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  • It's been six months since my first visit to Brixton prison.

  • Everybody knows you're here.

  • While I'm confident a lemon treacle slice could be a best seller, Azizi looks your B and flies out.

  • So far, I've been unable to find a major outlet is a 24 7 worry even while I'm at the day job.

  • Very busy.

  • But I can't stop thinking about the president of the kitchen Russell, because Bad Boy Bakery is trickling along.

  • So what?

  • I haven't got it.

  • I have your weight business, a big coffee house chain and not one of the very top.

  • If I can't find the major retailer willing to sell the slice, the Bad Boys Bakery is going out of business.

  • It's not gonna last much longer unless our land bloody big coffee chain, fast growing UK coffee shop industry is worth around £5 billion a year.

  • I want us to get a slice of the action, but so far the response has been Luke Warm Acosta extremely positive feedback from the head of food.

  • However, once it went to the senior directors for approval but decided it would be wrong to proceed with a meeting, I'm afraid since we spoke to Waitress Cafe.

  • They also tunnels down due to the conflict with Heston.

  • I've employed a coffee industry expert who has been pushing the slice with Kathy Nero, but there's a general concern that the recipe might be too sweet.

  • Hi, Helen, is Gordon.

  • Have you spoken to Nero?

  • I have a couple of concerns.

  • One of them, really, is that the product would need to be developed further before they would be already tried it in any of them.

  • I'll let you deal with it with some things polish.

  • I know it's not polished, but, you know, we've come on leaps and bounds, so I haven't had a chance to show them sort of a bigger change.

  • That moment is about if they even go for a trial, they don't know that there's something in place able to deliver that they need.

  • We do have some others.

  • We've got Squires Squires.

  • That's like, Yo, Chelsea Football Club versus Fucking Stenhouse mule.

  • E would appreciate that Disc wires that go out.

  • Listen.

  • Fucking museum.

  • Fuck New Zealand.

  • There's more fucking sheep than there is coffee bus.

  • Kathy Nero are concerned about the product on our ability to deliver a big order.

  • What?

  • I need to keep pushing for a meeting.

  • In the meantime, I'm pressing on with plans to develop the marketing.

  • It's not just the taste that's important to the slightest success.

  • It is vital that the public buy into the idea behind it.

  • How we're gonna sell that, How we gonna market it?

  • You need help because this has to be put across.

  • Yeah, the right way.

  • And you don't get a second chance of this.

It's been six months since my first visit to Brixton prison.


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ゴードン・ラムジーのバッドボーイ・ベーカリーは売るのに苦労している|ゴードン・ビハインド・バーズ (Gordon Ramsay's Bad Boy Bakery Struggles To Sell | Gordon Behind Bars)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日