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  • Hi there. It's a great pleasure to be here

  • and I'm really excited, actually, to see so many familiar faces.

  • And I wanted to tell about my story and how I came to work in anonymity.

  • 18 minutes isn't really a lot of time to sum up a decade of work,

  • but, I'll try.

  • And I'll start by saying that I met Roger Dingledine, Rachel Greenstadt

  • and Nick Mathewson at a Hacker Convention in Las Vegas.

  • And they told me about this idea, this idea of anonymity.

  • This idea that every person has the right to speak freely,

  • the right to read without exception.

  • This idea that it should be available to each person.

  • They introduced me to the philosophy but also to the technology.

  • And the technology was very fascinating to me.

  • Overall, what I found to be interesting was this idea that

  • not one human should be excepted from the basic human rights,

  • that we, generaly, I think, as a world, agree should exist,

  • should be something that is equally accessible to all,

  • regardless of class, race, gender, sexual orientation.

  • But what does that actually mean?

  • Well, it turns out, for the Tor Project

  • which is a free software project for freedom, that I and many others work on

  • what it means is to actually put enabling technology into the hands of each person

  • so that they can choose whether or not they wish to use it.

  • And so, what Roger and Nick and Rachel and other members of the Tor Project

  • who are incredibly inspirational to me

  • what they were able to show me was that by making it free software,

  • this means that each person would be able to inspect the software

  • should they wishor to delegate that task to someone who understands that.

  • It means that each person without cost

  • would be able to use the system and it would allow them

  • to communicate across boundaries that previously were not something

  • that they could transgress without serious risk.

  • This kind of idea, it doesn't seem terribly radical, I think, in the West.

  • But in some parts of the world this is extremely radical,

  • this notion that you have the right to speak freely,

  • that you do not have to add a national ID card to every statement that you sign,

  • that in fact you might want to show evidence of a crime

  • and you don't want to take any credit at all for that.

  • In some ways it's a strange thing. But in some fields it makes sense.

  • We all have our own personal relationship to privacy and to anonymity.

  • And, we just don't call it that, usually.

  • So, everyone in this room seems to be wearing clothes, as an example.

  • I want to use the example of curtains in the window but the Dutch, well

  • curtains and windows that's not really a good privacy enhancing technology

  • since so many people seem to not use them.

  • But clothes are a good one, because clothes are an example

  • of how technology and society may not be perfect,

  • but we're still going to try anyway.

  • And so, what Tor as an anonymity system is trying to do is to give us some autonomy,

  • so that we have the ability to choose when we wish,

  • a thing which we do not claim as perfect,

  • but we claim is better than what we have without this system.

  • And, what is that exactly?

  • It's a simple piece of software that you install on your computer or onto your telephone,

  • that can be use with web browsers, with chat programs or whatever you'd like.

  • So if you want to leak a document to the New York Times,

  • or to a reputable source like WikiLeaks,

  • then you could very easily use something like Tor to do that.

  • It is essentially agnostic in the sense that

  • if it runs over the protocol known as TCP/IP, that's specifically TCP,

  • then that will be something that will work with Tor.

  • So, if you use the Internet, you're probably able to do a lot of the things

  • you do on the Internet with Tor.

  • But, to actually talk about why you would want to do that,

  • we sort of have to address what it is that we want to think about.

  • And so, when we talk about anonymity in the Tor project,

  • it usually creates a strange feeling for people. For example, they say,

  • "Well, you know, I don't really have anything to hide"

  • or "Well, I'm using this service and they promised that they won't,

  • you know, they won't do anything bad with that data."

  • So what we want to do is to create a clear dividing line between

  • what we would call privacy by policy and privacy by design.

  • Privacy by policy is where a group of people collect all of your private

  • ostensibly privatecommunications and information,

  • and they promise that they're not going to give it to anyone else.

  • Sounds like a great deal right?

