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  • meeting new people.

  • I love meeting new people too.

  • In a new city.

  • Probably at the bar.

  • Are probably just waiting for the bus.

  • Well, you love to have conversations with people that you don't know.

  • But then there are certain things that you really need to avoid talking about when you are having a conversation with a stranger, which are these worst things that you need to a white.

  • Well, I do have a session for you on skill.

  • A pita.

  • So asking personal questions like, How old are you?

  • How much money do you wake?

  • Are you look awful today?

  • Well, these are, like huge mistakes that you make when you start a conversation with someone.

  • So you gotta be careful, and I'm here for you.

  • We'll do watch our complete video, which will tell you about the 1st 5 mistakes that you make while starting a conversation with a stranger.

  • So what's the full video on skill?

  • Apia.

  • That means to learn skills for the real world.

meeting new people.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

最悪の5つの間違い - 知らない人と会話を始める。| 自己啓発・コミュニケーション能力の向上 (5 Worst Mistakes - Starting a conversation with strangers. | Self-Improvement & Communication skills)

  • 8 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日