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  • - [Instructor] We're told, this is the graph

  • of y is equal to 3/2 to the x.

  • And that's it right over there.

  • Use the graph to find an approximate solution

  • to 3/2 to the x is equal to five.

  • So pause this video and try to do this on your own

  • before we work on this together.

  • All right, now let's work on this.

  • So they already give us a hint of how to solve it.

  • They have the graph of y is equal to 3/2 to the x.

  • They graph it right over here.

  • And this gives us a hint, and especially because it's,

  • they want us to find an approximate solution,

  • that maybe we can solve this equation

  • or approximate a solution to this equation through graphing.

  • And the way we could do that is we could take

  • each side of this equation and set them up as a function.

  • We could set y equals to each side of it.

  • So if we set y equals to the left-hand side,

  • we get y is equal to 3/2 to the x power,

  • which is what they originally give us,

  • the graph of that.

  • And if we set y equal to the right-hand side,

  • we get y is equal to five.

  • And we can graph that.

  • And what's interesting here is if we can find

  • the x-value that gives us the same y-value

  • on both of these equations,

  • well that means that those graphs are going to intersect.

  • And if I'm getting the same y-value for that x-value

  • in both of these, well then that means

  • that 3/2 to the x

  • is going to be equal to five.

  • And so we could look at where they intersect

  • and get an approximate sense of what x-value that is.

  • And we can see it, at least over here,

  • it looks like x is roughly equal to four.

  • So x is approximately equal to four.

  • And if we wanted to, and we'd be done at that point.

  • If you wanted to, you could try to test it out.

  • You could say, "Hey does that actually work out?

  • "3/2 to the fourth power, is that equal to five?"

  • Let's see, three to the fourth is 81.

  • Two to the fourth is 16.

  • It gets us, it gets us pretty close to five.

  • 16 times five is 80.

  • So it's not exact, but it gets us pretty close.

  • And if you had a graphing calculator

  • that could really zoom in and zoom in and zoom in,

  • you would get a value, you would see that x is

  • slightly different than x equals four.

  • But let's do another example.

  • The key here is that we can approximate solutions

  • to equations through graphing.

  • So here we are told, this is the graph

  • of y is equal to, so we have this third-degree polynomial

  • right over here.

  • Use the graph to answer the following questions.

  • How many solutions does the equation

  • x to the third minus two x squared minus x plus one

  • equals negative one have?

  • Pause this video and try to think about that.

  • Well when we think about solutions to this,

  • we could say, all right, well let's imagine two functions,

  • one is y is equal to x to the third minus two x squared

  • minus x plus one, which we already have graphed here.

  • And let's say that the other equation

  • or the other function is y is equal to negative one.

  • And then how many times do these intersect?

  • That would tell us how many solutions we have.

  • So that is y is equal to negative one.

  • And so every time they intersect,

  • that means we have a solution to our original equation.

  • And they intersect one, two, and three times.

  • So this has three solutions.

  • What about the second situation?

  • How many solutions does the equation all of this business

  • equal two have?

  • Well same drill, we could set y equals to

  • x to the third minus two x squared minus x plus one.

  • And then we could think about another function,

  • what if y is equal to two?

  • Well y equals two would be up over there,

  • y equals two.

  • And we could see it only intersects y equals

  • all of this business once.

  • So this is only going to have one solution.

  • So the key here, and I'll just write it out,

  • and these are screenshots from the exercise

  • on Khan Academy where you'd have to type in one,

  • or in the previous example, you would type in four.

  • But these are examples where you can take an equation

  • of one variable, set both sides of them

  • independently equal to y, graph them,

  • and then think about where they intersect.

  • Because the x-values where they intersect

  • will be solutions to your original equation.

  • And a graph is a useful way of approximating

  • what a solution will be, especially if you have

  • a graphing calculator or Desmos or something like that.

- [Instructor] We're told, this is the graph


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

グラフで方程式を解く:イントロ|代数2|カーンアカデミー (Solving equations by graphing: intro | Algebra 2 | Khan Academy)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日