocol that drives the internet.

  • In fact there's several, but perhaps the other most common one

  • that you've heard of is that one here.

  • TCP.

  • Transmission Control Protocol.

  • Now this is just a protocol that solves a different problem.

  • Rather than simply focus on addressing computers on the internet

  • and ensuring data gets from one point to another,

  • TCP is about, among other things, guaranteeing delivery.

  • TCP adds some additional zeros and ones to that envelope on the outside of it

  • that helps us get that antelope to its destination with much

  • higher probability.

  • In other words, the internet's a busy place.

  • Servers are constantly getting new users,

  • routers are receiving any number of packets at any given time,

  • and sometimes there are spikes in connectivity.

  • People might all be tuning into some news broadcast online streaming

  • lots of video, or downloading the latest news all at once,

  • or everyone's playing the latest game online,

  • and so there can be these bursts of activity.

  • And honestly humans don't necessarily engineer with those bursts of activity

  • in mind, and so routers get busy, computers get busy.

  • And when they get busy, they might receive an envelope of information

  • and realize, wait a minute, I don't have enough hands for this,

  • and packets get dropped, so to speak.

  • In fact that's a term of ours, to drop a packet just means to ignore it.

  • You don't have enough memory, enough RAM inside of your system

  • to hang onto it for any length of time, so you just ignore it.

  • Now this would be pretty darn frustrating if you send an email

  • and only with some probability does it go through.

  • Now in practice that might feel like it happens,

  • especially when things get caught up in spam and the like,

  • but in practice you really do want emails that are sent to be received.

  • When you request a web page, you want the entire web page.

  • And even if those are big emails or big web pages that are therefore

  • chopped into fragments, you really want to receive all of the fragments

  • and not just only some of the paragraphs in the email,

  • or only some sections of the web page.

  • So TCP ensures that you get all of that data at the end of the day.

  • Well hopefully not at the end of the day, but ultimately.

  • And so what TCP adds to the envelope is essentially a little mental note

  • that this is packet number one of two, or one of three, or one of four,

  • in the case of an even larger file.

  • And so when the recipient of this email or this web request gets the envelope

  • and realizes, wait a minute, I've got numbers two and three and four, wait

  • a minute, I'm missing the first envelope.

  • TCP tells that Mac or PC or other computer,

  • go ahead and send a message back to the sender saying, hey,

  • I got everything except packet one, please resend.

  • That's going to take a little bit of extra time,

  • but that packet can be resent and TCP knows

  • how to reassemble them in the proper order

  • so that the human ultimately sees their entire email or that entire web page

  • and not just some portion thereof.

  • So what does TCP really look like?

  • Well, let's just take a quick peek underneath the hood here, too.

  • And here we see a similar pattern of bits but not addresses, that, again,

  • is handled by IP itself, but you see mention of source port,

  • and destination port.

  • Sequence number, which helps with the delivery,

  • and then other options as well, all of which

  • we relate to the delivery of that information.

  • But these two up here, looks like 16 bits each, source port

  • and destination port.

  • Those two have value, because TCP does something else.

  • It doesn't just guarantee that data gets from one point to another,

  • it also helps servers distinguish one type of data from another, and in turn

  • allows companies and universities and internet service providers

  • or governments to distinguish different types of data

  • because it's right there on the outside of the envelope.

  • In particular, TCP specifies what protocol

  • is being used to convey this packet of information from one computer

  • to another.

  • In other words, there's lots of internet services these days.

  • There's email, there's chat, there's video conferencing,

  • there's web browsers, and more.

  • So that's a lot of possibilities, a lot of patterns of zeros and ones

  • that can be in these envelopes.

  • So how, upon receiving an envelope, does a server know what type of information

  • is in it?

  • Especially big companies.

  • Google, for instance, supports all of those services.

  • Video conferencing, email, chat, and more.

  • So when Google's servers receives a packet of information,

  • how does Google know that this is an email from you,

  • as opposed to a chat message from you, as opposed to a video from you

  • that you're uploading to YouTube?

  • You need to be able to distinguish these various services because

  • at the end of the day, they're just patterns of bits.

  • Well, if we reserve some of those bits, or really

  • some of the markings on this virtual envelope, for just one more number

  • we can distinguish services pretty easily.

  • In fact, HTTP, an acronym that you might not

  • know what it means but you've surely seen it a lot,

  • since our hypertext transfer protocol and it's

  • the conventions via which browsers and servers send web pages back and forth.

  • Well, by convention, humans decided years

  • ago to call that service number 80.

  • TCP port 80, so to speak.

  • And the secure version of that, HTTPS, they decided to number that 443,

  • just because they'd already used quite a few numbers in between those two

  • values.

  • INAP is the protocol via which you can receive emails or check

  • your email, that's used different ports depending on whether you're using it

  • security or insecurity like 143 or 993.

  • SMTP, which is outbound email, can use similarly 25, 465, or 587.

  • And then, if familiar, there's something called SSH, secure shell.

  • This is what developers might use at a lower level

  • to connect from one computer, say a laptop, to a remote server.

  • That tends to use port 22.

  • And there's hundreds, there's actually thousands

  • of others, as many as 65,000 possibilities, but only some of those

  • are actually standardized.

  • So this is to say what ultimately is going

  • on the outside of an envelope is not just a user's address

  • but when I as a computer send a message to some other server

  • and for instance my address is I'll write

  • that in the top corner of the envelope.

  • If the recipients of this envelope are supposed to be

  • I do write that in the middle of the envelope,

  • but I need to further specify IP address but port number,

  • let's say, 80, if it's a request for a web page.

  • So conventionally you would do :80 to distinguish that service.

  • And then of course because of TCP I need to number these things,

  • so if it's a big request or a big response I better write one of two,

  • one of three, or one of four, or the like.

  • And so the envelope I'm ultimately left with

  • is something a little more like this.

  • On the outside is this recipient's address, on the outside

  • is the sender's address, and on the outside

  • is the sequence number of some sort that specifies

  • how many packets I've actually sent and hopefully will be received.

  • So TCP then allows the recipient to see this envelope, realize, oh this

  • is for my web server.

