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Hi there. My name is Emma. Today, we have a very exciting lesson for you, a very exciting
grammar lesson. I know some of you are probably thinking, "Can grammar really be that exciting?"
文法のレッスン。私はあなたの一部がおそらく考えていることを知っている、"Can grammar really be that exciting?
I think yes, yes, it can. We're going to be looking at the difference between "among",
私は、はい、はい、それができると思います。We're going to be looking at the difference between " among".
"amongst", and "between".
What we're going to do is, first, we're going to look at how teachers often tell you what
the difference is. I'm going to call this the simple difference between "among" and
の違いです。I'm going to call this simple difference between " among" and
"between". Then we're going to look at when this simple difference rule doesn't work.
We're going to look at the rule, and then we're going to look at when the rule doesn't
work. Let's get started.
A lot of teachers, and you may have heard this before, they often say that we use "between"
A lot of teachers, and you have heard this before, they often say that we use " between".
when we're talking about two of something; maybe two people, two items, two animals,
two objects. We use "among" when we're talking about three or more items. Again, it can be
2つのオブジェクトを使用します。we use " among" when we're talking about three or more items.繰り返しになりますが、次のようなことができます。
people, objects. This is what a lot of teachers say. In general, this rule does work, but
again, there are many exceptions to this rule, which I will talk about in the second part
of this video.
Let's look at the first sentence, which is an example. "The bill was split between Frank
and Mark." We have two people, so this is okay. "...between Frank and Mark". "The bill
and Mark." We have two people so this is okay. "... between Frank and Mark". "The bill
was split", meaning... when you go to a restaurant, at the end of your dinner they give you a
was split"、意味は...あなたがレストランに行くとき、あなたの夕食の最後に、彼らはあなたを与える。
piece of paper and it might say $40 -- this is how much you have to pay. What Frank and
Mark did is they split the bill "between" them, meaning Frank paid some and Mark paid
マークがやったのは、彼らが請求書を分割したことです" between" them, meaning the Frank paid some and Mark paid
A second example: "Between you and me, I think Jane should tell her mom the truth."
第二の例: "あなたと私の間で、私はジェーンが彼女のお母さんに真実を伝えるべきだと思います。
What does this mean? Again, there are two of us; you and me. Often times we use "between" to
say "let's keep this a secret between us." "Between you and me, I think Jane should tell
と言う " let's keep this a secret between us." " between you and me, I think Jane should tell.
her mom the truth." You may have noticed I underlined "me" in red marker. Some people,
her mom the truth." You may have noticed I underlined "me" in red marker.いくつかの人々。
especially native speakers, think this is "I". They think "Between you and I, I think
特にネイティブスピーカーは、これを"I"だと思っています。彼らが考える"Between you and I, I think
Jane should tell her mom the truth." This is in fact incorrect. Because "between" is
Jane should tell her mom the truth." これは実際には間違っています。なぜなら、"between"は
a preposition, it should be "me" after, but you will hear a lot of people say, "between
you and I". You'll hear it all the time. It's not grammatically correct.
you and I".You'll hear it all the time.それは文法的に正しくありません。
In our third example, we're using "among". "Among the books, I saw an old photo." Books
3つ目の例では、私たち're using " among". " Among books, I saw an old photo." Books
-- there're more than two in this case. It might not be clear, but I'm talking about
-- このケースでは2つ以上あります。わかりにくいかもしれませんが、私が話しているのは
more than two books. Another sentence: "I walked among the trees."
2冊の本よりも。別の文章: "I walked among the trees.".
Now we're going to look at when this rule, two items versus three+ items, does not apply,
when this rule doesn't work.
If you look over here, we have "between", "between", and "between". On this side, we
have "among", "among", and "among". What do you notice about these sentences? Take a second
have " among"、" among"、そして" among"。これらの文章について何に気付きますか?二番目に取る
to read them. "I must choose between U of T, UBC, and McMaster University." Are there
を読むために。 "I must choose between U of T, UBC, and McMaster University." Are there.
two items in that sentence? No, there're three items, and yet, we use "between". Same with
the next one: "There was an agreement between members of the Justin Bieber Fan Club, the
次の一枚: "ジャスティン・ビーバー・ファンクラブのメンバーの間で合意がありました。
Katy Perry Fan Club, and The Black Sabbath Fan Club." Again, we have three items. We
ケイティ・ペリー・ファンクラブ、ザ・ブラック・サバス・ファンクラブ." 今回も3つの項目があります。私たちは
could even add to those; we could say the Marilyn Manson Fan Club, and KISS Nation,
for example.
