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  • please go to the line the computer guy dot com, in order to view schematics, code and Maur for the projects that you are learning about, welcome back.

  • So in today's video, I'm going to show you how to set up F T.

  • P on a Lennox server.

  • So FTP stands for a final transfer protocol, and it is a standard way of being able to upload files to your Lennox server.

  • Generally, you'll be using FTP.

  • If you have something like a Web server, you're going be installing something such as WordPress.

  • You'll use FTP to be upload those files to your Web server and then be able to do all of the configurations when you're dealing with an FTP support and understand this is a client server technology.

  • What that means is you have software that is installed on the server and that becomes a FTP server, and then you have software installed on the client machine that will be connecting to the server on that is what you're gonna be using to actually interact with that FTP server.

  • Now, with this again, as a technology, there are many different products out there we're going to be using at V S, f T p D.

  • Today for a bun to server, and we're going to be using a file a Zillah client on our client operating system.

  • But it is important to understand that there's a lot of different options out there.

  • For some reason, you don't like B S f d P d.

  • Go out there, do a Google search, and you'll find there are a lot of different FTP servers that are available that you can install onto your bun to box or onto windows or whatever else again.

  • As Faras client software is concerned, we will be using Final Zilla because it's good, it's free.

  • It's open source.

  • Everybody uses it.

  • But there's a lot of other FDP clients out there.

  • There's actually FTP clients that even built into Web browsers such as Google, chrome or Safari, and you can actually connect to an FTP server directly from a Web browser.

  • But we will be using file zilla because again, it's a good generic FTP client to use now when we're going to be doing this particular demonstration today, it is important to understand that we're going to be communicating between a client machine and a server, which means the network has to work in between when you're using FTP, the default port that is used for FTP is Port 21.

  • So if you have firewalls, software firewalls, some kind of Internet security suite or whatever else, make sure it allows pork 21 Do itto work.

  • So again.

  • So it's important.

  • Understand, with networking that means both on the Lenox machine.

  • So if you have something like you F W.

  • So if you have a firewall and stop installed onto your Lennox machine, you have to make sure poor 21 is open and then also for your host machine.

  • Whether you have Windows, firewall are or Lord Help, you know you have Norton Internet Security Suite or something like that, you have to make sure that that it will allow Port 21 traffic.

  • So a lot of times people have problems where they install and configure the FTP server correctly.

  • They insulting configure the client correctly, but then they can't get the two to talk, and they think they made some kind of configuration mistake.

  • And the mistake isn't with the configurations.

  • It's with the network communication between the client machine and the server.

  • So since we're going to be using virtual boxes, I want to do these demonstrations again.

  • I have a Mac that I have virtual box installed, and then I have an instance of the U Bahn to operating system within a virtual machine in virtual box.

  • One of things that you do have to do is you have to change the adapter sentence.

  • So whatever change what I've done for the network adapter settings for my person, for a personal machine is changed.

  • The instance to bridged adapter eso What this allows it allows the host machine.

  • So the machine that's running everything to actually be able to communicate with the virtual server.

  • If you if you leave the standard nat configuration, most likely the host machine will not be able to communicate with the server.

  • So that's one important thing that you may have to dio is.

  • You may have to make sure that whatever client machine you're trying to connect to that FTP server can actually talk before you go to other things.

  • You can do things such as just doing a simple ping.

  • Make sure you can ping the I P address of the server from the from the client machine.

  • And make sure you have back that connection so that let's go over to to my machine so I can show you how to install and configure V S f T p d.

  • To create a Lennox of FTP server.

  • And then I'll show you how to use file zilla on the Mac OS to be a bit connect to that FTP server.

  • So here we are again.

  • I'm using a Mac book pro to show you these demonstrations.

  • I have this, you bunch of server up and running, but I want to show you something with the setting for the particular adapter.

  • So have the a bunch of server clone three that is currently running.

  • But you will notice if I go to settings and then I go to network.

  • I have changed the adapter here to braided adapter so previously, and other demonstrations we've simply used in that So Nat allows the server the Lenox box to communicate with the outside world doesn't necessarily allow the host machine to be able to communicate with the server.

