Placeholder Image

字幕表 動画を再生する


  • Hello!

  • OK, it's time, it is time to start talking

  • about, and writing some code.

  • What's going on here?

  • You can see already that there's this function setup,

  • function draw.

  • What is that stuff?

  • There's curly brackets, there's parentheses,

  • let's hold off on that for a second.

  • Let's not get too worked up about that.

  • Let's focus-- just for a moment--

  • on create Canvas, parentheses, 400 comma 400,

  • closed parentheses, semicolon.

  • I'm going to write that out in a generic way.

  • I'm going to say something like, instruction, another word

  • for that might be command.

  • And the truth of the matter is, the actual, technical name

  • for what I'm writing here is a function name.

  • Function name.

  • Instruction, parentheses, some number,

  • comma some other number, i don't know, comma some other number,

  • comma dot, dot, dot.

  • Well, let's not put that there, closed parentheses, semicolon.

  • This is the syntax for executing an instruction for the computer

  • to follow.

  • The name of the instruction, parentheses

  • that open and close, followed by a semicolon, and some number

  • of things in between.

  • That number of things could be zero, it could be one,

  • it could be two, it could be three, it could be four,

  • it depends.

  • So, now, if we go back to create canvas, we can see,

  • look, the instruction is create Canvas,

  • parentheses, 400 comma 400.

  • So, ask yourself-- pause the video for a second--

  • what does 400 mean, and what does 400 mean?

  • I mean, it means the number 400, but why is it number 400?

  • What is it doing?

  • OK, are you back, did you think about it?

  • Well, one way to try to figure this out

  • is for me just to say, well, why don't we

  • just change the number to 200?

  • And nothing changed, why didn't it change?

  • Because it ran the program already.

  • I have to tell it to rerun the program.

  • It's half as wide, but just as tall.

  • By the way, there's this interesting button

  • over here, auto refresh.

  • So, notice how I changed the code

  • and then I had to run it again.

  • That was a little bit inconvenient.

  • I mean, it's not so bad, I'm happy to do it

  • as often as I need to.

  • But things might be a little more convenient

  • if I select that.

  • Because, now, what if I change this to 300,

  • change this to 400, why don't I change this to 800.

  • It's always going to update the drawing--

  • the result of the instructions-- here, [INAUDIBLE]

  • if I have that auto refresh clicked.

  • I'm going to go back to 400, and 400.

  • So what those numbers define, is the width and height

  • of this thing called the canvas.

  • This is the drawing canvas, it's the thing

  • that we're going to write instructions to draw stuff

  • into, move things around, interact with things all,

  • eventually.

  • And the syntax for making this is create Canvas 400, 400.

  • Interestingly, what happens if I delete this?

  • So, p5, by the way, will always put a canvas there for you.

  • If you forget to say, create Canvas,

  • it made a canvas there for you.

  • But it just didn't know how big to make it,

  • so it picked some arbitrary size, probably 100 by 100.

  • But let's put that back, there's 400 by 400.

  • There's a really important thing that I want to talk about,

  • but let's come back over here.

  • So, create Canvas, this is the function name.

  • Let's use the real terminology.

  • You can think of it like a command.

  • Create Canvas, that's your command.

  • These are called the arguments.

  • I think earlier-- I didn't actually say this--

  • but if you were giving me instructions

  • to do some exercises, and you said, do some jumping jacks,

  • I would say, how many?

  • You need to modify--

  • you need to provide parameters--

  • for how I should execute the instruction.

  • The instruction is, create the canvas with the size of 400

  • by 300 pixels.

  • Meaning, create area on the screen

  • that I can draw to that's 400 pixels wide, 300 pixels high.

  • If the concept of pixels is new to you, on a computer screen,

  • every single color that you see is-- if you zoom way into it--

  • is a single dot.

  • Now, there's all sorts of weird, funny business going on

  • because we have all these high density displays, now,

  • that have multiple pixels, for every pixel.

  • But all of that aside, the idea, here,

  • is if I were to zoom way in--

  • way, way, way, in-- and count all the dots,

  • there would be 400 of them.

  • And there's 400 wide and let's change this to 300,

  • just so we can see that's a little bit different,

  • 400 by 300.

  • So this is the idea.

  • Now, we have to ask a really important question,

  • I've totally forgotten to bring this up.

  • What is the difference between JavaScript--

  • and we haven't really gotten to the drawing stuff yet,

  • but don't worry we will--

  • JavaScript and p5?

  • Is create canvas p5 or is it JavaScript?