  • Google can hand it off to the appropriate piece of software

  • that governs its web servers and so it's not

  • confused for something else like an email, a chat message, a voice

  • conference, or the like.

  • And again, all of these features derive quite

  • simply from these patterns of bits that esoterically happen

  • to be laid out in this way, but if we abstract away from that

  • and stipulate that just think about it like the real world with an envelope,

  • it's really just these numeric values that somehow help

  • us get data from one point to another.

  • Collectively now, these two protocols, which are so often used hand in hand,

  • are generally very abbreviated TCP/IP.

  • It's two separate protocols, two separate conventions

  • used in conjunction.

  • Some of this information is just written in different places,

  • if you will, on the virtual envelope, but TCP/IP settings are

  • what you might look for on a Mac or PC or server

  • to actually configure this level of detail.

  • But of course, I've taken some liberties here.

  • If my goal is to send a message from one computer

  • to another, a chat message, an email, anything else,

  • you know what, I'm pretty sure I have no idea what

  • the IP address is of any colleague.

  • And I have no idea what the IP address is of Google or Facebook

  • or any number of popular websites that I might even visit daily.

  • I don't even know people's phone numbers anymore but that's another matter.

  • In the context of words, though, on the internet all of us,

  • of course, type words, not numbers, when we want to reach some destination.

  • We go to or or or

  • or any number of other domain names, so to speak.

  • And of course, that's what you would write

  • on the outside of an envelope in the human world,

  • ideally as many words as possible, not just numbers let alone bits alone.

  • And ideally our computers would similarly

  • express exactly what we humans know, which is these domain

  • names that are part of URLs.

  • So it turns out we need the help of at least one more service among all

  • of these internet technologies.

  • We need the help of a service called DNS, domain name system.

  • A DNS server is a server that quite simply translates domain names

  • like and and into their corresponding IP

  • addresses.

  • We, the humans, might have no idea what they are,

  • but odds are there's at least one human or more in the world, probably

  • who works for those companies, that does know.

  • And provided he or she configures their DNS

  • servers to know that association of domain name to IP

  • address, the equivalent of just an Excel file with one column with names

  • and the other column with numbers, IP addresses well their server can then

  • answer questions from little old me.

  • And indeed what my phone knows how to do these days, what my Mac, my PC knows

  • how to do is when my human types in and hits enter,

  • the very first thing that my browser, and in turn my operating

  • system like Mac OS or Windows does, is it asks the local DNS

  • server for the conversion of whatever I typed in,,

  • to the corresponding IP address.

  • And hopefully, my own network be it at home or on campus or in work,

  • has the answer to that question.

  • But the world's a big place, and odds are

  • my home does not know the IP address of every server in the world.

  • Odds are my campus or company doesn't know the IP address of every server

  • in the world, especially since they're surely changing continually

  • as new sites are coming online and others are going offline.

  • So how do we know?

  • Well DNS is a whole hierarchical system whereby

  • you might have a small DNS server, so to speak conceptually here on site.

  • But then your internet service provider or ISP, Comcast, Verizon,

  • or some other entity, they probably have a bigger DNS server with more memory,

  • with a longer list of domain names and IP addresses.

  • And you know what, even if they don't know everyone,

  • there are probably what are called root servers in the world,

  • that much like the root of a tree, is where everything starts.

  • And indeed, you can find out from these actual root

  • servers on the internet, the mapping, effectively,

  • between all of the dot coms and their IP addresses.

  • All of the dot govs or the dot nets and their IP addresses.

  • And frankly, even if they don't know the answer by definition of root server

  • they will be configured to know who knows.

  • And so DNS is very hierarchical, and it's also recursive.

  • You might ask a local server, which might ask a more remote server, which

  • might ask and even further away server.

  • That server might say, wait a minute, I know, this server knows, and then

  • the answer eventually bubbles its way back to you.

  • And long story short, we can be efficient.

  • We don't have to constantly ask this question.

  • We can cache those results locally.

  • Remember them in my browser, in my Mac or my PC.

  • There's downsides there, though, too.

  • By remembering that mapping of domain name to IP address,

  • I can save myself the trouble of asking that same question multiple times a day

  • or even per week or even per minute.

  • The catch, though, is that if Google changes something, or Facebook

  • reconfigure something and that IP changes,

  • caching might actually be a bad thing.

  • And so here, too, even at the level of the internet

  • do we see these series of trade-offs.

  • You might save time by caching, but you might sacrifice correctness,

  • because now the servers recollection of that IP address might become outdated.

  • And so this is a whole can of worms, ultimately,

  • and speaks to what it really means to be an engineer

  • in the world of internet technologies to anticipate to think about

  • and ultimately to solve these problems.

  • There is no sure fire solution other than to expect that you'll need

  • to accommodate these changes over time.

  • So in Windows, can you see this yourself?

  • Well, if you open up those same Wi-Fi properties or wired

  • properties that you have, you'll see again, not only your IPv4 address,

  • but it was there all this time, your IPv4 DNS servers one

  • or more IP addresses turns out it's exactly the same by coincidence

  • but also by design on this computer of my router or my default gateway

  • 192168.1.1.

  • Which is to say that if this PC needs to know an answer to the question,

  • what is's IP address it is simply going to ask the local server

  • that has that address and that DNS server, and this is important,

  • cannot have itself a name.

  • We need to know what its IP address is, otherwise, of course,

  • we get into this endless loop.

  • If we know only the name of our DNS server but only the DNS server

  • can convert that to an IP address, we'll never actually answer that question.

  • It's more of a catch-22.

  • And even if it does have a name, you need

  • to know manually, via your DHCP server somehow, what its IP address actually

  • is.

  • Mac OS, the same.

  • And here on campus, Harvard happens to have redundancy like most any company.

  • They don't have just one DNS server they have at least three here,

  •, and a couple of others, as well.

  • And again, I got these automatically when I turned on my Mac or my phone

  • or my PC via that local DHCP server.

  • So let's see if we can't mimic what it is my Mac,

  • your PC, your phone is doing everyday all day long, but rather

  • unbeknownst to us.

