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Hi, my name's Cat.
I've been working in Tech for a couple years now as an engineer, but previously as a product manager.
But, like a lot of people, in my degree isn't in computer science.
It's an anthropology, which is the study of human societies and evolution.
And I really like thinking about systems of people.
And now I also really like thinking about systems and programs.
Um, and I think that I really enjoy that.
A lot of the talks today have are about, like, user empathy and bringing that into our technical process.
And I think understanding people is the key to building a successful products and also to architect ing them the right way.
Eso this talk is about the web norms of the world, and it's It's based on the premise that websites and technology are different around the world.
If you've traveled to another continent on vacation, you may have experienced this.
When you try to buy something, look up, then go to a museum or get train tickets on.
If you're a multinational person, this is definitely no surprise to you.
I'm so I just wanted to hop in and give it a couple examples of how websites might look and feel different in different places.
So this is Rocket 10 which is the top Japanese e commerce site.
Um, it's it's obviously a website, but there are some differences versus Japanese.
Um, there's a lot of navigation options at the top.
There aren't many large drop down menus on.
There's a lot of icons.
Pair of these navigation items and the product images all have a text baked into them.
And if we compare that to a site like Amazon in the U.
S, there are fewer navigation elements.
The product categories are hidden under one big hamburger menu.
There's no text in the product images.
The Texas generally larger, more spread out.
Um, another example.
Train travel is really popular in Europe.
It's super normal to jump on a train to go for a quick vacation.
This is Frances trained portal.
They offer hotel deals, and I've noticed that European transit sites have adopted this like really friendly candy color bubble style in their Web design.
And I think it reflects the like, fun, popular consumer nature of train travel.
So let's compare it to Amtrak in the US It's definitely more serious in style.
There's less focus on destinations.
There are no destinations on their home page.
I think maybe it's a little more consumer.
Sorry, commuter focused.
So I started to wonder why these websites were different.
And I keep coming back to my educational background studying culture.
I always thought that they were clear right and wrong ways to make a website.
But when you put it within an anthropological lens, there isn't right.
It's it's all within the context of each culture.
Um, and I think the question is analogous with asking, Why are people around the world different?
It's, uh, which scientists have been trying to answer for hundreds of years, so I will try to do it in 30 minutes.
I've been told to drink water, so I think that the answer is that technology is a mode of cultural expression, just like language or dancing music.
Food architecture includes people's customs or lifestyles, how they orient themselves to the world.
I think even our technical decisions, the ones we make every day from the programming languages, the frameworks Uh huh, Deb service is to the design and colors.
We choose our all driven by a combination of social factors that are unique to each other's cultures.
So why is this important to talk about?
Why can't people just figure it out for themselves, Right?
Like I'm familiar with the U.
Is culture.
I can build websites and products for people in the U.
There's a bunch of reasons.
The first is that computer and Internet technology is totally not really globalised.
It's globalized, better and faster than any other technology.
And we all rely on the same foundational elements for building software like operating systems, programming languages, open source projects, you'll find react developers in every corner of the world, and global software corporations have already become really huge and multinational.
Just look at Google and Facebook.
Ins on Web service is people across the world use iPhones, Developed Apple in California.
Many people I've android phones that are built in China and Japan and Korea.
Um, and the world is coming more in line.
The digital.
The digital divide refers to the gap between people who have access to the Internet and those who don't is shrinking.
So in 1990 the Internet was not very popular, but over the last couple of decades, it's grown tremendously.
Now there are 3.5 1,000,000,000 people with Internet access, and that's only that's actually slightly under half of the world's population.
Some researchers claim total Internet adoption between 2030 and 2040 and emerging economies are adopting the Internet at exponential rates.
Like India, I'm even countries like Bangladesh and Ghana, which are small compared India.
Justin population have doubled the number of Internet connected users in the past couple of years, and this is bringing the user is an opportunity to these countries to the Internet.
Credit, more demand for developers and service is locally and globally.
It is developers.
We benefit from having more developers and being connected with each other around the world.
We can share code, can learn from each other.
We go to each other's conferences.
Innovations that are made in one part of the world can make a big difference in another part of the world.
And I think that well localized software that really meets the needs of people in each of these areas will ultimately win.