  • Is 400 comma 300 p5 or is it JavaScript?

  • This is not an easy question to answer.

  • And it's a question that I hope will resolve itself

  • for you over time, as you program more, and more.

  • And learn about other libraries-- besides p5--

  • that work with the JavaScript language.

  • But, the key thing is here, the language, the syntax, the fact

  • that you need parentheses, and commas, and semicolons,

  • and names of functions go here.

  • That is the JavaScript language.

  • To call a function in JavaScript is

  • to write the function name, followed by parentheses,

  • with commas for the arguments, and a semicolon.

  • That's JavaScript.

  • Create Canvas is a function that exists,

  • that is defined inside of the library.

  • So, if you did not have p5, if you weren't using the p5 web

  • editor, you were in some other environment

  • and you wrote create Canvas, you might

  • get an error message saying, I don't

  • know what create Canvas is.

  • All programming environments and editors

  • allow you to import other libraries.

  • But the p5 web editor has done this for you.

  • So the fact that we can execute p5 commands,

  • write create Canvas-- and there's a lot more of them--

  • means, is because we're using the p5 library.

  • The way we execute that command, where the semicolon,

  • goes where the parentheses, go where the commas go,

  • that is all the JavaScript language, itself, the syntax.

  • I hope that gives a little bit of clarity, there's more to it

  • than that, you'll have many more questions.

  • But, hopefully, I'll keep answering that as we go.

  • All right, so, now, where can I find out about other commands

  • that I can write, besides create Canvas?

  • And when I say commands, I really mean functions.

  • But I like to use the word command at least

  • at the beginning, because it's a little clearer

  • to talk about what we're actually doing here,

  • you and me.

  • But, technically, these are functions that we're calling.

  • All right, so, the answer to that question

  • is the p5.js website.

  • If I go to the p5.js website and I

  • click on this link called Reference,

  • this link on Reference has every single function

  • that's part of the p5 library.

  • So, somewhere on here I could do a Find,

  • we can find create Canvas.

  • And I could click on create Canvas

  • and learn more about create Canvas.

  • This is known as the documentation.

  • Programming languages, and programming libraries,

  • and frameworks, all--

  • they should, at least-- have documentation

  • where you go to read about how the thing is supposed to work.

  • I could make, like, thousands of thousands of videos

  • and just go through every one of these, and explain it to you.

  • But learning to program is not just

  • learning how to write the instructions and the syntax.

  • It's learning how to read documentation.

  • So the functions that I want you--

  • if you're watching this video series, which I guess you are--

  • to follow first, are the ones that are under 2D primitives.

  • This is where we're going to start.

  • There are lots of functions that-- go and explore them all,

  • don't listen to me-- but for your first exercise

  • after you watch this video, just limit yourself to triangle.

  • Rect, which is short for rectangle,

  • quad, which is any shape that has four vertices to it,

  • four sides, edges.

  • Point, which is a single point line, which is a line.

  • Ellipse which is a fancy name for circle,

  • but it could be sort of squashed.

  • And arc, arc could probably need it's own video

  • to talk about how arc works.

  • But you can explore these and experiment with them.

  • Let's just make a guess, let's start with rect for rectangle.

  • And let's not even click on it yet.

  • I'm just going to go over here.

  • And now, I need to talk about what Setup a Draw are,

  • what are these blocks of code, why did they

  • start with the curly bracket and end a bracket?

  • I'm going to come back to that.

  • For right now, we should understand

  • that Setup is the place where create Canvas go.

  • At the beginning, we're going to set up our canvas.

  • Draw is the place where I'm going to put my stuff

  • to draw stuff to the canvas.

  • There's more to it than that, but that's the way

  • to think about it right now.

  • So I'm going to go in here and I'm going to zoom back out,

  • R-E-C-T, find out what it means to me.

  • I'm going to put some numbers in there.

  • Shout them out, I can't hear you, sorry.

  • I'm going to say like, 100, 50, 25--

  • nothing's there yet-- 75, 85, 75.

  • Oh, look at that, suddenly there's a rectangle there.

  • So, even just through guessing, right,

  • we know the name of the instruction, rectangle, rect,

  • R-E-C-T. We know that we need to then put maybe,

  • some numbers in between parentheses and then end with

  • a semicolon.

  • We could just try, it'd be weirdly, like,

  • could I put another number there?

  • I messed up, could I put another number there?

  • Oh, yeah, oh, look at that.

  • What did that do?

  • So what's going on?

  • So, you know what, I'm going to actually take

  • the time to explain the rectangle function to you.