  • Here I have what's called a terminal window.

  • This is just a textual interface to my computer here.

  • Can exist on Macs, or PCs, or other operating systems, as well.

  • And it allows me to execute by typing commands textually,

  • only at my keyboard, no mouse, exactly the types of commands

  • that your browser and other software are effectively executing or running

  • for you.

  • For instance, suppose I genuinely do want

  • to know the IP address of

  • I can ask this program as follows.

  • nslookup, for name server look up, and then I can go ahead

  • and type literally and hit Enter.

  • Here, visually, we see on the screen one answer that it's

  • And this comes from a server whose IP address in this room

  • is, which we know now to be a private IP address,

  • and indeed, here on campus we have servers

  • that are local only to this room, this building, or this set of buildings

  • here.

  • Now this is a little interesting because I'm

  • pretty sure business is good for Google, and surely they

  • don't have just one server and therefore one IP address.

  • Well, it turns out that there's a whole hierarchy of servers out there, most

  • likely, that my data goes to and thereafter through on Google's end.

  • The one IP address that they're telling me is theirs is,

  • but once my packet of information gets there to Mountain View, California,

  • or wherever their servers happen to be closest to me,

  • then they might have any number of servers, dozens, hundreds, thousands,

  • that can actually receive that packet next.

  • This just happens to be the outward facing IP that my own Mac or PC

  • or phone actually sees.

  • Well, let's see if we can't trace the route to via another command,

  • literally traceroute, can I see the packets of information line

  • by line leaving my computer and making their way, ultimately, to Google.

  • I'm going to go ahead and do this once, so dash q1

  • means do one query, please, at a time.

  • And then I'm going to go ahead and say, quite simply,

  •, and then Enter.

  • And we will see, line by line, the sequence of IP addresses

  • of every router that is to say hop between me and Gmail.

  • On occasion we'll see these asterisks instead,

  • which indicates that that router isn't having any of this,

  • it's not responding to my requests, so we can't see its IP or anything

  • else about it.

  • But we can see that in 17 steps does data leave my laptop

  • and end up at, and along the way

  • it encounters all of these routers that have these unique IP addresses but not

  • names, it seems, and the amount of time it

  • takes for my data to get from my laptop to

  • is, oh my, 0.967 milliseconds.

  • Less than one millisecond is required to get data or an email

  • from my computer to itself.

  • Now what about all of these other measurements of time up above?

  • Each of these represents the number of milliseconds

  • it took during this process for data to go from my laptop to this router,

  • then to this router, then to this router.

  • Now, of course, it seems strange that it takes more time

  • to get these to these close routers than it does to these further away.

  • But there, too, if I ran this all day long

  • I would get different numbers continually,

  • it depends how busy those routers are at that moment in time.

  • It depends what else everyone here on campus

  • is doing, or other people in the world at that moment in time.

  • Routers might be a little slow to respond because they're

  • busy doing something else.

  • My data might get dropped in other contexts

  • and need to be resent, which is just going to take time,

  • and I don't even see that happening on the screen.

  • But it's fair to say that these give us a sense of the range of times

  • it might take to go from a point A to point B,

  • and let's say 1 to 20 milliseconds or even 32 milliseconds, somewhere

  • in there is our average, and that can vary over time.

  • But that's pretty fast, and indeed, even though it took a moment

  • to run this whole test, this is why an email can be sent from your computer

  • and be received nearly instantly by someone

  • around the world, because at the end of the day, we're limited, really,

  • ultimately, by the speed of light and little more.

  • Well, to be fair, hardware and cost and everything in between,

  • but you can certainly transmit your data faster than you can yourself.

  • But what if we want to go farther away than

  • Odds are they probably do have servers in California,

  • but probably here on the east coast of the US as well, let alone abroad.

  • What if I deliberately try to access a domain that is,

  • in fact, abroad and go there?

  • Well, let me go ahead and visit via traceroute,

  • say,, the domain name for CNN's Japanese website.

  • And then we'll add just dash q1 this time

  • at the end, which is fine, too, to query the server just once.

  • And here we see the sequence of steps, one

  • after another, whereby the data's leaving my laptop and in turn campus,

  • and then we see some anonymous routers in between.

  • But the 30th there seems to be just in time, because within it

  • seems 178 milliseconds do we make our way to Japan.

  • Now that's quite a few milliseconds more, but that rather makes sense.

  • Whereas it might take one to 20 to 32 milliseconds

  • to get from here to Gmail either on the east coast or west coast,

  • I'm kind of not surprised that it takes an order of magnitude

  • more, almost to factor of 10, to get to Japan, because there's not only

  • a whole continent between us here in Cambridge and Japan,

  • there's also an entire Pacific Ocean between us.

  • And indeed, there are Transatlantic, Transpacific, and transoceanic cables

  • all around the world these days that actually transmit our data,

  • not to mention all of the wireless technologies we have, satellites

  • and below.

  • And so it does stand to reason that even though none of these routers

  • were paying attention to me at that moment for privacy sake,

  • this last one indicates that 200 milliseconds later we can get halfway

  • across the world digitally.

  • And so that does rather speak to just how quickly these low level

  • primitives operate, and we can talk far longer

  • about how these things work than it actually takes time

  • to actually get the data there.

  • So then together we have TCP/IP via DHCP can we

  • get the addresses that we need to use to address my envelopes and others,

  • as well.

  • Via DNS can we convert those domain names into IP addresses and even back.

  • And those internet technologies are ultimately

  • what govern how our data gets from point A to point B. But what is the data?

  • Indeed, everything thus far is really just metadata.

  • Information that helps our actual data that we care about get from one

  • point to another.

  • But it's the data at the end of the day that I really care about.

  • The contents of my email, the contents of my chat message,

  • the voice that I'm sending over a video conference, or even just

  • the contents of a web page.

  • Indeed, perhaps the most popular service that you and I use every day

  • is just that, pulling up pages on the web.

  • So just how is a web page specifically requested and received?

  • Well, it turns out that http:// that you've surely seen,

  • but probably not typed for some time, because your browser, odds are,

  • just inserts it automatically or even invisibly for you.