Here again, "There is a trade agreement between Mexico, Canada, and the United States." I
said before that we use "between" for two, and "among" for three, but you see here, this
isn't the case. My point is, although "between" is often used "between" two things, it's not
always. Sometimes, "between" is used with more than two things. How do we know when
to use "among" and when to use "between" in this case for these exceptions? We use "among"
when we're talking about groups, where the group is general, there aren't specified members,
and it's a mass of people; an undefined group, you could call it. I'm calling it a group noun.
An example: "I must choose among universities in Canada." I'm not talking about specific
例:"I must choose among universities in Canada." I'm not talking about specific.
universities; I'm talking about universities as a whole. Compare this to where we use "between".
大学;私は全体として大学について話しています。これを比較してみると、" between"を使用しています。
We use "between" when we're talking about individual relationships, or one-to-one relationships.
For example, "I must choose between the University of Toronto, the University of British Columbia,
例えば、"I must choose between the University of Toronto, University of British Columbia.
and McMaster University." In this case, we're talking about universities as a whole group;
in this case we're talking about the relationship between me and U of T, me and UBC, and myself
and McMaster University. If you compare these two sentences, I'm hoping it will become a
little bit clearer to you.
Let's look at another example. "There was an agreement among all members." We're not
talking about specific members with specific names; we're talking about members as a whole
group. It's considered a mass noun, a collective group. If we compare this to "There was an
集団のことです。It's considered a mass noun, a collective group.これを"There was an
agreement between members of the Justin Bieber Fan Club, the Katy Perry Fan Club, and the
Black Sabbath Fan Club.", we're now talking about a one-to-one relationship: there was
Black Sabbath Fan Club.", we're now talking about one-to-one relationship: there was.
an agreement between the Justin Bieber Fan Club and the Katy Perry Fan Club; the Justin
Bieber Fan Club and the Black Sabbath Fan Club; the Justin Bieber Fan Club and, if we
had KISS Nation, KISS Nation. There was an agreement between the Katy Perry Fan Club
にはKISSネーション、KISS Nationがありました。ケイティ・ペリー・ファンクラブとの間に協定がありました
and Black Sabbath Fan Club, and so forth. The main thing is we're talking about one-to-one relationships.
Our third example: "Trade agreements exist among countries." We're not talking about
distinct countries, we're not talking about specific countries, we're talking about countries
as a group, as a collective whole; whereas in this case, "There is a trade agreement
between Mexico," -- which is a distinct country -- "Canada," -- again specified individual
メキシコとの間にある," -- これは別個の国である -- "Canada," -- 再び指定された個々の
country - "and the United States." If you compare these sentences, you'll notice, here
国 - "and United States."If you compare these sentences, you'll notice, here
it's looking at a whole, a group as a whole, and when we use "between", it's looking at
one-to-one relationships.
Let's look at some more examples of when we would use "between" versus "among".
Let's look at some more examples of when we would use " between" versus " among".
Okay, I just explained some of the difficult rules, now we're going to look at some of the easier
rules between "between" and "among". One easy rule is when we use the word "difference".
If you have the word "difference" in the sentence, use "between". For example: "There is a difference
文中に"difference"という単語がある場合は、"between"を使います。例: "There is a difference
between the Canadian, the Australian, and the New Zealand accent." Anytime you see difference
- "There is a difference between cats, dogs, and polar bears." Another example: "There
- "猫、犬、およびホッキョクグマ."別の例:"There is difference between cats, dogs, and polar bears." Another example: "There
is a difference between DVDs, Blu-Ray discs, and VHS tapes." Anytime you see "difference",
は、DVD、ブルーレイディスク、およびVHS tapes."の間の違いは、いつでもあなたが見ることができます" difference"。
use "between". Opposite to this, when we use "distribute", use "among". For example: "The
use "between"を使用します。これとは反対に、私たちが"distribute"を使用するときに、使用する"between"。例えば: "distribution"を使うときは、"international"を使います。
tips were distributed among the waitresses." You see the word "distribute", use "among".
Next, let's talk about location. Often, we use "between" and "among" when we're talking
about physical location. When we use "between", we're talking about a specific path or point.
