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  • Hey, we're the tri guys today.

  • We're going to surprise and then take over for social media.

  • She has no idea.

  • Let's get started.

  • The theme of the most wonderful face.

  • But you didn't see it.

  • Only we got to wait for you in this phone.

  • You gotta pop, socket.

  • You follow the tri guys I loathe.

  • Just make sure she follows each of us individually.

  • What?

  • You did it.

  • You got a corn, Didi.

  • She said she was a tri.

  • Guys follow me and then it'll be up to her.

  • She wants Go ahead.

  • And like all of these Zach photo Exactly.

  • I'm doing what's important.

  • Let's let's add to her story show way.

  • Uh, Fernanda and well goes to our phone.

  • Uh, Fernanda does not follow.

  • Keith.

  • Eugene, Ornette.

  • Now follow Zack.

  • It does follow the tri guys.

  • So mostly all of it.

  • Let's look at Fernandez Profile Nanda, New York City Actor Writer, Traveler Be brave, Be kind and love, you know Rainbow flag.

  • Hey, Nando, Your water is a lot of ST Louis.

  • Why are there so many water photos of you by a beach?

  • I did live in Florida.

  • Where in Florida peoples like a small little sound I grew up in Jacksonville Way is a very seriously you have to watch about your about very stylish way.

  • Can't hear it because it's being screen capture.

  • Just have to fill in the words on around.

  • So I love the water.

  • I've been in my life like I don't know, I don't even know.

  • Okay, But you are.

  • This is a door.

  • It's just like a really get to know you.

  • You edit this?

  • Yeah, You're editing skills you want.

  • Take a photo and we can post it.

  • Yeah, you come out here.

  • Come on, let's get this Selfie going.

  • Go.

  • Normal way.

  • Have a gift.

  • Right.

  • So I know.

  • Uh, my turn man.

  • Harry, you know what I notice is that you have a really beautiful rainbow, colorful instagram feed.

  • You ready to post the widest photo you've ever had you in those guys?

  • All right, now look now, look.

  • Really alright?

  • Perfect.

  • I like Oh, Fernanda Space One from natural sunshiny to suddenly turn into Karen from HR.

  • She was like, Okay, we're gonna post this photo.

  • Beautiful.

  • It's Ah, minute.

  • I'm gonna caption It's surrounded.

  • Bye.

  • Whiteness!

  • You wrote shut.

  • But it did understand in you from the photo.

  • I would of course, tell you to tag the other three guys.

  • But you don't follow them.

  • I guess I'll just tag here.

  • All right, Let's open up her text.

  • Any bitty, itty bitty I wanna see you.

  • That is Wow.

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, my God.

  • I opened up my messages and I scared myself on I'm gonna say I have a new net moment.

  • Teoh.

  • Who is it?

  • The video doesn't know us.

  • She does.

  • Can we call anybody?

  • Yeah, sure.

  • Hey, try, guys.

  • Do you follow us individually on Instagram?

  • Because your sister doesn't.

  • Why don't Aren't you interested in our rich person?

  • Here?

  • Nice to meet you.

  • Who's your favorite?

  • Who's your favorite try guy?

  • Oh, I heard Ned.

  • All right, who wants to do to win?

  • Of course, Little tender.

  • Because I never got to tender more pictures.

  • Say anything in the description.

  • You know, I love team and draw and play with my friends.

  • Doing very serious research to find the best chicken wings.

  • Yes, Yeah, yeah.

  • Keeper Vegans.

  • Yeah, Your name Britney describes her as a lipstick lesbian.

  • Get yourself a summerhouse.

  • Nose rings, no drinks.

  • You name names I her controlling herself?

  • Media are weakened.

  • Like Like Like Like like No, no, This is about love.

  • You don't take this lightly, okay?

  • This is serious.

  • She's gonna actually connect with somebody here.

  • This girl's in for 24.

  • 20 friendly.

  • Yeah, we are exhibitionist style, you know?

  • What are they telling you?

  • Gotta tell a personality gonna call again?

  • Hello?

  • This is Fernanda.

  • No.

  • Here.

  • So yeah.

  • Why?

  • Just open this door.

  • Oh, no.

  • Not a tender as well.

  • I don't want to make too many choices for your life.

  • Find our new book.

  • Good, natural man.

  • Looks like you do not use the books.

  • App search.

  • Let's just see if they have n powder.

  • Yeah, okay.

  • I guess we should go ahead.

  • But in your want to read section, I'm going to make you buy it.

  • That's your decision.

  • He won't see.

  • Then I'll make you buy.

  • I I have a good idea.

  • So we're going to snap shot.

  • I couldn't find a date on tinder.

  • We'll see which one you like the most.

  • Out of the four of us.

  • Eladio way got Zach.

  • Isn't this really Cyrus?

  • I'm not as cute.

  • Is a lady like Karen Ned, It's gonna get down.

  • Nice.

  • Well, you look well.

  • Exactly.

  • Pretty good.

  • Yes.

  • You know, while Eugene is hot.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • So, Fernando, you review the four photos and let us know who you would date.

  • We've got option one would hit smasher pass.

  • We hitting it?

  • Are we quitting?

  • Eyes?

  • A little.

  • A little bit of chest hair poking out or what?

  • Just move on.

  • Smash smashed.

  • Awesome.

  • Right now.

  • More recent smashed alert.

  • A little.

  • Just looking to hurt.

  • Looks like a good friend on Finally.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Way Goddess Nash to She didn't say fast.

  • You don't go back to your seat looking our photos like these pictures.

  • Thank you.

  • Hand job.

  • You're looking for him A hand model for commercial.

  • I think you're gonna get about.

  • Like I just add some tea.

  • Oh, wait.

  • Post a picture.

  • Something?

  • Yeah, both hands.

  • A Your dad would like that post.

  • Yeah, it's a winner.

  • I hope I impress your dad Is your new protective.

  • See if he's following us.

  • Yeah, I wait.

  • Well, that was pretty fun.

  • I enjoyed playing with Fernandez phone stuff.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • Thanks for a lot of spunk up your phone.

  • Thank you guys get into some legit dragon take you on a date?

  • Yes, Listening to a lot of J.

  • Cole.

Hey, we're the tri guys today.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

トライ・ガイズは見知らぬ人の電話をハイジャックする|グラマー (The Try Guys Hijack a Stranger's Phone | Glamour)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日