  • That HTTP is yet another protocol in this stack of internet technologies.

  • Hypertext transfer protocol.

  • A set of conventions that browsers and web servers have agreed upon long ago

  • to use when intercommunicating.

  • And to be clear, then, what exactly is a protocol?

  • Well, it's just a convention.

  • We humans have protocols even though we might not call them such.

  • When I meet someone new on the street I might reach up to him or her

  • and say, hello, my name is David.

  • And that protocol results in that other person,

  • if polite, in extending their hand too, reaching into mine

  • and probably saying as well, hello, nice to meet you or how are you.

  • That's a human protocol that we were taught some time ago,

  • and culturally we have all agreed here in the US to, generally speaking,

  • greet each other in that manner.

  • Computers, similarly, have standardized what

  • goes not only on the outside of these envelopes but what goes in the inside,

  • as well.

  • And so if, for instance, the goal at hand

  • is to request a web page of a canonical website like,

  • let's consider exactly what is inside of this envelope.

  • Well, first of all here we have a proper URL, uniform resource locator.

  • These days, your browser, whether it's Chrome or Safari or Edge or Firefox,

  • probably doesn't even show you all of this information.

  • In the interests of simpler user interfaces or UIs,

  • browsers have started to hide these so-called protocol here

  • at the left, even the ww here, the hostname in the middle,

  • leaving you oftentimes with just or the equivalent

  • somewhere at the top of your screen.

  • But if you click on that address, typically you'll

  • see more information such as that here.

  • And sometimes there's more information that's just implicit.

  • It turns out if you try to visit

  • or any similar domain name, what you're likely reaching for is

  • a very specific file on that server.

  • But how do we reach it?

  • Well, highlighted in yellow here is what's called the domain name itself,


  • This is something that you buy, or really rent,

  • on an annual basis via an internet registrar, a company, that

  • via the associations on the internet that govern IP addresses

  • domain names has been authorized to sell, or really

  • rent, you and anyone else a domain name for some amount of time,

  • usually one year or two years or 10 or anywhere

  • in between, for some dollar amount.

  • And what you get, then, is the ability, for that amount of time

  • renewable thereafter, to use that specific domain name.

  • It might be dot com, or dot net or dot org,

  • or any number of hundreds of others of TLDs, or top level domains.

  • Indeed, that suffix there is what represents the type of website,

  • at least historically, that it is.

  • Dot com for commercial, dot net for network, dot edu for education,

  • or dot gov for government.

  • Of course, all of those TLDs, or top level domains,

  • were very US centric by design, and so far it

  • was generally a cohort of Americans that designed a lot of this system

  • initially.

  • Of course, other countries have shorter TLDs.

  • Country codes, dot US, dot JP and others that signify

  • a specific country in which they're in.

  • And these days anyone can buy a dot com or dot net,

  • but not everyone can buy a dot gov or dot edu, or several other top level

  • domains, as well.

  • It depends on whoever controls that particular suffix.

  • This here we might call the hostname, the name of the specific server

  • that you were trying to visit that lives within that domain name.

  • In other contexts, you might call this a subdomain,

  • indicating what subdivision of a company or university you're actually

  • trying to access.

  • And then down here on the right, implicitly so to speak, is a file name.

  • It is human convention, but not required, that the name

  • of the file that contains the web page that a server serves up by default,

  • happens to be traditionally index.html.

  • It could also be index.htm or any number of other names or extensions,

  • but this is among the most common.

  • So if you don't mention that via just a slash, it's implied,

  • and it's that file or any other file, that's

  • implied or even specified explicitly that is inside of this envelope.

  • That's the whole point of this virtual packet of information,

  • to encapsulate the request for a page and the actual page itself.

  • At the end of the day, it's HTML, Hypertext Markup Language,

  • an actual language in which pages are written, that's inside that envelope,

  • but it's transmitted there via HTTP.

  • The protocol, the set of conventions via which browser and server agree

  • to send and receive that information.

  • So what does that information look like?

  • And just what have these computers agreed on?

  • It turns out that inside of this envelope,

  • when it represents a request for a web page like my URL there,

  • are these lines here.

  • GET/HTTP/1.1, where get is clearly a verb,

  • by definition in all caps in this protocol,

  • slash means the default page of the website index.html or something else.

  • And then often a mention of host colon and then the name of the host

  • that you're actually looking for.

  • Because it turns out servers can do so many things.

  • Not just Google servers with voice and chat and other services,

  • one web server can actually serve up multiple websites.

  •,,,, all of us

  • can actually have shared tendencies, so to speak, on the same server in theory.

  • And so by mentioning what actual website you want inside of the envelope,

  • the recipient of this envelope can make sure that it serves you my home page

  • and not someone else's.

  • But beyond that, there needs to be additional information, as well.

  • You might explicitly specify the name of the file.

  • And again, we humans have nothing to do with any of this, ultimately,

  • we have just typed that URL.

  • But it's our browser, on Mac OS or Windows or phones,

  • that's packaging up this information inside of a virtual envelope

  • and sending it out, ultimately, on our behalf.

  • And indeed, if all goes well and that envelope reaches point B

  • and it's opened up and it represents the name of a web page that does,

  • in fact, exist, the response that I hope to get back

  • in another envelope from point B to point A

  • is going to contain an HTTP message like this.

  • Literally the name of the protocol again, HTTP/1.1, and then a number,

  • and optionally a phrase.

  • 200 is perhaps a number you've never actually seen,

  • even though it is the best possible response to get.

  • 200 means, quite literally, OK.

  • The web page you requested has been found

  • and has been delivered in this response envelope, OK.

  • The type of content you've received is in this case text/html.

  • Which is to say inside of that envelope is a clue to your browser

  • what kind of content is inside deeper.

  • Is it text.html, like the contents of a web page?

  • Is it an image/png like a graphic, or image/gif, something animated,

  • or video/mp4, an actual video file, this so-called MIME type or content

  • type is inside of the envelope for your browser so as to provide a hint,

  • so as to know how to display it on the screen.

  • There's so many other headers, as well, but these two alone

  • really specify almost as much information

  • as you need in order to render that response for the user.