  • So, think about it this way: how many of you,

  • if I could have a show of hands in the audience,

  • would be willing to have a stranger, completely

  • have all of the information on your government issued ID cards

  • and everything in your wallet,

  • which was issued by an agency of some kind or a company

  • how many of people here would just empty their wallet on the street

  • and show all of that to a random passer-by that asked for it?

  • Anybody here?

  • I'm glad there is at least one person. Thanks!

  • Well, this is an interesting thing, because many of you didn't raise your hands.

  • I think you probably thought that was the right answer.

  • But, as it just so happens, the interesting notion here

  • is this idea that, somehow, because you don't show it to someone,

  • because the State keeps it in confidence, that it's private.

  • Well how could it be private information if the State forces you to give it up?

  • That's kind of strange.

  • And that only certain members of a privilege class

  • of privilege employee class, no-less

  • are allowed to have access to that information in an unfettered manner.

  • Well, that's strange, to me,

  • that that would be considered private.

  • But that's the kind of privacy by policy. And sometimes it works alright.

  • So it works really well in cases where

  • it is especially not important that that information is not released.

  • So, in the case of, say,

  • you're a victim of domestic violence,

  • it is probably the case that if that information exists somewhere,

  • and someone could get it, it would be quite damaging to you.

  • It could be damaging to your literal life.

  • So, in a privacy by design world,

  • what we might do is create a system where

  • you no longer release your real home address when you need to give that up.

  • In the State where I live in the United States,

  • there's the thing called the address confidentiality program.

  • And what they do is they give you a special card

  • and this card allows you to say that this is your home address.

  • But if an abusive person exists within one of these State's agencies,

  • say you being harassed by a law enforcement, as an example

  • then if you are in this database,

  • then it would allow you to make sure

  • that the only people that could get that information

  • were people who could get it from the agency that keeps it safe,

  • including from all of the other agencies.

  • This is a kind of privacy by design system, but still a not very strong one.

  • Because ultimately, the authority to release your information

  • rests with someone other than you.

  • So with Tor, what we're trying to create is a system

  • and we have created this system

  • where that isn't the paradigm.

  • The paradigm is an absolute privacy by designed system,

  • given certain constraints.

  • So, assuming that, the person that wishes to know you are

  • cannot watch the entire Internet, all at the same time.

  • When you use the Tor network, your local network,

  • that is usually the place where censorship and surveillance occur

  • in a way that is linked to you,

  • to your national ID card, to your credit card, to billing information,

  • that connection only sees that you're connecting to this anonymity network.

  • So that's really fascinating because it means that when you visit a website

  • or when you visit a service of some kind,

  • it does not know that you're in Belgium anymore.

  • So if you've ever seen one of these movies where they trace a hacker

  • all the way around the world, and they say,

  • "Oh, they're over here! Oh, they're over here!",

  • it sounds kind of cheesy, but it's true.

  • What Tor enables you to do is exactly that,

  • except that the tracing stops at the Tor network.

  • And the idea is to compartmentalize this

  • because if you have to trust one agency to never betray you

  • that means there's only one agency, there's only one group,

  • there's only one database that needs to be compromised to ruin your day.

  • And in some cases the things that are disclosed

  • perhaps a disease status,

  • perhaps what gender you're actually born regardless of how you present

  • these things become public information in a way that cannot be non-public again.

  • So, if you happen to be doing research for business,

  • if you happen to be doing this in some context

  • that has legal ramifications, that kind of thing can destroy your career.

  • But if you happen to be a gay rights activist in Uganda,

  • it could also be the end of your life.

  • Where surveillance is often in support of authoritarianism,

  • and specifically in support of violence.

  • Surveillance is one of the pieces of the puzzle

  • that allows an authoritarian regime to do serious harm to people.

  • Because it is the all-seeing eye.

  • It knows who you talk to, it knows what you say,

  • these kinds of so called lawful interception systems

  • they can cause a lot of harm.

