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What's up, guys?
First night here.
And as you know, we create quite a few things on this channel.
We normally focus on Io's development.
We've done a little bit of I was designed with the Dhobi Exit E and of course I love creating these videos for you guys.
But this time this design of the month is an adobe illustrator.
This is a very first design have ever made anything I've ever even played with inside of w illustrator.
And this is what we're gonna be creating in this video.
Now, we're not gonna go over the fine little details when it comes to creating all the boxes and all the circles within this actual screen of the computer because it gets a little bit repetitive, But we're going to create the main computer.
I want to show you how I get that glare effect on it, and we're going to kind of just go over how to navigate through Dove Illustrator.
After all, this right here is my very first adobe illustrator designed ever.
But I like how it turned out.
And I want to show you guys how I went about it so that further d'oh Let's go ahead and hop into Adobe Illustrator for this design of the month, we're gonna first start.
Of course, by opening you to be straight and hitting new, we're gonna make it 1000 by 1000 just because why not?
We're gonna have a square.
It's gonna be a computer on their 1000 by 1000.
Seems appropriate.
Gonna hit, create.
And here we are.
First, I'm gonna come over here, right click and do rectangle tool.
I guess you could do a rounded rectangle tool to So let's go ahead and do that gonna make the screen the part that flips up We're not gonna make it exactly square.
Of course, the laptops rectangle.
And then let me just move that to the center because I'm a CD like that is at the center.
Yeah, all right.
But what I want is this to be black, it is.
You can see this is black, but I don't know, Let's make it two points in so we can see it make a little bit easier for ourselves.
We're gonna just that later.
If we need Thio for the inside of this, we're gonna make it like a darker, grayish color So go on.
A double tap on this color here around there seems decent.
And now we have the inside that color.
So this is going to be the borders of the computer.
So you'll see the borders out here and one set, but we're just gonna do to make life easier.
It's a like this.
Control C control V.
So we have the same exact thing.
We're gonna hold shift and make it smaller.
So holding shift.
If you don't hold shift, it'll distort That way.
If you hold shift, it will keep its ratio.
But we're just drinking in a bit.
Gonna bring that into the middle.
If we could grab it, we'll bring that right into the middle of this is you could see its mark.
My center.
Obviously, that's a bit too big vessels.
Nobody would buy a lot with that big vessels.
What's wrong thing?
Let's grab this centered up.
You gotta play with it a little bit.
See how it is.
You know, a lot of C.
I have to make it a bit wider because we want even bells all the way around.
If it's the same ratio than we won't have even vessels on the side as we do up top.
So it's decent, right?
And that was just pick a background color for screen background color for the screen.
Make sure you have this inner selected.
It doesn't matter if you have it, just like you like that.
Or just like this double tap.
Uh, this is a nice blue we got going on.
Let's make it blue And then we still have the roundness up here.
But as we know, screens aren't really this rounded out, so moving this will, as you can see, adjust every corner and we'll get into just adjusting one or two corners in a bit.
But we're gonna sharpen that out a little bit.
How does that look?
Uh, let's do a little bit more.
Let's make it dancer 2.48 I like.
I like that and I don't know.
It may be a little bit off with the best is or not, but that's what we're gonna play with her right now.
So right now let's make the base.
We're going to do the same thing as we did before.
I'm gonna use the rectangle tool, not the rounded one, just because it makes my life a little bit easier.
Extended a little bit further because although in reality, it's the same exact with right here is closer, so it's gonna look larger.
I know you guys already know this stuff, but, uh, let me feel like I'm doing something.
I know you guys were really, really smart anyway.
All right, so obviously we want this to be the same color as this.
Right here.
Well, like that's not necessarily true.
The inside vessels will probably be darker unless you have, like, a space gray is the outside of the actual computer.
At least my computer is.
So let's go ahead.
We're gonna make it a gray, but not the same.
Maybe like a lighter, lighter, grey like that.
I lied.
I don't like that.
Let's make a little bit darker than that.
Make a real dark.
And speaking of this, let's make this even darker because I don't really like it.
How it is.
I want to make that this start.
I'm gonna come back over here making just a little bit lighter.