  • So by going over to the bridged adapter, this now allows the host machine to be able to communicate with the server and vice a versa s o.

  • This is one thing that you may have to change depending on what your what's going on with your particular lab s o.

  • Just cancel here, go here and log in again.

  • We use Bob.

  • 123456 And now we have log in and we're at our normal Lennox system.

  • So I'm just gonna clear so we go back to this now, the first thing that I want to see is to make sure whether V s f t p.

  • D.

  • Is actually installed.

  • So I'm going to take a look at whether the service is running on this machine.

  • So I'm gonna do sis pseudo system.

  • C T l s.

  • So this is what you do to either restart Service's stop service's or check on.

  • The status of service is I'll simply say status and then veep s f t p d.

  • And enter through the password for Bob Ener.

  • Okay, Unit V S F D P D service could not be found, so I just wanna verify V S t.

  • V S F T p D is not actually installed on this machine.

  • So in order to install it that I'm gonna do sudo apt hyphen get install V S f t p d.

  • So what this is going to do is this is going to install V S f d p d for us against pseudo super user do at life and get installed B s f d p d.

  • And then we're going to hit Enter that we're gonna go through and it's actually installing all the packages now for you.

  • I've actually already installed an uninstaller V S f d p d on this particular box, so I did not get the question mark about whether or not I want to continue.

  • If you're installing this on a fresh machine, it will ask you, Are you sure that you want to do this and then you guess type?

  • Yes, and that will allow you to be able to do it.

  • So Okay, so now that we've done that, we'll go back and we'll redo the command pseudo system.

  • C t l status V S f TBD will hit return and now we can see if he s f TBD service.

  • It's loaded and it is active and running So one of the important things again, if you're going be installing software or service, is onto your Lennox machine and they're going to be trying to interact with them, do you make sure that the service is actually running?

  • This'll be a problem, especially for new people, is what you do is you install the FDP you're the passkey to or something else.

  • And then, for some reason, it's not running like the service is not running.

  • So the service is not running, then it doesn't really matter what you do because you're not gonna be able to interact with service because it's not running.

  • So do just make sure whenever you install a service, just verify that it is actually running.

  • And from this point, this is actually the bare minimum of what you need to be able t use your Lennox box as an FTP server.

  • Now, from here, what you're going to need is that software called file zilla.

  • So if you go to file, Zillah considers Google Google search files illa and then what you're going to do is you're gonna want to download the client again for me.

  • I downloaded it from Mac osx they've got it for Windows.

  • They've got other options here.

  • So depending on what machine you're using, you would just download whatever version of files il you want.

  • And then from here, I've got applications go to file Zilla on, and then we're going to double click.

  • And so this brings us into the file.

  • Zillah panel.

  • So here, up here, we're gonna have the host.

  • So the host, this is basically the I p address of the FTP server were trying to communicate with.

  • We're going to have a user name.

  • We're going to have a password, and we're gonna have a port again.

  • The standard FTP four is 21.

  • So unless you have modified it, you're not actually going to put anything in here over here, Basically, on the left hand side.

  • What we have here is this is the local files.

  • So this is simply showing you in my documents PHP folder.

  • For whatever reason, it's opened up here on then on the right hand side, this is the remote site.

  • So when we actually connect to the FTP server, information will show up here.

  • Beyond that, if we look down here, we can see the cute files, the failed transfers and successful transfers.

  • So what's gonna happen is when we start uploading files, it will go into the file.

  • Q.

  • It will start uploading those files.

  • If it fails, we'll get a log file here.

  • If it's successful, we'll get along file here now when that problems are going to run into it, huh?

  • So what is the I P address?

  • What is the i p address of the server?

  • Right again?

  • That's the whole thing.

  • If you don't know what the I p address of the server is, then you're gonna be kind of stuck.

  • So let's go back to our monthly server here.

  • Just clear the screen, and I'm simply going to use the eye of config command Now.

  • A lot of people may complain You're not really supposed to use.

  • I have configure anymore.

  • I just find it easy.

  • It's just me.

  • So this still works if you work for a long time and if all you do is you type in, I f get fig and absolutely nothing else.

