字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント In August 2011 a tournament featuring the popular 2011年8月 ドイツのケルンで 人気オンライン戦略ゲーム online strategy game Dota 2 was held in Cologne, Germany. Dota 2 の世界大会が開催された It offered the largest prize pool to date 史上最高の賞金総額 attracting professional players from all over the world. 世界のプロゲーマーが集結した Yes, it is actually confirmed. そうです 確定しました 1.6 million dollar prize pool! 賞金総額は160万ドル! I'm double-checking to make sure they haven't changed any details 発表されてから 詳細に変更がないか since they told us last time. 確認中です 1 million in US dollars for First Prize. 優勝賞金は 100万ドル That is for the winner. Dota を制したチームが 1 million dollars for winning Dota! 100万ドルを手にします! It's going to be huge. Dota2.com 前代未聞の規模です ホームページの The tournament tab is up, too. トーナメントタブも準備完了 Our website will actually change for the next 24 hours as well... 24時間以内に このウェブサイトも更新され... The day I transformed into an adult was the day I started playing Dota. Dota を初めてプレイした あの日 僕は大人になった It's times like, when you go up on the stage, 何かの形で国を代表して you represent your country for something. ステージ上に立つ You get the prize. 賞金ももらえる It's the amount of satisfaction and achievement that nothing else can give you. この満足感と達成感は 他では得られない It's something I definitely don't regret ever doing. ゲームをすることを 絶対に後悔はしない Gaming is simply the proudest thing in my life. 僕の人生で一番の 誇りなんだ It can be called "gamer," but for me, it's something different. 「ゲーマーだ」と人は言うかも でも僕にとっては違う One way to forget about pain is to do something that you will be in completely. 痛みを忘れる方法のひとつは 何かに熱中すること So... つまり… computer games. 僕にとって For me, it was... コンピューターゲームは… everything. すべてなんだ This is my career. ずっと昔に I've chosen to do it for so long. 自分で選んだキャリアだ Success in my eyes is always based on how other people see you. 成功とは 自分に対する 他人からの評価 In the eyes of the public, 一般的な視点で it's up to them. 世間が決めるんだ It's important to be doing things that you love and you really appreciate. 惹かれた物に打ち込むことは 重要だと思う Because that's your passion, man. それこそが情熱だから You should really work for your passions. 情熱のために努力すべきだ Ok, guys, you have 7 minutes to set everything up 残りの7分で準備してください and then we go. いいですね This is the first time I really wanted to take something seriously 自分の人生の為に 何かに真剣に取り組んだのは and do something good for my life. これが初めてなんだ FREE TO PLAY 10年前 Eスポーツは 存在していないも同然だった 10 years ago, competitive gaming wasn't even really a thing. 友達を相手にした 単なるお楽しみで You would play for fun against your friends. コーヒー1杯程度を賭けた 遊びに過ぎなかった Maybe you would play for a cup of coffee or whatever you wanted. 僕が始めたばかりの頃 瓶ビール24本をかけて When I started playing, we'd been fighting for 競っていました 24 bottles of beer as a first place. 冗談じゃなく 本当に I'm not joking. オンラインの登場以来 From there, though, online happened. ゲーマー達が目指すのは And, all of a sudden, you weren't just trying to be the best on your block. 地区優勝から世界一へと変わり Now you're trying to be the best in the world. Eスポーツの展望が 新たに開かれていった And that opened up competitive gaming to a whole new landscape. シーンを引っ張るゲームの 1つが Dota だった And one of the games really leading the way is Dota. Dota は例えるならサッカーと Dota is sort of a combination of football (or soccer for the Americans) チェスを混ぜたようなゲーム and Chess. 知らない人への説明は これが一番 This is probably how I would try to explain Dota しっくりくるのかなと to someone who's not familiar with it. 両親にはこう説明しました At least, that's what I did to my parents. Dota は推進力のゲームだ Dota is a game of momentum. チームメイトは5人 You as 5 players 5人の敵を相手に 勢いをかけて戦う try and battle against the other 5 players for momentum. 各プレイヤーが操るのは1人 Every single player controls one unit. ゲームのメインは エンシェントという名の And the main objective of the game is to destroy the final enemy building 敵の王座を破壊すること which is called the "Ancient." でも このゲームの本質は 最後の瞬間までに起こる Everything else that happens in the meantime 目を見張るようなプレイだ is your amazing filler of a game. 100体の中から1体を選び You could play 100 heroes 99キャラクターとプレイする in conjunction with 99 other heroes. 無限の可能性だよね It's just nonstop possibilities 最高に楽しいんだ and it's so much fun. プレイするのは いつも同じマップだけど And you know, it's like the same map every single time 飽きることなんてあり得ないよ but it literally never gets boring. Dota は生き様なんだ I would say Dota is a way of life. 賞金が出るようになって考えた When the prizes started coming 観客がいるから大会がある I was like, well we have tournaments 観にきた人が興味を持って so obviously some people are going to come and say, プレイしたいと思えば シーンが発展する "This is a great game. Let's play it. Like, let's put money in it." そんな風に毎年成長していった And it started progressing each year. トップレベルのプレイヤーは Those at the top level, 頭の中でめまぐるしく 計算をしているの 映画の― they just do like lots of calculations in their head. ビューティフル・マインドみたい Something like "A Beautiful Mind" いろいろ見えてるのよ where you see like all kinds of things. その情報全てを使って And using all this information 次の手を決めるの make your next move. いろんな意味で バスケットボールに似てるよ I see it in a lot of ways similar to basketball. 5人対5人で Just like a 5 on 5 game チームとして動いて where you kind of have to work together 個人の強みを最大限に 活かしつつ相乗効果を生む and utilize each other's strengths and synergizing everything together. チームワークと信頼 そして犠牲 The teamwork, and the trust, and the sacrifice 全てのチームスポーツと 同じだよ those are all true for every single team sport. Dota は一種の絆なんだ Dota is a game that unites everybody. 出身国とか 人種とか関係ない It doesn't matter what country you're from or race you are. 人と人を結びつける It's kind of like a bond that is shared 仲間との強い団結は 第2の家族みたいだ and when you're part of this tight-knit group of people. 手放すことなんかありえない It's like having a second family. それ位の結束を生むんだ That's something you never let go. みんな何かを求めてる Everyone's searching for something. それは満足感だったり Fulfillment. 名声や Fame. 達成感 Satisfaction. ゲームの中では 別の自分になれる It gives you the ability to become someone else. パワフルで A someone who is powerful. 5人の敵を打ちのめす Who can take down 5 opponents. 創造性を表現したり Express their creativity. 逮捕されないで ルールを破ったりできる Break the rules without actually getting arrested. ゲームのどこかに 探し求める物がある All of these reasons are in there somewhere. プレイヤー自身の自覚や The player himself might not even know. 理解を超えてるかもしれない He might not even understand it himself. でも確実にそこにあるのよ But it's there. オレゴン州 メドフォード Medford, Oregon 僕は闘争心が強いんだ Gaming fulfills my competitive need. スポーツは特に燃えるよ I'm a very competitive person. ゲームは競技の一種と思ってて When it comes to sports, I consider gaming a sport. そこで自分の闘志を So I use my competitiveness 発散させてる Dota が and I fuel it with Dota. 対戦欲を満たしてるんだ So it fulfills that side of me completely. フィアーはアメリカの トッププレイヤーの1人だ Fear's one of the best in America, if not the best. No.1 ではないが 経験豊富 He has a lot of experience. ベテランプレイヤーの1人だ He's one of the old hogs, basically. いつもは物静かな男だよ And he's generally just a calm guy. それが彼の強みだと思う So, in my opinion, that's his strength. クリントンはバスケが上手い Really good basketball player. 僕のコーチが弟を見て I remember my coaches watch him playing 来年参加したら 選抜だって言ったんだ and just talk about picking him up the next year when he came in. いつも ほめられてたよ Always had nothing but good things to say, でも 選ばれなかった but he wasn't picked on the team. 背が足りなかった それだけだと思う The reason was, yeah, he just wasn't tall enough, I guess. その後で ゲームに出会った So, I know that, yeah, he found the game. 自分に合うものを見つけて He got really devoted in that and stuff 専念するようになったんだ and just found something else that worked. いわゆる普通の母親でした I was your typical parent. 「コンピュータゲーム ばかりするのはダメよ」 "Clinton, you're spending too much time playing computer games." 「ちゃんと学校に行きなさい」 "You need to go to school." 「大学にも行くべきだわ」 "You need to go to college." そしたら息子はこう言った and he would tell me, 「ゲームをプレイして 稼げるようになりたい」 "I want to be able to play games and get paid for it." これは Dota が出るより Now he said this at a very young age かなり前で ほんの子どもの頃 before Dota ever came along. 成長したらゲームを 止めると思いました And I thought, well, you know, he's going to grow out of it. スクリーンの前で プレイすることに He's going to get sick and tired of sitting there 飽きるときが来るって in front of that computer and playing. 予想は完全に外れました Never did. Never did. シンガポール Singapore シンガポールの家庭は 子どもの教育を重視する In Singapore the families actually put a lot of stress on us 教育熱心なんだ in terms of our education. 勉強とゲームの両立を 努力してきたけど I would say it's been tough on me trying to juggle かなり大変だよ both studies and gaming at the same time. ここ2年間 成績は 下がりっぱなしだし My grades have dropped for two years already. ゲームが原因だと 両親は思ってる And my parents have treated the gaming as the cause of it. 家族が決まって言う 言葉があるんだ I mean there was this phrase that they used. They said, 「ゲームがいつか命取りになる」 "Gaming will be the death of you one day." 彼は良いキャプテンだ He's a great player and a great captain. プレイヤーとしても シンガポールトップだと思う I would say he's the top player in Singapore. ダントツでね Easily. 両親と親戚は My parents and my family, 僕のゲーミングでの キャリアについて話さない they don't actually speak much of my gaming career. 友人や他の親戚にさえ トップレベルのゲーマーだとは They don't tell their friends and my other relatives 知らせてもいないんだ that I'm actually that good at my games. ずっと優等生だったから これまでは家族の All along they have only been bragging about my studies. 自慢の息子だった Because I used to be an "A" student. それに たぶん Yeah, they go on and on. And... それだけが家族の 誇りだったんだ And it seemed like that was the only thing they could ever be proud of. 以前は1人だけ理解者がいた Actually, there has only been one person ゲーマーとしての僕を 支えてくれてた that has always been very supportive of me gaming. 名前はホァヤン 元彼女だよ And that was my ex-girlfriend, Huayan. シンガポールの女性 Dota チームの一員で She's from the female Dota team in Singapore. いろんなことを 2人でたくさん There are a lot of things that we share in life. 共有してきたんだ So many things. すごくラッキーだった 僕の才能を認めてくれて In my case, it felt really good, you know, to have someone そこを好きになってくれて who truly appreciated what you did best. 誇りに思ってくれた And loved you for it. 熱中してることを 理解してくれた She was aware of what I'm doing and what I'm passionate about. 別れは彼女からで その意思を尊重したよ The breakup was her decision and I respected it. もうすぐ3周年だった We'd been together for close to three years あの別れからまだ 立ち直ってないんだ and ever since the breakup, I haven't gotten over it. 最後にしゃべったとき I recall the last time she spoke to me 嫌な奴だって言われたよ… she named me as a bastard so... *苦笑* *Laughter* もう連絡は取り合ってない うん まあ… We're not in contact anymore, yeah, but... しかたないよね life goes on. ウクライナ リヴィウ L'viv, Ukraine 僕はウクライナ出身 I'm from Ukraine. ニックネームはデンディ My nickname is Dendi. 