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  • Oh hello there, didn't see you. I was busy reading the ingredients of my chapstick. Hi

  • I'm Jake and you are beautiful and this is the DONG channel. What's that? You're

  • not subscribed yet? The tears, they're just not coming. But you did, which

  • is a DONG something that you can do online now guys.

  • Quickdraw is a website where you are given something to draw for a neural network to

  • recognize. Let me give it a try. A bat. Alright let me just make a little circle here, zig

  • zag here, shading here and MWAH. You guessed it! Good work neural network thing. This is

  • easy. Now let me draw my own creation.

  • What do you think? Oh well beauty is in the eye of the beholder but if you want even more

  • people to behold beauty in your artwork, is for you. On the left are 8 lessons from

  • anIntroductiontoCreating Art in Color”. And within each lesson are even

  • more lessons. Some of them require you to make a free account but you'll still have

  • access to lots of ones that don't require signing up at all. Wow. Hmm...okay here, protecting

  • your hand and wrist. “Remember to keep your hand tilted slightly back to keep the carpal

  • tunnel open.” Oh my gosh it works! Totally mine. My name is Jake-onardo da Vinci.

  • And now I'm going to daVINCE you to turn off your TV

  • with which provides us with alternative options to binging on shows which

  • is fun every now and then but sometimes you just need to feed your noggin with informational

  • videos likeWhy Can't You Digest Grass?” Seriously, why, why can't you? Why? Nobody

  • knows! But ya know what does know? This video, “Why Can't You Digest Grass?” It all

  • makes sense now. Thank you website! And to change content click “I want to watch something

  • else here”. And if you want to do something else go to this site.

  • It allows you to change the rules of evolution. Your universe is one of of cubic

  • cells, each with six neighbors: left, right, front, back, above, and below. Begin by deciding

  • the arrangement, size, and number of cells you wish to have alive. Then decide by what

  • rules they should be born and die. Here, I've set it so that at each step along the way,

  • a living cell survives if it isn't too lonely or crowded, so only those with 2-3 living

  • neighbors. Empty cells with exactly 2 living neighbors will be born and a cube will appear.

  • As we move forward in time to the next step, the crowded middle cell will die as will the

  • lonely top and bottom ones. but pockets with two neighboring cubes will come to life. See!

  • See! Do you see? Do you see what I have done? I can press play to watch it quickly evolve.

  • My parameters resulted in a being that oscillates, never disappearing, but not stable. Now let's

  • evlove from cubes to movies

  • on propstore where you can test your show and movie expertise by identifying them with

  • the objects provided. Alright I'll start off with shows. Okay what is this one, let

  • me think. Oh times up. It was Friends. I want friends. Ya know let's try films instead

  • of tv. Jurassic Park. Star Wars. Boom! Boom! Boom! It even has a fact when we're done.

  • A life-size Animatronic Velociraptor from Jurassic Park 2 Sold for $115,000. Holy SHHHHHHHH...word

  • This game was mentioned in the comments below and it's really fun so thank you for that.

  • Use W A and D to walk around and jump. The arrow keys are used to shoot. When you do,

  • you will press the same key used to fire and it will transport you to the dart. When you

  • go through the portal you move on to the next level. And when going through portals you

  • should be careful of

  • A tactical game where the goal is to create the longest possible path across the board.

  • Start by pressing the spacebar. A new hexagon will appear and a portion of the lines across

  • both shapes will turn red. This is the path you want to expand. Now, use the arrows to

  • rotate the new hexagon and determine which segments will join with the red to extend

  • it the furthest. Do this until you either run off the platform or connect with a previous

  • part of the red track. Now let's move from hexagons to circles with cat trap.

  • Click the circles to make them darker. Each time you do the cat moves over a space and

  • this will guide which ones you decide to press because you cannot let him escape. Oh no!!!!

  • Well I guess the cat's out of the bag. No not that cat, the metaphorical cat that is


  • Where you can choose a head, eyes, body, legs, mouth, colors, and arms. You will need to

  • make an account but it only takes a second and this game is super dope. So dope. Single

  • available on itunes right now. And after making your account you can fight. Press the spacebar

  • to throw punches in this epic battle.

  • Links to all the DONGs can be found in the description below and if you need more DONGs there is a handy

  • dandy playlist right here next to my face. You can click it. It looks like a little i.

  • Opens. Playlist. Full of beautiful, wonderful things. And I will see you again soon because

  • we are doing two videos a week on this channel which is madness. It's insane. You know

  • what's insane as well? You're beauty. Drives me wild. Uhhhh alright. That's enough

  • of that. And as always, thanks for watching.

  • You will need to make an account but it only takes a second and this game is super fly!

Oh hello there, didn't see you. I was busy reading the ingredients of my chapstick. Hi


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

アーティストになろう (Become an Artist!)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日