  • Now as an aside, there are other versions.

  • And increasingly in vogue, though not yet omnipresent,

  • is HTTP2 which has additional features, particularly for performance

  • and getting data to you even more quickly.

  • It simply replaces that 1.1 with a two and the response,

  • though, comes back almost the same.

  • So let's consider an example then, such as

  • It turns out that is not where Harvard wants you to be.

  • In fact, let me go ahead and pull up my browser here

  • and visit precisely that URL.

  •, Enter.

  • And within seconds do I find myself not at, but rather

  • at and moreover at

  • In other words, even though I specified a protocol of HTTP,

  • a domain name of, and no hostname, so to speak,

  • I have actually been whisked away, seemingly magically,

  • to this URL instead, for reasons both technical and perhaps marketing alike.

  • For today, though, let's focus on exactly how this came to pass.

  • Well, it turns out that inside of the envelope with which Harvard,

  • or any server, replies to me can be additional metadata, as well.

  • Not just 200 OK, but really the equivalent of uh-uh,

  • there's nothing to see here, go here instead.

  • So let me go ahead and run a program, again in that black and white window

  • known as my terminal window, whereby I can

  • pretend to be a browser without all of the graphics

  • and without all of the distraction and focus only

  • on the contents of those digital envelopes.

  • Here the program I'm going to run is called curl for connect to a URL,

  • and I'm going to specify dash I which is to say I only want the HTTP headers.

  • I'm going to go ahead now and say, nothing more.

  • When I hit Enter now, here are the complete headers

  • that come back from the server.

  • No dot dot dot this time, we see everything, in fact, here,

  • but notice the first line.

  • It's not 200 OK, but rather 301 moved permanently.

  • Like, where did Harvard go?

  • Well, it turns out that Harvard has specified its new location

  • down here as

  • Now there's other lines of headers there,

  • HTTP headers as they're called, each of which starts with a word,

  • perhaps with some punctuation, and a colon, followed by the value.

  • Location, value, go to this location is the general paradigm there.

  • But why might Harvard not want to show me their web page at the address

  • that I typed?

  • Well, it turns out that HTTP is by definition insecure.

  • The extents to which the message is encoded

  • is quite literally in English or English-like syntax,

  • such as that we've been looking at here.

  • It's just that text that's inside the envelope.

  • If instead, though, you want to encrypt those contents so that no one knows

  • what web page you're requesting or receiving,

  • and your employer and your university administrator or your internet service

  • provider or country does not know what you're doing,

  • be it for personal reasons, financial, or otherwise, well then

  • you want to use HTTPS.

  • And Harvard University, like so many companies today,

  • is insistent that you actually visit them securely,

  • if only because it's best practice, but it also

  • prevents potentially private information from leaking.

  • And so here with this location line is Harvard saying,

  • no, we will not respond to you with OK via HTTP,

  • we have moved permanently to a secure address at HTTPS,

  • where the S denotes secure.

  • But why the www?

  • Back in the day, you probably did have to type

  • for many companies, instead of just going to

  • and hoping that you end up in the right place.

  • Well, humans have gotten more comfortable with the internet

  • over the past years, over the past decades, and indeed,

  • whereas years ago, in order to advertise yourself effectively on the web,

  • you might have indeed needed to go to press on your business card

  • or advertisement with

  • But all of us have kind of seen HTTP enough, if not HTTPS as well,

  • you don't need to tell me to type that.

  • And indeed, my browser no longer requires me to type

  • that, so now you see business cards and advertisements

  • with just

  • But you know what, I'm not new to the internet.

  • I know what ww is, and I know what dot com is as well,

  • don't even bother showing me or telling me on your card or your website or ad

  • that it's, just tell me

  • And so browsers have been getting more user friendly

  • and humans have been getting more familiar,

  • and so we tend not to see those prefixes anymore.

  • But it turns out that for technical reasons, for security reasons,

  • it tends to be useful to have a subdomain.

  • As an aside, for things like cookies, it's

  • useful to keep cookies in a subdomain as opposed

  • to the domain itself just to narrow the scope via which they can be accessed.

  • But also for marketing sake, it would be nice

  • if everyone in the world, whether they type or,

  • ultimately end up in the same location just because that's how we

  • want to present ourselves to the world.

  • And so for both technical and marketing and security reasons alike might

  • Harvard or a company want to redirect to a URL like this one here.

  • Now what does your browser know to do?

  • Well, when your browser receives not 200 OK, in which case

  • it just shows you the page, but instead receives 301 moved permanently,

  • it instead looks for that location line and takes you there instead,

  • at which point then you'll get that 200 OK.

  • And so this, again, is with browsers do.

  • HTTP is what they understand, and know by definition of that protocol

  • how to handle these cases.

  • But not everything is always OK and not always has something moved permanently.

  • Sometimes something's just not found.

  • And in fact, of all of these numbers we've seen thus far,

  • odds are you've not seen or cared about 200 or even 301, but most of us

  • have probably at least once seen 404.

  • Why?

  • Why in the world is that the number we somehow

  • see anytime you visit a web page that's gone, or anytime you mistype an address

  • and you reach a dead end?

  • Well, for better or for worse the designers of websites for years

  • have exposed this value to end users even though it's not all that useful.

  • But it's indeed the unique value that humans

  • decided some years ago would uniquely represent the notion of a page

  • not being found.

  • So if inside of that virtual envelope comes back a message 404 not found,

  • the browser can say that literally or perhaps display

  • a cute message to that effect, but the reason that you're seeing that 404

  • is because quite literally and mind numbingly that

  • is just the low level status code that has come back from an HTTP server.

  • And there's more of these, too.

  • In fact, 200 OK is the best you might get.

  • 301 moved permanently we've seen.

  • 302 found is another form of redirection,

  • but a temporary one instead.

  • 304 not modified is a response that a server can send for efficiency.

  • If you visited a web page just a moment ago

  • and you happen to hit reload or click on a link

  • and get back the same content again, it's not terribly efficient or good

  • business for a company to incur the time and perhaps financial cost

  • to retransmit all of those bits to you, and so it might instead

  • respond with an envelope more succinctly with 304 not modified

  • without anything else deeper in that envelope, no additional content.