大学を卒業して今は I finished my university, and コンピュータゲームをやってる I'm just playing computer games right now. 息子は音楽をやっていました He was doing music. ピアノを弾いたし He played the piano. ダンスもしました He was doing dancing. 学芸会で主役を 務めたこともあります At school, he had musical plays in which he played the main role. ダニエルの芸術性はいつも 観客を感心させました Audiences were always impressed by his artistic ability. ステージ上の子どもの誰より When their kids' group was showing, ダニエルは目立つんです Danil would always stand out. 子ども時代 うちに金銭的な When we were growing up 余裕はほとんど無かったわ でも祖母の援助で it wasn't a good time financially for our family. 97年にコンピュータが 初めてうちに来たの But my grandma helped us to get our first computer in 1997. 他の子はまだ持ってなかった Early, compared with other kids in Ukraine. 毎日いろんな人が来たわ We got visitors every day. 兄の友達がうちに 遊びに来て The friends of my older brother used to come to visit us 一緒にゲームして遊んだの and we were playing games. 弟は僕らの事をいつも見てた And Danil, every time looked at what we do. あっちへ行けって押しやっても Every time we would try to push him away 戻ってきて また見てるんだ but he would come back and look again. 他の子と比べて息子は 飛びぬけていました It was more prominent with him than with other kids. 弟の物心がついてからは During all his conscious life ゲームを止めさせようとしてた we were trying to stop him from playing. 家中のコンピュータコードを 隠してみたけど We were hiding our computer cord everywhere in our apartment 結局は見つけちゃうの but he always found it. いつも息子を理解したかった I always wanted to understand him better. 趣味も含めて全部 分かりたかったんです Including that hobby, I wanted to understand him better. ここではお話ししませんが There were certain reasons. いくつか理由があって I'm not going to mention them now. 息子の心の奥底には 悲しみがあると感じています I think somewhere deep inside he's a little bit sad. Dota をやめさせることを 母は止めたわ She stopped preventing him from playing Dota. 弟の人生で何が一番大事か She gave Dendi the freedom to choose 自分で決める自由をあげたの what is the best for him and his life. トーナメントの賞金額は 昔はとても低かったよ Tournaments back then were really low prizes. プレイヤーに賞金が行かない 事もたくさんあった And a lot of prize money didn't even get to the players. マネージャーが 騙しとったりとか 色々ね There's been a lot of scams with the managers and stuff like that. 優勝金額が5万ドルだって 噂がたったんだ There were, like, some rumors that it's going to be $50,000 first place, でも みんな思ったよ 「そんなのあるわけない」って and everyone was going, like, "Nah, it's not going to be like that." 2011年8月10日 August 10, 2011 フォーラムが大盛り上がりだ Watch the forums go nuts, guys. コミュニティが沸いている Watch the forums go nuts. 実際に本決まりとなった It is actually confirmed. すごすぎる額だ It is off the fricking hook. 賞金総額は160万ドル! 1.6 million dollar prize pool! 優勝賞金はなんと That is for the winner, 100万ドル! 1 million dollars for winning Dota! 5年間 プレイしてきた Dota, the game I've played for 5 years now. 趣味でね Which I played for fun. 食費の足し程度にはなった For some food money or whatever, you know. 段々大きくなりつつある Ok, it's actually getting big. 対戦ゲーム史上で 最高の賞金総額よ It's the largest prize pool of any gaming competition to date. これから何か大きなことが 始まるんだって思ったわ It just felt like the start of something big. 革命みたいな Like a revolution. ゲームがEスポーツとして You know, we had everything we needed 認められて尊重される 準備がついに整った for the game to become big and respected as an E Sport. 濡れ衣を晴らすときが来たのよ It would kind of like vindicate us. ゲーム中毒だから プレイしているんじゃない We're not just playing because we're addicted. 動機となる目標ができた There's a goal, a motive. 実力さえあれば そこに 手が届くのよ That we can actually reach out and grab if we are good enough. 中国 北京 Beijing, China アジアのプロゲーマー達は 大スターの待遇を受けていて Over in Asia, professional gamers are treated like rock stars. 職業として認められている It's a viable career opportunity. ゲーマー用の宿舎があって They actually live in gamer houses. 彼らはそこに住んでる So it's set up to be a thing all year long. ゲームの練習が 日々の仕事なんだ I think their approach to practice is that it's like a day job. ファンベースは巨大で The fan base is immense. 欧米のオーディエンスを 合わせたくらいの規模だ It probably is as big as the whole western audience together. それよりも大きいかもしれない Or even more than that. だから相当の実力と努力が So now you really have to play good. 必要とされる You really have to try hard. 目指すは優勝 負けたら終了 It's first place. It's go big or go home. 上位チームは大金を得るが The big teams get big money. 9位から16位には何も無い But the 9th to 16th place earn nothing. 彼らの年収は問題外だ And their salaries are not worth considering. スポーツ界では給料が 出るから 生活できる While in sports, you have a salary that you can live on. プロゲーマーはそうは行かない 一番やっかいな問題だ With pro gaming, I think that's one of the toughest parts is 大会と大会の間は living game to game. ぎりぎりの生活 It's like living paycheck to paycheck. 勝たなきゃいけない 負ければ収入は無い Like, I have to win. If I don't win, I don't get paid. 職業には関係なく That's a tough living for anybody. とても過酷だよ It doesn't matter what you're doing. 子どもがプロゲーマーに なりたいと言っても When your child wants to be a professional gamer 他のスポーツとは違って you don't have any history to look back on 参考になる歴史がありません like other sports. これまでにゲームで生計を 立てた人を知りません I don't know anyone who's made a living at gaming. ある意味 不安です So it's kind of a scary thing 子どもが大学に行かず 一般的な職業にもつかない when you see your kid putting their whole life into gaming 全ての時間をゲームに使って その結果がでなかったら and not college and not the traditional things. どうなるんでしょう? What if nothing comes of it? 年齢に関して言えば Regarding the age 限界はあります I think, yes, Eスポーツ界は 間違いなく 25-26歳まで 25, 26 years. It's absolutely maximum for E Sports 27歳を過ぎると because 27, 28, 29, 30 反応速度は鈍ります your reaction time is lowering 若者の様に早い反応で and you can't click so much, you know, クリックできません as the kids do. 経済的な責任が 大きくのしかかってる A lot of financial responsibilities are laid upon me right now. 何かで成功するか 就職しなきゃいけない Require me to be successful in something or have a job. ゲーマーとして続けるには So it's pretty critical that I am successful 成功が絶対に必要なんだ if I want to continue the gaming career. 彼は「優等生」なの He's an "A-Star" student, you know? ゲームがこの子の 足を引っ張ってるね Because of this gaming, it pulled him right down. 悲しいねぇ It's very sad for me. おばちゃんは悪者でしょ? So here the bad one is Auntie. ここへやってきては Auntie is the one that always comes here and 口うるさく小言を言う nag, nag, nag, nag, nag. そうでしょ? ゲーマーって大変なんだ -Am I right? -It's tough being a gamer. なんて? Sorry? でしょ? ゲーマーは大変なんだって言った -Am I right? -I said, it's tough being a gamer. 何だって?億万長者? Huh, hy? Multi-millionaire. *笑* *Laughter* ゲームで? For gaming, huh? 残念ね あなたは違う Sorry, you are not. ちゃんと考えてる? 計画はある? Huh? What is your view? What is your plan? ゲームよりもずっと重要よ That is more important. 家族として言ってるの I mean, we speak ourselves. 率直にね We speak our frank opinion. 今はゲームを選んでるけど This is your choice now. 人生の目標は何? それの方がずっと大事 What do you want in life? That is more important. この大会で優勝したとして If I'm going to win this tournament 真っ先に頭に浮かぶのは… my first thought would be... 元彼女に電話するってこと I will call my ex-girlfriend. 関係は悪くなったけど Things got real bad between us and... でももし 大会で勝ったら but right now, for me, if I'm going to win this tournament, やっぱり 彼女に 電話するんだ my first thought would be, yeah, I would call her. 大会について話して… I would tell her about it and... その瞬間を彼女と I would want to share this moment with her... 共有したい yeah. この大会は 全ゲーマーの人生にとって This tournament is going to be a moment in every gamer's life. 特別なものになる これまでの全てを出し切るんだ Everything that you've been doing has been building up 1週間で全てをね and is going to happen over one week. 実際には 1週間もない And then it's not one week anymore. 1試合だ It's one game. 正確には1試合でもなく And then it's not that one game. 試合中のある一瞬だ it's that one moment in the game. その瞬間に全てが決まる And then that one moment in the game is where it's going to finish. 手の中のトロフィーか And how's it going to finish? 人生一みじめな気持ちか Are you going to be holding up a trophy? その一瞬で決まるんだ Or are you going to be the most disappointed that you've ever been? ドイツ ケルン Cologne, Germany 今日は火曜日 It's Tuesday. イベント開幕は明日です So one day before the event. 会場準備が沢山あります We already have a lot of setup. ここには大量のコンピュータ We have a lot of computer setup right here. ブースの準備は ほぼ完成しました The whole booth construction pretty much finished. 各サイドに5人のプレイヤー So five players per side. ガラス越しにお互いが見えます They can see each other through the glass. ブースは防音なので They can't hear each other. 互いの音は聞こえません This booth is soundproofed up. 実はこのセット Plus, the whole setup here 真上から見ると Dota の マップと全く同じなんです if you look from above looks exactly like a Dota map. そしてここが中心 And this is the mid. 全てがここで起こるんです This is where it all happens. いくつかのチームは 既に到着済みです A few teams have already arrived this morning. 招待されたチームは We had a lot of teams シンガポール from Singapore. 中国 We have China. マレーシア We had Malaysia coming in そしてロシアから来ます and Russia. いよいよ明日 始まります And tomorrow it's finally happening. 大会初日 DAY 1 of 5 予選で2勝以上を あげたチームが勝者枠へ TEAMS WITH TWO OR MORE WINS ADVANCE TO THE WINNERS BRACKET ゲームズコム2011の 開催地は美しいケルン We're here live at Gamescom 2011 in beautiful Cologne. 今日はイベント初日です It's the first day of the event. 最強の Dota チームが 世界各地から集まっています We've got some of the world's best teams here in Dota. 大会の賞金総額は 160万ドル! And they're handing out a tournament prize of 1.6 million dollars! 巨大イベントです It is massive here. 賞金総額は160万ドル A tournament of 1.6 million dollars. まさにゲーミングの未来! That's the future of gaming. 最高だよ! This is awesome! 才能あるチームが一箇所に 集結したのはこれが初です It's the first time we're going to see teams of this caliber assembled in one location. 彼らは無名じゃない These guys are not just nameless faces. 世界最高のプレイヤーたちよ They're the best in the world. チームの種類は2つ The bunch of teams we have here, 壮絶なスキルを持つ個人が 集まったチーム これは少数派 there's a few teams that have individual skill that's unbelievable. 残りの大半のチームは And then there's a big group of other teams プレイヤーの個人レベルは 最高ではないけれど that have good individual skill, not top-notch, 優れた戦略とチームプレイで 勝ち進む but who win through good strategy and team play. 例えばフィアーは良いプレイヤーだ Fear is a great player, for example, それでもアジアの プレイヤーにはかなわない but he is not comparable to good players in Asia. 彼に不利なことは何も無い 優秀なプレイヤーだからね And that's nothing against Fear, because he's still an excellent player ただ トップではないんだ but he's not them. アジアではゲームは もっと真剣にとらえられてる Over in Asia, they take gaming so much more seriously. 