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  • the due to pride is still together.

  • They're healthy and strong.

  • Somehow they'd managed to make it through the long, dry season.

  • On the endless wait for the returning herds, the young male now has the beginnings of a main and those still limping.

  • The female has grown new for over her black patches.

  • Now at last with endless food around them, the lion cubs of the time and the energy to play on dhe, they can relax in a way that only lions know how.

the due to pride is still together.


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B1 中級

たてがみイベント。ライオンの抱っこひもの水たまり|自然の大イベント|BBCアメリカ (Mane Event: Lion Cuddle Puddle | Nature's Great Events | BBC America)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日