So products that don't make meat user's needs like having offline support choosing but making a smart choice between building a desktop or mobile.
We're not translating will, uh, will cause the proctor not connect with local users on because the because Internet companies are uniquely able to target new customers in global markets.
I think all of us, as developers will need to learn how to internationalize properly.
I mean, think about different cultures around the world, and this includes things like open source software, which already totally globally shared.
I am really like this example.
This is the Twitter chronological timeline example.
Really switch the feed from time ordered to algorithmic.
I think it shows that culture extends to how people want to use technology and how much trust they have in it.
Onda fact that they backtracked, I think, shows that ultimately software will have to bend to human culture and needs no s.
So how can we make more culturally sensitive technology?
I think we can start by understanding, like the different factors that developers can consider when building software.
The 1st 1 is language, so languages the core thing we do every day.
It's how we talk to each other.
It includes coding.
Language affects how we design websites.
It affects whether you can read the technical docks for a new language or framework, you want to try the second our cultural attitudes, which are How much do people trust the Internet?
Are they willing to put their credit cards in to buy something online?
Are they open just trying new things?
Do they have established customs already?
How much do they care about?
Like lots of rules and order, what other lifestyles like and how they integrated the Internet and technology into it?
The next one is government policy, so some countries restrict the Internet, others in force, regulations to preserve privacy and other countries don't protect their Internet freedoms.
And us in the final one is in a infrastructure.
So who is on the Internet in the first place?
Is the connectivity widespread is available everywhere?
Is it stable?
Or is the intermittent S O.
I want to go through each one of these, provide lots of examples and talk about how developers around the world.
I'm handle these different factors.
So the first is that language effects how user interface is designed, built.
There are a lot of languages.
There are over 7000 known languages.
This is one of my favorite maps.
Each one of these languages has their own writing systems.
One example is hung Goal, which is the primary Korean rating system on dhe.
When you take all the handle characters and put it into a unicorn block, you gonna block.
That's about 11,000 cliffs large.
There's a lot of them, Um, and there's challenges to using font things is with thousands of characters.
It makes it really expensive to design them, which makes it expensive to license them.
This means that historically, there have been limited selection of wth e fought faces that our Web safe in common across devices.
And moreover, the files containing these funny faces are really huge.
They can reach like 15 megabytes and size, compared to just like a Latin alphabet alphabet font face, which could be like 400 or 500 kilobytes.
I mean, that could be a huge deal breaker, especially if you're trying to load these on mobile.
So these limitations require clever workarounds when very common workarounds to display text and images.
This is a thistle Korean e commerce site, G market.
In all the text on this website in the navigation are images, and there are huge benefits to this.
It loads faster.
You could ensure the quality, the text rendering.
It's gonna look the same across browsers.
One method Thio natively, render fonts is called sub setting This conspiracy it up eso subsets or just like slices of a thought file down to just the characters you need to load to show the characters on page.
There are some really cool solutions out there.
A group of Korean designers and developers at a Korean fonts to the Google Fonts Project that uses machine learning driven sub setting to group commonly seen characters together to reduce load times on dhe when it served over the Google funds, a P I have benefits from cross site cashing so user would only need to load the thought once in order to see it across many websites.
Okay, so there's there's other languages, like Arabic and Hebrew there, read from right to left, and these require flipped layouts that are called bi directional.
So anything that naturally goes on the left in English like on the Tel Aviv Museum of Art website um, when it's translated into Hebrew, would be totally mirror Andi.
Everything has to be mirrored down to the navigation.
There were some CSS framework that could be used to achieve this, like right to left CSS.
This will automatically flip any directional CSS property, so, like border left or margin right would be automatically flipped.
But you can also specify, like manual processors, to do this.
The next is that text text also takes up a different amount of space when you translate it.
And I think that this could contribute to some interpretations of like non English language websites is maybe cluttered or busy.
I see that on the Web, but really, I think it's a difference in writing system and a lack of familiarity.
So the word views is actually three times longer and Italian than it is in English.
And just in my own informal test, uh, this Thai translation of programming is very fun, and cool is 1.7 times the space.
So if you're gonna localize your project, it has to go further than translating strings.