例えば Just to give you an example, サッカーの韓国代表チームは ワールドカップで the Korean soccer team were playing in the World Cup. モチベーションを高めて 良いプレイをするために To motivate the Korean soccer team to play better, 人気ゲーム スタークラフトの プロゲーマー達を they brought in Starcraft Brood War professional gamers 試合前のロッカーに招待した into their locker room before they went out プロゲーマーがサッカー選手の 憧れのヒーローなんだ so that they got to meet what were their heroes. 中国 上海 Shanghai, China 韓国でのスタークラフトが 中国での Dota In China, Dota is to the people there what Starcraft is to Korea. 試合はテレビ放送されてる It's televised. 彼が Dota プレイヤーになって 欲しい女の子は沢山いる The girls like their boyfriends to be Dota players. ゲーム終了後に彼らが歩くと After a game, when they're walking around ファンが集まってきて you can see fans running up to them シャツにサインをせがむの asking them to sign on their shirts. 本当のスポーツみたいにね It's like a real sport. 中国に3回目に行ったとき The third time I was in China, 2日間 ファンと過ごしたんだ I was playing with fans for two days. ビデオを作ってくれたよ They made a video of me, 山の中を歩き回って filming me walking in some mountains 用意されたセリフを言った and I had to say some sentences and stuff. 「Dota には登るべき 新しい山がたくさんある」 And I was like, yeah, "In Dota, there's always a new mountain to climb." とか そんな感じ Stuff like this, you know. 階段を上り下りして I walked up and down these stairs 走って 重量挙げもやったよ and started running and lifting some weights, 全部 Dota の世界観を 表現するための演出だよ just to compare this with Dota like some metaphor and stuff. 福州 待ってろよ! Fuzhou, I am coming! 中国の国家体育総局は E Sports in China is already a sport Eスポーツを競技として 認めています that is recognized by the General Administration of Sport. テニスや卓球 チェスと同等です It is the same as tennis, ping pong, chess. オリンピック種目でない 違いはそれだけなんです The only thing is that it is not an Olympic sport. 中国チームは強い I will say that China teams are all great. 個人のレベルも高いしね Every player in the team is strong. 中国のプレイヤーは ソロとしてじゃなくて You don't recognize China players as a player. まとめて認識することになる You just recognize them as a whole team. チーム全体が怖い存在だよ You just fear the whole team. この大会に来た 中国チームに The Chinese teams that have come to this competition 他国のチームがビビってる are scaring the shit out of everyone else. 中国トップの2チームと 同じグループになったんだ We had two of the top Chinese teams in our group. オンラインキングダムは 優勝候補ではなく Online Kingdom has not been regarded as one of the favorites to win it. 正直なところ 下位4位か 下位8位だと思われていました In fact, they were considered bottom four or just bottom eight for sure. 今回がチーム初の LAN プレイなんだ This is our first time on LAN together. チーム結成から まだ4-5ヶ月だ The team together has only been around for around 4-5 months 比較的新しいチームだよ so it's a relatively new team, 新メンバーのパイカットが チームの核を担当する and Pajkatt, our newest addition, playing Carry for us, チームに参加してから まだ3週間だ he's only been on the team for three weeks now actually. 中国チームとの対戦前は かなり緊張したよ We were really nervous going against a Chinese team 中国チームの最高峰だからね especially the top Chinese teams. 中には 若さゆえに There are going to be players that choke 緊張の重圧に耐えられない プレイヤーも出てくるだろう handling this kind of pressure at such a young age. 1437にとっては 初めての LAN だ 1437, this is the first time he's ever been on LAN. 相当大変だと思う 100万ドルがかかる大舞台 It's not easy, like, this is a million dollar tournament. しかも初めての LAN だ First time he's been on LAN. LAN : 参加チームが 一箇所に集結する大会 LAN (LOCAL AREA NETWORK) A TOURNAMENT WHERE ALL THE TEAMS COMPETE IN THE SAME LOCATION この舞台 賞金 そして得られる名声 This stage. This prize money. This prestige. 本当の戦いだ This is real competition. とにかく落ち着いて We tried to keep our cool together いつも通りにプレイしたんだ and we just played our game. オンラインキングダム 対 VIRUS ONLINE KINGDOM VS VIRUS オンラインキングダム 1-0 ONLINE KINGDOM 1-0 オンラインキングダム 対 NIRVANA.CN ONLINE KINGDOM VS NIRVANA.CN オンラインキングダム 2-0 ONLINE KINGDOM 2-0 興奮したよ We were super hyped. ここまでできるなんて 誰もが驚いてた Everyone was surprised we were doing so good. 僕たちも信じられなかった Even we couldn't believe it. オンラインキングダムの優勢 Online Kingdom dominating right now. オンラインキングダム 対 TYLOO ONLINE KINGDOM VS TYLOO オンラインキングダム 3-0 ONLINE KINGDOM 3-0 TyLoo 戦の後 全員が興奮状態だった After the match against TyLoo, everyone was very excited, you know. 優勝候補のチームに 勝ったんだからね We just beat one of the teams that was actually favored to win the competition. みんな浮かれ気分で So everyone's spirits were, like, 優勝できるかも って思ったよ "Oh, we may be actually able to do this, you know." 中国チームに勝ったから Beating the Chinese teams, 「中国スレイヤー」だなんて some people just, you know for fun, they started, 面白がって言う人も でてきた "Ok, hey, it's OK.Nirvana.Int. They're the China slayers." 大会2日目 ダブルエリミネーション開始 DAY 2 of 5 DOUBLE-ELIMINATION BEGINS 昨日はいくつか サプライズがありました A few little bit surprises that we had yesterday. 番狂わせも Quite a few upsets. オンラインキングダムが 中国チーム相手に2連勝 OK.Nirvana.International managing to beat two Chinese teams in a row, TyLoo とNirvana.CN でした beating out TyLoo and OK.Nirvana.CN. 彼らは今 勢いに乗っています They're currently on a roll now. 中国チームの不敗を否定した And Chinese teams are not unbeatable. しかし 一方で But on the other hand, イーホームが3-0で勝利して 4つの中国チームで EHOME are just proving that they are the strongest of the four Chinese teams 最強だと証明しました having a clean 3-0 record. イーホームが今大会の 優勝候補です They are the favorites to win the whole tournament. 数々の大会で優勝して So they come in with the confidence 彼らは自信を持っています that they've won so many championships already. 少なからず国のメンツも かかっています It's always a little bit of national pride at stake. 中国式の Dota が一番だと 証明する気なんです So, of course, they want to prove that Chinese Dota is still a little bit above the rest. 中国内でもイーホームは 最も古いチームの一つ EHOME is one of the oldest Chinese Dota organizations. Eスポーツのトップチーム として君臨してきた They've always been at the top of competitive gaming. ESWC 2010 は忘れがたい Most memorably at ESWC 2010. ESWC 2010 の前 Before ESWC 2010, 中国プレイヤーの実際の I thought, like, yeah ok, 強さはどれくらいか the Chinese, they're probably pretty good, 想像するだけだった but like how good can they be? 遂にイーホームと戦ったんだ 彼らは無敗だったよ And then we played EHOME who won that tournament without losing a single match. 全チームが完敗した Like, they just crushed every team. 優勝 1st PLACE その年のイーホームは Dota 史上最強だった EHOME finished the year as the best team in the history of Dota. その強さは圧倒的で 別次元だったよ They were just like on a totally different level. マネージャーがいて 後ろに座ってるんだ Like, they had their manager sitting behind them. 彼がチームに指示を与える He was making their calls. いつでも黒いミニノート を持っていたよ He was running around with this little black book. こんなチームはいままで 無かったと思う And they were the first team I heard of who did that. イーホームのマネージャーは ドラフトをメモして準備をする The EHOME manager copying down the draft, doing the prep work. 彼はコーチだよ He was their coach. ヨーロッパのトップチームの There was a great interview that was done. キャプテンを集めての 興味深いインタビューがあった And it lined up all the top European captains who attended トピックはイーホームだった and the topic was EHOME. 大会で勝ちたいなら If you want to ever play good 中国チームを招待しないこと you don't need to invite Chinese teams 強すぎるからね because they are too strong. 優勝はイーホームでしたが So EHOME won... 中国チームについての感想は? What do you think of the Chinese guys? 生まれて初めての 完全なる負けだよ I never felt this outplayed in my entire life. 彼らの強さは驚異的だよ It's unbelievable how good they are. タイミングや統制… Like, their timing, their discipline... ゲームを常に 掌握してるんだ They're really in control of the game, the whole game, 一瞬たりとも主導権を渡さない and they keep this control all the time. 考えられない強さだ This is really crazy to see, actually. どの国際大会に 出場しても It's because when we are at any international tournament, 海外チームのマネージャーや プレイヤーが我々を見ては when all of the foreign team managers and team members see us, 「イーホーム!」と騒ぎます everyone will all yell out, "EHOME!" イーホーム!イーホーム! EHOME! EHOME! 本当に壮観な光景です Do you know how spectacular that is? まるで習慣のようになっていますが Actually, this is a story. It's a custom. イーホームを見た誰もが自然に Which is when everyone sees EHOME, 王者として受け入れるんです they naturally think the king is entering. 実は 大会の日程と During this trip to The International, 期末試験の日程が 丸かぶりなんだ it's actually the same period as my exam periods. 避けられない犠牲として 受け入れたよ So I treated it as a sacrifice that I've made チームと自分自身のためにね for the team and for myself. 情熱を達成するために And I find that 払うべき代償の大きさや when it comes to pursuing your passions 価値を決定するのは すべて… it's really up to you to decide if it's worth the... 自分にかかってるんだ worth the sacrifice. シンガポール SINGAPORE 試験期間中は学校から 離れてはいけない規則です When they're having exams, they don't allow him to leave the school 息子に「気をつけなさい」 と言いました So I told him really I said, "Mind yourself." ゲーマーとしてキャリアを 描くのは本当にリスキーだ Setting out on a career in gaming is risky. It's very risky. 大会日程が試験日と 完全にぶつかって Because the examinations actually clash with the competition 正当な理由無しに 試験を欠席することになる and missing the exams without a proper explanation, 一種の校則違反だ 学校は Dota を the school didn't recognize the Dota competition as a valid reason. 正当な欠席理由と認めない It's kind of breaking school rules. 学校側は断固として 大会参加を The school is very determined to stop him from pursuing やめさせようとした his chance of going for this contest. このせいで家族に 大きなストレスがかかった So I think this has created a big stress for the family. 母親の頭痛の種 Gives his mother very headache, you know? 相当こだわっていて 家族が彼をゲームから It's quite difficult for us to pull him out right now, I think. 引き離すことは難しいです You know he's so adamant about it. 8月の大会に参加すると 言われたとき So that's why when he told me he's going in August, 「期末はどうなるの?」と聞きました I said, "Then how about your school exams?" 「一体どうするつもりなの?」と "What are you going to do?" たぶん 母は限界ぎりぎり まできてたと思う I think my mother, she was kind of at her limits, ゲーマーでいるのは 重荷になるって言われたよ telling me about how much gaming has been weighing me down. だから本音で 腹を割って 話をしたんだ… That was really the talk when I really opened my heart and I... ゲームに対する情熱を話した shared with her my passion for the game 実際にチームが勝てる見込み and how much I believed that 世界一になる勝算を my team actually has the potential to win, 説明したんだ to be the best in the world. 優勝できなかったら 今後も続けるつもりだって So we are stopping at nothing less than first. 母にはこういう風に 伝えたんだ This is how I tried to put it across to my mom. これまで沢山の犠牲を払った By giving up so much to come here このチームで絶対に 勝つ自信がある I have absolute confidence in my team that we will win. サイス VS イーホーム SCYTHE VS EHOME ドラフトが進行中だ Alright the draft is under way. イーホームがヒーローを選ぶ EHOME, they will select up their heroes. サイスも選択を始めた Scythe will start selecting theirs. 