字幕表 動画を再生する
Hey, Vsauce. Michael here, and I just got back from
VidCon. The entire convention was incredible, but the whole time I was
I thought a lot about video. We all watch video
and many of us work with video, but what is it? I mean, what really
is video? Well, guess what, today we're gonna take a look.
To begin I think we should start all the way down at the bottom
with language. What does the word record mean?
The story behind the word 'record' is actually quite cool and makes me a little
The word 'record' comes from the Latin, where "re" means
again and "cor" means the heart or the soul.
So when you record something you are literally bringing it back
into your heart, bringing it back into your soul, remembering it.
Now, that sounds really nice and pretty, but it actually had more to do with the
fact that
ancient people thought that the heart was we were stored memories, not the brain.
The reason a sequence of still images can appear to be moving
is an effect known as "beta movement." If images move fast enough
our brain can't comprehend them as separate images and the illusion of
is created. Now, for a very long time we recorded
moving images on photographic film, but later on
a new way of capturing moving images came about and it was called
"video." Video comes from the Latin for "I see"
and rather than preserving a moving image chemically on celluloid
photographic film stock, video is an electronic
representation of the moving image. Now in the real world stuff just
happens. The things just continuously happen. But in the world of a camera,
whether it's film
or video camera, it's almost always in the form of frame rates.
Pictures of the world taken at a certain speed that are then quickly gone
producing, through beta movement, the illusion of movement.
When a camera records at a lower frame rate, playback often looks
jittery and skips like this. More frames per second means that more information
is taken every second
leading to more fluidity. But that leads to a whole can of worms,
which is a great transition to a conversation I had with Dylan from
HouseholdHacker at VidCon.
Roll the tape.
Hey, Vsauce. Michael here, and I am in the bathroom at VidCon and I've got a special guest. Right outside
it's Dylan from HouseholdHacker. Hey, what's going on everyone?
You know, I got a good question for you based on frame rates and what not. What would you
the human eye sees as a frame rate? Very good question. What frame rate do we see the world in with our
eyeballs? I mean,
how fast does information travel from our eye to our brain?
It obviously can't be too low, because fast objects don't look like they're
they look pretty fluid. Well, it's a little bit of a trick question because our eyes
are not cameras. Instead, they track onto objects
and receive a continuous flow of photons onto the retina
sending information via a chemical reaction
to the brain. Now, here's what we do now. The visual cortex in our brain
usually holds that information from our retina for about a fifteenth
of a second. So if an animation moves fifteen frames a second
or faster, it's gonna look nice and fluid. But
if it's lower than fifteen frames a second, our brain's not fooled by the beta
and it'll look like it's skipping. So, basically, the faster the frame rate, the better
everything's gonna look in the end. Here's the thing. If frame rates get higher and higher,
you wind up with an image that can actually cause headaches when people
watch it on the screen.
Uhm... Here, I'll explain why. Hold this camera for a second.
Oh yeah, no problem. So back to the point
about our eyes tracking onto objects. If I do this -
move my hand in front of my face and track it with my eyes -
I can see my hand, it makes sense. But at a certain point my hand will move so fast
that it's just a blur and the reason it's a blur is because my eye
can only track so fast. And when objects move faster than our eyeballs can track, your brain
adds in
motion blur. That way we get a sense of movement happening,
but we don't see something like a hand randomly
appearing all over the place. But this becomes a problem with new
high-definition programs on
big televisions, because some of those programs are brought to your TV
at frame rates as high as a 1000 frames a second.
And objects, like a tennis ball, that normally travels so fast
our eyes can't track them and they look blurry don't look blurry,
because the camera is able to see them clearly. And when you watch that program
on TV
you can actually get a headache or get dizzy, so they're having to find ways to
add blur
back into HD pictures. Pretty neat, right?
That's great information. How did you learn this? That's what I'm here for, man.
Thank you. See you. See you.
You know, the bathroom. You know. I heard you coming out. Did you wash your hands?
Uhm, yeah.
So there you go. Some cool facts about video that I learned while I was flying
and from VidCon from New York to LA. It was a long flight, but I learned a lot
and I wanna end with some numbers about YouTube specifically.
YouTube host videos from all over the world. Massive,
massive amounts. In fact, every minute of the day
people are uploading video to YouTube. And if you were to take all the video
uploaded to YouTube at any given minute, all together it would equal
48 hours. That's right. Two full days of video
are uploaded to YouTube every single minute. You guys are part of something
gigantic. All right, now later this week I'll have a new episode of IMG.
And soon enough we'll have episodes of DONG, LÜt, it's gonna be super cool, so be
sure you're subscribed so you don't miss anything.
And as always,
thanks for watching.
They're not, they're not the same person.