You can't translate your translate your English site to Arabic without building a bi directional layout.
I mean, you have to account for the expansion and contraction of text when you translate it as well, so we're building interfaces to support different languages, but we know there are over 7000 of them and the application programming We d'oh like writing weather maps in languages like Java script.
All use abstractions in English terminology.
So all the reserved words and JavaScript or English, And this is even the case for languages like Ruby, which was invented in Japan.
And it was five years between Ruby's invention and the first English language book that was published, Um, but if we look at the top spoken languages in the world, we can see how much of a disconnect there is right, like English is no more commonly spoken than Hindi or really Arabic and much less so than Chinese Click.
So what's happened is that English has become a lingua franca or a common or trade language for computing.
It's kind of similar to Latin in the Roman Empire who conquered the their way around is Fred Latin everywhere, Um, or Italian and music theory.
I'm in adopting common languages.
Both spoken languages and programming languages does have a lot of benefits.
It makes it easier to share code and communicate.
I don't have to translate your piece of code into my language in order to run it or understand it, and it makes it easier for work to be cumulative.
As developers around the world, we can grow the entire pie, um, software, rather than developing technology in parallel specific to each language group.
So given the prevalence of English and programming and also an international trade and diplomacy goes that English is the most studied language in the world, even though it's not the most spoken language.
Also, I think we can also admit that code is not really English.
I don't know what a craft means, but I do know what it does.
Um, I have been writing 1/2 since I was, like 12 and I don't still don't know what it is, Um, so these terms might be derived from English, but you can code without learning to speak it.
Although you do have to become familiar with the Latin alphabet, I think I would describe code as a new dialect of English.
In many ways, some programming tools skip English based code altogether, though this is scratch with which is a block based programming tool developed at M I t.
It's used by kids in schools and museums around the world, about half of the scratch users or out of the U.
And Europe.
The block abstraction makes it really easy to translate each of these logical blocks into a different language.
And research done by M.
Has shown that kids do learn how to code faster when they used their native language.
And also just because reserved words in, uh in the programming language languages we use are in English doesn't mean they can't be replaced.
So this is a project called your Lang, which is a node like language in Yorba, which is a language spoken in Nigeria.
And projects like these, I think, could help non English speakers get into programming in the beginning.
But I would also love to see a future where we're able to inter translate languages like the's like I don't see why we couldn't translate thes reserved words back in English or in any other language and run it.
Developers also want to read documents, documentation and do bug issues in their native language.
So this is especially important for developers who don't speak English translations.
Channels for discussing programming and computing in your native language benefits everybody, and it's great for nine English speaking developers.
It's actually critical, and they are already doing it, but also by adding these kinds of spaces and translations, Thio open source projects can draw more developers into the project and make it more inclusive.
And people find translations so valuable that they will do it themselves.
China is an aggregator of Chinese translations of open source projects, which many of us were familiar with.
A lot of these in this list.
I think this is really cool.
I think that people are doing this for every major language.
But there are some problems with these unofficial translations, right?
They're less discoverable.
They're not attached to the main project website on Dhe.
There's more opportunity for them to grow stale as the base library changes.
There are ways thio improve this right, so the reactor project has led a project to add translations to their core documentation.
I think doing that is a really good way to recognize that you have an international community and now Alison built about to open pull requests in each translation whenever changes are made to the English docks.
I I know that this was inspired by the U.
J s team.
I think it's a really great strategy for keeping translations up to date, but also keeping it together in the in the main project.
Js also has his discord server.
It includes native language channels.
It gives folks on entry point to find help and connect with other deaths from their area.
I also know that there's a really strong view.
Js Japan User Group.
They have their own slack channel or gonna.
His translations of sort of ancillary, huge ass library is blonde posts, community events.
So incorporating those I think can go a long way to making sure everybody is heard and included in your project.
So cultural attitudes play a big role in how technology has used these are think these air the beliefs people have their lifestyles, their taboos, what's okay, what's not OK and all the other values that each culture holds, and it's really hard to quantify.
Anthropologists and researchers have been trying to do it for a long time.
There's a framework called Hostage's cultural dimensions, which is used in some marketing research E.
Congress research.