両チームの様子を見ると Looking now at both the teams, イーホームは非常にリラックス it looks like EHOME they're fairly relaxed サイスからは熱気を感じます while Scythe, you know they're eager. hyhy を囲んでピックしている They're all gathering around hyhy to pick. ドラフトで負けたら ゲームでも勝てない If you have a losing draft, you will lose the game. Dota はそういうゲームだよ This is what I think of Dota. ドラフトは本当に重要なんだ So it's really a lot on drafting. 両チームのキャプテンが ドラフトを行います Drafting is where two captains will select what they want to play with. 自チームのヒーローと 相手の使用禁止ヒーローを選ぶ What heroes are selected and what heroes are taken out. 100体を越える中から 選べるのは5つのキャラクター You can select five heroes out of a pool of over a hundred. 禁止可能なヒーローは4種類 And can also remove four of those heroes. 相手チームが 使いたいであろう4体を So four heroes you think your opponent will want to use, 封じます you can remove. どんな試合でも 対戦前に Before any game, any match, 相手に応じて we will decide our bans and picks ピックと禁止を決めておくんだ according to which team we are fighting. 大抵は 即興で相手の戦略に 対応する方法を Usually we would come up with a very impromptu strategy 考え付くことができる to try and fight their strat (strategy). ドラフト準備で頭と時間を 使うのは必須だね You really have to spend a lot of time thinking of the draft. ドラフトでゲーム自体が 大体決まってしまう The draft actually decides a lot of the game itself. イーホームは経験豊かな チームだ EHOME. They're a team with so much experience. 試合運びは既に 見えているだろう They already know the way they want to roll this one out. 戦略を実現できるかで 運命が決まる The only thing that's really going to make it or break it for them それだけが鍵を握っている is if they can get their execution right. あの対戦では In that particular match-up 恐怖を与えることが 必要だと思った we felt that we needed something that could instill the fear in them. サイスは最後に タイニーを選んだ And Tiny looks to be the last pickup here from Scythe. これは興味深い ピックアップ A bit of an interesting pickup there by Scythe. これで布陣が全く 変わってきます It's going to start to change around their lanes completely now. タイニーを選ぶと 予想外の戦略をとれる With Tiny, it is good as a surprise strategy. タイニーの居場所を さとられなければ If another team doesn't realize where he fits into the whole lineup, 相手の意表をつく ことができる then you can really throw the opposition off balance. 遠ざかるかと思ったが He's moving away, but no, hyhy, hyhy が振り向いて リナをしとめた he'll just turn around and just pops the Lina. ご存知の通り イーホームは I want to point out right now that EHOME, 初心者ではありません they are not noobs (new to the game). サイスによる 素晴らしいプレイ This is just Scythe playing an amazing game. 会場の大観衆と When you have such a huge audience and 家で観戦している 家族… you know that everyone is at home watching the game... 自分への期待を they have their hopes pinned on you and 感じるし… I feel that... 重大だよ there's so much at stake. もう相手を簡単に 一掃できる状態だ And they should be able to clean it up right now. タイニーが打ち上げて始まった キル獲得は間違いない Tiny, he's gonna toss, he's gonna launch and he definitely gets the kill. 357 は身動きがとれない We got 357 getting nailed out there. ネイチャーズプロフェットも ラストヒット獲得だ Nature's Prophet going to get the last hit in as well. イーホームは全滅 It's the entire team down for EHOME. GG だ This is GG. 二つのバラックが破壊される This is now a double-rax, at least. イーホームが接続を切った And EHOME, they're going to disconnect. 勝者枠に最初に進んだ チームは We have our first Winner's Bracket Finalist. サイス Scythe will advance. イーホームは敗者枠へ 落ち EHOME will drop down into the Loser's Bracket, サイスがゲーム終了した and Scythe will now finish up this game. 勝者 サイス SCYTHE WINS GG (GOOD GAMEの略) 宣言でイーホームが降参 EHOME CALLS "GG" ("GOOD GAME") CONCEDING THE MATCH 100万ドルは… Yeah, the one million is... 100万ドルは yeah, one million. 大金だ That's a lot. これまで費やした時間に 価値を与えるんだ It's going to make my time playing this game all worth it. タバコが役に立ってると思わない Didn't think smoking would do me any good. 吸い始めたのはいつ? When did you start smoking? 2年前だよ Two years back. 2年前 Two years back. 後悔してる Bad move. 元彼女と別れたのと 同時期だよね That seems to coincide with when you and your ex-girlfriend broke up. 仲たがいして… On bad terms... 彼女はもう割り切ってるよ Seems like she's moved on already. 彼女がプロでプレイしてたとき Back then when she was playing the game 共有してる感覚があった it felt like we had something we shared. でも今は… Yeah, but right now, it's like... 大会をチェックしてるとは思う… I think she's following this event, but... たぶんね… probably... 大きなイベントだから This event's big. いい結果を出して電話したい I hope I will get to make that phone call. 遂に 自信を持って 話せる話題ができる Finally I'll have something I'm proud of to tell her about. 長かったな Finally. 大会3日目 DAY 3 of 5 ロシアとウクライナチーム との対戦では When you played the Russians and the Ukrainians, 予測は不可能だ they were just the unpredictable teams. ロシア人の考えは さっぱり分からなかった I had no idea what the Russians were thinking. それが彼らの最高の武器だ That was their best weapon. 楽しむんだ Well, we're having fun. リラックスして We're trying to relax. 相手を怖がらせようとする We're trying to scare our opponents. 心理戦だよ 心理戦 Mind games. Mind games. 僕は頭を切り替えて 相手を怖がらないようにする I turn off my brain in the way of being scared of someone. 彼の生活は決して 楽なものではなかったわ One of the things I really admire about him is how でも いつも楽観的で he hasn't really had an easy life 元気がいいの but he's always so upbeat. それは凄いことよ He's always so cheerful. 彼がプレイヤーとして最初に来た時 When he first came on the Dota scene, 12歳くらいに見えたよ he looked like a 12-year-old boy. 「このちびっ子は誰だ?」って Everyone was just, like, "Who is this kid?" 誰も真面目に取り合う気 なんて無かった There's no way you can take this guy seriously. でも 全員ボロ負けだった! And then he would destroy you in games! インターネットの動画で I saw somewhere on the internet 息子のキーボード使いを見ました how he works with the keyboard. 目を見張りました It really is mesmerizing. 昔のピアノ練習が 良かったのでしょうね I think Danil benefited from his piano playing 本当に素晴らしい動きです because his hands are absolutely amazing. 彼は上手い 比類の無い優れた He can make really good moves. 判断力と技能を持っていて His moves, I think are unique, チームを勝利に導ける and they might win you the game. でも 技術だけに頼りたがる But he wants to rely completely on skill. 敵と対峙すると He wants, like, an enemy against him スキルのみで倒したがる and he wants to kill him through skill, nothing more. ゲームに勝ちたいんだ He wants to win the game. 彼の欠点は 忍耐が足りないことだ His disadvantage is that he doesn't have patience. 技巧にこだわり過ぎるんだよ He wants to make those moves. 試合中 バカをすることがある He can get a little bit too silly in games. 新しいことを試したがる He will try new and different things. キルを求める余り チーム戦で He will overextend in team fights 無理をすることがある because he believes he can get the kill. 彼の忍耐の無さが度を越すと And his impatience can go too far チームが負けることもある and he might lose the game for us. インビクタスゲーミング 対 ナビ INVICTUS GAMING VS NA'VI ネイチャーズプロフィットが参戦 Oh, Nature's Prophet, he's going to go in. ファーストブラッド間違いなし This should be the First Blood. 木で封じ込めた They got the Sprout on Sansheng as well. おそらくダブルキル獲得 There's probably going to be a double. デンディの必殺技が決まった! Dendi's ulti, it hits! デンディ デンディ Dendi, Dendi, no, no. まさか…ありえない He's not...he cannot be. これは徹底的だ This is Dendi through and through. 豚にして冷気をぶつけて 相手を閉じ込めた! Starts with the Hex, goes to Cold Snap, he locks him in place! ウィーバーを瀕死にした! Weaver really close to death! 逆戻りで回復したようだ Manages to Timelapse back out again. デンディはテレポートで脱出 Dendi will TP (teleport) back to safety. ここで iG が降参 So GG being called by iG. ナビの勝利です Na'Vi, they will take the game. ナビが 準々決勝に進出 NA'VI CLINCHES QUARTERFINALS 勝者枠での最後の戦いは ナビ対サイス Our Winners Bracket Finalists are going to be Na'Vi versus Scythe. プレイヤーの出身国がばらつくと ファンがつきにくいんだ Most teams that you see that have the most fan bases are full nationality. 僕のチームは かなり多国籍だ Our team is all spread out across the world. 単一国籍のチームと比べると He does have it a little harder than us ファンからのサポートが少ない because he doesn't really have this human support つらいことよ that we do. オレゴン州 メドフォード Medford, Oregon 家族を説得するのが 一番大変だった The hardest thing that I've had to really deal with in my life ゲームでのキャリアを 説明するのは is just trying to convince my family about my gaming career. 本当に難しい 今後は期待できるけど It's really, really difficult especially when you start out slow 今は発展途中なんだ but you know there's a future for something それに沢山の時間をつぎ込む and you put a lot of time into it, 「就職すべきだ」と 家族は言うしね and they keep telling you, "You should probably get a real job." カリフォルニア州 ロスで産まれたんだ I was born in the Los Angeles district in Lancaster, California. 2歳までは両親と住んでた I lived there with my dad and my mom. でも父が出て行ったんだ Around 2 years old, my dad left my mom. 何も言わずにね ただ荷物をまとめて… He didn't really say anything. He just kind of... 出て行ったんだ He just packed up and left. 母はロースクールに行きながら 僕らを育てることになった She's had to raise us both while going to law school at the same time. ロースクールを卒業したてで 苦労しました It wasn't real easy as far as just got out of law school, 仕事は無いのに 学生ローンの返済がある didn't have a job, had huge student loans to pay back. 仕事が見つかったので 引っ越すことにしました This job came up and so we moved here on our own. それからずっと1人で 子育てしてきました So I've been raising them by myself ever since. これがクリントンの アルバム So this is a photo album that I made for Clinton. 成長と共に撮った写真が ここに入ってます As he was growing up, I put pictures in it as we went along. 活発でスポーツ好きな息子達は My sons were both really active into sports いろいろ試したがりました and they wanted to do a lot 学期ごとの習い事はそれぞれ so I had to limit them. 2つまでと決めたんです They could choose two per season. それが私の限界でした 送り迎えをして That was maximum for me being able to get them to practice 試合があれば応援に行って and go watch their games. 大変でしたよ That was tough. サンタになった兄の ひざの上に乗るクリントン And Clinton sitting on Santa's lap - his brother Santa. 父が出て行ったことに対して 兄の方が怒ってた My brother's more angry at my father for leaving than I am. 父を思い出して He thinks about him. 取り乱してた He gets upset. 僕は父を記憶から消し去った Compared to me, I just block him out and pretend he doesn't exist. この写真では もうゲームしてる Clinton already starting video games here. 彼は家から 競技として Dota をプレイしてた He was sitting at his house, you know, playing Dota. チームにはスポンサーも 付いてたよ Doing it competitively, had a sponsored team and everything like that. でも その頃から彼の母の イライラがつのっていった But I think that's when it started getting on his mom's nerves. 不規則な睡眠スケジュールだよ I have a crazy sleeping schedule. ヨーロッパのチームにいるから かなり遅くまで夜更かしするか I'm on a European team so sometimes I have to stay up pretty ridiculous hours バカに早起きすることもある or wake up at ridiculous hours. 僕の生活リズムは 他人からすると普通じゃない So the standard day for me is not so standard. 