  • And so this way your browser will just reline its own cache, its own copy,

  • so to speak, of the original request.

  • Meanwhile, if you're not allowed to visit some web page because you've not

  • logged in or you don't have authorization there,

  • too, well 401 unauthorized might instead come back.

  • As might 403 forbidden.

  • 404 not found means there's just nothing there.

  • 418 I'm a teapot was an April Fool's joke some years

  • ago where someone went to the lengths of actually writing

  • a formal specification for what a server should say when it is in fact a teapot.

  • But the worst error you might see, and most users would never see this,

  • but developers of software would is five zero zero, 500, which

  • represents an internal server error, and almost always represents

  • a logical or a syntactic error in the code that someone has written,

  • be it in Python or any number of other languages.

  • And now a fun example, perhaps, to bring all this home.

  • It turns out that is an actual address on the web.

  • And indeed, it happens to have been bought or rented

  • for years now by some Harvard alum.

  • And indeed, if you visit,

  • you shall find yourself at this website here.


  • We find ourselves whisked away to

  • But how is that implemented?

  • Well, let's again turn to our terminal window,

  • where we can see really the contents of that virtual envelope.

  • And if in here in my terminal window I again type curl dash I,

  •, well I see all of the headers

  • that are exactly coming back.

  • And indeed, here, has permanently moved for years now

  • to this location,

  • A fun jab at our rivals that some alum has been paying now

  • for years on an annual basis.

  • So we now have a pair of protocols, TCP and IP,

  • via which we can get data, any data, from point A

  • to point B on the internet.

  • Sometimes that data is itself HTTP data that is a request for a web page

  • or a response with a web page.

  • But what if there are so many others trying to access data at point B--

  • that is to say, business is good, and a web server out there is receiving

  • so many packets per second that the server cannot quite yet keep up?

  • The routers in between might very well be able to handle that load perfectly

  • because those are much bigger servers, conceptually and physically, with far

  • more CPUs and RAM and therefore can handle that load,

  • but some business' server out there is only finite in capacity.

  • And so what happens when you need to scale to handle more users?

  • Well, you might have initially just one server

  • such as that Dell server pictured here.

  • This is what's called a rack server, insofar

  • as it's designed to exist on a rack that you slide this thing into,

  • and it happens to be one rack unit or 1.5 inches,

  • which is simply a standardization thereof.

  • Inside of this rack server is its hard drive, and RAM,

  • and CPU, and more pieces, but it's exactly the same technology

  • that you might have in a box under your desk

  • or even in the form factor of a laptop, just bigger and faster.

  • And, to be fair, more expensive.

  • But it's only so big, indeed, it's only 1.5 inches tall

  • and some number of inches deep, which is to say there's only

  • a finite amount of RAM in there.

  • There's only a fixed number of CPUs in there,

  • and there's only so many gigabytes, presumably, of disk storage space.

  • At some point or other, we're going to run out of one or more

  • of those resources.

  • And even though we've not really gotten into the weeds of how a server handles

  • and reads these envelopes, it certainly stands

  • to reason that it can only read with finite resources

  • some finite number of packets per unit of time,

  • be it second or minutes or days.

  • And so at some point if business is booming,

  • we might receive at any given point more packets

  • of information that we can handle and indeed, like some routers, if they're

  • overwhelmed, we might just drop these incoming packets,

  • or worse yet, not expect them and just crash or freeze or somehow

  • behave unpredictably.

  • And that's probably not good for our business.

  • So how can we go about solving this problem?

  • Well, the easiest way, quite simply, is to scale vertically, so to speak.

  • That is don't use that server.

  • Instead, buy one that's bigger with more RAM and more CPUs and more disk space

  • and faster internet connectivity, and really just

  • avoid that problem altogether.

  • Why is this compelling?

  • Well, cost of it aside, you don't have to change your code,

  • you needn't change your configuration in software,

  • you need only throw hardware and in turn, to be fair, money at the problem.

  • Now that in and of itself might alone be a deal breaker, the money alone,

  • but at some point if we want to handle that business, we've got to scale up,

  • but even this is shortsighted.

  • Because at the end of the day, Dell only sells servers that operate so quickly

  • and have so much disk space.

  • Those resources, too, are ultimately finite.

  • And while next year there might be an even bigger version

  • of this same machine out there, this year

  • you might have the top of the line.

  • So at some point, one server, even with so many resources,

  • might not be able to handle all of the packets and business you're getting.

  • So what do you then do?

  • Well, there is an opportunity to scale not vertically, so to speak,

  • but horizontally instead.

  • Focusing not on the top tier machines, but instead,

  • two of the smaller ones, or as needed three or four or more of the same.

  • In other words, spending lower on that cost curve,

  • getting more hardware, hopefully, for your money,

  • but such that the net effect is even more CPU power

  • and more disk space and more RAM than you might have gotten with that one

  • souped up machine itself.

  • And heck, if you really need the capacity,

  • you can buy any number of these big servers,

  • but you do somehow ultimately have to interconnect them.

  • And here now is where there's a trade-off.

  • Whereas money was really the only barrier

  • to solving this problem initially, though easier said than done,

  • now we have to re-engineer our system, because no longer

  • are packets of internet data coming in from our customers

  • and ending up in one place, they now have to somehow

  • be spread across multiple servers.

  • So how might we do this back in the day?

  • Well, back in the late 90s, when Larry and Sergey of Google fame

  • built out their first cluster of servers,

  • they didn't have those pretty Dell boxes, rather,

  • this was, now in Google's museum, reportedly

  • one of their first racks of servers.

  • Notice there's no shiny cases, let alone logos,

  • but instead, lots of circuit boards on which are hard drive after hard drive

  • after hard drive and suffice to say so many wires connecting everything.

  • And even though, ironically, this picture seems to be vertical,

  • this is, perhaps, one of the earliest examples in our internet era of scaling

  • horizontally.

  • Each of these servers, which is represented by each of these boards,

  • is somehow interconnected in such a way that those servers

  • can intercommunicate.

