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  • Sometimes there's a glitch in the matrix where the limitations of the old operating system are laid bare and something new pokes through

  • They've been dozens of responses to the jordan peterson channel for interview already. What makes this one different?

  • Well, I have a pretty unique perspective in

  • October last year I went to Toronto to interview Jordan Peterson at his home you came in from where I came in from London

  • last night, I turned the interview into the first full-length documentary about Jordan Peterson's ideas I

  • Was pretty sure he'd soon become a lot more famous and be recognized as one of the most significant public thinkers

  • but I couldn't possibly have predicted how he'd break through to a mass audience a

  • few weeks later Peterson did an interview with journalist Kathy Newman on Channel four News in the UK a

  • Program I worked on as a reporter and producer for ten years

  • It was a sensation

  • Millions watched it online

  • Tens of thousands commented an overwhelming majority felt Peterson had been unfairly represented

  • And in the week since it hasn't stopped

  • Peterson has been asked about it constantly on the most high-profile online shows

  • 12 rules for life so without reading this

  • So what you're saying is

  • There's only 12 things you need to do in life right, that's it well yeah this

  • This interview that you just did with this woman Kathy Newman shit was that in the UK

  • it was Channel 4 UK so what does this glitch say about the state of mainstream media and

  • the culture at large

  • By diagnosis of what's actually happening is that people are moving further and further away from?

  • what is what thinking actually is I'm at or more into merely running a script and

  • What does Jordan Peterson actually think that's so controversial you are?

  • misrepresented more than anyone

  • I know in a weird way. You are villainized in a weird way where I can't believe that these people are honestly

  • looking at your opinions and

  • Coming up with these conclusions. I believe this encounter struck such a nerve because it's a cultural watershed moment

  • But seen properly as Peterson would say it's archetypal in that it contains layers and layers of meaning

  • That go right to the heart of the biggest rift. We're seeing playing out in the culture

  • Over the next 50 minutes. I'm gonna do my best to unpack it

  • From the clash between new and old media. There's also why YouTube is gonna kill TV

  • Because television by its nature all of these narrow

  • broadcast

  • technologies they rely on forcing the story all the way down to the mythological an

  • Archetypal level I thought of ideologies as fragmentary mythologies

  • That's where they get their archetypal and psychological power, but in the postmodern world and this seems to be something that's increasingly

  • Seeping out into the culture at large you have nothing but the tyrannical father nothing

  • But the destructive force of masculine consciousness and nothing, but the benevolent

  • Benevolent great mother and it's a it's an appalling ideology, and it seems to me that it's sucking the vitality

  • Which is exactly what you'd expect symbolically

  • It's sucking the vitality of her culture and to ask how do we move forward constructively rather than just adding to the polarization?

  • I've been a journalist for 16 years in the newsrooms of the BBC in channel 4 and then making documentaries I

  • moved away from the frontline of news some time ago and started learning psychology

  • Which is what first drew me to Jordan Peterson?

  • from a distance I've started to see the blind spots of the establishment media much more clearly I

  • Spent some of the best years of my working life at Channel 4 News and have a huge amount of respect

  • And gratitude to the program

  • But I'm making this film because I feel so strongly that if we can't have open conversations about the kind of topics Peterson is raising

  • We're in serious trouble

  • My book went up to number two and on in the US the next day right it's number one in Canada

  • it's number three in the UK all on Amazon I

  • Couldn't have asked for more publicity right and so I could also be sitting back and saying well. You know she tried to

  • My a person who regarded herself as my ideological opponent

  • Tried to go after my philosophy and my reputation on national TV

  • Failed brutally and has been taken apart for it. It's like

  • This is a good day, but I don't regard it as a good day. I don't think it's a good day

  • I

  • think that it's evidence of the

  • Instability of the times that we're in it would have been much better

  • For me and for everyone else if what we would have had was a real conversation

  • You said that it's actually a sign of the times where things could go really wrong for all of us really soon

  • Yeah, we're playing with fire. Yeah, what do you mean by this? Can you can you elaborate?

