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Can you sneeze with your eyes open? I don't think so. But there are various other actions
that you can do with your eyes. So in today's lesson we are gonna look at different English
verbs that would help us to describe the actions that our eyes make. So let's have a look.
Hey friends I am Niharika and welcome back. Well when we talk about different verbs related
to our eyes the very common ones that we use are watch, see and look. Like we see something
with our eyes we watch something with our eyes and we look at something with our eyes.
But then there are different verbs that you can use instead of using these common ones.
So which are these words? Well we have it right here for you I'll help you to understand
them and of course how to use them in your conversation. So we will start with the first
one which is “gaze”. Have you heard this before? Like gazing at the Stars is the most
wonderful thing. Yes! You do gaze at the stars in the night. So gaze actually means to look
at something or to look at someone with admiration you know when you find someone who is super
gorgeous, very beautiful and you just gaze at that person. Well you are looking at that
person with admiration. Okay so the next time you would not say that, “oh he was looking
at me” well rather than using the word look you can use the verb “gaze”, okay “he
gazed at me all night long” but probably because you are so pretty, okay? Moving on
to the second verb that I have which is “peek”. Have you heard this before? Peek-a-boo! Well
peek means to have a quick look. Probably a secret look. For example, “could you just
peek outside and see if the audience is settled down?” So which means someone wants you
to go check or have a quick look to see if the audience is settle down. So peek is to
have a quick look, alright? Moving on to the third verb that I have for you is “stare”.
Well when do you stare at someone? Well stare is to look at something with wide-open eyes
probably you're looking at the person with surprise or you're just giving a blank look
at someone. So that's staring. Like how men stare at women, ah, that's absolutely disgusting.
But yes so stare means to look at someone or something with wide eyes open it's like
a blank look okay? So it's a blank look with wide-open eyes. Moving on to the fourth one
is “blink”. Blink, blink… well yes to open your eyes and to shut them. So it's like
a quick movement, that's blinking, okay? That's how you blink so that's very simple many times
or probably English learners don't know the exact word to use when you open and shut your
eyes quickly well that's to blink, okay? That's blinking. So to blink is to open and shut…
to open and shut your eyes quickly. Moving on
to the next verb that I have for you well that actually rhymes with blink, “wink”.
Well when do you wink at someone? So it's just in a very flirtatious manner or in a
joking manner like when you crack a joke and you want to express that with your eyes your
like, like this okay? So when you just open and shut your eye, just one eye quickly there
are people who can try to wink with both their eyes I can't do it I can just do it with my
right eye like this so that's winking, okay? So to wink is to open and shut one, one of
your eye and when you're joking, you probably crack a joke or probably you're flirting with
someone okay in a very flirtatious manner you wink at the girl or the boy, right? Moving
on to the next verb that I have for you which is “pop”. Now you don't really pop your
eye out, okay? Well the meaning of the word pop is pretty much similar to stare but pop
is when you look at someone or something in surprise, when you're astonished to see something
and your eyes go wide open okay like this, like you're shocked or you surprised, you're
astonished. You your eyes pop, okay? “Why are you popping your eyes, well this is nothing
great? Okay so when you actually open your eyes wide open in surprise or in shock. Alright
moving on to the next one is “roll”. Well have you seen people rolling their eyes, like
their eyeballs? I can't do it well I kind of try to do it but I fail to do it. Well
rolling your eyes is basically when you move your eyeballs round in circle okay especially
when you're annoyed at someone when you're really angry at someone or someone just said
something so stupid or so something so strange that you roll your eyes with anger or with
irritation okay like probably when a small kid comes to you and says something really
silly and you're like ah okay so you roll your eyes with anger or frustration so that's
rolling your eyes. So when you move… so when you move your eyeballs in circle okay
you go round the eyeballs go round when you're angry or when you're frustrated, right? And
then the last verb that I have for you to describe an action that your eye makes is
“ogle”. Now ogle is when a person stares at you with the sexual attraction or sexual
desire okay so that's ogle. There's a difference between stare and ogle, stare is when you
just look at someone with wide-open eyes but ogle is used when a person is looking at the
other person with sexual desire like for example my friend attended a party last night and
she told me that there was this guy who ogled at her all night long, okay? So he wasn't
really flirting but yes he was looking at her in a very sexual manner, right? So to
look, to look with sexual desire is to ogle, okay? So the next time you are talking about
someone's eyes, probably you're looking at something or you are seeing or you're watching
something well rather than using the old verbs and very, very boring verbs try using these
verbs right here. So these are eight different verbs that you can use, so start using them
in your conversation and I'll be back with a new lesson soon till then you take care.