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  • tonight, we're gonna show you a candle trick that you can use to impress your date at your next candlelit dinner.

  • What?

  • We're gonna show you how you can a lot of candle without touching the week.

  • Okay, so Nigel's going thio light up a wooden splint here.

  • I'm gonna blow out this candle, and then we're gonna re light the candle without touching the week already.

  • I'm ready when you want to.

  • Three.

  • You see that?

  • It's just that easy.

  • Maybe we should have a look at that in slow motion so you can see that the flame is actually travelling from the splint.

  • Back down to the wick.

  • So what's going on there?

  • Well, what's happening is that this tricky of utilizing the states of manna in the candle.

  • So most people are familiar with the fact that candle is made of solid wax.

  • When there's a flame burning in there, you can see there's a pool of liquid wax, but with the fine burning around the liquid wax, we're actually getting a little wax paper.

  • And it's the wax paper which is actually burning, not the wick.

  • Exactly.

  • So when we blow the flaming at the week there is still that wets paper ringing around.

  • You know, we can realize the wax paper above the wick, and you can watch that flame kind of trouble down through that wax paper back to the wick and re light the candle.

  • Exactly.

  • So, as a final part of our trick, why don't we try toe blow three out and relight them in one go?

  • It's And you can use this to rekindle your bits.

  • Blue, you really warm.

tonight, we're gonna show you a candle trick that you can use to impress your date at your next candlelit dinner.


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B1 中級

キャンドルトリック (Candle Trick)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日