  • Well things go wrong in cultures all the time right you get you get the polarization

  • Increases until people start to act it out

  • Peterson is one of a new breed of thinkers made famous almost completely by the internet not the broadcast media

  • Part of a powerful new informal network being called the intellectual dark web

  • The mainstream media is based on an old dying model that is being replaced by new media

  • And new technology so quickly that its faults are becoming glaringly obvious

  • Fortunately, thanks to YouTube podcasting and however else you get shows like this one the mainstream media's stranglehold on information

  • Which really is a stranglehold on your ability to think clearly about the issues of the day is crumbling at an incredible rate?

  • Now the question is who and what will replace it a few months ago one of my favorite people to sit across this table from

  • Eric Weinstein came up with the phrase

  • Intellectual dark web to describe this eclectic mix of people from Sam Harris to Ben Shapiro to his brother Brett

  • Weinstein to jordan Peterson all of whom are figuring out ways to have the important and often dangerous

  • Conversations that are completely ignored by the mainstream

  • It's why I would argue that this collection of people are actually more

  • influential at this point than whatever collection of cable news pundits you can come up with

  • If you think I'm being hyperbolic about the growing influence of this group just check the traction that these people get on Twitter or Facebook

  • Compared to our mainstream competitors twitter may not be real life as I say in my Twitter bio

  • But it is some barometer of what the zeitgeist is right now

  • what unites this group of thinkers is a sense that the set of ideas that have run Western culture for years are breaking down and

  • That the chaos of the moment is the attempt to find new ones

  • It's nearly all happening online part of the problem that we have right now in our culture is

  • Trying to diagnose the level at which the discussion should be taking place

  • And I think the reason that this is a tumultuous time is because it actually is a time for discussion of first principles

  • and it's that first principles are

  • Virtually at the level of theology because the first principles are the things that you assume and then move forwards like well

  • What should we assume well the dignity of the human soul let's start with that you can't treat yourself properly without assuming that you

  • Have a relationship with another person you can't stabilize your family

  • You can't have a functional society, so what does it mean for this human soul to have dignity?

  • well

  • The part of the idea is that you're participating in

  • Creation itself and you do that with your actions in your language

  • And you get to decide whether you're tilting the world a bit more towards heaven or a bit more towards hell

  • And that's actually what you're doing so that's a place where the literal and the metaphorical truth comes together and people are very

  • They're terrified of that idea as they should be because it's a massive responsibility

  • They also argue that the central problem is polarization

  • boosted by social media

  • Peterson's work looks at how people are hard-wired to see the world differently a lot of what determines your political

  • orientation is

  • Biological temperament far more than people realize so for example

  • left-leaning people

  • liberals, let's say although that's kind of MIS misnomer, but

  • We'll keep with the terminology liberals are high in a trait called openness, which is one of the big five personality traits

  • And it's associated with interest in abstraction and interest in aesthetics

  • it's the best predictor of liberal political leaning and they're low in trait conscientiousness, which is dutifulness and and

  • Orderliness in particular whereas the Conservatives are the opposite?

  • They're high in conscientiousness

  • They're dutiful and orderly and they're low in openness and that makes them really good managers and administers ministers and often businessman

  • But not very good entrepreneurs

  • Because the entrepreneurs are almost all drawn from the liberal types and so

  • These are really fundamental

  • fundamentally biologically predicated differences, and they're you might think about them as different sets of

  • Opportunities and limitations, and and certainly different ways of screening the world and

  • Each of those different temperamental types needs the other type

  • Let's call this a diversity issue if you start understanding that the person that you're talking to who doesn't share your political views

  • isn't

  • Stupid that's the first thing necessarily. They might be but so might you be no stupid. He isn't the

  • Differences in intelligence are not the prime determinant of differences in political belief

  • All right

  • so you might be talking to someone who's

  • More conscientious and less creative than you if you're if you happen to be a liberal

  • But that doesn't mean that that person's perspective is not valid

  • And it doesn't mean that they wouldn't outperform you in some domains because they would so one thing to remember is

  • People actually do see the world differently. It's not merely that they that they're possessed of love

