Placeholder Image

字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Seven-segment displays are great.

  • We don't see them as much in electronics these days

  • because screens are a lot cheaper than they used to be, but these used to be everywhere

  • from clocks to supermarket checkouts to calculators to slot machines.

  • Here, they're being used as part of the Megaprocessor at the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge.

  • This is the clock speed that the whole system is running at.

  • Seven-segment displays are a really clever bit of design.

  • Seven is the minimum number of segments required to show every number using straight lines.

  • It doesn't matter that the 4 isn't actually how most people write a number 4,

  • it's close enough that we've all just got used to it.

  • And seven segments plus a decimal point

  • means that there are eight lights here to turn on or off, which is convenient:

  • computers like working with eights,

  • there are eight bits in a byte,

  • so you can store the state of those lights in just one byte of memory.

  • And you can use these for some letters, too.

  • You could show the word "Error", or even base-16 numbers.

  • But there's no way you can write an M or a W on this display.

  • So here is a code question for you:

  • what is the longest English word that you can write on a seven-segment display?

  • I love questions like this because there are so many ways to approach them.

  • I'm going to give one solution here because that's the way I want to tell the story,

  • but I can think of a couple of others just off the top of my head,

  • and there will be a dozen more that I haven't thought of,

  • or maybe couldn't even think of.

  • To start off, we need a dictionary,

  • and fortunately here the work has been done for us.

  • There is a public-domain list of English words available,

  • I've put the link in the description.

  • Now, this is not a perfect list:

  • right at the top there are two different spellings of 'aarrgh'

  • and I'm really not sure either of those should count,

  • but the list is good enough for our purposes.

  • We can manually filter it later if there are any strange results.

  • Now, I'm going to code this in JavaScript using Node.

  • Not the best language, but it's not bad for beginners,

  • and importantly it's easy for me to explain.

  • First, we're going to add a bit of boilerplate code,

  • just stock stuff to get it working.

  • Did I know all that code off by heart?

  • No, of course not,

  • I Googled 'load array from file in node' and I adapted some of the results.

  • This is how basically how everyone codes stuff like that.

  • Don't ever be afraid that you're not a real programmer because you still look stuff up.

  • The important part about programming is not remembering exact words or syntax:

  • it is breaking down a problem, working out how to solve it,

  • and then fixing all the inevitable bugs in your solution.

  • It's about holding lots of complicated connections in your head,

  • not the exact magic words that you need this one time.

  • I still forget which order to put basic stuff in sometimes.

  • Anyway, the first line loads in the bits of Node that deal with reading and writing files,

  • and the next line loads the entire dictionary into a single long string called "words".

  • The next line converts that single string into an array, a long list of smaller strings,

  • based on where the new-line characters are.

  • And now we have an array of all the words in the English language:

  • basically just a long list of strings.

  • Let's see how long that array is by telling the console to output the array's length.

  • Okay, more than 370,000 words, each one in a separate item in that array calledwords”.

  • Next problem: we need to filter that list

  • and remove any words that use letters that we can't display with seven segments.

  • Which gives us an interesting design problem:

  • which letters can't we display?

  • Now, I'm going to use fancy graphics here rather than actual seven-segment displays,

  • but for extra credit,

  • you can try and figure out the After Effects expressions that I used to make these.

  • Letters A through F are easy, there's almost a standard for those.

  • But G is difficult.

  • We can't use the obvious pattern, because that's a 6, or a 9 if it's lowercase.

  • And if we use an alternate pattern for it, it's... not really a G?

  • It's a C with aspirations.

  • But to be fair, if any of those patterns appear at the start of a word like 'GOAL',

  • no-one's going to look at it and say 'oh, six-OAL'.

  • But I'm going to make the call that we don't allow it.

  • I think I is all right, though.

  • Like, that's clearly an I,

  • it's not like the half-assed G which sorta looked kinda like a C?

  • It's clear. I mean, I don't care that I'm not applying strict rules here,

  • I'm just going on what feels right, and if you disagree,

  • you can fix it in your version.

  • Other letters that I'm ruling out: K. Just can't be done, requires a diagonal.

  • M: I've seen it displayed like this before, but: no. Not having it.

  • N is borderline, but I'm going to allow it because there's nothing else it could be.

  • Q is out: that is just a 9.

  • R, I'll allow if it's lowercase.

  • S is OK, same reasons as I.

  • But there's no way to do V, or W, or X.