This is just my net pickiness, and I don't have to go over everything I just want to show you my process of kind of how I created this thing.
All right, so this we're gonna do is Scroll Lane just to make life a little bit easier.
So we see these right here.
We're going to double tap, and what we're gonna do is where is it?
All right.
So we can just adjust it here.
So alive.
We have to unlock it, Of course.
And we can adjust it here because we have We want that round edge of the bottom.
Let's start off with 10.
Let's make this 10 over here as well.
I kind of get out of there.
Close, close.
And that looks half decent.
Maybe a little bit more of a curve.
But we're gonna know we're not gonna keep that.
They're like that.
I'm gonna make it more of a curve just real quick, but only explain to you guys again because you you already know how to do it.
I think that looks a whole lot better.
Yeah, definitely looks a lot better than it.
Just it.
So of course, this is the base.
When this folds down, it'll close.
I think it would be appropriate to stretch this out a little bit longer.
Recent turret That looks better.
In all honesty, we have curves up here, encouraged them here.
What we don't really see on a Mac book, we don't see the curves.
If we're looking at this angle is just gonna be straight.
So what we're gonna do is come on to this unlock as it is, just kind of make it zero.
Let's just turn it down to zero.
So it looks like it's going straight into that eggs out of there, and that was more appropriate.
That looks like the hands down here and round out a little bit below.
And there's normally a little bit of a bigger basil at the bottom.
If if you count the whole entire face of the screen now in order to have this little div it that we have right here in order for you to put your thumb under this and open it up, we're going to It's like this Control C Control V.
And I say that because every time I hit control D, it doesn't work.
See, I'm hitting it and it's just moving it to the right because control d is normally duplicate.
But let's just do control C Control V.
I don't care to look into it because, you know, I found an alternative that works.
We're gonna hold down shift because we want the same aspect ratio.
In this scenario, we're just gonna make it is small, like we don't want the same aspect ratio.
We want it about half.
Let's actually, before we throw it in there, make this black will be six zeros.
What's there this intersect in the middle?
Let's see how that looks.
That looks half decent.
Maybe let's make this a little bit more rounded because, of course, that changed, too.
So let's, uh, let's make a 13.
That's the max it can go to make a 13.
All right, now that we have this going, here's a little David that you would put your thumb under.
And I think that looks decent and centered along with this and along with this and what do we want to have next?
We want to kind of put that little line that I have up here because just kind of gives it that little bit of I kind of like a three D effects.
I was like, There's light showing on it and lining them up directly with this was, in all honesty, kind of difficult.
See, if you could see it kind of leaks over into it a little bit.
Allow me to, uh, it's not showing the whole entire thing.
Let me make this go directly to here.
Make sure it's a straight line across and we have to select this.
I'm gonna make it like maybe like a straight white, just off of just right around there.
It's a little bit of tension there.
I don't want that thin, so let's make a little bit thicker.
That's too much.
Let's make it a three.
See how that works.
And as you could see, it kind of leaks over into that.
That's too long.
That looks halfway decent.
Noel, honestly, I'm just gonna make this the entire length of the computer and you'll see why in just a second we're gonna make it go all the way.
I said, This looks halfway decent, right?
Except this is in front.
So what we're going to Dio is just come overto layers over here.
Click on that.
Let's put the drop down because this is everything.
This is the line.
This is a rectangle.
So we're gonna throw this rectangle, which is which is the little thumb part you'll see in a second.
It's gonna come over top of the line.
You see that telex?
It just gives it a little bit of effect.
Little bit of three D effect.
You know, it just makes it look a little better.
So let's incorporate it.
And what else are we missing?
So if we were to come over, let's create another line.
We already have the line tool selected and normally, says Mac, book right here.
But when it comes to the sign, I don't It looks kind of cool to have the lines represent text.
So if it says Mac book right inside here, Mr Line, it's well, center that in a bit.
Let's make this.
The Mac book is a silver.
It's kind of like a gray.
Of course.
Okay, we're making a little bit darker than this little glare.
I may change that to full white, but for right now, we're gonna keep it as is gonna make this five point.
Let's see how that looks.
Once we scale it out.
That's not what I wanted.
So we have intersection and both centered.
It looks just about centered.