  • ilie informed opinions

  • the whole point of the dava democracy is to

  • Continue the dialogue between people of different

  • Temperamental types so that we don't move so far to the right that everything

  • becomes

  • encapsulated and stone and doesn't move or so far to the left and everything dissolves in a kind of

  • Mealy-mouthed chaos and the only way that you can you can navigate between those two

  • Shoals is by is through discussion, which is why free speech is such an important value

  • It's the thing that keeps the temperamental types from being at each other's throats in

  • The aftermath of the Trump election that came as such a shock to most of the media

  • One of the most widely shared analysis pieces was from deep code

  • It describes how the establishment mainstream media perspective based around liberal values of openness and inclusivity

  • He calls the blue church is being challenged by a new web-based

  • insurgency a red religion based on the values of tribalism

  • The culture were the the 20th century was a decisive

  • success for blue any

  • effectively a route for red

  • So what we see first is that red was forced to move into a deeply exploratory phase

  • Second that it did this in a context

  • Where as it turns out?

  • things were changing meaningfully quite significantly in fact it from my perspective in a world historical level the emergence of

  • entirely new forms of

  • communication and therefore entirely new sense-making and coherence

  • He concludes that the blue church is in the process of collapse as its dominant ideology

  • Can't adapt to changing reality

  • But that a combination of the two sets of values of blue and red is essential

  • we are conscious and

  • Effective in the world in groups, not as individuals and the ingredients of those groups

  • Include aspects that are currently showing up as both red and blue I

  • Propose somewhat strongly that

  • Neither red nor blue as pure

  • Elements contain the ingredients necessary to actually be adaptive to reality

  • This is a disaster in fact

  • It's a little bit like

  • Separating the hand and the eye

  • Now you're the eye can see if the eye takes itself as being the essence of virtue it separates itself from the ability to do

  • The same thing with the hand for most of human history these groups have actually always commingled

  • They're necessary that they actually relate to each other in a deeply healthy and direct fashion

  • their separations into armed camps is

  • Extinction area actually you know the values of red that you think blue needs to integrate you also may also reintegrate. Oh well

  • That's actually pretty easy

  • Responsibility I mean we've actually even seen it

  • The ability to

  • Make a commitment and keep it

  • Which which by the way ideologically shows up is either duty or loyalty, but those are both ideologies the the deeper sense is that ability

  • Responsibility both of the individual in the group level the ability to actually really make a

  • Personal sacrifice on the part of the group that's actually a deeply

  • read value

  • and I don't mean that by the way as

  • Politically ideological certainly there are people who?

  • Are currently part of blue who feel that deeply what I'm saying is that that shows up much much more intensely in

  • Read and when you're feeling it in blue. You're actually feeling a red value, and that's good mixing is crucial

  • Because that's very Jordan Peterson esque -

  • How would you how do you define Jordan Peterson?

  • Or do you think the fact the issue is that he is is not definable within one of those two camps

  • Yeah, I think that's the point

  • I think that he grasps directly the fact that human beings can only actually make sense of the world by virtue of

  • communication with other human beings and this is all about the notion of admixture that one must have a mixture of of

  • What I mean he uses the mythopoetic to make sense the order order and chaos

  • The way right the taoist way is the alchemical admixture of order and chaos

  • And that's it like that's how you do it, and so if you bias towards orderliness

  • You find yourself in a rigid non adaptive

  • non creative non exploratory framework

  • Which will die because the world changes if you bias towards chaos

  • You you eat your young and evaporate

  • Which also ties for obvious reasons?

  • And the key is to actually enable these things to be in

  • relationship with each other and vital healthy relationship with each other, and I think that's in some sense the essence of what he's

  • Focusing on and instead of the core what he's asking about Peterson is hard for the broadcast media to get a handle on

  • Because the depth of his thought means he doesn't fit easily into any of their categories

  • The clash with Kathy Newman was his breakthrough a moment where the new world met the old

  • To give the context from Kathy Newman side she has to do dozens of interviews each month

  • Peterson is hard to get a grip on and he sure as hell looks controversial

  • She's also focused on getting sound bites for a five minute cut down of the interview for TV. Not a long conversation for online

  • The interview was ridiculous. It was a ridiculous interviewing. I listen to it or watched it several times

