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  • If you want to test out a quiz show,

  • you could get a shiny-floor studio, a dozen cameras,

  • and splash out on ludicrous, expensive props and prizes...

  • Or you can get some friends, a garage in the middle of nowhere, and some boxes of sand.

  • Welcome to the Game Garage.

  • Today in the Game Garage, we are playing Weight For It, along with...

  • Luke Cutforth, hello.

  • Evan Edinger, hello.

  • And you guys make stuff for YouTube.

  • And we live together.

  • We live together.

  • Also, they're my friends.

  • Let's be honest here, I've literally just roped my friends in for this game, so...

  • Thank you so much for coming.

  • -Thanks so much for playing. -Thank you.

  • In front of you are your buckets.

  • The better the answers you choose, the more sand will go in that bucket.

  • Whoever has the bucket on the ground...

  • -...are you okay there? -He's got a cleaner bucket.

  • -Okay, yes. -Look at this.

  • -Look at ol' dirty bucket over here. -I'm sorry.

  • We're in a garage, one of our buckets is dirty, I apologise(!)

  • -It's fine. -You're gonna be answering questions.

  • The better the answer, the more weight there is inside the box

  • and the more sand you'll be putting in your bucket.

  • Whoever's bucket is on the ground at the end of the question, wins that question.

  • One of you is going to be going through to the final where you could win up to 5,000 pence.

  • -Pence! -Pence.

  • First question, we have nine airlines here and the question is:

  • Which of these airlines has the largest fleet of planes?

  • Ooh!

  • So the more planes, the heavier the box.

  • You want to go for the heaviest boxes and the biggest fleet.

  • Oh, so this is a tough one, because there's some competitors here.

  • Yeah, Evan, you won the toss so you get first pick on this round.

  • Largest fleet of planes, regardless of what they're used for?

  • Yeah. Largest fleet of planes.

  • I am actually gonna go with American Airlines.

  • -American Airlines. -Yes.

  • Any particular reason for that?

  • They're, like, the biggest airline.

  • I know that it might be some other ones in terms of other...

  • But I feel like... they must have a lot of planes.

  • They fly to totally loads of domestics.

  • I'm friends with a couple of flight attendants from American.

  • Okay, here you go.

  • -That feels like a heavy boy. -Oh, yeah!

  • Ooh yeah!

  • -Oh no! -Alright, open it up.

  • Oh, that's a full boy. Ah!

  • -You want me to pour it? -Yeah, that's; that is an entire...

  • Oh!

  • If you spill it, it's on you but...

  • Well, it's on the floor rather.

  • Well, yeah.

  • That is the best answer on the board, so good start.

  • Hoo-ah!

  • Luke, we know that this isn't going to tip it right away, but the game's not over here.

  • -Uh-huh. -Which do you want to go for?

  • Okay, so I think China Southern are a pretty good bet

  • because China is a massive country and we don't think about China existing.

  • Qatar Airlines is a good bet, Delta's a good bet, FedEx is a good bet.

  • -I'm gonna go for Qatar. -Qatar?

  • -Yes. -Okay.

  • I reckon that was bad.

  • I'm already not feeling Qatar.

  • -Alright, here you go. -You didn't struggle as much with that one.

  • I'll be honest, I didn't struggle much with that one.

  • -I could've probably sold that a little bit better. -Oh no! It's not even...

  • It's a luxury airline, so that's gonna have not as many customers.

  • It's not even half full.

  • They're Airbus 380s and things.

  • Oh, that seems like someone who knows about airlines over there.

  • I know, I love aeroplanes.

  • So just to compare those two answers, American Airlines has more than 1500 planes.

  • Qatar has 220.

  • -So...

  • -Oh! -It's not the best start.

  • One more pick each.

  • Luke, you start this pair; what do you want to go for?

  • I'm gonna go for British Airways.

  • Alright.

  • What I love is every time you mention an airline, Evan just kind of makes...

  • -Yeah, I know. -... a facial expression, a noise, or something.

  • Can I change?

  • No, I'm gonna keep with this one, British Airways.

  • -I think... -You didn't go for any of my safe bets.

  • You literally went for ones I would not have chosen.

  • Alright, FedEx.

  • China, I'd say is like middle ground but it's definitely not up there.

  • British Airways.

  • Their base is in Xian.

  • Let's see if it tips.

  • If it doesn't tip here then we know who the first question's gone to.