  • And then you go down and you take a look at the dinette.

  • What?

  • This is is this is the I.

  • P address of your server.

  • So your servers I p addresses Tenn 0.0 Not one, not for.

  • And that's what you're gonna plug in here for the host.

  • So we're gonna do is going 10 014 We already have users on this Lennox machine, so we've been using the machine for demonstrations for a while.

  • So we have Bob, we have Tim.

  • So on and so forth.

  • So we plug in Bob, we plug in the super see your passport of 123456 And then we hit inner.

  • It's gonna set.

  • Tell us that this doesn't support T.

  • L s.

  • So there's not encrypted or anything.

  • We're just going to say we don't like here right now.

  • And so we're now logged in to the FTP server.

  • And so again, we're Longden 100 user name of Bob.

  • And so that is going to a drop us into the Home directory of Bob.

  • So we see the test file.

  • The chron Test one, the test folder, SSS folders, all kinds of folders.

  • Here again, if we go back, clear the screen P w d.

  • This shows us the location.

  • So we're in the Baba folder in the home directory and l s l.

  • And we can see that we're looking at the exact same files, right?

  • So again.

  • So here you got test file and you have test file.

  • You got KRON test.

  • Will India contest one test folder, Test folder, So on and so forth.

  • So we're looking at the exact same directories.

  • Now, if I connect, let's say, is Tim So just do Tim, pastor of 123456 we enter then that is going to drop us into Tim's directory.

  • So I'm actually a wall again under the Tim Tim's account.

  • And we can say, See, Tim has the chron test, Tim, that's all that's in his particular folder.

  • So that's the important thing to realize with how FTP work.

  • So FTP is still using the same user accounts that you have created in general.

  • When you log in, it will drop you into the home directory that you've created in the password file.

  • So when we're looking at that again, so when we're thinking about where we're getting dropped in is that we go pseudo that's a vim, and then we look at the password file so forward slash e TC forward slash p a s s W d.

  • So this is the file we've talked about before.

  • This shows us information about the user accounts on our Lennox machine.

  • And so we go down here to Bob, we can see Bob's home directory is home forward slash Bob.

  • So if for some reason we wanted to change this, this is where we would come in, we could do an insert and I don't know, we could d'oh Bob ftp right, So we could actually modify.

  • We could modify what?

  • The Home directory will be here again.

  • Home for Tim.

  • You can modify this.

  • So this is where you might create a user account for simply doing ftp and then point that at a particular folder.

  • So this is where this is where the location for where you get dropped that comes into play.

  • And so all you would d'oh is you would modify the e t.

  • C for its last P a s s w d file in order to do that.

  • But it's important.

  • Understand your normal user account and your FTP They both used the exact same home directory.

  • So let me get out of this this Q force and then we're out.

  • So clear.

  • Okay.

  • So past that.

  • We're gonna go.

  • We're like, Okay, well, this is pretty cool.

  • Let's go back to Bob again.

  • So we're gonna log in his bob and you like, huh?

  • Well, let's see.

  • I don't really like this new four.

  • I want to get rid of this new folder.

  • So what if I delete this new folder is gonna ask me if I wanna be able to lead this new folder?

  • I say yes.

  • And we go up here, we can see permission is denied, huh?

  • Eh?

  • So what if I want Thio create a directory?

  • I want to create a directory FTP folder I had.

  • Okay.

  • And then again, if we go up here, we can see that permission is denied.

  • So when you first install the FTP server, if you do absolutely nothing else, all that you're going to be able to do is you're gonna be able to download files, So basically Oh, um, yeah, we're just basically just gonna be able to forgo here.

  • Don't say contests.

  • We can simply download.

  • We can download and then crying Test has been down.

  • Where is it?

  • here.

  • Oh, come on, don't there.

  • So we got Kron test one.

  • So basically, when you install the FTP server and you don't do any additional configurations, you will be able to download files, but you won't be able to upload files.

  • You won't be a bit create directories or be able to do any of that kind of stuff.

  • So in order to be able to write two to the forger, you actually have to go, and you have to make it a modification within the configuration file for V S f t p d.