毎日のように夜更かしだ 犬も一緒にね All the nights he'd be up and stuff, the dog would be up too with him そのせいで母が 寝られないんだ and that would keep her awake most of the nights 2人の間の緊張が 高まっていったよ and this is kind of where the tension got pretty high. これが何年も続いたんです You know, this went on for years その結果 とうとう 耐え切れなくなって and it came to the point where I just told him 家を出て行きなさい と言いました I said, "You know what, you just need to go somewhere else." こんな風に 追い出されたんだ ゲーミングキャリアのせいでね So I got kicked out of my house because of my gaming career, basically. クリントンが来たばかりのとき When Clinton first moved in here, 机を探していたよ 彼は何も持ってなかった he was looking for a desk and there wasn't anything in the room. 捨てようとしていたガラクタが 沢山あったんだが And I had a lot of stuff we were getting ready to take to the dump. そこからこの緑色の机を 見つけてきた And Clinton went out there and he came back in with this green desk. 「完璧だ!」って言ってたな And he goes, "This is perfect!" モニターが無くて 友達の家にいったら So I didn't have a monitor, so I went to my friend 使ってないモニターを持ってた and he had a spare CRT monitor. それをもらって来て 2冊の本を下においた So I got that, and then, obviously, I have two books here to hunch that up こうやって高さを調節したんだ so I can actually see the monitor. いわゆる節約スタイルだね So it's kind of a ghetto setup. 大会ではもっと良い設備が 用意されてるけど Even when I go to competitions, I don't think I play any differently on the nice setups プレイ自体は変わらないよ compared to this one. 彼は Dota 界のロッキーだ Clinton's like the Rocky Balboa of Dota. アメリカ人で最初の 一流プレイヤーだ He's definitely one of the first big US players そんなにすごいとは 正直 知らなかった and honestly, I didn't even know he was that big. 以前 北米には一流プレイヤーは あまりいなかった In the North American scene, there weren't many good American players known back then. みんなフィアーを尊敬してた Everybody respected Fear. 知り合いだったプレイヤーは みんなゲームを止めてった A lot of the people I knew, they quit the game. 踏ん切りをつけたんだろう They moved on, stuff like that. それでも続けてたら 年長プレイヤーの1人になってたよ But I stuck with it so I ended up being like one of the oldest players. 長年の経験と With all his years of experience, ゲームに対する不変のこだわり and all his constant commitment to the game, 諦めない姿勢が伝わってくる he's really shown that he doesn't give up. 父がいなかったから Growing up without my father, 男の側面について教えたり 助けてくれる人が I think in the end, not having someone there and teach me the guy side 側にいなかったんだ and having a father to help you up, それが僕を今の僕に していったんだと思う I think that it's actually probably made me the person I am today. チームの為にすべてが 上手くいくようにして You know, I just make sure everything's running smoothly on the team. ある意味 父親像を 担っているんだ I kind of play, like, the father figure, I guess. キャプテンとしての責任を 感じてると思う As a captain, I guess he felt he had that responsibility as well. 言ってみれば僕のメンターだ He was like pretty much my mentor. 以前 悩みがあったら― He did tell me one time, いつでも聞くから って言ってくれた "Hey if you need someone to talk to," he would be here. Dota 兄弟っていう感じかな So I kind of see him as a Dota brother. 誰よりも上手いなんて エゴは持ってないし I've never had an ego thinking that I'm better than anyone else. 新しいプロプレイヤーには 喜んで教えるよ I'm always there willing to help people who are new to the scene. 実は ゲーム内での役割も 同じなんだ And that's always been kind of my role in the game ほとんど他のプレイヤーを 強くすることに徹してる by just helping players get up for the most part. フィアーが僕を競技に 引き込んでくれたんだ Fear actually broke me into the scene, you know. プレイヤーになるのは大変なんだ It's very hard to get yourself out there. 当時僕はフィアーの ファンの1人だった I mean, back then, I was kind of like a fan boy of him. 彼の試合を見たりしてね You know, watching his games and what-not. 彼は高いレベルで戦うチャンスを 僕にくれたんだ And he gave me a shot to play at a high level. フィアーがいなかったら 今の自分はいない I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Fear. 間違いないよ I can guarantee you that. オンラインキングダム 対 MUFC ONLINE KINGDOM VS MUFC 生き残りをかけた試合 ELIMINATION MATCH これまでの MUFC の成績は Going into the match, we were all thinking, あまり良くないけれど… MUFC didn't do so well earlier, but... でも ここで負けたら 手ぶらで帰ることになる… If we lost that game, we wouldn't win anything so... ハイリスクなゲームだった it was a high risk game. 36 分経過 MUFC は 7,000 ゴールドのリード 36 minutes in, almost a 7,000 gold advantage in favor of MUFC ゲーム終了に向けて いくつかミスをしたんだ Toward the end of the game, we made a couple of mistakes サイドに2人置いた that put two heroes on the sideline for us. でも敵は全員で王座を 攻撃することにした And they had all five still up and decided that they were going to go for our Throne (Ancient). 単に基地にプレッシャーを 与えるつもりだったかも They're probably just going to push for the base. おそらく GG となるでしょう! They're going GG! ここで決着をつける気だ! They want to go for the GG! 基地の強化はもうできない! No Fortification anymore! 王座を完全に失いかけてたんだ We were really close to losing our Throne. 王座はほとんど倒れてた It's below 20 percent HP オンラインキングダムは ここで脱落か!? And Online Kingdom, they are so close to getting eliminated from this tournament! 何かしなきゃダメだった We just needed to do something. 僕が飛び込んでいく! 奴らをまずひきつける! Alright, I'm going to go on them! I'm going to initiate on them! 突っ込んだら 全員で倒しに来たよ So I ran in first and then they all went on me 王座から気をそらすのに 成功したんだ instead of focusing on the Throne, which is good. またシルバークロスだ Again by Silvercross. フィアーは撤退できるのか Fear, he's trying to retreat. 豚にされてしまった He turns into a pig. それでも生きている?!! How the hell is he still alive?!! 行け 行け! 行け! Go, go, go! Go, go! MUFC を押し返した! They push MUFC back! 敵チームを全滅させて 復活を遂げたんだ We made this huge comeback where we killed all of their heroes. それから反撃した You know, started pushing. シルバークロスがダウンだ! Silvercross is down! モーフリングもこれまでだ! Morphling! He's out of this! 基地が破壊されている! The Top Rax (barracks) will go! MUFC はもう持ち直せない! There is no way now that MUFC can come back! オンラインキングダムが MUFC を下しました! But it will be Online Kingdom eliminating MUFC! チーム全員ではしゃぎまくった Our whole team just went crazy. オンラインキングダムが 不可能を成し遂げた Fear leading Online Kingdom to do the impossible. 歴史的な大逆転 I've never seen anything like that. 今後もトーナメントは続きます And stay tuned. 次の試合も お見逃し無く! We'll be back here with more exciting gameplay coming up. オンラインキングダムの勝利 "ONLINE KINGDOM CELEBRATE MUFC DEFEAT" 世界大会7位以上確定 "SECURE 7th PLACE AT INTERNATIONAL" 大会4日目 DAY 4 of 5 サイスは Scythe. 08年のESWC チャンピオン They are the 2008 ESWC winners. アジアのトップチームの一つ One of the best Asian teams でも怖くないよ but we aren't afraid of them. チームメイトの意見は We're gonna fight them. 分からないけど I don't know about my teammates, 僕は怖いと思ってない but I don't feel scared at all. 敵をやっつけたいんだ I feel like I want to crush my enemy. 倒してやる That's how I feel. それだけだよ That's it. ナビ 対 サイス NA'VI VS SCYTHE 勝者枠の最終戦 Welcome to the Winners Bracket Final サイスがナビと戦います where Scythe goes up against Na'Vi. 勝者は 優勝決定戦へ WINNER ADVANCES TO THE GRAND FINALS 勝者は優勝決定戦へ進みます The winner gets a slot in the Grand Final. ナビへの声援がすごかったし The crowds were all cheering for them. 相手のドラフトは無敵に見えた And their draft was very scary. 意表を突かれたと思ったよ We were, like, caught off by surprise. でも倒すぞ!って チームで意気込んだ But, we were like, we've gotta win this, man. 勝って実力を見せてやる と思ったんだ We've gotta win this and show them who's boss. サイスはシンガポールの トッププレイヤーを集めて Scythe has managed to take all the best players from Singapore チームを作りました and put them in their lineup. 100万ドル! One million! ナビは落ち着いている様子 Na'Vi, they look cool calm and collected. 何をするべきか分かっている They know exactly what they gotta do. 結局は実力が物を言う It all comes down to gameplay right now ナビのドラフトを 倒せないことはない and I gotta say like, Na'Vi's lineup, it is not unbeatable. ゲーム序盤 ナビは攻撃的に サイスを追い回した NA'VI GOES AFTER SCYTHE AGGRESSIVELY IN EARLY GAME チーム攻撃が始動した キルを獲得できるか Now they're gonna look for the initiation and possible kill. hy がつかまります hy is gonna get caught. ボトムレーンだ 捕らえたか Now bottom lane. Held in place. スベンは動けない ここまでだ Sven stunned. Sven will go down. 息の根を止めたのは エンシェント・アパリション LighTofHeaveN, he helped out but Ancient Apparition gets the last hit. ナビが圧倒しています Na'Vi are dominating this final. ナビはチャンスを逃さない Now Na'Vi, they're gonna take the chance here. 攻め込んで GG に持ち込む気だ They're gonna go in for the GG. 今 hy が GG を宣言 And GG is the call from hy first. ナビは既に席を立ち Na'Vi are already off their computers. あっさりと立ち去りました They're not even sticking around. 相手チームの降参で They've got the GG. 勝利したのはナビ 100万ドルの決勝戦へ Na'Vi are into the Grand Finals and will play for the one million dollars. ナビ 決勝戦出場 決定 NA'VI GOES TO THE FINALS サイスは敗者枠へ落ち 敗者復活にかける Scythe will go down. They will face the winner of the Loser's Bracket. サイスが次に負けると トーナメントから脱落 ONE MORE LOSS AND SCYTHE IS ELIMINATED FROM THE TOURNAMENT 自信があったのに ナビと戦って負けた We had just lost our confidence match against Na'Vi. 大きな痛手だった It was actually quite a blow to us. あのゲームは ターニングポイントになった The game was really the turning point for me 人生で信じられるのは 自分だけだと学んだよ… because I actually learned that in life you can only trust in yourself, actually... 他の人を信じられない ということじゃなくて not in the sense that you can't trust people 結局 自分を裏切らないのは 自分だけなんだ but, yeah, like I said, the one who will never let you down is yourself. オレゴン州 メドフォード Medford, Oregon ゲームの世界で一番になりたい… Within the gaming world... 母の足跡をたどって きたようなものだ You know, it's like I'm following behind my mother's footsteps basically. 一生懸命働いて 今の地位を築いた She worked really hard to get where she is, 母の様に 自分の選択に and I kind of want to be the same way. 真面目に取り組みたい I want to work hard for whatever I do. 父親がいなかったから For me, I mean I've never really had a dad. 何かに迷ったときの So if I had any questions about anything 一番の相談相手は母だった the person I was most comfortable talking to was my mom. 間違いなく母から一番 影響を受けてる She definitely had the most influence on my life. 大きな案件で成功すると When she comes home from work 家に帰ってきて 話したがるんだ she's always anxious to bring up the subject how she won a big case. 母にとって仕事の成功は とても大事だし And I'm always proud of her when she wins these big cases 僕も誇りに思ってる because I know it means a lot to her. 頭の中でいつも考える I mean, in the back of my head, I'm always, like, この大会で勝てば If I do well and if I win this tournament, 無意味ではなかったと 証明できるってね I'll finally be able to prove that I'm getting something out of this. オンラインキングダムの命運がかかる ONLINE KINGDOM IS FACING ELIMINATION 勝者はイーホームと対戦 And whoever wins this match will be facing up against EHOME, 敗者は大会から脱落 but whoever will lose it, is going to be eliminated already. イーホームからは 負ける気配がない Like, EHOME, they're looking really strong right now. 後半に強くなるチームで 団体攻撃するつもりだった We had the stronger late-game heroes, the better team fight. 勝者には6位以上と 3万5千ドルが確定 WINNER CLINCHES 6TH PLACE AND $35,000 前線管理だけ 気をつければ良かった Just all we had to do was just control the pushes. オンラインキングダムがばらばら! Now, Online Kingdom, they're split! サンタ 動けない!