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all right.
So many of you all know that earlier this year, I put together the open source computer science degree.
As I called, I threw it up on my get hub along with the whole attack curriculum.
Except with this.
It was all focused on computer science and software engineering programming, none of the extracurricular like art history.
And let me just say, since then, that has absolutely blowing up.
I mean, the first week I believe it was.
Don't get trending the video itself going over the open source computer science degree that has almost 300,000 views with the actual Get a depository, having about 600 people watching it over 8600 stars and over 1400 forks.
And with that 20 open issues and nine open pull requests now, I've already gone over one issue in three pull requests early in the year, but I've kind of been neglecting it.
Now that everything is piled up to what it is today, I figured out.
Make a video updating the open source computer science degree here within the open source computer science degree.
We're going to start with the pork rest first and some of these.
I believe I'm going to leave outstanding because I want yells feedback on it.
I'll give you my reasoning for what I did and what I decide to do with all of these poor crests and issues.
But if there's anything that's undecided or a little bit wary about one y'all's input to figure out what is best for everybody moving on to our first poor quest.
This is actually in addition of two sections, as well as a few UNIX courses.
So we have our networking section that this person put together and add it.
Then we have our cyber security section.
And then, of course, these two courses are along with the UNIX section.
Now the only issue I have with this, although I do appreciate putting together these two sections that I don't believe that networking and cybersecurity are necessary for someone who is getting a computer science degree or in this particular situation and open source computer science degree.
The reason being is everything I've listed in here.
I see as mandatory when you're going into computer science, computer science basics.
That's what you need to take.
If you were interested in computer science, is a hole that are breaking through into the computer science world to see whether you like it or not programming that self explanatory we all need to know programming.
I chose Java just because that's what I like.
This is This is part of your computer science curriculum.
Don't mistake it there.
Other math courses that you may have taken in college but that you may need to take in college that are applied to your computer science degree.
But if you'll notice that's not necessarily part of your computer science curriculum, that is part of your general education requirements.
When it comes to your computer science requirements, you will see all six of these classes or a variation of them within your computer science curriculum.
And I think that's very important, especially for future classes that you will need to like machine learning systems.
This is like your computer architecture.
You take plenty different years of these, and these are the three that I found to be the best theory.
Computer sciences.
Ah hole is basically theoretical.
You need to have the whole entire theoretical understanding of what you're doing in order to actually apply it.
Speaking of applied.
That's where applications come into the equation.
It's all for engineering.
Use offer engineering, introduction this particular class to understand this cell for development.
Life cycle machine learning That's a big step up from Lenny Algebra.
Although you may not be interested in machine, learning is good, too.
Understand that side of things Database management essentials Doesn't matter what section of computer science or saw average nearing you enter.
You're going to be interacting with the database one way or another, so it's good to understand it.
And then units UNIX Lennox Command line basics is something that you will need to know, because if you want your workflow to actually be efficient, you're gonna have to use UNIX.
You don't want to rely on everything within the I D E or everything within your file Explorer or everything within all of the other different things that you could do within UNIX.
By using Gu Ys and things that nature, you need to know units.
So to reiterate myself, I feel like everything listed here.
All sections are mandatory for computer scientists agree with this.
I don't believe personally that networking would be necessary when it comes to your computer science degree.
Let me know your thoughts on that.
I'm still if he owned it.
I don't think that those are mandatory for every single computer science student, and that's what I was going with.
I felt like you could create a second rendition.
Maybe I'll create a second rendition of the open source computer science degree and make it like a make it like a master's degree where it's another two years or so on top of this within your particular emphasis.
So if you're interested in cyber security, I think you'll be able to select that section and all those courses will be combined.
And with that, if you want to do machine learning, artificial intelligence, that area stuff so on and so forth, you get the gist on to our second poor quest.
I realize that I'm a lot more picky about this particular depository than I thought I was going to be.
I thought I was gonna be open to a lot of people's ever changes.
However, I feel like my mind is you're somewhere else.