  • I reckon this one's going to tip but he's then got another one.

  • -It's not even half full. -I know what I'm going for second

  • -because you didn't pick... -Oh, it's half full.

  • British Airways is good.

  • Now, let's... let's just be sure. There is a little bit of friction on this sometimes.

  • So let's just even that up and just let it...

  • Yeah, no.

  • I still want another pick.

  • That's really adding insult to this injury. You went...

  • Yeah, unfortunately, Qatar Airways, the second worst answer on the board: 220.

  • British Airways is the next one down the list with 275.

  • Between them, they have about 500 planes; American Airlines has three times that much.

  • But just out of interest, what would you have gone for?

  • Delta.

  • -Delta is the second best answer on the board. -Oh!

  • You always go with the big US airlines that are flying domestic, insanely.

  • -Thank you. -I'm not American, this is not fair.

  • That is... that is almost full, that one.

  • By the way, I would never fly with American or with Delta; they're both horrible.

  • But I will choose them when I have to.

  • -That is... -Oh!

  • So that is a pretty comprehensive victory on the first question there, Evan,

  • but it's only the first question, it's worth one cup of sand in the play-off.

  • So if we're ready, let's go with question two.

  • Question two: Luke, you're going to get first pick this time.

  • We have nine Stephen King movies.

  • Okay.

  • And we are looking for the most successful one by worldwide box office.

  • Unless it's got a year on it, we're talking about the original.

  • I am going to go with, just because it's been a phenomenon recently, It (2017).

  • There was absolutely no reaction from Evan on that one.

  • Just absolute poker face.

  • -Did it flop massively? -Alright, well we're gonna find out.

  • -I don't really pay attention to anything. -It does seem a bit...

  • -Here is your pick. -Oooh!

  • I was genuinely worried you were dropping that then.

  • -Whoa! -Oh yeah. That as a good choice, bud.

  • -Nice! -Evan, your pick.

  • The Green Mile is one of my favourite films of all time, stars Tom Hanks, so obviously a good one.

  • It's critically acclaimed; I don't really know if it did well in the box office.

  • Out of all these, obviously, Dark Tower's the newest

  • and I can't image that doing well but I'm gonna go with Pet Sematary.

  • It's classic, I think that one... Yeah, I'm gonna go with Pet Sematary for number...

  • Pet Sematary. Alright, here you go.

  • Haha!

  • Really excited to see this one, here we go.

  • It's a light boy.

  • It had sand in it.

  • -This is important. -A single grain.

  • Make sure you've got all the sand out there, because...

  • -You're gonna need it. -Here we go.

  • -So the bad news there, Evan... -Yeah.

  • -... is that was the worst answer on the board. -The worst.

  • That was the worst answer on the board. It took $57 million compared to "It"'s 700.

  • -So... -Oooh!

  • -Did you just dab? -Absolutely not.

  • We've got another pair of picks.

  • Evan, you've got to pick...

  • Got one more.

  • At the last, I basically have to get second and then he...

  • You've got to tip the scales.

  • The only ones that I recognise film-wise are Dark Tower and Green Mile.

  • They're the ones I'm assuming are quite old; maybe successful,

  • I assumed I'd have heard about them.

  • I'm gonna go with The Green Mile at this point, as I just really liked the film.

  • -Alright. -Maybe it's not the way the rules should be, but...

  • -I thought it was a good film. -The Green Mile.

  • Oh, he's used two hands.

  • I used two hands on the last one.

  • -Hmm. He did it -I wonder.

  • -Oh no. -Well, hold on.

  • That's a little bit tipping that way, so let's just check.

  • -Okay. -If this doesn't... if I...

  • There we go, shake it a little.

  • If this doesn't go your way, Evan, then we know...

  • -Uh! -Yeah, because I picked last,

  • -like I said, you've got this. -Oh!

  • Unfortunately, all you need to do, Luke, is have enough sand to tip that your way.

  • Okay, I reckon it's between Carrie and The Dark Tower.

  • I'm gonna say Carrie.

  • Carrie.

  • -Oh, okay! -Oh god!

  • No, that's just I genuinely don't have enough body strength to do that.

  • -I think... -Oh, I mean...

  • I mean, you just need one pellet.

  • -Yeah, you just need enough to do it. -One grain.

  • Shall I see how little I can pour just to re-tip the balance?

  • Aargh!

  • -Yeah, I had to go for the last one, man. -Yeah, not much you could've done there.

