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  • Hey! Hey there! I'm Jake and get ready to App All Knight.

  • Remember to always be nice to your Elder Scrolls: Legends, a collectible card game in which

  • you and your opponent battle in turn-based matches.

  • The cards feature creatures from the Elder Scrolls series.

  • After you pick an avatar it's ready to play.

  • When it's your turn draw a card and gain one magicka which is needed to play that card.

  • You can choose to attack a card in your own lane or just the opponent directly.

  • The number on the left is the amount of damage that card will deal in combat while the number

  • on the right represents how much damage it can take before it's destroyed.

  • There are four types of cards; Support, Actions, Creatures, and Items which enhance creatures.

  • Each player starts with a deck of 50 to 70 cards and once you reduce your opponent's

  • health to zero you win.

  • Which makes you a star...a

  • Hades' Star.

  • A strategy game where the goal is to colonize planets, collect valuable minerals,

  • build space stations, grow your economy, and solidify your presence in dangerous star systems.

  • First let's choose a planet to colonize. Oh this one looks nice!

  • Now it's time to select a ship and a shipment.

  • Delivering shipments earns you crucial resources to increase infrastructure and travel further

  • into the star system.

  • Keep in mind that once your ship is in motion you cannot change its course and will have

  • to wait until it reaches the destination.

  • When you make a delivery you'll have the ability to upgrade planets which includes

  • constructing.

  • For example you can build shipyards which allow construction of ships and increases

  • your Empire's total fleet capacity.

  • In order to carry out certain operations you'll need enough hydrogen and will lose some when

  • you do so but it's all in order to get more credits which help you with the rest of your

  • goals.

  • In other words this game really is all about strategy but you can do it because you ARE

  • I STAR.

  • No, that wasn't bad grammar, that was the spelling of

  • Ristar, a platformer game which is unique in that the focus is less on jumping and speed

  • and more on using Ristar's unnaturally stretchy arms.

  • Use these arrows to navigate and A to jump.

  • But if you're ready to face your foes instead of avoiding them grab on and head butt for

  • points. Head butting. Yay!

  • To use his arms you have to click the direction you want to reach and B to grab.

  • Enemies aren't the only things you can use this capability for.

  • You can also use it to climb ladders or swing across bars.

  • You can even use this ability to travel via dandelion seed.

  • If you don't act fast in cases like this where you get trapped in small spaces with

  • enemies, you will lose health quickly and die.

  • Oh and this here can help you get to where you need to go if you let go at the right

  • time...but since I didn't let's try this again.

  • And again.

  • And I'm getting a lotta momentum here and okay I crashed into a wall but it

  • still got me closer to where I need to be so I'll take it. RISTAR!!!

  • As simple as this game can be the controls can make it more complicated if you don't

  • use them exactly as you should.

  • But you can achieve anything if you just keep your mind Opin...out!

  • Which is a version of pinball that I terribly mispronounced.

  • Pinball? Been there done that.

  • WRONG!!!!!!!!!!

  • Pinout has many unique features and the most notable one being that it is a race against

  • the clock.

  • Unlike the original arcade game where you just have to keep it from slipping between

  • the two flippers, this has different challenges.

  • Once you get past the first level, letting this happen actually doesn't end the game.

  • However, since the goal is to get to the checkpoint before time running out, it doesn't help

  • at all to go backwards because you'll just waste time.

  • When you launch it through these lit up circles, you'll be earning seconds which may not

  • sound like a lot but you'll see that it is when you start playing for yourself.

  • As you go challenges will arise like getting it past this barrier before the gates close.

  • Sometimes games within the game will open up.

  • Just flip to play and totally crush it at...oh...okay so I lost the game within the game but I still

  • have a chance at the other game. The main game...anyways

  • Now that I've said game too many times let's move on to

  • Rogue Wizards.

  • This dungeon-crawling game has you navigating a map by either sliding or just tapping on

  • a square you'd like to move to.

  • You'll notice that it looks like the level is being created as you go but it doesn't

  • actually change each time you come back to an area.

  • The layout matches this map which can be helpful to you when trying to get to the door.

  • If you see a barrel, tap on it to see what it contains.

  • Later levels will have the option to equip yourself with things like potions and swords.

  • When you encounter skeletons use your sword to defeat them which can give you rewards

  • like coins. Woo! Money.

  • You may also come across scrolls to open that give you incredibly vague advice like this.

  • There will also be other characters later on that have apparently been waiting for you

  • a long time and are now on your side to help you defeat more enemies.

  • Links to all the apps can be found in the description below.

  • And if you want a playlist of App All Knight good news! There's a playlist right here full of apps. Things to do on your phone to make you have fun

  • if you're on the subway or on a bus or at home

  • Or hey if you're in line at a favorite restaurant that maybe serves tacos

  • Hashtag not an ad. I just really like Taco Bell.

  • What are we talking about? Tacos and apps. Yes. Links to those are below.

  • Not tacos, just apps. And as always, thanks for watching.

Hey! Hey there! I'm Jake and get ready to App All Knight.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

スマホでエルダー・スクロール!-- アプリオールナイト (Elder Scrolls On Your Phone! -- App All Knight)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日