So maybe this video is more about getting yours.
Advice on how I should change of the oppressors computer science degree instead of actually doing it.
Who knows?
This is our second port request.
This person actually added, assuming what looks like a little subtitle underneath each of these section headers listing the max amount of time that it would take to complete the open source computer science degree.
Where is here?
You can see that it's a four year open source computer science degree in the first time.
Like that doesn't sound right, because you take all of these classes in a regular curriculum as well as all of your other general education requirements.
And that takes four years.
And this shouldn't take four years.
And I understand the reason being is that he is assuming, Johnny, you're assuming that you're only taking one course at a time Where?
And that's kind of why I'm opposed to adding the total time that it would take to complete this section because I don't expect each section to be done at once.
And by that I don't mean at the same time, I mean in order by one section to one section to one section, I'd like to have this duration here.
That way you can come into computer science basic.
Maybe you take your computer science basic course.
Just take one, see how you like it.
And then you're like, I really like this.
Let me dive in.
So then you come in.
You take the entry level with no prerequisite.
Programming course, you take the lowest level math course, you pick a system score, see, you pick 4 to 5 courses that are roughly the same level, meaning minimal prerequisites.
And then you go from there and same level in terms of weak durations.
That way you effectively have a semester within a particular amount of time instead of sitting one course of than one course of one course.
And that's why I didn't add in the particular amount of time per section is because I don't want people looking at the section for one amount of time.
I want them to look at each individual course in order to add these courses together so they can understand which courses they need to take at the same time.
So although I do appreciate you going through and you kind of coming in, you're adding in these decorations here and adding it as a subtitle.
I'm gonna have to close out this and not emergent.
Just because I think that may mess with the mindset of some people who are looking into the sexual thing because it's not four years and I don't want to group it into four months or seven months or 14 months in someone's vine because mentally they'll be like, Wow, that is a long time.
I don't want to conquer that.
I want people to Essentially What I was talking about in a recent video is taking this big problem of a computer science degree.
We split it down into different sections in each section.
We split down into separate courses and there's courses or what you're gonna knock out one by one.
I hope that makes sense.
Sora third Pork rest of the day seems as though I may have made a mistake and falls change.
It seems that I just actually put in Stanford for the school instead of Udacity.
And in fact, if I come over to ensure to statistics down in math, we will see that that is in fact, Udacity and I don't see any trace of Stanford within here.
So yeah, that is a typo.
Thank you for catching that cool.
Our first murder of the day and only three times a charm is true.
All right, What is this poor oppressed 45 something?
Basically, this is the addition of a pre calculus course, actually integrated in a very nice way.
And two other people seem to be agreeing with what he has said here.
Hello, I've had it links to to pre calculus courses for folks who need that.
Also, please merging found useful and over and falls change.
You'll see the changes.
Basically, it is a one and a two right here, next to the pre calculus right here, each of which going to a different course.
The first course is actually like an entry level algebra course college algebra course, and then it falls into pre calculus, whereas the algebra course would be the prerequisite to the pre calculus.
And currently the pre calculus is a prerequisite to calculus one, eh?
And, yes, that is something good in order to integrate.
For those who still need to do pre calculus, I was just under the impression that most people at this stage looking into something this complex I've already taken pre calculus and algebra.
That's why I didn't integrate it here.
It's our final poor quest is I saw your course.
Listen, Thank you.
I have made a list, too.
If you want to share with others, just want to help out Has eight dislike.
And what is the point of this pdf file So integrated a pdf file within here.
You've been able to see this.
Pdf also.
All right, so I think he's assuming that these are actual links.
But when you do a pdf like this, the links are effectively rendered useless, so I'm gonna have to close this out.
What you would have to do is effectively integrate a link to your P D.
Where your pdf is sitting on some time.
Get help, Paige, and then you would be able to click on it, not trying to link the pdf like it is here.
So I'm gonna have to close this out onto the issues.
Now this someone is going to be interesting.