  • So what Tor seeks to do is not to go to war with these countries, where

  • we'll call them Overthereastanthat's not the goal.

  • The goal is to empower each person

  • to choose whether or not they wish to have the ability to speak freely.

  • Each person gets to choose whether or not they are going to read a thing

  • and not have to suffer the consequences of having read a thing.

  • Cause when we talk about privacy, we're actually talking about dignity.

  • We're talking about autonomy.

  • And we're talking about the ability

  • for each of us to develop as a human without that exploration phase,

  • which hopefully last our whole lives, without part of that exploration phase

  • irreparably damaging our lives.

  • This notion of "it will go down on you're permanent record"

  • has never been more true than it is now.

  • Because it is the case, that what we do, it is recorded.

  • And, unfortunately, it is not just a problem of Overthereastan,

  • it is a problem here.

  • For example, Bits of Freedom, in the Netherlands

  • recently published a document about the so called "Clean IT" program.

  • And this program essentially seeks to

  • monitor the entire Internet.

  • Even when people in this room are not suspected of a crime

  • all of the things they do, all of the places they go with their cellphones,

  • which are tracking devices that make phone calls

  • (Laughter)

  • All of that data would be used

  • and would be allowed to be retroactively used to police,

  • which sounds fantastic except it gets rid of this presumption of innocence.

  • And then, instead it creates this chilling effect

  • where the things that we do, the places that we have gone,

  • the people we have associated with, the people we have talked to,

  • and in some cases, in many cases in fact

  • the full content of what we have said

  • all of that information being recorded, proactively.

  • And then when someone needs to find,

  • allegedly, a criminal, then that data is there for them.

  • But the problem is that data that is retained,

  • for example in the data retention policies of the European Union,

  • well, it tells a story about you potentially,

  • that is made up of facts, but is not necessarily true

  • to the narrative that someone else has told with those facts.

  • So to give an example, I know of a person by second relation

  • who, while being surveilled,

  • decided that he wanted a free day.

  • And so he put his train, which he takes all of the time,

  • onto his schedule as he always does,

  • and he put his phone into the train,

  • and he got off at the next stop.

  • And the train took a long ride through the entirety of the country,

  • as it often does, and he was never there.

  • And it just so happens that because this fellow was under surveillance

  • or so the story goes,

  • they were very confused that they missed him.

  • It turns out that the battery died on the train.

  • So they thought that he'd given them the slip.

  • Well, that may actually be the case

  • but they didn't really actually understand how that was.

  • And allegedly, the train returned to the city in which it was originally coming from

  • and at that point he went to the train station,

  • picked up the phone because he had lost it,

  • and then he went home and plugged it back in.

  • And of course then, he was at home.

  • And allegedly, later, it was discussed

  • how they just couldn't figure out how he had given them the slip.

  • And of course the irony is that they were so reliant on this data,

  • and they were so sure that the data was perfect,

  • that they couldn't even consider for a moment

  • that their preconceived notions were wrong.

  • But that's actually the story that all of us will be able to tell very soon.

  • In fact, most of us probably already can tell that story.

  • So, what Tor is trying to do is to move technologies

  • such that it's not a tracking device that makes phone calls,

  • but it's a thing that empowers you to communicate with other people.

  • It's a thing that allows you to browse the web,

  • but without your health insurance

  • in the US, of course, this is a problem

  • your health insurance companies deciding they won't give you coverage

  • because people in your area happen to search for

  • symptoms related to cancer.

  • Well, I'm not from a civilized country, I apologize! But

  • (Laughter)

  • but that said — (Applause) Uh, that's fantastic, ha-ha!

  • Thomas and I were discussing actually

  • how in some ways the US is kind of like the Third World

  • and he says, "No, you have rich people." (Laughter)

  • Fantastic!

  • So, the key point here though

  • is that we should not suggest that privacy by policy,

  • especially when combined with secrecy, will lead to a more just world.