  • Then we're to look at the reference page.

  • And then I don't need to do really,

  • the other ones because you can then, do this for yourself.

  • You could type the command in, you can type the numbers in,

  • you can play around and guess.

  • You can read the reference page and try to fix it.

  • Then you could ask me questions in the comments

  • and hopefully, I'll be able to respond to you.

  • OK, so I need to give myself a little space, here.

  • And what I want to do is draw the canvas for you.

  • Then, what I want to do is, write out this function rect,

  • and I'm going to say 100.

  • What did I put, actually in here?

  • I put 100, 50, 25, 75.

  • 100, 50, 25, 75.

  • So how do these arguments define the way

  • to draw a rectangle, right?

  • R-E-C-T means draw a rectangle.

  • Here are the properties of the rectangle that I want to see.

  • In order to understand what these numbers mean,

  • we need a little bit of background knowledge

  • about this two dimensional space, itself, of the canvas.

  • We need to think about something called

  • a Cartesian coordinate system.

  • So, a Cartesian coordinate system--

  • named for the French mathematician Rene Descartes--

  • Cartesian is a way of describing a two dimensional space.

  • And saying, like, this spot can be identified by this quote

  • unquote, x,y position, or this horizontal and vertical

  • position.

  • If you've taken some type of math or geometry--

  • depending on where you are, and your learning the world

  • journey--

  • you might have seen a graph that looks like this.

  • With some ticks on it, up and down.

  • And you might have learned, like, oh,

  • this is something called the x-axis,

  • and this is something called the y-axis.

  • And if I say, here's a point 3 comma 4--

  • and this is somehow, the point 0, 0, the origin, the center--

  • 3 comma 4 would be 1, 2, 3, go up.

  • And then 1, 2, 3, 4 refers to this position,

  • right here, within the Cartesian coordinate system.

  • A 2D canvas being drawn by p5 is also

  • a Cartesian coordinate system, but it's a little bit

  • confusing.

  • Because this default-- the standard way that coordinate

  • system, and with pixels and computer graphics define--

  • does not look exactly like this.

  • The equivalent of this 0, 0 being the origin

  • is actually up here, at the top left.

  • And this is the x-axis, horizontal.

  • This is the y-axis.

  • So if I were to say, 3 comma 4, and try to find that pixel,

  • I would have to go 1, 2, 3 pixels over and 1, 2, 3,

  • 4 pixels down.

  • 3 comma 4 would be this pixel, right here.

  • But, truth of the matter is, those

  • are really, really tiny, right?

  • This is very similar to a piece of graph paper,

  • and that might be a way of kind of like playing, you know?

  • You could stop and go get a piece of graph paper.

  • And try to, like, you know, draw a big canvas on it,

  • and try to position where things are.

  • That's the idea of what we're doing, here.

  • The pixels are really tiny in many ways.

  • So you have to more imagine like, this is zero,

  • this is pixel zero.

  • And the width is 400--

  • and this is going to this is going to make you a little bit

  • crazy--

  • the last pixel is actually pixel 399.

  • Oh, that's so weird.

  • Think about that, though.

  • And I'm a little bit off on a tangent,

  • here but it comes up again and again.

  • Let's say it's 5 pixels wide, there are five pixels.

  • But the first pixel is 0.

  • 0,1, 2, 3, 4.

  • Five fingers, but only got up to four.

  • So this is, like, foreshadowing, this

  • is going to come up but again and again.

  • Counting from zero is a thing that we

  • do a lot in programming, which is a little bit different.

  • Because remember when I was like, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5?

  • They're five things, but they're 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

  • All right, so, pixel zero, pixel 399.

  • So what does this mean, 150?

  • This is the x location of the rectangle,

  • and 50 is the y location of the rectangle.

  • So let's just guess, maybe pixel 100 is about, over here.

  • Pixel 50 is about, over here.

  • So, that's this pixel, here, that's 150.

  • This is the width of the rectangle,

  • and this is the height of the rectangle.

  • Maybe that's about 25 pixels, maybe that's about 75 pixels.

  • So that is how we define the rectangle.

  • The first two arguments are the x,y of the top left,

  • the third argument is the width, and the last argument there,

  • is the height.

  • And there we see the rectangle.

  • I clearly didn't draw this perfectly,

  • but if we come back here, we can see

  • that's exactly what you see, right here.

  • And I could start changing these numbers around.

  • And I could say, 150 and I could say 75,

  • and I can move it over to 175.

  • And it's going to be over there, and I can move it up to zero,

  • and it's going to be there.