  • Luke picked the best answer on the board to start and unfortunately, you went with the worst.

  • Carrie is actually the sixth answer on the board there, only $84million,

  • but it's enough to tip the balance in your favour.

  • -The Green Mile was second? -The Green Mile was the second best answer.

  • Good for you.

  • So two cups of sand to you, as we go into the play-off.

  • This is the play-off where we're going to decide which of you goes through to the final

  • to maybe win 5,000 pence.

  • So Evan, you won the first round, quite decisively there, and that gets you one full cup...

  • -That's not full. -... of sand.

  • -So there you go. -That's not full.

  • You know what, he's right. That's...

  • I lost from a very small amount last round, I'm not messing around with the sand.

  • There we go, one topped off cup of sand there.

  • In it goes.

  • Thank you.

  • -But Luke... -Yeah boy.

  • You won the second one, so...

  • Oh yeah, the good one.

  • One cup of sand.

  • Thank you.

  • A little bit of friction in the seesaw as ever, but I think the second cup...

  • Oh, that's very nice.

  • Oh? Easy...!

  • There we go, alright.

  • The play-off works like this.

  • Luke, you're in the lead, you get to make the first pick.

  • Darn!

  • -Wow, very upsetting. -It's upsetting.

  • And we're looking for sports by the number of players on the field for one team.

  • -Can I call my dad? -Phone a dad.

  • Three of these answers are completely fake.

  • They're not just wrong; they're not even sports.

  • Oh!

  • So three of these are empty and with you having the first pick...

  • Oh!

  • You have the highest probability of making a wrong choice

  • unless you choose a right one; that gives me the worst...

  • I can choose one that I know is right, as in I know it's a real sport.

  • -I'm gonna play this safe. -Okay.

  • And I'm gonna choose polo.

  • Polo. How many players do you think there are?

  • I think there's nine.

  • Alright.

  • Ooh.

  • That's the only one we both knew.

  • Ooh, it's quite light(!)

  • You already had one up above me as well.

  • -Little bit higher, little bit higher, there we go. -Very nice.

  • Very nice, this is a very nice amount of sand.

  • I will tell you, there are four players on the field in polo for one team.

  • Wait, so if I can pick one that somehow has more than four, there'd be more sand than that?

  • -Yes. -Yes.

  • Some of these, I'm like, 'They're totally fake.'

  • Like, and maybe they're not.

  • Some of these, I think, maybe are real but they sound fun.

  • I liked the film so I'm gonna go with Kho Kho...?

  • Are you just taking a guess there?

  • Is it... do you know that's a sport?

  • No?

  • I don't know, I've not heard of any of these.

  • Forty-sevens sounds familiar as maybe a washers game.

  • -Alright. -But kho kho is... it has K-H.

  • It's either that or I would have;

  • I'm not gonna say what I would have chosen but there's another one that looks real.

  • Kho kho.

  • Oh!

  • I don't think that was acting there.

  • Oh wow!

  • -Your boy! -Look!

  • Dang it!

  • Luck be a lady tonight.

  • -Oh wow! -Even with your extra cups though...

  • No, no, I reckon that's even.

  • Yeah, look at that. Oh.

  • -Kho kho has nine players on the field for one team. -Nine?

  • That's still not even there.

  • So you were right to even it up there; it's basically a tie.

  • We've got...

  • -That's just rude. -Nice try.

  • -I mean... -Nice try.

  • No, it is. It's, that's how it is.

  • Is that Yeah...

  • That was just a hand to help.

  • -You're right. -Rude.

  • You're right, he's dusted it flat and it's gone that way, so...

  • -Physics. -Yeah, Kho Kho has nine players on a team,

  • it's a tag game from the Indian subcontinent, so well done.

  • Was that just a complete guess?

  • It... it looks... it had a 'k' next to an 'h',

  • and I thought that sounds like a legit thing for somewhere I've never been.

  • Alright, final pair of picks.

  • Whoever's bucket is lower at the end of this pair is going through.

  • One has just been calling out to me and if you guys made this up,

  • I'ma be really angry that you did a really good job,

  • you keep looking at it so I'm scared that maybe I shouldn't

  • -but I'm going to go with sepak takraw. -Sepak takraw.

  • -That was what I was gonna pick. -Oh!

  • I'll tell you this much, it's not empty.

  • Well, let's see how much is in it.

  • That's some... that's some sand.