So just a 90 Add subsection like cyber security.
Very interesting.
But I've already addressed that, and actually this person agrees with me.
Maybe that could be ad on sections outside of the general premise.
I love the ideas.
So that could be it.
Where, while this is the mandatory stuff, maybe I, like I was thinking, create a whole other repositories.
Like I said, some type of masters or I could kind of just divide it right here and keep all of those particular sections or emphasis is emphasized.
I don't know the pillow for emphasis underneath the mandatory courses.
Incorrect linked to section meth Intro to Statistics Stanford Now here's a thing I did just changes earlier.
But that is not because I found it to be an incorrectly, but because I changed it from Stanford to Udacity.
Wait, didn't I?
Yeah, however, it isn't the instance of the incorrect link it is was actually instance of the incorrect school listed, So I corrected that this issue corrected features suggest that certificates certification available as a note some of the courses in the list offer certification at the end of them.
Knowing which ones offer certification might be useful to some.
Yes, it would be useful to sound, but you do have to pay for the certification.
The idea behind this is to make it free, So this in computer science Basics course and my T introduction in computer science and programming in the Python.
My only issue is that we already have two computer science basics, which is into two computer science and mathematical thinking computer science.
And if we add another, that would be kind of another option, if you will.
Juristic Peter Science programming Python And considering I actually focused everything within Java, I decided not to incorporate anything like this because if you take uninjured in computer science and programming a python, you have that intro to programming a python.
And then you can't follow the rest of the curriculum because I integrated everything with Java programs.
Suggestion requests add prerequisite pre calculus.
Pre calculus is listens.
Prerequisite would be nice if there's a course of linked to assist with preparing for calculus courses.
Three people thumbs itself, so that is four plus five of the other Poor Quest plus two so that it's seven people already who came over here and decided to take in mission to take action and say, Hey, you should probably get prerequisite pre calculus course, so maybe I will over to this.
But should we include lower level math curriculum to and that was My main problem is that I don't want to incorporate everything.
That's what I was trying to base it straight off of calculus.
I'm thinking I will incorporate a pre calculus course here and then, considering the amount of comments and engagement on these two comments, I think would be a good idea to just add that pre calculus link into where I say pre calculus is a prerequisite which would be under count one a and then linear algebra.
Why not Harvard?
CS 50 Now, this has been talked about all within here.
I mean, there's nine people that, like this common and quite a conversation going on here, as well as on my YouTube video.
A lot of people like want a Harvard CS 50 and I just felt like I don't know.
However they don't know, I'm gonna add Harvard CS 50 in place of the You've a Internet computer science right here, 10 weeks, 20 hours per week instead of five hours per week.
And this is a self paced course, so perfect.
But for here, what we've done is taken out.
If aga Covas comment in all these lights and all those other comments undermine YouTube video.
We are incorporating the intro to CS by Harvard in place of the Inter two CS by UV a Especially considering how many people suggested it.
And simply because of this comment right here and then what we've also done is we've gone down here.
We have taken the S U pre calculus course on Ed.
Ex found our pre calculus prerequisites listed here and right here at an age you pre calculus and Harvard CS courses.
That'll fit.
All right.
I just realized I no longer have the gift of dark thing on here because I built a whole new computer, and this is all new operating system.
I should probably get that going.
So down here, we can see everything linked is in white.
So this should take us on over to ethics and this up here.
We changed the duration from 12 weeks to 10 weeks.
The effort from five hours per week to 10 to 20 hours per week, innit?
Link straight up to the CS 50.
Harvard course missing license.
Now, this is something that yeah, I didn't incorporate.
So what we're gonna do is we're gonna create a new file.
I'm doing everything in the client here.
Gonna name this license and is you'll see a button.
Choose a license to that Pulls up going toe click M I t.
License reviews Mitt and good to go.
All right, so here we have it.
We have a license officially, and we have our read me, which is the open source computer science degree.
And this is something that a lot of people were saying in the conversation of the video.
Only seven day free trial.