  • So we're gonna do is around you pseudo space them.

  • So I'm simply using them as a file editor.

  • Use whatever file editor you want, Then we're gonna do eat.

  • He see Ford's last week S f t p d period, C o N f.

  • And so what this allows us to do is this is going to be the configuration file for V S f T p D.

  • That I'm going to hit enter, and then we've got a lot of different things here.

  • So if again, if we can stroll through, we can see there's a lot of different settings.

  • Anonymous enables of you won't allow anonymous FTP connections Allow local users to log on.

  • So we have that has enabled is yes on.

  • Then what we're gonna be doing here?

  • The only modification that we're gonna be changing today is uncommon.

  • Uncommon.

  • This to enable any form of ftp right command.

  • So basically, the rank command is going to be able to delete be ability, create that type of thing.

  • That's all we're going to do here is I'm going to do I for in search.

  • I'm simply going to get rid of that little hashtag the pound sign.

  • And now we can see that the Texas and White So that means this is now usable.

  • I will then escape.

  • I will then do colon.

  • So again, if we go down here, we see the colon.

  • We're going to dio w Q right.

  • Que eso?

  • This is saving.

  • Quit essentially and then we're going to hit.

  • Enter on now it's as we can see here it has been rich, clear the screen.

  • So it's easier to see now what we have to do, right?

  • So we've modified a configuration file Now, Now, dear Nubes, what do you have to do whenever you modify a configuration file for a service on a server?

  • Well, you have to do is you have to re start that service, right?

  • So basically have to stop the service and then start the service again.

  • What that does is it pulls all the new configurations into the service so that those configurations are actually live again.

  • One a big problem a lot of new people have is they make all kinds of fancy modifications to configuration file.

  • They forget to restart the service, and then the service doesn't.

  • Doesn't actually have those configurations loaded.

  • And then they get frustrated because they don't know why the system isn't working.

  • How it supposed to s o what?

  • This again, we're gonna do Sudo sys system.

  • C t l bree start v S f t p d.

  • So again, it's a pretty simple.

  • We're using that A system C t l command.

  • We're restarting the V S f d p d service we hit.

  • Enter on.

  • There you go.

  • Not much more to see s o that we're going to come back again.

  • We're and final Zilla were still long in his bob under 123456 I look at this new folder like this, new folders gotta go.

  • And so now I can delete the new four.

  • And now let's go s s a folder to we don't need a second Sssh border.

  • We can delete that folder.

  • Yes, or I can go here.

  • I can't create a directory, uh, FTP folder.

  • Okay.

  • And we can create an FTP folder and they go into the FTP folder.

  • And I don't know, I can up upload this particular sketch.

  • And now that untitled sketch dot FCC is now up on the server.

  • I go here in l s hyphen.

  • L take the list s so we can see the FTP folder.

  • I change directory to F T.

  • P folder.

  • Enter less space hyphen l.

  • And now we can see the untitled skin.

  • It's not f is easy, so this allows me to both be able to download files using FTP from the server.

  • And it also allows me to upload files to the server again.

  • This is going to be very important.

  • You're trying to set up WordPress sites or any other kind of sight like that.

  • You got a lot of files.

  • You've got a lot of data to be able to upload to a server.

  • Being able to use FTP really is a great thing.

  • And then the other thing, too from a security standpoint, then you can actually stop the FTP service.

  • So you can use FTP to be able to upload the finals while you need to do that and then you can stop the FTP service.

  • Or you can simply uninstall V S f d p d.

  • If you don't want to worry about, that is a security concern on So that's something to be thinking about again, especially when you're going to be administering remote machines.

  • Something that you really have to think about is how the hell are you going to get the files onto the darn machine?

  • And this using FTP is an easy way of doing that.

  • So now you know how Thio set up F T P on your Lennox server.

  • You know how to connect to that ftp a Lennox server using an FTV client on and you can upload, download, delete files and do all of the things that you need to d'oh.

  • So there's a very basic task in the Lenox world and again As you can see, it's relatively simple.

  • The big things that come into play with this, though, is you are starting to see where Juan Sample Task relies on you understanding a whole bunch of other relatively simple tests, right?