  • Oh, that's sand, then some.

  • That's... hmm...

  • Well, I didn't pick a big fake one.

  • -Is this like from the areas of Indonesia? -Yeah.

  • Because this looks just like Balinese type of spelling in English.

  • Okay, cool.

  • Yeah, played with a basket weave football, apparently.

  • Luke, the pressure is on here.

  • -I don't think I can win this. -There are still three wrong answers

  • with empty boxes there.

  • You've got... no, you had the advantage at the start.

  • There are also good answers left there.

  • Can I win? Is it possible?

  • Yes, yes it is.

  • In fact, I'll tell you this much; if it wasn't possible for you to win,

  • I wouldn't be asking you this question.

  • Last pick is yours. Go for it.

  • Okay, so I think forty-sevens sounds like one that you've made up.

  • -Right. -Because it's a question

  • about how many are in each team and the number is quite obvious.

  • Yeah, you can talk this through 'cos there's no chance of you giving any clue to Evan here.

  • But I should point out, these are not my questions.

  • I'm not the question writer here.

  • Forty-sevens does sound like either it's made-up.

  • -Or... the best answer. -'Forty-sevens.'

  • Like, there is no in between there, it's one of those two.

  • I'm gonna go with...

  • forty-sevens.

  • You're gonna go with forty-sevens?

  • Yeah.

  • -Just... just out of interest. -Yes.

  • What was the other one you would have gone for?

  • -That means I lost. -No, it doesn't.

  • The other one I would have gone for would have been kabaddi.

  • You would have gone for kabaddi.

  • Just to have a look here, kabaddi into the bucket over here, is quite full.

  • Ooh!

  • Kabaddi has a lot of sand in it.

  • Oh!

  • That would have probably taken you over, but it's not the best answer on the board.

  • Ooh!

  • There's forty seven people in this game, maybe.

  • -I don't know. -Luke.

  • Oh!

  • Unfortunately, forty-sevens as we prove it out, is completely...

  • entirely made-up by our question editor, I am sorry.

  • Evan, you're through to the final.

  • Oh my... what were the other fake ones?

  • The ones that were fake: Futsal is real.

  • -That's... -Football but said with a lisp.

  • It's a football variant, essentially.

  • Mega Reagga is, you're absolutely right, it's entirely fake.

  • It's an anagram of Game Garage.

  • Calvinball is fake, that's from the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes.

  • Korfball was the other good answer on the board.

  • -Really? -Kho kho was the best... with nine.

  • -Oh my god. -Korfball was the second best with eight.

  • Evan, you're through.

  • Are you okay there, Luke?

  • We have been back and forth though, that was really close.

  • Where do I go now? Do I just walk off?

  • -Yeah. -Can I just sit here?

  • We don't have a nice walk-of-shame rig,

  • it's just, you can wait over there in the corner of the garage.

  • Cheers for that.

  • That was intense.

  • 'I'll be back.' Ooh!

  • -Sorry. -Leave that in there.

  • Yeah, we can leave that in.

  • Evan, welcome to the final.

  • -How are you feeling? -Glad to be here, very nervous. Yeah.

  • Alright, this is your bucket and it's currently empty.

  • You're gonna get to pick three things off there.

  • -Okay. -To outweigh whatever is on the other side,

  • but you do get a choice.

  • It's gonna be you against the anvil.

  • If you go for the lightest weight to play against, you're going to be going for 1,000 pence

  • but you'll only need three fair answers over here to balance it.

  • Go for the medium weight, it's gonna be worth 2,000 pence

  • and you'll need three reasonable answers off here.

  • Or you can go for the heavy weight.

  • 5,000 pence if you get it, but you'll need three good answers off here to outweigh it.

  • You don't need the top three| but you need something close.

  • You can see the category; you're not gonna know the exact question.

  • We've got nine theme parks here.

  • What do you reckon it could be?

  • Well, I know Wurstelprater in Vienna, I've been.

  • That is, it has quite a huge prater, or quite a big Ferris wheel

  • so it might have something to do with biggest Ferris wheels, just from that knowledge.

  • It could be maybe juxtaposition to a city centre,

  • only because Wurstelprater is like in zone two, it's pretty great.

  • Er, or I could be number of people visiting, so obviously, Alton Towers would be at the bottom.

  • Cedar Point, really popular, it has one of the fastest coasters in the world,

  • it's got some good ones there.