Of course, Sarah, when I tried to roll in the course, I don't like the outside do 73 child, then pay 75 bucks a month.
I thought I was supposed to be free, and this is right here and I tried.
I tried to make clear is that you should still be able to audit any course there.
Of course, this, however, we block access to some of the assignments and assessments and, of course, it's certificates in some of the courses.
So just write down here, said a free trial.
You audit the course, and that's what will allow you to do these courses for free.
It's just now come to my attention that the open source computer science degree that I spent so long putting together making a positive or throwing out upon get home making a video.
So is more awareness around this.
People could have free courses.
It's effectively no longer free because at the beginning of 2019 which was what eight months ago at X is no longer giving free access to most of their courses.
Course Sarah has also been limiting the amount, Of course, is that you're able to audit.
Regardless, I've already gone through, and I'm still going through the last few issues and poor requests of this repositories because I do want to continue to keep it up to date.
And maybe, just maybe, I will go in and look at all of these ed ex courses and maybe some of the Corsair courses and see if I can find replacements for them with actual free courses.
And I'll edit the entire open source computer science degree with what it would effectively should be.
Free course is not very happy about their decision here, but I mean, this is kind of out of my hands, and that is a problem with relying on other platforms for anything, really.
So until we can get all of this situated R I p to the open source computer science degree.
But actually I want to take a step back from from cutting the cord on the open source Computer sanctuary.
Because I've been doing quite a bit of research since I recorded this video is actually sitting here about to upload the videos.
All I needed to do was make a thumbnail, and I was ready to go.
However, I can't seem to validate this issue like it's a sense of you getting Intel's 19.
FedEx is no longer giving for access to most of their courses.
That got me thinking when every red this just now is the fact that the open source of pure science story wasn't put together until after the beginning.
Intel's 19.
I put it together sometime in February, if I'm not mistaken, and everyone seemed to be just fine.
This particular issue is the only place where I have seen anyone have any trouble with at X and actually point out that they're no longer giving free access to most of their courses and that actually maybe come on into here and look at all the courses.
Find the ones that are from at X, which in this particular issue says that Are this comin down here in the issue says at X is a platform where many of the course is on this list are hosted and at the time of this comment was only five and now in total six.
Because we added the CS 50 Harvard course.
However, if we look at each and every one look at the price, it all says free, free, free, free, free and free.
So I'm assuming we're not affected in terms of the episodes computer science degree from this whole medics paywall deal That happened at the end of that as an 18 beginning in 2019 stuff.
But that also begs the question.
What about coarse hair?
So this person J M s t.
Also had this comment where he said, the Ed Exes platform, where many of the courses are hosted, says, by the way, Corsair is now also limiting free okay on access for many courses and specializations.
This was on May 24th which was three months ago, and I tried to Google a little bit about maybe some people covering this This particular story couldn't find anything about it.
And I don't know where this person is getting their information.
Heard nobody else have any trouble with continually auditing course.
Sarah courses.
And I just haven't had the time to go through all of the Corsair courses in this curriculum, which for quite a few and hot it each and everyone to see if they actually cut off my access.
But I couldn't find any information saying how they're now limiting their access compared to before.
I mean, you look at this article that he gave and it says that expose Paywall for great assignments.
This was back in December 2018 and they talk about how Corsair was first introduced pay well three years ago.
But that was just for grated assignments.
So I don't I just don't know where this information is coming from.
I had actually closed out this issue and I decided to reopen it and say, Actually, every single one of the next course is on, the curriculum is free.
I'm not sure the validity, of course.
They're limiting their all the access considering couldn't find anything.
Which mind leaking to where you saw that.
So he isn't linking to it in a future video.
Not a dedicated video but a future video.
I will tell you all about it, or I'll leave a comment in this common section that would make more sense.
That's what I'll do if he ends up finding a link that actually that backs up what he is saying about the course era.
Limiting free access are auditing courses.
So it looks like the open source computer science degree lives to fight another day.