スプラッシュだ! The stun on Santa! The splash as well. ウィンドランナーはここまでか They're gonna claim a Windrunner. どうだ? 倒した! Will they? Yes they do! オンラインキングダムが2-0 It's 2-0 for Online Kingdom. モスクワ 5 にとって厳しいが Moscow 5, not the start they wanted. オンラインキングダムの素晴らしい… But Online Kingdom having an amazing start... 勝利をつかみかけてたのに 後半でいくつかのミスをした We were so close to winning until some few mistakes that occurred in the late game. 今行くのか They might go right now. ヒーローが4体 横並びになっている There's four heroes standing right next to each other. タイミングが合わない! The timing is wrong! 出身国が違うせいで 意思疎通に問題があった There's communication problems because we're an international team. 出身国が同じだと 絶対有利なんだ So I think full-nationality teams have an advantage over most teams. もう少しだ!大きな賭け! Almost there! Big try! フィアーがつかまった Fear's in trouble though. 縛り付けられた 仲間も参戦 He's shackled and Lacoste is in. 必殺技も使う He casts his ulti as well. そこから破綻が始まった And it just fell apart from there. 徐々に痛めつけられていった They just slowly beat us down. 基地は破壊され 最終的には 全ての建物が倒れていた Eventually they just broke our base and took every single one of our raxes (barracks). オンラインキングダム 致命的だ This is really hurting Online Kingdom. 3人のヒーローが倒れる They've lost three. エニグマが来た Enigma pops. オンラインキングダムは全滅 The team is wiped for Online Kingdom. モスクワ5が駒を進めて イーホームと対戦だ The base will be taken and Moscow 5 will now play EHOME and advance in the tournament. オンラインキングダムは脱落 見通しは明るかったが… Now, Online Kingdom, they are out. So much promise... 残念なことに ここまでだ It didn't happen in the end for Fear and the rest of Online Kingdom, オンラインキングダムは脱落し 獲得賞金は2万5千ドルだった ONLINE KINGDOM IS ELIMINATED TAKING HOME $25,000 そしてモスクワ5が駒を進めます… and it will be Moscow 5 that will advance... チーム全員がかなり 感情的になってたと思う I think everybody on the team was very emotional. 彼の気持ちは想像しか出来ない I could only imagine how he was feeling. 個人的に受け止める人もいて 彼らは勝つために何だってする Some people take it more personally and they give everything to win. 上位8チームに 入れて満足した It was very satisfying knowing that we reached that Top 8, でも彼はこのチームに もっと大きく期待してた but he had better expectations for our team, ここまでこれたのは 本当に 全てフィアーのおかげだよ and we'd come a long way and it's all thanks to Fear. 思っていた場所に 辿り着けなかったら If you don't go as far as you thought you were going to be, 泣いたりすることもある I guess you end up in tears or something. 全員が相当ガッカリしたけど… All of us are really disappointed, but... 仕方ないと思う I guess that's just how it goes. 家に帰ったら 大きな決断が必要だ When I get back home, I need to make a big decision in my life. Dota のプロゲーマーである ことの利点や稼ぎを Like, just the benefits of playing Dota professionally, 考えたり... how much I can make from it, 100%になるためには どのくらい時間がかかるか… and how much time I really need to put into it to be one hundred percent, so... チームメイトとの同居 でしか実現できない The only way I would ever do that is if I move in with my teammates 一緒にトレーニングをするんだ and have like a training house with them そうすれば みんなで集中できる so I know for sure that we're all dedicated. 物事は理由があって起きる I think things happen for a reason, そのときが来たら ベストを尽くすのみだ and when things happen, you just do your best, そして前進するしかない and continue going forward with it. 本心ではこのキャリアは 上手くいくって分かるんだ I mean, deep down inside, I know this career is going to work out for me in the end. 中国チームが敗者枠から 勝ち上がれると信じています As for the Chinese teams I hope and know that they're capable of coming out of the Losers Bracket. 上位3チームはおそらく ナビ サイスと中国チーム… The top three teams are likely to be Na'Vi, Scythe, and a Chinese team... 個人的にはイーホームを望みます which I personally hope will be EHOME. 感情的にイーホーム が勝って欲しい Emotionally, I would hope that EHOME would win. 豚に変えることに成功! Turning him into a pig! このキルが必要だ They need to get this kill. 動けない!ウィーバーが攻撃! か弱き子豚だ! The stun! The Weaver Wave! It's a little piglet! 倒された!スラーダー! And it's dead! Slardar! 820 もこれまでか! 820, he's almost dead! サンドキングの連続攻撃! Burrow Strike! Epicenter! ウィーバーのダブルキル! 357! It's a double-kill by the Weaver! イーホーム側も1人ダウン EHOME, they'll lose FCB as well. 戦いの犠牲となったモスクワ5 Moscow 5, casualties of war. 何ということだ Holy Hell. 中国ではこのゲームは プロ競技なんです In China, this game is a professional career. 勝たなきゃならない重圧がある We are stressed because we have to win. 勝たずに 海外チームに負けるなら If we don't win or we lose to foreign teams, 中国ファンの信用を失う Chinese fans will have doubt in us. ライオンが見つけた敵を 蛙に変える Now Lion though is going to find him. Hexes him up. 運命の時は来た 動けない Finger's already started. There's the stun. ミルクのピンチ Maelk in a lot of trouble. 適所は外れた Really caught out of position. 他ヒーローの必殺技はミス AA ulti will fly in but hits on nothing. サンドキングの必殺技… Mania with the SK ultimate... 中国 対 世界という情況です The situation is China against the world. 大会での優勝が絶対的に 求められています If we win the championship, it is what we are supposed to do. 優勝の為にここに来た と プレイヤーに言い聞かせるし I tell them, if you are coming here, you are here for the first place. 毎日のように 優勝が必要だ 絶対にできると言っています I will tell them every day, we must accomplish this. We must achieve this. 伝統として Our tradition is 持って帰るのは優勝杯のみ と決めているんです anything other than the champion trophy we will not bring home. それ以外は空港の ゴミ箱行きですよ They will go ahead and trash it at the airport. サポートがテレポート FCB が動きを奪う Now PLT. Support Teleporting in. FCB gets the first stun. ミゼリーが出すぎたようだ Misery over-commits on the top lane. GG! GG! 海外チームが僕らを 倒したい気持ちは伝わる I can feel they really want to beat us, the foreign teams. PLTへの執拗な攻撃 PLT, he's had enough of this. FCB!また蛙に! FCB! What a time for a Frog! ミゼリー 爆発だ! Misery will pop! 我々のプレイを見ると… But when they watch us play, they feel... 勝ち目が無いと悟ります that there is no way to beat us. シンガポール Singapore 父はここで働いてる This is where my dad works. ずっと昔から For as long as I remember, 会社では 物流を担当してる he's doing the logistics for the company here. コンテナーを 移動させるんだ So it involves the shipping of the containers from one place to another. 僕が子どもだった頃 父は 1日 15-6 時間働いてた When I was younger, he used to work, like, 15 to 16 hours a day. 仕事以外の全てを 諦めたってことだ He's pretty much given up on everything else in his life. 人生に集中して勉強するよう 父に言われたよ He's always made it clear to me that I should focus on my life, focus on my studies 自分の様になるなと so as to not follow in his footsteps. 僕には父と同じ 苦労をして欲しくないんだ He doesn't want me to be slogging as hard as he is right now. でも 何かで世界一に なれるチャンスは… But the chance to be the best in the world at something... 何度も巡ってこない you don't get it much in life. 大会最終日 FINAL DAY 残るは3チーム THREE TEAMS REMAIN 息子から Dota とか言う物に I heard my son say 打ち込んでいると言われました he's working at this, what, Dota. 時間をかけて得るものは無い 非常に残念です He spends a lot of time and he gets nothing. For me, it's very disappointing. 学校へ行かず ゲームをしたいと言う Never goes to school. He wants to play computer. 朝になってから睡眠 翌朝までゲーム そして睡眠 Then in the morning, sleep. Then computer until the next day morning. Then he sleeps. 最低でも毎日15時間は コンピュータの前です The whole day at least 15 hours at the computer a day. これが…息子の人生です His life, my son's life is like that. 息子にはもっと勉強して欲しい 私は勉強しなかったので For me, I hope for my son to study more. Not like me. I never studied. 私も若い頃はハンヨン(HY)と 同じで沢山遊びました When I was young, I was also the same as Han Yong (hy), always spent a lot of time to play. 勉強しなかった事を後悔しています But now I also regret, why I don't study. だから息子には きちんと勉強して 私より But now I'm hoping my son continues to study 良い教育を手にして欲しい to get an education better than me. これが私の希望です This is my hope. トーナメント最終日 までに既に Having reached the final day of the tournament, HY は2つの試験を逃し 最終学期の再履修が決定 Benedict has missed two exams and must repeat his last semester of school. 残り1勝をあげれば優勝決定戦 His team is one win away from the Grand Finals. 絶対に勝ちたい I want to win this badly. イーホーム戦への準備は? Are you ready for EHOME? 出来ることは何でもやるよ We'll do whatever we can. HY の選択は正しかった 最高の選択だったよ For hy, I feel it was a great choice - a brilliant choice. チームが勝利する可能性を見てた Because he was considering that we could have won. 逃しちゃいけないチャンスなんだ It's an opportunity that you shouldn't miss out. ログインして テストしてみて 準備してください So, get ready, sign in, log in, play around, test a little bit, 4分後にロビーです and then join the lobby in about 4 minutes. 人生一度きりのチャンス It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance. 逃したらそれまで 2度目は無いんだ If you miss it, it might be gone forever. You might not experience it again. 因縁の対決です SCYTHE VS EHOME 準決勝 SEMIFINALS サイス 対 イーホーム And we have a rematch. イーホーム 対 サイス EHOME versus Scythe. イーホームはサイスに負け 敗者枠へ落ち ここで再戦です EHOME facing up against the team that forced them into the lower bracket. 勝者は優勝決定戦へ WINNER ADVANCES TO THE GRAND FINALS 心理的プレッシャーは強烈です ドラフトの担当者は特に The psychological pressure is immense, especially upon the drafter. チーム構成の最終的な 責任は彼にあるからです Because he is the one who is in the end responsible for the team's picks. hyhy が最も得意なヒーロー シャドーフィーンドを賭けで選択 HYHY GAMBLES AND PICKS "SHADOW FIEND," HIS BEST PLAYED HERO ダメだよ ダメ ダメ No, no, no, no, no. ダメって言うなよ! No, no. Don't say no! ダメだって 信じろ やめろって No, no. Trust me. No. ちょっと 待てって Wait, wait, wait. 本当にこれがいいか? Tell me this. You really want it? 真剣に考えて… I really think... アンタイメイジと SF (シャドウフィーンド)だ It's the Antimage and SF (Shadow Fiend). これで良いはず That's what I think. シャドーフィーンド?つまり hyhy が SF か Shadow Fiend? Alrighty then. It's hyhy as SF. シャドーフィーンドへの カウンター法は誰もが知ってる Everyone knows how to counter a Shadow Fiend. 非常に大胆なサイスの選択 It's a very bold pickup here by Scythe. サイスがゲーム序盤を制すれば その勢いは止められない The fact, if Scythe wins the early game, they're going to gain so much momentum, 逆に失敗すればイーホームが 優勝決定戦に進出です but if they don't, then EHOME will basically roll themselves into the Grand Final. hyhy 魔法耐性の 効果は間もなく切れる hyhy, BKB (Black King Bar) is going to wear off pretty soon, ベノマンサー 強烈な一撃! Venomancer, great strike! HY はここまで! hy's dead! 木に隠れろって! Stay in the trees now! 狙いは xy- 捕まえた And he wants xy-, he catches up to him. 倒しました And he brings him down. 木に隠れろよ! Hey! I told you to stay in the trees! 何で出てきた? Why'd you come out? 何回も言っただろ! Stay in the trees! I told you. 必殺技の歯車で閉じ込めた! What an ulti! He Cogs! チャウイ 逃げようとするが マナが足りない! Chawy, he wants to leap, but there is just no Mana! だから言っただろ I already told you. 何度も言わせるなよ I told you. Do you understand? 大丈夫だって 落ち着いて It's ok. Take it easy. 必殺技を使えば敵に姿を 見せずに済みます If he can pop off an ulti like that, he doesn't have to reveal himself to his opponent. 