  • I don't think anything important is ever from the Isle of Wight,

  • so I doubt that but I don't really know what this is gonna be.

  • How do you feel about the category?

  • Er... I'm, I'm not super confident, I'm not super unconfident.

  • I feel like I would definitely want to choose something in the middle at this one.

  • Alright, so it's your choice.

  • 1,000 pence, 2,000 pence, 5,000 pence?

  • -What do you want to go for? -I feel like I want to go with the 2,000 pence.

  • -2,000 pence. -Yes.

  • Alright, we are going for the middle weight.

  • Can we have the middle weight, please.

  • That is an anvil.

  • Okay.

  • I will tell you that the question is...

  • theme parks by years of operation.

  • -Ah. -So we're not looking for the oldest necessarily;

  • we're looking for the one that has been open for the most seasons, if you like,

  • the most summers, the most years.

  • So that makes sense there's a lot of British now, because they're old AF.

  • So, hmm...

  • The World of Adventures one just sounds like such an old name that I can't imagine it being recent.

  • I want to choose Wurstelprater as one of them.

  • I know that's an old one and let's hope it's been, it's open in winter, I don't really know that.

  • I also want to go with, you know what, the World of Adventures is scaring me.

  • I feel like I'm in between that or, oh, Pleasure Beach.

  • No, no, that's a water one. The water one, it's gotta be new.

  • Alton Towers is old.

  • I went last year and it felt like it was still 25 years old.

  • Okay, I'm really sorry here, I'm so exhausted. We're gonna 100% go with Wurstelprater.

  • I'm gonna throw in a little bit of, erm... Dyrehavsbakken.

  • It might be new but we're throwing that in, and I want to throw in a British one as well.

  • You know what, give me Dreamland, Margate.

  • Are you sure? All those three?

  • -Are you gonna lock those in? -I'm gonna lock those in.

  • So we're gonna get Wurstelprater, Dreamland

  • and you had to pick the one I can't pronounce, Dyrehavsbakken.

  • -Sorry, Denmark. -Yeah, sorry.

  • Of those, which are you most confident about?

  • Erm... none.

  • I mean, I liked Wurstelprater, I've been there and it seemed pretty darn old.

  • -Let's save that; let's save that for last. -Which one are you least confident about?

  • Er... the Danish one.

  • The Danish one, alright, let's go for the Danish one first.

  • Ooh. Here you go.

  • Ooh.

  • Beat that anvil!

  • Pour!

  • Alright, it's a good start.

  • Now it's marked on my pronunciation guide here as 'Yer-havs-banna'.

  • We'll go for that, Yer-havs-banna, 436 years of operation.

  • That was not a bad choice.

  • Thank god I didn't pick Cedar Point, Ohio.

  • That state hasn't existed for longer than that.

  • Now, your next one is going to be Dreamland in Margate.

  • Dreamland, Margate.

  • That's... okay. Okay.

  • Okay.

  • -Okay. -Let's see if this tips it.

  • Oh, not quite but I saw that slightly start to wobble.

  • Yeah, it's starting to wobble.

  • We'll see how we are.

  • Dreamland, Margate: 135 years of operation.

  • -Okay. -It's been going a while. Vienna.

  • -Vienna, Wurstelprater. -This has to do it.

  • -Hopefully. -This has to...

  • A couple of grains might set me off here.

  • For 2,000 pence.

  • Ooh!

  • Ooh!

  • He sounds confident.

  • Yes!

  • We beat the anvil, of anvil one!

  • Congratulations.

  • First of all, that is 2,000 pence. There you go, that is yours.

  • Mom, I did it! Subscribe to my channel, please(!)

  • -Mom, please...(!) -Yeah, you're right.

  • Dyrehavsbakken was the best answer on the board, 436.

  • Wurstelprater the second best answer on the board, 253.

  • Dreamland was fifth. Cedar Point does actually beat it.

  • Really? Ooh!

  • Chessington World of Adventures which you nearly went for, 31 years.

  • -It was the newest and youngest park on there. -That was a tricky one though, because...

  • -Evan, congratulations. -Thank you very much.

  • 2,000 pence is yours.

  • That's been the Game Garage, we'll see you around.

If you want to test out a quiz show,


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A2 初級

ウェイト・フォー・イット(エヴァン・エディンガー、ルーク・カットフォースとの共演 (Weight For It (with Evan Edinger and Luke Cutforth))

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日