  • And as for Z... no. It needs the diagonals. Not having it.

  • Here's our alphabet, then. Eighteen letters left, eight disallowed.

  • That's actually more than I'd expected left in there.

  • And I'm going to cheat. I know this is called the Basics,

  • but doing this the long way would be really dull,

  • so I'm going to put those disallowed letters into something called a regular expression,

  • or a regex. Or "reg-ex", whichever.

  • Those slashes indicate that it's a regex,

  • and whatever's inside those slashes is like a test that a string can match against.

  • So this regex would match any word with an X in it,

  • whether that X is at the start or middle or end.

  • As long as there's an X somewhere in the string, it passes that test.

  • If we put all our disallowed letters in,

  • then surround them with square brackets so they're treated as a class,

  • this regex will match any string, any word, with any of those letters anywhere in it.

  • If a string matches this, we cannot use it.

  • Regular expressions are a heck of a lot more complicated than this,

  • and they can boggle even experienced programmers' minds,

  • but using one here will save me about five minutes of really dull script later on.

  • The good news is: we can now just use the function 'match'

  • to test a string against this regular expression,

  • which I'm calling badLetters,

  • and it'll tell us whether there are any bad letters in there.

  • So how do we filter the array?

  • One of the important trade-offs here is between code that is fast

  • and code that everyone can understand.

  • This is not going to be an efficient and fast approach.

  • But because we're running it on a modern PC, at the command line,

  • and we don't mind waiting a fraction of a second after telling it to go, that's no big deal.

  • It's more important that I can show the code and explain it,

  • and look at it again later and understand it.

  • But imagine if something like this had to be run on the scale of YouTube or Google,

  • running millions or billions of times a day.

  • Every minor improvement you could make would be worth it.

  • At some point, I should do a video about Big O notation, but now is not the time.

  • Here, where we're just writing code to find the answer to one simple question,

  • don't worry about it.

  • Sure, there are more elegant solutions. But this is easy to explain.

  • I'm going to declare an empty string. longestAcceptableWord.

  • Then I'm going to tell the code to start testing every word in the array.

  • This line will run the code in between those brackets once for each word,

  • and on each run through, this variable, testWord,

  • will be the next word in the list.

  • First question: is the word we're looking at shorter, or the same length,

  • as the current longest acceptable word?

  • If it is, then we can just ignore it,

  • we know it's not longer, it's of no use to us,

  • and we can just say 'continue'.

  • That 'continue' skips the rest of the loop,

  • and kicks us back to the start with the next word.

  • Some people hate 'continue', they think it shouldn't be used anywhere

  • because it can cause confusion. And, yeah, it can,

  • but I reckon for things like this it's fine.

  • Anyway, this'll save a lot of processing time, because after the first few words,

  • we're not even going to bother to analyse the short ones,

  • we'll just ignore them.

  • So let's say we've got to this point in the code,

  • it's a new, longer possible word: is it acceptable?

  • Here we can use our regular expression from earlier.

  • Does the word match our test for bad letters?

  • If it does, it's not acceptable, ignore it, ignore the rest of the loop,

  • continue on to the next word in the list.

  • But if it's passed both these tests, if we've got to this point,

  • then we know that our word is longer than anything that we've accepted before

  • and it has no bad letters in it.

  • So we change the longest acceptable word to be our new word

  • and we start over again with the next one in the array.

  • And when we're done, longestAcceptableWord will be the longest acceptable word.

  • We tell the code to write that out, and the result is...

  • Huh. That's actually the longest word in the list anyway.

  • You know what? I'm going to rule out I and O.

  • They are just numbers with aspirations.

  • Fortunately, we've made the code easy to edit, so we can just make that change, and...

  • Sure, fine, that'll do. The lesson here, I guess,

  • is that sometimes you might write code to find something out

  • and the answer is really unsatisfying.

  • Of course, there is one thing we're missing here.

  • Our test was only checking for words longer than the current acceptable one.

  • What happens if there was another acceptable word of the same length?

  • We'd have ignored it. There could be multiple correct answers.

  • But I'll leave checking that up to you.

  • Thank you very much to the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge,

  • for lending me their space and their Megaprocessor.

  • Thank you also to all my proofreading team who made sure I got the script right.

Seven-segment displays are great.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

セブンセグメントディスプレイで書ける最長のワードは? (What's The Longest Word You Can Write With Seven-Segment Displays?)

  • 9 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日