攻撃誘導が可能だ He can really just initiate. まただ!hyhy は必殺技を 使えなかった Oh, there he goes! hyhy doesn't manage to pop off an ultimate. いいぞ! Nice! いいぞ! Nice! 既に3人がダウン There are already three gone. これで4人目だ Make that four. アンタイメイジがダブルキル It's a double-kill for the Anti-mage. すぐにタワーへ向かう And they're headed for the tower right now. ここで GG hyhy が降参宣言 There is a GG—Good Game called by hyhy. サイスはもうこりごりでしょう Scythe have had enough now. イーホームが進みます EHOME will advance. 中国の期待が生き残った The Chinese hopes will stay alive サイスは脱落し 獲得賞金は15万ドル as they will go up against Na'Vi with a one game disadvantage... ナビとの決戦です ナビが優勢となる… SCYTHE IS NOW ELIMINATED TAKING HOME $150,000 優勝は何が何でも重要だった The first-placing was very important to me. それと同時に勉強にも 大きな支障が出た And to add on to that, my studies were also at the same time affected by everything. 全部つながってたんだ So everything was related. 全てが一遍に 上手くいかなくなったら When everything comes falling down at the same time かなりキツいよ it's quite hard to handle. 全て変わったんだ Things are all changed. また人生設計しないといけない So you gotta plan your life again. 一からやり直しだ All over again. いろいろ学んだよ I've learned a lot. 自分の欠点を認めるのは You've gotta realize your flaws. 一番難しいことだ That's the toughest part, I feel. 1人じゃやっていけない I don't do things as well alone. 1人で全部やっても So if you try to do everything by yourself, 上手くいかないんだ it's not going to be possible, you know. 運命を信じているけど I'm actually a believer of fate, and 勝利は必須じゃないと自分に I told myself that winning isn't necessary 言い聞かせた 人生はそれだけじゃない because there are so many more things in life. 大切な人の面倒を見ること How you take care of the people you love. それが大事なんだ 他の何よりも I think that's a very big thing. That's a very important thing. 大切なことなんだ It's the most important thing ever. あいつらを撮ってよ Catch these guys. フェアじゃないな It's not fair. 僕じゃなくてさ Catch these guys. 起きたばっかだ フェアじゃない I just woke up. It's not fair. 髪型が… My haircut... まだ… still... ぐちゃぐちゃ crazy. でしょ? No? でも 気にしない But I don't care. よし 全部持った Ok, I have everything with me. レッツゴー Let's go. インターナショナル Dota 2 決定戦 We are now at the final day 今日は大会最終日 of The International Dota 2 Championships. ナビの1点優勢から It is Na'Vi. 決勝戦がスタートです They have a one game advantage. これは非常に有利な状態 Sitting very, very sweetly in the Grand Final. 100万ドルを手にするのは どちらのチームだ? Who will get a shot at the one million dollars? ナビはずっと同じ 戦略を使ってきましたが Na'Vi was running the same strategy the whole time これまで攻略されていません and no one seemed to be able to counter it. ナビは開始10分で攻撃を仕掛け Na'Vi loves pushing from minute 10 開始15分で決着をつけたがる and trying to end the game at minute 15. この戦略は非常に繊細だ Those strategies are very sensitive 一度でも失敗したら because if you fail even once 取り戻すのは とてつもなく難しい it can become a very difficult game for you. イーホームは防御に 定評がある EHOME has been known for how well they defend their base ナビの攻撃を止められるのは イーホームしかいない So if there was a team that could stop Na'Vi's push it would be EHOME. さあ ゲーム開始 And let's get this game underway. ドラフトが始まった The players will start to pick up their heroes かかる賞金は100万ドル with one million dollars at stake. ナビに必要なのは2勝 Na'Vi need to win two. イーホームは3勝だ EHOME need to win three. 3体のコアヒーローを選ぶ 古典的な戦略で Running a very, very old school strategy with three core heroes. イーホームはナビの 序盤の猛攻に耐えました EHOME managed to survive Na'Vi's onslaught early. デンディへの集中攻撃 It's all on Dendi. PLT がテレポートして参加 PLT TP's himself in. デンディ タワーの方へ撤退 Dendi on the retreat back out to the tower. 逃げ切れるか? Will he get himself away? X!! これまでだ X!! Yes, there it is. ラストヒットはベノマンサー デンディが倒れた Last hit, 357, the Venomancer brings down Dendi in the middle. デンディのプレイはいつも 本当に上手い Every time you see Dendi perform he's always playing very well 普段レーンでは負けなしだ and he usually doesn't lose his lanes. デンディはせっかちで So, Dendi, his impatience is that 中国チームは忍耐強い Chinese teams, they are patient. 彼らは目を光らせていて 一線を越えた獲物をすぐに They look out for the fact that you might cross a line 捕らえて殺すんだ この方法でゲームに勝利する and they will take you and kill you and win the game through those situations. またミドルレーンが危ない デンディが狙われた Trouble in the mid lane again. There's already the Gush. 全員でデンディを狙う 357, PLT, everyone is right on top of Dendi. デンディ 居場所を誤ったか He's in the wrong place. ナビのプレイは基本的に ギャンブル要素が強かった And the way Na'Vi played, they really gambled basically. デンディは集中攻撃に倒れた Dendi's really been ganked, just shut down. ここまで やられっぱなし And not a single kill to his name as well. ナビが基地内を攻撃するようだ Now Na'Vi going to assault inside the base タワー3は危険だ 場所を交換された! Watch Artstyle. Tier 3 tower. VS Swap! アートスタイル 運が悪かったか! Artstyle's in the wrong place! ドゥームも参戦だ! 防御の効果も間もなく切れる! Doom there as well! BKB's both popping off! イーホームには必殺技が 効いていない Ravage will pop from LighTofHeaveN unable to affect EHOME. パッジ ダウン Pudge will go down. イーホームが反撃に出る They want to be initiated on. ナビ ここは退散すべき Na'Vi, they need to fall back. 相手の動揺を見逃さない They take your little upsets その積み重ねで 中国チームは勝利をつかむ and just win the game through those mistakes. 追い詰められたナビは 降参 NA'VI IS FORCED TO CALL "GG" ナビからの GG 宣言! "GG" from Na'Vi! ブース内で喜ぶイーホームのメンバー ナビは信じられない様子 EHOME are celebrating right now inside the booth. Na'Vi cannot believe it! 本大会で敵無しだった彼らを イーホームが初マッチで下した They've dominated this tournament up till now, and EHOME takes the first match so convincingly. ナビ 大会を通して初の黒星 That was the first loss of Na'Vi during the whole tournament. ここまでの連勝が途切れました They went undefeated until the Grand Final. 15分休憩の後 再開です We're going to have a 15-minute break and be right back here soon. ナビ 冷静さを取り戻せるか Na'Vi, they need to compose themselves. イーホーム 次も白星となるか…… EHOME, well, they just need to be awesome... 素晴らしい戦いでした! What a play by them! 負けるとすごく悲しくなる Any loss actually makes me pretty sad. デンディの実家 Dendi's Home ウクライナ リヴィウ L'viv, Ukraine ここに家族写真を飾ってるわ We tried to put family pictures here. これが両親の写真 This is our mom and dad. これがみんなの一番の お気に入り And I think that this one is our favorite actually. 子ども時代 うちは貧乏だった My childhood, we lived a poor life 父は家族の為 忙しく働いてた and Dad was working for all our lives. でも 家族が困ってたら 必ず助けてくれた But he helped us every time and every problem. 頼めば何でもやってくれたよ I just ask him and he'll do everything 僕のため 妹と弟のためにね for me, for Katya, for Danil as well. 弟と父はまるで友達同士だった But Danil and Father were like friends. 夫は釣りがとても Indeed my husband was 上手でした simply a fanatical fisherman. ダニエルは彼の一番弟子 Danil was, I would say, his best student. ダニエルは父から忍耐と 制御を受け継ぎました Danil has the same patience and control as his dad. 何時間もピクリとも動かずに He could sit for hours and watch the bobber 浮きを眺めていられるんです that wouldn't even twitch. 会話は無くてもお互いの存在を They could sit with no speaking for hours. 楽しんでいる様子だったわ And just enjoy each other's company. 言葉は無くても理解しあってた They understood each other without words. ある日 釣りに行くはずだった One day I was going fishing, but でも 父は来なかったんだ Dad never showed up. その日は家に遅く帰った When I came home it was already super late. 父は具合が悪くて He was feeling bad. 病院に行くことにして… He went to the hospital. He decided to... 検査の為に数週間 入院することに決めたんだ stay for a few weeks, you know, so we watch everything, stuff like this. 結局… And... ガンだった cancer. 父が痩せていって It was a very big shock for me 本当にショックだった because he was very thin. 父とわからない程に細くなった I cannot understand that this is my father. きっと治ると家族は思ってた We were all sure that it must be okay. でも すぐにその時が来た But it was a very short time. 本当に悲しくて I was really sad and was たくさん泣いたよ crying a lot. 父のことが大好きだって I was upset about 何度も伝えてこなかった事を すっごく後悔した I couldn't say to him, many times, how much I loved him. 夫が亡くなってからは After his dad passed away, あの子は釣りをしていません he hasn't gone fishing once. たったの一度も Not even once. もう 過去のことなんです For now this is all in the past. コンピュータにかける時間が とても多くなったよ Actually I spent more time near the computer because 考えたくなかったから I could not think about it. 気を紛らわせたかった It's like a distractor. これがきっかけでもっと It was like a start time, actually. ゲームをするようになったよ The push to play more. 今もゲームをプレイしている 理由の一つかもしれない And that's maybe one of the reasons why I'm playing now. それが無きゃ プレイしないかも Maybe I wouldn't play at all. 最近 ダニエルと母の 関係性は強まってるわ The relationship of Danil and my mom grew stronger these days. 互いに支えあってる They support each other. 良き友人になってるわ and they are very good friends. ダニエルにとってこれは とても重要なことだと思う I think that this is very important for Danil. 5年前の僕は何にも 考えてなかった You know, five years ago, I wouldn't care about many things. 最近はよく考えるよ Now, I'm thinking about it a lot. 何かに打ちのめされたら Something knocks you down, 立ち上がらなきゃいけない you need to learn to get up. 今 この方法を研究中なんだ So I'm trying to research this. 立ち上がる方法をね To learn to get up. 今が人生で 一番大事な瞬間なんだ This is the most important moment in my life これまでに試した方法は 役に立たなかったからね because everything I worked on wasn't useful. 家族の為に大会で 優勝するチャンスを得たんだ And now I have a chance to win this tournament for my family. イーホームとナビが 優勝をかけて戦っています So we have currently EHOME and Na'Vi playing the Grand Finals. イーホームがナビに1勝し Na'Vi just lost one game versus EHOME 今は1対1です and it's 1-1. 100万ドル獲得には 両チーム共あと2勝必要です So both teams have to win two matches in order to win the one million dollars. これまでとは全く違う 受身タイプのヒーローを選んだ Because our picks looked completely different, we were like passive and stuff. 僕達が2戦目も負けるって People thought we lost the first game, みんな思っていたかもね we're going to lose the second game. 少しは困惑してたかも知れない We were maybe a little bit demoralized. 今までと違うことを しなきゃいけなかった We really needed to change to a different pick. 何かが足りなかったから We were missing something. チーム戦で勝つために We picked Enigma just エニグマを選んだ to have a strong teamfight 5対5の戦闘に備えてね a five versus five combat. たった一つ残された選択が It was, like, the last hero left プレイしたことないヒーロー and I never played it before. みんなで言った 「君ならできる!」 Then, we're, like, "Dendi, you go!" そしたら彼は言ったよ 「プレイしたことない」 And he's, like, "Guys, I've never played it!" 「でも やってみせる!」 "But, I can do it!" ピック自体のリスクと 彼が So we took the risk of taking him 大失敗するリスク 賭けだった and risking maybe playing him badly. ボトムでデンディが エニグマをプレイするようだ So it looks like down on that bottom lane, Dendi will be taking the Enigma. 非常に厳しくなりそうだが... It is going to be a very, very rough lane... ナビは負けたから Na'Vi lost the game. あまり自信のない方法を 試そうとしてる And they're playing something now that they're not as confident with. イーホームはナビを攻略した 勝つ方法を見つけたんだ EHOME figured out Na'Vi. Figured out how to play against it. 