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  • Hey, guys, welcome back to my channel today.

  • I'm going to show you my first software engineering resume and tell you exactly why I think it was bad.

  • Please stay tuned.

  • ISS Well, first of all, this is my first resume that I got my first software engineering internship with, and I ended up working at Yelp here in San Francisco.

  • Let's take a closer look cut something that jumps out to me right away.

  • Is that the resumes?

  • Way too long?

  • It's two pages.

  • The usual rule is that for every 10 years of experience, you out a page of a resume.

  • So guys, in most cases one page caught it up.

  • Cut it off.

  • It's enough.

  • Another Silas tickle thing is that the resume should be really concise, compact and professional.

  • He needs to keep in mind that in most off cos.

  • Especially if it's a really big tech company, recruiters get thousands of resumes, and the only have about five seconds max to look at your resume.

  • See, you need to put the robin for information to your job up top, and you need to make sure that you really showcase what you have done what you have worked on any jumps out.

  • If you look up my resume and you look at the top, I dedicated a lot off space to the section on my content information and my name that is completely unnecessary, and I wouldn't do it again if you were to try to give you resume to one page, you again need to make sure that everything is compact and this is just a waste off space left.

  • Now look at specific sections of my resume, so I mentioned already that you need to showcase relevant to the job that you were applying for experience.

  • So that's why I put my work experience my personal projects at the top because that was the most relevant thing to the drops that I was applying for.

  • No one carries about your education.

  • In most cases, everyone wants to see what have you done that is similar to the work that you might be doing at the company that you're applying for.

  • So work experience.

  • Let's look at my android developer.

  • It's some cake.

  • Some cake actually wasn't a real start up.

  • It was just a couple of students at the German University.

  • I was ad trying to make an app, and I was helping them out.

  • But because startups are hot right now and they kind of wanted to start a startup with this product at some point of their journey, I put it down as a start up so that it looks for legit, but I actually did help him out.

  • Second up, I have software developer, intern at European Games Group that was a legit company.

  • However, it was a game publishing company, and that was that part time internship that the founder of this company gave me because he was so impressed with my desire to learn how to code.

  • I was the only programmer in this company, and it was really just an opportunity to go into an office and build the Django app that they asked me to build on, really push myself to learn.

  • So that was legit.

  • And then last but not least, I have my chemical engineering internship because I did study chemical engineering, and that's what I did my internships prior to applying for real software engineering internship.

  • Next up, I have my personal project section, so I also put it at the top because that was really relevant to the job that I was applying for.

  • So for my personal project, the one that I spend the most time on was Wake Me Out, which was an android application on alarm clog that you could send a picture of voice message to.

  • So you can surprise your friends in the morning section on skills.

  • To be honest, I don't have an exact answer whether this section is necessary or not looking at mine, I put it in because there were a lot of buzz words that can tell the recruiters that I'm competent.

  • You know what I'm doing?

  • So my advice would be if you have space on your resume and put it in if you don't maybe fitted in in a one liner, but I wouldn't stress out about not having the section on your resume education again.

  • General advice.

  • Do not put it at the top unless it's really relevant to your work experience.

  • I listed everything that was related to computer science in my education section.

  • So again, I listed the code academy and coursera courses that I took because again official that I didn't have a computer science source or software engineering degree, and I was the computer signs under my exchange program because I did take extra computer science classes at my exchange university, scrolling through the second page of my resume, I would say that most of this information on the second page is really relevant and really unnecessary and honestly, just occupy space.

  • So we have start of experience.

  • I really wanted to showcase that.

  • I was a part of the start of community, and I know about it.

  • Then we have volunteering.

  • Honestly, no one really cares about it in this context.

  • Then we have awards.

  • Some words that I listed were back from high school again.

  • Anything related to high school is in Most of the case is completely irrelevant.

  • And last but not least, I have my personal interest to show that I also interested in stuff outside of just coded and working and what not also really most cases unnecessary.

  • So this was my resume, guys.

  • This was my first present that I got my real software engineer an internship with I hope you enjoyed this video and we'll give it a like and subscribe click the notification button So you know what my videos come out and thank you so much for watching.

  • As always.

  • I hope you have an amazing week.

  • Have a great rest of the day.

  • Bye for now.

Hey, guys, welcome back to my channel today.


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B1 中級

初めてのソフトウェア・エンジニアリング・レジュメ (My First Software Engineering Resume)

  • 15 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日