For example, Bolivia -- it's a country in South America - it "lies between Chile, Peru,
例えば、ボリビア - それは南米の国です - それはチリ、ペルーの間にあります。
Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay." I think Paraguay, from what I remember. "Bolivia lies
between Chile, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay." If we drew this on a map... I know
Bolivia doesn't look like a circle, but just pretend for a second. We can have Chile here,
Peru here, Brazil here, Argentina here, and Paraguay here. I know South America looks
nothing like this; this kind of looks like a flower. Just for you to understand the idea,
with "between" you should be able to put an X. It's something specified.
with "bench"では、Xを置くことができるはずです。
Another example; sometimes we talk about when we're walking. "I walked between the trees
and the house." This is a path; it's a defined path. Compare this to "among". When we use
and the house." This is a path; it's a defined path.これを" among"と比較してみてください。を使うときに
"among", there is no defined path. If I had a picture like this with a whole bunch of
" among"では、定義されたパスはありません。の全体の束でこのような画像を持っていたとします。
trees I could say, "I am among the trees." -- meaning you can't really put an X where
I am. Here, you can put an X; it's a defined path. You know where I am. When I'm talking
私はそうです。ここにxをつけます; これは定義されたパスです。私がどこにいるか知っていますね。私が話しているとき
about "among the trees", it's not specific.
about " among trees", it's not specific.
Now let's learn about the word "amongst", and then we will do a quiz together.
At the top of the board, I have the word "amongst", and I have the example, "Talk amongst yourselves."
ボードの一番上には、"between"という言葉があり、例としては、"Talk among yourselves.".
I hear this fairly often; teachers use it a lot in Canada. In the United States, people
don't usually like to use "amongst"; they find that old-fashioned and archaic, meaning
don't usually like to use " among" they find that old-fashioned and archaic, meaning
they don't really use it that often. In the United States, you would probably use "among";
you wouldn't use "amongst". In Canada, sometimes, and in Britain, you'll hear people sometimes
you wouldn't use "infriendly".カナダでは、時々、そしてイギリスでは、あなたは、人々を時々聞くでしょう
say "amongst". This is a difference between American English and British English, and
say "intermediate"と言います。これは、アメリカ英語とイギリス英語の違いであり
it's often used just like "among".
it's often used just like " among".
Let's look at two different meanings of "among". The first one I have is: "among" can also
Let's look at two different meaning of " among"を見てみましょう。最初のものは、私が持っている: " among"はまた、次のようなことができます。
mean "included in". What do I mean by this? I have an example sentence; "Among those in
に含まれている"を意味します。これはどういう意味でしょうか?私は例文を持っています; " Among those in
the audience was Arnold Schwarzenegger." In this case, I mean included in the audience,
the audience was Arnold Schwarzenegger." in this case, I mean included in audience.
there was Arnold Schwarzenegger. He was in the audience, he was included in the audience.
"Among" can also mean "one of". For example, "Lake Huron is among the largest freshwater
また、" Among"は、"one of"を意味することもできます。例えば、"Lake Huronは最大の淡水
lakes in the world." -- meaning it's one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world;
lakes in the world." -- それは世界最大の淡水湖の一つであることを意味します。
not the largest, but one of the largest. We can also use "among" to mean these two things,
ではなく、最大のものの一つです。また、この2つのことを意味するために" among"を使うこともできます。
and you'll see this is very common.
Now let's do three test questions together. Number one: "There is a difference ________
では、3つのテスト問題を一緒にやってみましょう。その1: "違いがあります_______。
then or than." Do you think it's "among" or "between"? "There is a difference ________
それから or than." Do you think it it's "internaw" or "internaw"?
then or than." One thing I would notice first of all, the word "difference", that's a hint.
then or than." One thing I would notice first of all, the word " difference", that's a hint.
Secondly, we only have two items, so that's another hint. If you said...
"between", you're correct. "There is a difference between then and than."
"between", you're correct. "There is difference between then and than.".
Sentence number two: "We have a traitor ________ us." In this case, what do you think it is?
センテンス番号2: "We have a traitor ________ us." In this case, what do you think it is?
If you said "among", you're correct. We're looking at "us" as a whole group, not distinct individuals.
Number three; so either "among" or "between". "________ cooking, studying, and working,
数3;なので、" among"または" between"のどちらかです。
I have no time to play video games." Do you think it's "between" or "among"?
I have no time to play video games." Do you think it's " between" or " among"?
Okay, so I know there are three objects, but are they a group, or are they individual? They're individual.
"Between cooking, studying, and working, I have no time to play video games."
I invite you to come practice the difference between "among" and "between" at our website,
at www.engvid.com . We have a quiz there, so you can double-check to make sure you get
www.engvid.com で。私たちはそこにクイズを持っているので、あなたが得ることを確認するためにダブルチェックすることができます。
the meaning. Until next time, take care.
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