  • But how?

  • Well, let's consider, with the proverbial engineering hat

  • on, how servers might somehow intercommunicate.

  • If up here, for instance, is just some artist's rendition

  • of someone's laptop, a potential customer who's sending us packets,

  • that customer might previously have been accessing our server, which we'll

  • represent here with a box and just call it

  • A. Server A. There's no other servers involved,

  • but there is some internet in between us here, so we'll assume that this

  • is the so-called cloud, so to speak.

  • And I, as this laptop or the customer, has a connection

  • and so does that one and only server have the same.

  • This picture is fairly straightforward.

  • Now you request a web page via this browser,

  • it somehow traverses the internet via routers,

  • and then ultimately ends up at that server A.

  • But what if, instead, there's not just A,

  • even if it's top of the line, because that's not enough,

  • but instead their servers A and B together here for this website.

  • Well, here we might now have two boxes, the same size or bigger or smaller,

  • but ultimately finite, as well.

  • And somehow we need to now decide how to route information

  • from customer to server A or B. In other words,

  • there is now virtually a fork in the road,

  • left or right, that packets need to traverse.

  • So how can we implement this building block?

  • Well, again, as always, go back to first principles.

  • We know from our stack of internet technologies

  • that we already have a mechanism via which to translate

  • domain names into IP addresses.

  • And if each of these servers, by definition of IP,

  • has its own IP address, why not just use DNS to solve this problem?

  • When a customer requests, perhaps answer that request

  • with the IP address of A. And then when a second customer somewhere else out

  • there on his or her laptop asks for next,

  • return to them the IP address of B and vise versa, again and again.

  • Literally adopting a round robin technique

  • of sorts, whereby one time you answer A, the next time you answer B,

  • and back and forth you go.

  • On average, you would like to think that this uniform distribution of answers

  • will give you 50% load, that is to say traffic,

  • on one server and 50% on the other.

  • But perhaps this customer is more of a shopper than this one,

  • and they end up imposing even more load on A than on B,

  • so there with that simple heuristic you can get skew.

  • You might not even use round robin, you could just use random,

  • but on there on average yes, you'll send 50% traffic left and 50% right,

  • but some of those users might be heavier users than other.

  • So perhaps we should have some form of feedback loop,

  • and DNS alone might not be sufficient.

  • We really need there to be a middle man, such as this dot here,

  • that decides more intelligently whether to send data to A or to B.

  • And we'll call this thing here, this dot now, a load balancer.

  • Aptly name insofar as it balances load that's

  • incoming across multiple servers.

  • But how?

  • Well, if these connections between A and B in this load balancer

  • are not uni-directional, but bidirectional somehow,

  • literally a cable that allows bits to flow left and right.

  • Could we perhaps have A just continually report back to that load balancer

  • saying, I have capacity, I have capacity?

  • Whereas B might say, I've got too many customers.

  • And logically, then, this load balancer can just start sending no traffic to B

  • and send all of it to A or vise versa.

  • Of course, logically, we could find ourselves

  • in a situation where both A and B are too busy, what then do we do?

  • Well, at some point we have to throw money at the problem

  • and solve it by just adding hardware.

  • And so C might be added to the mix with that same logic,

  • but the load balancer just has to know about it.

  • So all fine and good, we seem to have solved

  • the problem in a very straightforward way, but as with computer science

  • more generally, there's probably a price paid and a trade-off,

  • and not just financial.

  • Unfortunately, even though I have two, maybe even three servers now, therefore

  • seemingly having high availability of service,

  • that is any one of these servers theoretically could go down

  • and I've still got 2/3 of my capacity.

  • But there's a single point of failure here, an SPOF so to speak,

  • that could really derail the whole process.

  • What happens if this load balancer, which while pictorial is just a dot,

  • is actually a server underneath the hood itself?

  • What if that load balancer goes down, or what if that load

  • balancer itself gets overwhelmed?

  • It does not matter how many servers you have here, A through Z, if none of them

  • can be reached.

  • So this simple architecture alone is not a solution.

  • And indeed, this is what is meant by architecting network itself.

  • This design is probably not the best, especially for business.

  • And so let's start anew, at least down here inside this company,

  • and consider if one load balancer is not great, what's better than one?

  • Well, honestly, two.

  • And so let's now draw them a bit bigger, where

  • here we have a load balancer on the left, and here on the right,

  • and we'll number them 1 and 2.

  • Whereas our servers we'll continue to name A and B and C and perhaps even

  • through Z. And now we just have to ensure that we have connections

  • to both load balancers, and that each load

  • balancer can connect to each server in this sort of mesh network here.

  • It's wonderfully redundant now, albeit a bit complex.

  • But because we have all of these interconnections now,

  • we can ensure that even if one or two go down, data can still reach A, B, or C.

  • But how to know whether load balancer 1 should be doing all of this

  • or load balancer 2?

  • You know what, why don't we draw another connection between 1 and 2?

  • And a very common paradigm in systems is heartbeats, quite simply.

  • Much like you and I have every second or so a heartbeat saying we are alive,

  • we are alive, hello world, hello world, if you will,

  • so here might load balancers 1 and 2, themselves just servers,

  • say I am alive, I am alive, hello number 2, hello number 2.

  • And if 2 does not hear 1 eventually, or if 1 does not hear 2,

  • the other can just commandeer that role.

  • By default, only 1 will be load balancing, but if it goes offline,

  • 2 will presume to take over.

  • And now we have this property generally known as high availability.

  • Even if we lose one or more servers can we still stay up,

  • and there is no single point of failure, at least here in this picture,

  • because we now have that second load balancer.

  • But if we look a little higher, it would seem

  • that we do actually have another single point of failure in here,

  • and now we go down the rabbit hole.

  • If this line here to the cloud, the internet,

  • represents my internet connection, my ISP,

  • what if that ISP, Comcast, Verizon or any other, itself goes down,

  • a big storm and a loss of power might take my whole business offline.

  • Well, the best way to solve that would be

  • to access someone else's internet connectivity

  • and make sure you're connected to that.