It's not perfect.
I really don't like the nurture versus power gendered dimension, but I think it can help think about how different societies approach life overall.
So some societies might be more comfortable with uncertain situations, so might be more focused on maintaining tradition, others on where future oriented some care about collective success, others on individual success.
And it gives us a framework to compare different nations cultures in a more objective way or seemingly objective way.
So, for example, Egypt, Japan and Russia will have really high uncertainty avoidance in this study compared to the U.
Where is the U.
S is really highly indulgent in the individualist.
I mean, I think that these kinds of differences show up in subconscious ways and the way that technology and websites are built.
This is a website for purchasing tickets for the Ghibli Museum.
Your Tokyo.
It's a notoriously busy museum.
It's hard to look up.
It books out months in advance, um, on tourist site.
It's really common to see all the information laid out with step by step instructions with Screenshots on how to use the software and all the information is spotted it really clearly.
So even if you don't get in, you know why.
And let's compare it to the broad museum in l.
And once you dig into the site, you realize if you don't buy a ticket, you're gonna have to stand in line and you start to see all of this uncertain language like the chance of getting into this exhibit or the probability of seeing this thing one.
So you don't actually know first, if you could get into the museum when you go, uh, and you don't know if you'll be able to seal the exhibits.
And I don't know if this would fly in a country with high avoidance of uncertain situations and you get that Collins like fishes, it really grows on you.
It takes a second.
Okay, I have an example personally at my company ribbon.
I work on tools that help people purchase homes.
So the team designed and built this really elaborate sales funnel tracking tool.
Um, it was well spaced, I think, pretty well designed.
But the users are team kept going back to Google sheets.
They kept asking for like, additional information, and we would say Just click the name of the buyer and Gordon the detail page so but then they kept going back and like doing all this data entry on eventually we gave up.
We replaced it with this.
Um, it's an embedded spreadsheets from R B I tool called Periscope on.
And it turns out what they actually needed was something really compact, with no scrolling and highly flexible so they can add any columns that they want without asking us.
And so, by throwing out what we thought was a really nice product and replacing it with their presumably worse and uglier one actually better method needs of the team.
Another example on the cultural dimensions skill.
China is a very low uncertainty avoidance country in really high on future orientation, which means they're more willing to deal with him big.
You itty and very adaptable to changing technology for comparison.
The United States scores very low on future orientation.
It's more stuck in preserving tradition, um, and so we see that payments everywhere in China from street markets two taxis to restaurants are now being made through Q R codes and payments in an APP called We Chat, which is totally ridiculous ubiquitous for social networking and payments.
It's an app that has a 1,000,000,000 users, which is crazy.
Um, this came about years before we started to see this pop up in the U.
With companies like Snapchat Venmo, Andi, we're really starting to see China rapidly outpace technological innovation in the U.
When this changes how you actually launch startups, I'm so Chinese startups will start to make these light Web APS before they make desktop APS.
These were meant to be access to be a cure codes and load in me chats browser.
So this is me looking at it and recording it from my desktop sight.
And that's why there's a black bar on the right.
You're just not supposed to look at it from your computer.
Another final silly example of this just to bring it back home.
This is the Sunday comics.
Um, I love reading comics.
Um, I think you get a good mix still really pretty and brightly colored and compact, and this is what happens when you translate it to the Web without fully thinking through how people might like to read comics.
Um, and I think that it's missing a little bit of the heart of how people want to read comics.
So the third factor is that the Internet is not totally free.
All Internet infrastructure is ultimately provided through private companies, and so it's subject to national laws.
One example in recent history is China blocking Google AP eyes, forcing developers to find mirrors and alternatives.
The latest status now is that they're being served through Beijing servers and Europe.
There's, UH, laws called Jeannie PR, which forces European sites to ask for user's consent to use cookies and the South Korea.
There are strict regulations on online payments, So for years, users have needed to use Internet Explorer, download Activex, execute herbal files and managed local certificates to authenticate desktop payments.
This is definitely changing, but it has also pushed a lot of online payments to Mobile, Um, and some kind of sometimes countries fight and levy sanctions against each other.
Just recently, an Iranian developer named Shaheen wrote this block post about the effects of the recent sanctions by the U.