  • So, you can see, this is what you can play around with, now,

  • changing those numbers.

  • I got to get something off my chest.

  • What we're doing, here, seems like, this is what

  • programming is, are you crazy?

  • It would be so much easier for me to do this in insert,

  • you know, commercial software that

  • makes images or drawings here.

  • That I don't want a buzz market for free.

  • [INAUDIBLE] Anyway, the answer is true.

  • This is only just the way I want to start.

  • The whole point of programming is

  • to write algorithms and instructions for saying things

  • like, spin around, move up and down, bounce off the edge.

  • How could I turn this into the game

  • pong, where that's actually the paddle that moves up and down?

  • I'm going to get there.

  • So this is a little bit of-- not really how programming works--

  • but it's a good place to get started, and feel comfortable.

  • And so, basically, you know, what your assignment is,

  • if you choose to accept this assignment,

  • is to make your own drawing.

  • Make your own drawing, maybe make a drawing of somebody,

  • a friend of yours or someone in your family.

  • A little portrait of them or self-portrait.

  • Or do something abstract, or draw a landscape, or something

  • that--

  • I won't be [INAUDIBLE].

  • So just try to make a drawing.

  • All I did was show you a rectangle.

  • I've been talking for, like, two and a half hours,

  • all I got was this rectangle on the screen.

  • So how are you going to do more than that?

  • I'm going to leave you to it, a little bit.

  • And let me show you how to get further.

  • I'm going to go the p5 reference and I'm

  • going to click on the rectangle function, right?

  • This is where I am, remember,

  • I'm going to click on the rectangle function.

  • And first, we're to see here's a nice little example.

  • So, at the very least, I could just take this and copy it.

  • Shoot, I have to go back here.

  • I could copy it into my code and we could see--

  • OK, does that look the same as what's here?

  • Yeah, kind of, this is a smaller canvas,

  • but it's the right idea.

  • Oh, look, there's like another argument, and it's round,

  • and there's all the others.

  • So this is what you can explore.

  • But the point, here, is that what I want to look at

  • is, this is what's really important.

  • This is known as documentation.

  • This is saying, this is the name of the function

  • and these are the arguments.

  • X, y, w, h, these are other arguments.

  • The reason why they're in these square brackets

  • is they're optional.

  • So you have to use an x,y within height,

  • you can optionally add more arguments.

  • And here, it's going to tell you what they are.

  • X is the x-coordinate the rectangle.

  • That's exactly what I explained to you over here.

  • Y is the y-coordinate, W is the width, H is the height.

  • And then there's these other optional ones

  • for rounding the edges.

  • And I'm going to not worry about that too much.

  • Rectangle is maybe not the best one

  • to start with, because of the extra added complication.

  • But I could easily just go over and now, click on say, Line.

  • Oh, look at this, this is what it looks like.

  • The function name as line, it takes four arguments,

  • this is what I get.

  • What are those arguments?

  • x1, y1, x2, y2.

  • X is the x-coordinate, the first point,

  • y1 is the y-coordinate, the first point.

  • Oh, yeah a line is a thing that connects two points.

  • Look at that, I've connected to points with a line.

  • So, now, I can come back here.

  • And by the way, oh my God, z, I could get in the 3D.

  • Let's not get the 3D, right now, we'll

  • save that for another time.

  • So I'm going to go back to the editor.

  • And I'm going to say something like, line 0, 0, 400, 400.

  • There you go, look at that.

  • There is a line.

  • Oh, and maybe I want it to be 400,

  • 300 because I wanted to go to the other side.

  • Or I want it to actually be, like, 0, 50.

  • There's the line, right?

  • You could see now, that line is appearing.

  • It is a line that connects two points, zero comma 50, and 400

  • comma 300, now, OK.

  • Something is really bothering me about the code.

  • Don't be like me, don't be me, be much more forgiving

  • and relaxed about the world.

  • But I cannot tolerate the fact that this line of code,

  • right here, is starting over here.

  • And this one is starting a little bit over here.

  • I'm kind of joking around.

  • And look there's a space here, but there's

  • no space after this comma.

  • One thing that is important to note

  • is, this is going to work, no matter what.

  • If your code doesn't line up, or you put a lot of spaces

  • in, or a few spaces in.

  • These types of things, white space--

  • meaning space, and return, and tabs,

  • and all those sorts of things-- do not

  • affect the way the code runs.

  • But they do kind of make the code a little less readable.

  • And p5 has a really nice feature under Edit.