And within this I like it a little bit above.
That looks decent, but five is a bit too much.
Let's make it four and all.
I'm saying I don't even like before, either.
Let's go ahead.
And just they were back down to to see how that looks.
Uh, let's make it three.
All right, three looks halfway decent.
That's gonna be the Mac book pro ready.
I like it now.
All right.
So now that we have the basic computer, I am gonna add in a little bit of details.
So let's just throw in the dock, for example.
I'm going to come up to rectangle.
We're gonna throw in a doc.
I'm not gonna throw in each and every component of the dock, but it'll look good enough, so we're gonna have to round these out separately.
They're unlocked already.
Oh, so used to hitting the bottom one.
I forget which one I'm trying to round out.
So the doc is It's making a bit rounded to six apiece.
It's exit out of that.
I just kind of scroll out, See how it looks.
Looks halfway decent, right?
So what we're also going to d'oh is give us a color for the inside.
We wanna have it like a like a bright white kind of transparent color.
So let's, uh, pick right there.
I'm gonna eliminate this.
Gonna just go ahead and make the zero, as you can see, zero good to go.
Well, that's not going to change the opacity where we get that transparent look.
Bring it down to 50 just to kind of give herself a gauge way too much.
Let's bring it back up to 70.
Still too much.
I'm going to make this a lighter, make it all the way.
Because if we get the transparency, it will make it look a little bit better.
See, now the trick, the passing 70% isn't not enough.
It's almost just right.
It's very close when we zoom out this kind of overlaps that I don't really like.
So this up just a smidge and had a deep glance.
You can't even tell that it's not touching it.
And by Doc touching I'm talking about right here.
So about serving missing, we're missing a bar up top like this bar up here.
Except let's make it.
It's traditional.
Let's just take this control Z Control V.
Let's throw this up top.
It's kind of a line there gonna make it similar, and as you can see, I can make it any degree angle I want.
But if I were to hold shift down, it'll go from you.
See how it's keep straight or it'll go to a night 45 degree or 90 degree or it'll just keep turning around.
But these are the increments.
If I take off shift, I can go any angle on one.
So that just kind of helps you stay exactly straight at a zero degree angle when you're trying to mess with this and there is our bar up there in order to make it a little bit easier to see.
I can change this color, too.
I kind of like a darker gray ish, you know, blackish blue sea.
Now it looks a little bit better.
I actually like that background a lot better.
The bright doesn't really gain my intention.
I kind of like them or so faded, almost looking color like this color.
I like it a lot.
And of course, when you scroll out, it almost looks like this bar's drooping onto the vessels out of the screen.
When you come all the way in, Well, looks like this one kind of this.
So let's go ahead and James that, All right, so if you notice that I kind of went away a second ago, that's because my camera cut off.
But obviously I'm just speeding through the parts that are kind of repetitive or I'm not talking.
But let me just go ahead.
I'm going to save this because we just made the basic computer.
We have the doc.
We have this up here.
If you want to add little little icons up here, that's fine, too.
And we just have the basic computer late.
Let me go ahead and kind of talk you through the other design that I showed you earlier in this video, kind of how I created that.
All right, so now that we're looking at the Mac book that I created before and within all this window and what not?
As you can see, everything is just the same.
I took this.
I controlled C control v in order to duplicate it and then just scaled it down into what this is now.
And I created another box, and this is what this tab is right here.
As you can see, it's obviously a box because it has borders on it.
And I don't know, I just kind of like that.
Look, a little bit more look like this was over top of what's below here and with this kind of looks like it's inset with.
And I was just showing you guys two different methods of what you can do.
I made circles coming over here right click Ellipse Tool, and I can hit shift and making a perfect circle.
As you can see, it doesn't matter where I move.
My mouth makes a perfect circle boom, but I'm not going to make one right now.
I just made him the same colors as you would see on any Mac book pro a red, yellow and green, and then I just made a bunch of lines.
All of these are simply lines that changed the color off.
I just duplicated each and everyone, so I control Z control V.
And it just create a whole bunch of other ones.
I selected a few, made him one color, selected these two major pinks like that, all these made of blue.
And then I just kind of lined him up like it was indented like a like a normal text editor, like you'd be coding.
