I feellikethisdoesn't reallygive a fairrepresentationofwhatWintherinGothenburgislike, becauseweusuallynevergetthismuchsnow.
Andit's beenreallycoldnowforalmost a monthhavingsothisisnotactuallywhatmarchinGothamareusuallylookslike, but I kindoflikeit.
This, uh, a littlelike, manmadewallupthere.
ItlookslikeLet's checkitout.
Oh, it's somuchharderwalkingandsnow.
So I justfoundthosetracksand, uh, I thinkthatmustbelike, um, wildboar.
I kindofwanttoseewhatwheretheyleadbecausethere's noothertrusthere.
Actually, they'reprobablylonggone, and I thinkthisplacelooksprettygood.
Toemake a fire.
Stilllikefollowingthetracks, though.
Sowhen I gooutlikethis, I prettymuchalwaysmake a fireortrytomake a fire.
And, um, I figured I mightshowyouhowhow I goaboutmaking a fireSowhat I trytodois I trytocollectsomeofthislikebirchbark, andyouneed a bitofit, butthis I thinkitcontainssomesortofoil.
Um, thatlight's reallyeasily.
Usuallyyoucanlikethiswith, evenjustlike a spark, butthisislike, thisisnotenough.
So I'm goingtotrytofind a bettertree.
Okay, sothisis a birchtreeandoneofthethingsthatyoucando, it's justcut a littlesliceout.
I don't likedoingthis, but I'm I'veheardthatifyoudon't cutthroughtheinnerbarkthanitdoesn't harmthetree, it's it'llgrowback.
Sothisiswhatwe'releftwith, and, um, thisIt's prettysmall, but I thinkthiswhole I thinkit'llwork.
Sonowwe'llcleanthisplaceup, makeroomforah, fire, and I'llgiveyou a little a littlehousetour.
Um, Sowhat I justdidwas I wentandcut a fewahbranchesoff.
It's BruceStreetand I putthemdownhere.
That's like, Well, forinsulationsothatwhen I sitthere, I willsitstraightonthegroundand I won't getwet.
Trytomakeitlookthewaythatitlookedwhen I firstgottotheplace.
Soif I make a fireorsomething, I triedtoeleaveittheway I foundit, sothatbecause I really I hatewhen I gettosomeplace, youknow, I wanttomake a fireorsomethinginyouseethetraceof, like, charcoaleverywhere.
Itsoundslikeit's raining, but I thinkit's justthesnowmeltingfromthetrees.