以前も言った通り 個人的には イーホームが勝利すると思う And I'm going to stick to my word and I'm going to say EHOME will win it. 100万ドルがかかった状態での デンディのあの決断は It was incredibly ballsy from Dendi to do that 本当に勇気があると思います on the verge of winning the million dollars for your team. 馬鹿げてる 自殺行為です That's very, very stupid. That's suicidal. デンディ 追い込まれた Dendi really now caught out. ピンチです He's in trouble. ロケットが向かっている Rockets to fly in. FCB もタワーに向かって 来ている FCB long way in on the tower, lands the stun. ティンカーの攻撃 デンディここまで Tinker just lasers him to death. 結果 FCB も危険な状態だ It will cost FCB his life. いくつかのミスがあった Then we made some little mistakes. 「亀」 戦略で 戦ったんだ We played a really semi type of, like, "turtle" strategy. 本当に受身でね Really passive. Really passive. いつものスタイルとは全く違う We don't play like that. パピーとデンディが退散 しようとしているが Puppey and Dendi just want to retreat back out. 820 がこれを阻止! 820! What a Fissure! PLT が参戦! PLT is there! 続く820の攻撃! Echo Slam as well! イーホームのファインプレー Beautiful play there by EHOME. ゲームで僕が死んでも But I know if I die, それは無駄死にじゃない I die not for nothing. X!! ミドルレーンに来た… X!! in the middle lane... 前進してロケットとレーザー攻撃 Force, Rocket, Laser. これで決まった! It's enough! デンディ ミドルレーンで散った Dendi goes down in the middle lane. 自分の犠牲でチームメイトが Sometimes it can be like, you dying 得るものがあればいいんだ but your teammates picking up more. イーホーム ミドルで 攻撃を継続する模様… EHOME, they still want to push out that mid... デンディのエニグマを甘く見てた They weren't ready for Dendi Enigma. 彼らは 世界で一番 It was a patient Enigma. 忍耐強いエニグマ を見くびってたんだ That was the most patient Enigma in the world. パピーが来た Puppey is here. デンディもだ Dendi as well. そこで放たれた Going to look for the Hole. ブラックホール!!!! BLACK HOLE!!!! イーホーム 3人がダウン Three are going to go down for EHOME ここに来てナビ 優勢に立った Currently, Na'Vi, they have the advantage now. あの流れを変えた デンティは本当にすごいよ That really impresses me how he's able to make that transition. すごく根性があると思った You just have to have the balls, basically. 彼は敗北を恐れていた He was scared of losing. だから忍耐強く 一つもミスをしなかった That's why he was so patient and he did everything right. ナビの戦略はイーホームの 勝利方式と良く似てた Their strategy is kind of similar to how EHOME won. 後半を制してナビは勝利した Na'Vi defeated them "Late Game." イーホームの自信を完全に 潰したんではないでしょうか And I think this really shattered EHOME's confidence. イーホームからの 「GG」 And "GG" is the call from EHOME. ナビの白星 Na'Vi, they take the game. あと1勝で100万ドル 獲得です And they are only one win short of taking home one million dollars. 2戦目はギリギリで勝った We hardly won the second game. 中国チームは後半に強いと 恐れられています Chinese teams generally are feared for their "Late Game" potential. 次の試合で決着がつくか So we hit the point now. 真剣勝負の時が来た The gloves come off. イーホーム ゲームへの理解力 経験そして彼らの実力全てを EHOME, they will master their knowledge, their experience, their calls 集結させてナビに挑みます up against Na'Vi. ナビは最後にパックを選択 And Puck will be the last hero for Na'Vi. 俊敏なヒーローを選択した The nimble hero there already. 攻撃的なラインアップ に戻してきたようだ Once again a lot of aggressive heroes for themselves. ライトトゥヘブンは再び ビーストマスターだ Na'Vi LighTofHeaveN playing as the Beastmaster again 今回はデンディがパックだ with Dendi playing as the Puck this time. ナビが勝てば If Na'Vi wins this, トーナメント優勝 they win the whole tournament. この世紀の大戦を This Clash of the Titans right here 見逃すわけにはいかない is something we will not want to miss. X!! が近づいてきている X!! will come in closer. キルを獲得するようだ They will be able to get that kill. ドゥームもデンディを攻撃 Doom now on Dendi. X!!がデンディを引きずる イーホーム全員による攻撃 Pulled in by X!! The entire EHOME team turns on him. リッシュが倒される Lich will go down. FCB 逃げようとする FCB is on the run. ハボストが追いかける XBOCT after the chase of him. 十分か 攻撃が必要なようだ Might be enough. Needs some more damage. X!! 扮するストームも参戦 Storm! X!! Long jump in. デンディ浮かんでいる Dendi Orbing up to the high ground. FCB! リフトを使う FCB! Puts on the Rift. キル獲得なるか? 退却を試みる Will he be able to get the kill? He's on the retreat. やりました デンディが 最後に一撃を与えた Yes, it is. Dendi with the last right click. さぁイーホーム マップ上で大きく移動 EHOME now, they're gonna rotate themselves down. ナビは洞窟内にいる Na'Vi already in the pit. 全員で怪物ロシャンを倒す気だ They're trying to bring down Roshan - all 5. デンディ!飛び出す! Dendi! He's gonna jump out! ドリームコイルで捕らえた! He goes for the Dream Coil! He gets them! イーホームを縛った! ミドルレーンで動きを奪った! He gets EHOME! Holds them in the middle lane. 仲間が洞窟からかけつける Na'Vi already on their way out of the pit. デンディの元にやってきた They're coming in to help out Dendi. 全員で彼らを叩きのめしたんだ Then we just went in and demolished them. レベル3のタワーを破壊中 Now they're on top of the Tier 3 tower. 間もなくタワーは倒れる 遂に倒れた! They're going to bring it down. Yes, it does go down. イーホーム 必死で防御だ EHOME, they're trying desperately to defend しかしナビの猛攻は止まらない but Na'Vi, the onslaught will continue. ミドルタワーを既に攻撃 The mid tower's already being pushed. レベル4タワーも倒れる寸前 The Tier 4 tower is going to go down. そしてナビの残り全員が 一気に駆けつける And running in right now is the rest of Na'Vi. 100万ドルに向かって 突き進んでいる They are running forward to one million dollars. そして手に入れるだろう! And they will get it! イーホームからの 「GG」 The "GG" is the call from EHOME. ナビがたった今100万ドル獲得 Na'Vi have just won one million dollars. 準優勝のイーホームは 25万ドル獲得だ EHOME do take home $250,000 in second place. チャンピオンはナビ! But Na'Vi are the champions! Eスポーツ史に残る 歴史的瞬間の一つが There's moments of E Sports that are landmark, ケルンで生まれた and this is one of them. In Cologne. 勝者 ナビ And Na'Vi, the winners. 彼らが歴史を作った You guys have just made history. ソファの上で飛びまくって I was jumping on the sofa. とにかく夢中で叫んだわ And screaming like a crazy girl そのときの私は世界一 幸せな女の子だったわ because I was the happiest girl in the world. だって 弟が優勝して 100万ドルをもらうのよ! And my brother just won one million dollars! 10年経ったら I think in 10 years time 全てのゲーマーが 今活躍しているプレイヤー達を all the gamers which we currently have showing themselves, 回想してこう言うだろう they're going to be the guys we will look back at and say あれが始まりだったと this was the beginning. 全てはそこから始まった This is where it all started. 彼らは努力して These are the guys that worked hard リスクも省みなかった and they took the risk. 自分自身を証明して They proved themselves. 業界全体の発展に And they forwarded the entire industry to the point where 勢いをもたらした we could have a kick-start. 世界に僕らの活動を見せたんだ We could show the world what we do. あの時はここまで出来ると 誰が想像できただろう And then who knows how big we could get at that point. ここまで来れたんだ We've come far already. より沢山のサポートがあれば When more and more people support it そして今より一般的になれば and it becomes more and more normal, ニッチではなくなって 社会に受け入れられる it's going to go from a niche to becoming accepted in societies. 15年後のEスポーツは きっとサッカーよりも I think in 15 years, E Sports will be bigger than football. バスケよりも大きくなってる Than basketball. Than everything. ゲームで遊んでばかりだと 思っていた子が成長して That kid who you thought played too many video games 年間に25万ドルの給料を is potentially going to be on a path 稼ぐようになるかもしれない where he's earning $250,000 a year, salary. 世界を飛び回って He's flying the world. 圧倒的支持を受けるんだ He's going to be endorsed. ゲームは世界で最も巨大な エンターテインメントだ Gaming's the biggest entertainment industry in the world. 人気プレーヤーになったら So if you're a star, 世界で最も人気なスターの 1人になるってことなんだ you are potentially one of the biggest stars in the world. もし今のペースで 成長し続ければ So, if that, like everything else with computers grows exponentially or whatever 5年から10年で 大きな変化が起きる then 5 or 10 years could be a big step actually. 発想を変えるのは難しいわ Changing mindsets is never easy. だから時間はかかる So it's going to take awhile. 今のゲーマーが親になれば When the gamers now become parents, 子どもがゲームをするのを支えるわ we will be supportive of our kids playing, そうやって 全てが始まるの and I think that's really when everything will boom. 「努力無しで達成できるのは 失敗だけ」 "The only thing achieved in life without effort is failure" ドイツ開催のゲーム大会で After weeks of training, 長年トレーニングを してきた地元青年が a local man has led his online gaming team to the top, チームを世界7位に 導きました placing seventh in an international gaming competition held in Germany. 母も絶対誇りに思ってるよ Yeah, she's definitely proud of me. カメラを取り出して… I mean just, she had her camera out... テレビ画面の写真を撮ってたよ like, "Why are taking a photo of the television?" 母はバカじゃないんだ 弁護士だしね... I know she's really smart. She's a lawyer so... 僕のキャリアを 母はもっと 理解してくれるようになった But in the end, I think she'll be more understanding 支えたいって言ってくれてる and be willing to support me more うまくいったんだ so it worked out. フィアーはサンフランシスコでチームを結成 1人きりのトレーニングは終わった Fear now lives in San Francisco, CA and captains US-based team, Evil Geniuses.He no longer trains alone. そして 大会後に 新しい机を買った And after the tournament, he bought a new desk. 負けたのはガッカリした We were disappointed with our loss. 3位になったのは And, yeah, it's a mixture of both, 嬉しい半分悲しくもあった we're happy and sad that we got third. 複雑な感情が起きて Because of all the emotions この気持ちを共有したいのは 彼女だけと思ったんだ I felt like she was the one I wanted to share them with. この時にはっきりと 彼女を 取り戻したいと思ったんだ And it got pretty clear only then that I had to get her back. 大会後に帰国して 彼女に会いに行って After the tournament I actually went back to look for her, 話し合ったんだ and talk things out, また付き合うことになったよ and we have actually begun dating again. とても上手くいってるよ And things are actually going great. 彼女が大好きだ I love her, you know. 今の僕にとって彼女の存在は She played a huge role, a very huge part とても… in... 大きいんだ in the me today. hyhy は経営学修士課程を履修中 大学の学費は賞金で払っている hyhy is pursuing his Masters in Business. He pays for his university expenses through tournament winnings. 1週間前のフォロワーは3千人 One week ago it was 3,000 followers . 嬉しかったよ I was happy. 一気に増えて今は8千人なんだ Then it's boomed. 8,000 followers. 数が全てじゃないから It's not about the number. 1人とか2人でもいいんだ Even if it's one or two, I'm fine. 正直 数字は見えなくていいと So you don't need to show numbers actually. 思ってるよ I think. 父には My father, I think, 弟がしていることを理解する 時間は無かったと思う didn't have time to understand what Dendi's doing. 「デンディ Dota 2の億万長者」 "Dendi the Dota 2 Millionaire" 父の死は早すぎたわ We lost him too early. 今の弟を見ることが出来たら And if now he could see Dendi, 絶対に息子を誇りに思うはず I'm sure that he's proud of his son. デンディは最も有名な プロゲーマーの1人となった Dendi has become one of the most recognized professional gamers today. Twitter のフォロワー数は サッカー ウクライナ代表チームより多い He has more followers on Twitter than the Ukrainian national soccer team. ボランティア翻訳者に感謝します Steam Translation (http://translation.steampowered.com) Free to Play
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