  • And in fact, if we keep going with load balancer 3 or even 4

  • or server D, E, and F, this picture very quickly starts to get so intertwined.

  • But this is how you do it.

  • And not too long ago was this done entirely with wires and hardware.

  • But these days this topology, if you will, this architecture,

  • is increasingly done in software.

  • And indeed, the whole thing is done in the cloud.

  • Less frequently do staff of companies find themselves crawling

  • along the floor and in wiring closets and in data centers,

  • so to speak, making these connections possible,

  • but rather they do it virtually in software.

  • And indeed, thus was born the cloud.

  • Well, it turns out that as Moore's law, so to speak,

  • helps us in each passing year, we seem to have computers that are

  • half as expensive and twice as fast.

  • Can we ride that sort of curve of innovation in such a way

  • that we can solve even more problems each year more quickly?

  • And yet, with each passing year, I the human

  • am not getting any better or faster at checking my email

  • or using the web, so we increasingly have on our laptops and desks

  • and our server rooms more computational power

  • frankly than we really know what to do.

  • And so increasingly in vogue these days is to virtualize that hardware,

  • and to take physical hardware with so many CPUs and so much RAM and so much

  • disk space and to write software that runs

  • on it that creates the illusion that one computer is two, or one computer is 10.

  • That is to say, through software can you write

  • code that virtualizes that hardware, thereby creating the illusion that you

  • can have one server per customer but all 10 of those customers

  • are on the same machine.

  • Virtualization includes products like VMware and Parallels

  • and other companies as well, and it's just

  • software that runs on top of the hardware

  • and creates this illusion, which then is all the better for business.

  • If you can sell one piece of hardware multiple times

  • but not necessarily in a way that you're over-provisioning it

  • to multiple customers, but rather you're isolating each of those customers

  • from one another, giving them not only the illusion of their own machine

  • but indeed, the constraints whereby my data can't

  • be accessed by another customer who only has cloud access there, too.

  • And indeed, this is really in part, why we have now this cloud.

  • The cloud is more of a buzz word than anything technical.

  • Indeed, using the cloud just means using servers somewhere else

  • that someone else is managing.

  • No longer do companies with as much frequency have their own server

  • room in their office, or their own data center in some warehouse somewhere.

  • Rather, they virtualized even that piece of their product

  • using Amazon or Microsoft or Google or others

  • out there that provide you with access to servers

  • that they themselves control, but they provide you

  • with access to the illusion of your very own servers known as virtual machines.

  • And via this process can we take ever more advantage

  • of so many of those new CPUs and disk space and RAM

  • that otherwise might frankly go to waste,

  • because there's only so much we can typically do with one such machine.

  • Hence you might now think of this design, this stack, so to speak,

  • as follows.

  • In green here pictured is infrastructure, the physical hardware

  • that you have bought.

  • Here in blue is the hypervisor, the software

  • called VMware or Parallels or something else, that virtualizes this hardware

  • and creates the illusion that you actually have

  • three machines, for instance, on one.

  • And within each of those machines, which you can think of

  • is just a separate window on that computer, double click

  • to open computer A so to speak and computer B and computer

  • C, each of those virtual machines, you can install your own operating system

  • differently in each of those virtual machines.

  • Some version of Windows in A, another in B,

  • and maybe Linux or Unix or something else in C. And then within A, B, and C

  • can you install your own apps, your own software, or so can your customers,

  • thereby being isolated, not so much physically but virtually,

  • from everyone else.

  • But of course, there's always a price.

  • While this might take better advantage of the increasing

  • computational resources that we have in these boxes,

  • there seems to be some duplication here.

  • And indeed, in computer science, anytime you

  • start duplicating resources or efforts there's

  • probably an opportunity for better design.

  • And while this technology itself is still nascent,

  • there's a newcomer to the field called containerization,

  • and it exists in multiple forms.

  • But containerization shares more software, in some sense,

  • underneath the hood, so that you might install an operating system not three

  • times but once, and share it across those machines but in such a way that

  • one cannot access the other.

  • And on top of that layer, here called Docker,

  • one of the most popular incarnations thereof,

  • you have as before your infrastructure, the actual hardware,

  • on top of which is your own operating system, be it Windows or Linux.

  • On top of that is this program called Docker that provides you

  • then with the ability to run A through F apps

  • instead of say, just three because the overhead, so to speak,

  • computationally is not quite as much as with virtual machines.

  • Here we have three operating systems, each installed independently

  • on the same hardware, we're just surely consume time,

  • whereas here you have just one operating system theoretically and then

  • more room for more apps there upon.

  • So whereas containerization allows you ultimately

  • to isolate one app from another, in virtual machines

  • allow you to isolate one machine from another,

  • they do this through different techniques and with disparate overhead.

  • And surely in the years to come will this overhead only

  • get chipped away at as we humans get better

  • about running more and more software and less and less but more capable

  • hardware.

  • There than we have these internet technologies all the way up

  • to cloud computing itself, whereas the technologies we've looked at

  • are fairly low level protocols that simply get zeros and ones from point A

  • to point B. Once we have that ability and we can stipulate that we can do it,

  • we can build any number of abstractions on top of it.

  • In HTTP, for instance, do we have effectively an application,

  • known as web browsing, via which we can transmit text and images and sounds

  • and so much more.

  • And via the cloud itself do we have the ability now

  • to slice up individual machines as though they are multiple

  • and that picture before can be implemented not with two load

  • balancers and three servers physically, but maybe, just maybe, with just one.

  • One server that's been so virtualized or in turn

  • containerized so that you can have different parts of its hardware each

  • implementing different pieces of functionality that collectively

  • implement that architecture.

  • And so whereas back in the day might you actually physically

  • wire all of those disparate types of machines together, now

  • can you do it virtually in software literally with keystrokes and mouse

  • clicks because someone has written software that abstracts away

  • that underlying hardware in such a way that you can think about it virtually.

  • Now at the end of the day, the servers in Google's and Microsoft

  • and Amazon's closets are still completely physical themselves

  • with so many cables, but you can reroute information, those zeros and ones,

  • different ways virtually thanks to these layers

  • that we've built on top of these internet technologies.



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