The sanctions brought down sites in these countries.
They restricted access to service is like get lab Dr Android Dev.
It requires developers to use proxies and VP ends to bypass the sanctions, which is questionably illegal for these developers and dangerous for them to d'oh get Hub has had to comply with the sanctions.
They restricted developers access to private repositories in just that was done somewhat abruptly.
But these sanctions are painful for everybody.
Nobody wants to break the law right and including Get Hub would get in trouble for not complying with them.
So it's a really sticky situation.
A bunch of dabs banded together to make this get hub.
Do not ban us Repo on, get hope, did soften their restrictions and make it easier to recover from.
But this is going to continue to be a problem, and the final category is Internet infrastructure, eyes very different across the world.
So if we look a desktop risk versus mobile across the world, we can see that overall, Africa and Asia are much more heavy on mobile Internet traffic In India, 78% of visits of visits were mobile.
Two sites using the stat Counter Analytics tool in the U.
Is more 50 50.
So you can imagine that if you were launching a product in a place like India, you would start with a mobile experience rather than a desktop one.
And broadband access, which is defined as like high speed, stable Internet, is also not equally distributed.
There's really big gulf in broadband access between the developed and the developed developing world's.
People in rural areas in every country also frequently experienced local activity.
So there are projects from giants like Google and Facebook trying to wring connectivity to these places, too, like varying degrees of success.
But also, these countries are rapidly trying and doing a lot of work to build in an infrastructure themselves.
That's the primary way people are coming online.
Um, so places without stable Internet experienced slower speeds on an intermittent connections that drop in and out.
This could make using APS and websites really frustrating.
So developers can improve the user experience in these places by offering offline support, using techniques like local storage and service workers to cash to cache data locally on build progressive weather maps to turn our weather maps into seemingly native mobile apse.
There's actually a con a talk here at the conference on day two about this.
I'm really excited to go to that one.
This is a screenshot of the Africa Cecconi progressive weather app.
It's a Kenyan online marketplace, so all you have to do is hit, share and add to home screen.
And it becomes able to cash content locally, a new service workers to keep that functional while the connection is either stable or drops in and out.
Thes kinds of APS also take up less space than of apse, which could be important for user's.
That may have maybe using budget phones on bits really well documented that companies that launch these progressive wiretaps see huge gains and usage and conversion.
So that's a really world wind tour of just a small selection of the types of challenges um, solutions that developers around the world are using.
Really, each of these categories could probably be their own dissertation.
I find it really fascinating, but I also think that there's ways we can apply this to our everyday work.
The first is that I don't think user empathy is just for product managers or designers.
We can use it to make the right technical decisions for the platforms we build for our products and for open source software, we can use it also to localize to our own users on making sure we understand what are users needs really are like in the example with replacing our tool with a spreadsheet.
And if you know that your company will be expanding into new markets or already has users in international, in other markets, you can architect your application in a way to reach those people in the way that they're most comfortable.
And I believe that the people who do this will win the wear, win the hearts of users and benefit the most from the growth of the Internet connected population.
We can also support our friends around the world we can think about and include developers who might not have the same access.
Ah, lot of tech companies are based in San Francisco.
We can make translations of priority we can work on If we if you work on developer service, says we're open source projects.
I think you should look into some of the successful patterns we talked about, like building translations into your project.
On Dhe, you can start small by linking toe unofficial translations and starting to find partners in the international community on, but Finally, I think sanctions and censorship are especially hard to fix as individuals that we can try to give you could give platforms to our friends who are affected by them.
Um, and we can make noise, and we can push companies with power like Microsoft who owns get hub to stand up against them.
And finally, when you come across a website or an app that isn't what you're used to, whether it's local or foreign, try to think about the cultural context in which it was made.
This is a concept called cultural relativity.
It's a really core anthropological concept that helps you stay objective on Dhe helps you avoid using loaded terms to describe you wise, like cluttered or text Axa's old when it may be a lack of context and understanding on.
We could use this to be more inclusive and empathetic with each other on, and I think, to build the right thing for people.
Um, so I think we can embrace culture in her technical practice and remember that technology is really deeply intertwined with culture and use it to your advantage.