  • Tidy Code-- which you can also do Shift Tab--

  • which will kind of fix the indentation and white space

  • for you.

  • So I'm going to press Shift Tab right now.

  • And everything is all lined up.

  • So, I encourage you to use Shift Tab,

  • you know, Save, after you've done that.

  • I didn't mention, by the way, that you can see when it's last

  • been saved right up here.

  • It says, just now, that'll change

  • until like a minute later.

  • And it also has Auto Save, which you can adjust here

  • in the settings.

  • Auto Save on and off, that's sort

  • of an important little feature just to quickly mention.

  • All right, so, I'm almost ready to finish this video.

  • First of all, why is the background pink?

  • And why is the rectangle white, and the line is black?

  • Well, I haven't talked about color, at all.

  • So that's the topic of the next video.

  • These are arguments that define the dimensions

  • and the location of shapes.

  • But those arguments don't seem to define the color.

  • So we have to look at how do we define color.

  • The clue to that is somewhere in here, right?

  • Background, the function must be setting the background color.

  • So, That's coming, play around with that on your own,

  • if you want.

  • But that's what I'll talk about in the next video.

  • The other thing is--

  • look at this-- the line looks like it's

  • going over this rectangle.

  • What happens if I take this line of code?

  • I'm going to use command x for Cut, and command v for paste.

  • Now, look at this, zoom on in.

  • The line is behind the rectangle.

  • So layering, the layering of the shapes--

  • what appears on top or behind--

  • has to do with the order of these lines of code.

  • The order that the code happens is,

  • very important to how a program runs.

  • Not so important right now, just drawing some shapes,

  • playing around, experimenting.

  • But this is a crucial concept that

  • will come up, especially once you want to animate this stuff.

  • So that's going to come.

  • How does this square move around,

  • how can I interact with the mouse?

  • And the order is going to become even more important then.

  • OK, so here's your assignment.

  • Make your own picture.

  • Don't listen to me, and use whatever you want.

  • But if you want the constraint, use only

  • what's here under 2D primitives.

  • and maybe not arc, or play with arc.

  • And I'll have to make a video about arc or something.

  • And can I show you one more thing,

  • do I want to show you one more thing?

  • I think something will be really useful.

  • I gotta show you one more thing.

  • Where is this one?

  • OK, attributes.

  • These are some other functions that you might

  • be interested in exploring.

  • And I'm going to come back to stroke weight, for sure,

  • some of these as we talk about color.

  • But at least one rectMode, and ellipseMode

  • are kind of important.

  • So I'm going to just show you something about rectMode.

  • Remember how I said that this x,y defines the top left

  • location of the rectangle?

  • Sometimes it's much more convenient to draw

  • where a square rectangle is by setting the center of it.

  • And let me show you what I mean by that.

  • For example, the center of this canvas, right?

  • What's the center of the canvas if it's 400 wide and 300 high?

  • The center is 200 by 150, right?

  • So I'm going to put this rectangle at 200, 150.

  • And then I'm going to make it 150 wide and 150 high.

  • That's weird, oh, it's not in the center.

  • Oh, but the top left is in the center.

  • But what if I want the rectangle, itself,

  • to be center?

  • Well, I could figure out the math of that.

  • I go, OK, so then it's, like, 125, maybe?

  • It's, like, that's shifting it over.

  • But I can use an attribute, and the attribute rectMode

  • is another function, I can type center in here.

  • This is an instruction, a function,

  • to set the mode of drawing a rectangle to center.

  • Which means-- now look at it-- there it is, in the center, OK?

  • So, maybe, in your exercise you might

  • want to use rectMode in ellipseMode, as well.

  • We could click on this, and we could see look, there's corner,

  • there's corners, there's a radius, there's center.

  • So there's a few other ways of defining how a rectangle is.

  • But I think, for the most part, you're

  • just going to want the default way, which is corner,

  • or center, which is center.

  • OK, you know, when I said I was going to do these videos,

  • I sort of imagined doing a whole bunch of, like, two or three

  • minute ones.

  • I've completely failed at this.

  • This has became kind of a long one about drawing.

  • But hopefully you've got the basic idea,

  • and I look forward to seeing what you make.

  • You can share links to the p5 sketches

  • you create after, watching this video, in the comments.

  • So, I'll click on them, and look at them,

  • and that'll be exciting, OK?

  • Thanks for watching and see you in the next video,

  • where I'll talk about color.





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B1 中級

1.3: 形状と描画 - p5.jsチュートリアル (1.3: Shapes & Drawing - p5.js Tutorial)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日