And in order to create this over here, which I actually really like, I came over two layers.
Let me click that again and I came over here.
Let me see which one's which.
As you can see, when I click on this, this is like to know, we gotta get down a little bit to here.
So now we have this elected.
And then I held downshift, Click all of these.
And now I have all of these selected control C to copy and control V to paste it.
And here I have it right here.
And then what I did was I made this appear.
Since all of them are still selected, make sure you keep them all selected for this whole process.
I put it down to two and then I just kind of made, um, smaller.
Kind of like squished him a bit so as you can see this is what we're left at.
I could kind of let me just put that over here so it doesn't really confuse you.
And that's kind of what I'm left.
That maybe this looks better than this.
I don't know, personal preference, but I just kind of squished it together to make it look like another text editor.
Like, I think Adam kind of squished it up, and it was sublime.
Text to it.
Kind of takes the code squishes up here just to see you.
Maybe within this viewing range, whatever here just shows all of your code.
If you have a whole bunch, it shows more than just his window shows not necessarily readable code, but just kind of shows you how long it is.
It looks cool.
All right, So in order to get this glare right here, what I did was just I just simply created a rectangle, and I changed this a pass ity to 10%.
So now it looks a whole lot similar to this right here.
And what I did was, of course, I turned this to the proper angle.
Let's pretend that's the same exact angle that that's on.
I lined it up right about there, trying to line this up right there, and I came over to this free transform tool.
Click on it and then, as you could see, you could do free, distort or perspective distort, just kind of play with it.
Let's do perspective.
Eso Obviously we don't want perspective because that changes it into a way that we don't.
We want free distorts.
So we're gonna come down to make this parallel with that.
We're gonna bring this all the way up to the top, try to keep the same angle that we had before and see now we got to play with it a little bit as you could see him holding up here.
But we're trying to make this parallel to one another.
So let's click off that click over that.
And as you can see, we kind of need to change that a little bit.
Let's come back free, distort.
You can also come over here and to free transform, too, and I'll change it just like this is Well, let's go ahead and go back.
And so, as you can see, perfectly glad in order create this other one All I did was simply a clicked on this copy.
V R.
Control C Control V just made it smaller.
He had to distort it a little bit as well.
But you know nothing you can't do on your own, and that's it.
I'm gonna delete this because I kind of like the way it looks right here.
I'm going to save it.
And that's kind of how you create the laptop.
You create the glare and you create this cool little text editor.
Everything is just lines, rectangles in circles.
And then we round the edges.
We free transform and use a direct transform tool.
I think it's cold and just kind of mess with this until the glare we have that Polly get that parallelogram that we really need and then you just make a big circle in the background, make a line just kind of make it look like it's sitting on a desk if you want to do that and that's it.
I mean, it's very, very easy to just dive in, especially if you have something else to look at.
So with this video you have this computer to look at and you could just make it look any time you want.
If you don't want it to be resemble a Mac book, then it doesn't even resemble Mack.
What could be a del x p s 15 If you don't want a text editor in yours?
You don't like the background?
Of course you can change that too.
All right, guys, Thank you for watching.
That's it for design of the month.
I do, however, have a few announcements one being this design as well as my other app.
Designs are available on my website that I am currently making so once it's complete, which should be within a a week or two, that will be down in the link below.
If you wish to get these designs a kind of player on with it changed to your liking instead of making it from scratch.
That's really convenient for the app design because you don't wantto necessarily create a whole app designed by scratch yourself.
It's nice to have that essentially like you.
I kid and play around with it.
Just adjust that because easier to have a template and start from scratch.
Also, I got accepted into merged by Amazon, so I have a few designs, including this one that we just created here for sale on the T shirts on my merch by Amazon account.
So I will have that link down inscription boxes.
Well, once I have everything uploaded over there and I really hope you guys enjoy it.
And if you wish to support the channel, go ahead and purchase attic.
You wish to purchase it just because you like it?
I'm okay with that too.
Or if you don't want to purchase it at all, I just want to keep watching my videos.
That's fine, too.
Don't feel pressured to purchase is just something that'll help put money back into the channel in order to allow me to create more video.
So that's it for this video.
Hope you enjoyed it.