  • Right, so, in a sense what I want to do is tell you all about the technology,

  • I wanna tell you about the software. But technology is a weird thing.

  • Because it dis-empowers people who are otherwise totally literate.

  • And so if we talk about computers and if we talk about networks,

  • it's boring as hell, for probably almost everybody in the audience.

  • And reasonably so, it's totally boring!

  • I come at this from the human rights perspective.

  • I like technology but it's a means to an end.

  • And it is a mean in itself that is equally accessible,

  • that is overly available and it is free software.

  • It's openly specified, it's peer reviewed and it isn't perfect.

  • But what it has allowed people to do,

  • it's allowed people to make that choice,

  • when they otherwise didn't have a choice.

  • So during the Green Revolution in Iran, in 2008, in 2009, 2010 —

  • it's still ongoing depending on who you talk to,

  • people use this to circumvent what's colloquially referred to as the "Potato Wall"

  • or, the Iranian version of the Great Firewall of China.

  • In some cases, we're doing pretty well.

  • There is a cat and mouse game though,

  • so in China if you try to use Tor on your computer,

  • it doesn't work very well.

  • Sometimes it works quite well,

  • sometimes you just can't connect.

  • But that's okay.

  • Because that means Tor essentially acts as an alarm,

  • and it let you know that actually, while you think that the Internet is safe,

  • while you think that your communications are not being monitored,

  • that youas being not a criminalare not under deep suspicion

  • and you don't have anything to hide and so on.

  • But then you know actually that none of these things are true,

  • because Tor doesn't work for you.

  • And the place in which you're at, it does not allow you to freely communicate

  • without them being able to record what it is that you've read,

  • what it is that you've said.

  • So it's nice because it can help dispel that notion.

  • That notion that, you're not actually under surveillance.

  • There's a great quote from the 18th century,

  • which is quite long, so I won't repeat the entire thing,

  • but the general gist of the quote is:

  • people, when they are under surveillance, are already imprisoned.

  • This notion, which I think is less in Europe than it is in the United States,

  • or, in actually plenty of other places,

  • but, this notion is I think a good one to keep in mind.

  • I think a lot of people here understand this and yet

  • Europe has mandatory data retention,

  • not just for phone call related stuff, but regarding Internet.

  • All Internet communications.

  • And that to me is a serious and egregious human rights violation.

  • And if we look at it, to tie it back to my own story here,

  • I've been the target of grand jury in the United States,

  • which is a way that the department of justice

  • which is an ironically named department

  • the way that the department of justice decides whether or not

  • they're going to prosecute someone, like myself, for espionage.

  • They did this because they fundamentally don't believe in freedom of association,

  • and because of my friendship with someone like Julian Assange,

  • and work WikiLeaks,

  • they've used massive dragnets of surveillance,

  • including, I believe, the NSA's worthless wiretapping data

  • which should have never been collected in the first place.

  • They've subpoenaed through their legal instruments,

  • overreachingly I might add, my Tweeter account, my Gmail account,

  • they've done it for my ISP, for my telephone companies,

  • I've even have bank accounts shut down as a result

  • but I've never once been charged or arrested.

  • And so I use Tor,

  • specifically because I understand that I am not free

  • and that this is not a problem

  • such as in Overthereastan but it is actually everywhere,

  • and this surveillance is a threat to the very fundamental core of democracy,

  • because with total surveillance comes the ability for someone

  • to completely and totally destroy democracy.

  • And so I ask you, if you wish, and you do care about technology,

  • to simply help people who are not just in my situation,

  • but who are in many other situations by running a Tor relay.

  • Thank you.

  • (Applause)

Hi there. It's a great pleasure to be here


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TEDx】オンラインのアノニミティを守る「Torプロジェクト」。TEDxFlandersでのヤコブ・アッペルバウム (【TEDx】The Tor Project, protecting online anonimity: Jacob Appelbaum at TEDxFlanders)

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    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日