  • You need to be able to understand the basics of networking.

  • You under need to understand why a particular pork needs to be open or accessible.

  • So with F.

  • D.

  • P, you're going to need port 21 accessible again.

  • If you're using vocalizations on the virtual box or something else, you're going to have to change your networking adapter to Bridget Adapter or something that allows the host machine to be able to communicate with the virtual machine.

  • Thes the types of things that you're gonna have to know again, understand the password file so the user account that you have when you log in using FTP, it's going to drop you into the default wherever your home directory is.

  • So if you want to modify that home directory, you need to be able to be about going to that password file.

  • Actually, modify that home directory and you do things a sub caste think.

  • Do you really want particular users to be able to get into certain places using FTP and then once you have FDP.

  • And this is one of those things you need to start thinking about permission.

  • So we talked about permission before, you know.

  • 777750 Whatever else again the owner.

  • The permission for the owner of the file folder, the permission for the group owner for the vial or fold her and the permission for everyone else.

  • This is where that really starts coming into play.

  • Because now you have people being able to access your your machine from the outside world.

  • And if you screw up those, Oh, if you screw up those those security permissions that can cause you some really big problems So now you're really starting to see how all of these different components come together and you can start to see where our vulnerabilities and particular systems can come into play.

  • And you need to start thinking about how you can try to mitigate those things again.

  • Something like a server.

  • If you completely control a server, you know, really think about it.

  • Do you want ftp literally on all the time you can literally.

  • I mean, you see how easy it is installed at V S, f d p d.

  • You get pseudo app hyphen, get installed B S f d p d.

  • And then once you're done pseudo, you know AP hyphen get purged.

  • Be sftp.

  • Basically, you could get rid of it, so it allows you to interact with the machine until you're done, and then you get rid of the S f d p D.

  • And then you get rid of that particular threat.

  • The These are the types of things you need to start thinking about the technology professional, and that's where this kind of stuff gets complicated.

  • People think it's the configuration files that are complicated, basically being able to do the settings.

  • That's not what's complicated As a technology professional.

  • What's complicated technology professional is knowing when you should leave.

  • Service is installed when you should leave.

  • Service is running when you should disable or uninstalled.

  • Service is thinking about permission structures.

  • This this that's that's where your brain and starts to come out your years.

  • So that's something to be thinking about again.

  • If you're dealing with FTP, there are a lot of different FTP options out there again In the Lenox world, there are a whole bunch of different FTP servers, depending on what you're trying to dio again B S f d p d.

  • It's kind of like a standard for the month, the world.

  • So I'm taking to the standard.

  • I am teaching the standard said that you get the point and then you can go off and play with whatever the hell you want again as faras a client's our concern file Zilla is a standard.

  • I've been using it for like a decade now.

  • I really haven't had any major problems with it ever used in production environments, but has been absolutely fine.

  • But again, with FTP there, there are other options out there, I think.

  • No pad plus plus.

  • So if you do like basic like PHP coding with something like no pad plus plus no pad plus plus, actually has an FTP client built into it so you can write your code and suddenly be able to upload your code directly from no pad plus plus again for using any kind of programming environments.

  • They most likely have.

  • An FTP client already built in Web browsers, already have an FTP client Bill Ted.

  • So there's a whole bunch of ways to be able to connect with an FTP server beyond just the piece of software called Final Zilla.

  • And so again dependent on your particular workflow what you're actually trying to accomplish you made you made.

  • He was a different FTP client again, you're trying to upload a lot of files.

  • So you're trying to upload all the files for WordPress site using like something like files ill.

  • It makes a lot of sense.

  • Another hand.

  • If you're simply writing some basic PHP code and the new video, upload individual scripts to your FTP server, then again using what's built into note pad plus plus or whatever else it is that you're using.

  • That may be a better way to go.

  • So these are some of things you need to be thinking about when you're dealing with FTP.

please go to the line the computer guy dot com, in order to view schematics, code and Maur for the projects that you are learning about, welcome back.


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Linux - FTPサーバのセットアップ (vsftpd) (Linux - FTP Server Setup (vsftpd))

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日