  • I was like this is so strange

  • It's like her determination to turn into a conflict - it's one of the issues that I have with

  • Television shows yeah, because they have a very limited amount of time, and they're trying to make things as salacious as possible

  • They wouldn't have these sound bites these clickbait sound bites

  • And she just went into it incredibly confrontational not trying to find your actual perspective

  • But trying to force you to defend a non non realistic perspective. Yes well

  • I was that I was the hypothetical villain of her imagination essentially. No this is also. Why YouTube is gonna kill TV

  • Because television by its nature all of these narrow

  • broadcast

  • technologies they rely on

  • forcing the story right because

  • It has to happen now

  • It has to happen in like often in five minutes because they only broadcast five minutes of that in interview

  • They did put the whole thing up on YouTube to their credit

  • It it it hasn't ceased to amaze me yet. I think that they thought that the interview went fine

  • after the interview Channel four News found themselves at the center of an online storm

  • Which included some nasty personal and misogynistic attacks?

  • It's understandable that they just wanted it to go away

  • But online is forever

  • and as the center of gravity continues to shift away from traditional media this interview is I would argue a

  • slow-motion and

  • Continuing car crash for Channel 4's credibility, so why did it happen?

  • Partly the limitations of the medium of TV, but also because of the institutional political blindness of the mainstream media

  • I've always considered myself of the liberal left, but especially since the election of Trump

  • I've been trying to understand what happened and I'm convinced that the polarization

  • We're seeing is mainly driven by the shadow side of liberalism in particular where supposedly

  • Inclusive social justice liberalism stops being inclusive and secretly judges and despises people that don't think the same way

  • the rebellion of Trump and brexit was a direct response as

  • Yuri Harris argues in this article in Colet the new gatekeepers of the media have become a new bourgeoisie

  • Enforcing a rigid etiquette and using the rights of the oppressed

  • as an excuse to put forward a vision of the kind of society they personally want to live in

  • on the surface level

  • it's about how a narrow social justice worldview embodied by Kathy Newman in the interview became the new status quo and

  • How this institutional bias of much of the mainstream media?

  • Means it can't see or understand the forces that are challenging this new consensus

  • The counterculture used to be on the left, but once it won. The culture war it left space for a new counterculture

  • The biggest manifestation is the red pill phenomena which the mainstream media?

  • Mistakenly assumes is the same thing as the OLT right? I was surprised to just discover the overlap between

  • What I minute II particularly like

  • Greek philosophy and stoicism and

  • The alt-right who I've always thought of you know if I come across on the tour. I thought the most kind

  • Swivel-eyed bogeymen you know

  • completely unpalatable

  • extremists in their in their basements and then to discover that

  • You know a lot of them were a lot of people in stoicism were also really into the alt-right

  • Made me wonder. What was going on and why?

  • People like me were getting radicalized

  • I'm drawn into if you explain. What stoicism is for

  • Stoicism is basically an ancient Greek philosophy, which was became very popular in the Roman Empire

  • You know with like the Emperor Marcus Aurelius was a stoic for example?

  • And it's in some ways like a Western form of Buddhism

  • It's like a therapy for the emotions it teaches you to take

  • Responsibility for your thoughts to take and thereby to take some control over your emotions

  • so in some ways it's putting forward a model of

  • strength and integrity and kind of resilience

  • Amid adversity and rapid change so for that reason it's become very popular in the last 10 years I

  • Think this is also. Why from my perspective at least someone like Jordan Pederson

  • Is often looked from the outside as being aligned with the alt-right because he has a similar message

  • But it's but there are crucial differences. I think between what we would consider

  • I mean certainly white nationalism would be an essential part of the alt-right

  • I would say of any useful definition, and yeah, that's that's certainly not characteristic of of Jordan Peterson from my experience

  • No, there's a crucial difference at least between stoicism and the alt-right

  • Even though a lot of alt writers into stoicism in that stoicism, and and maybe Jordan Peterson as well

  • I don't know. I'm not an expert on him talk about the way to gain strength and

  • maturity and power is

  • Internal it's to take responsibility for your own thoughts and feelings

  • Whilst I think people sometimes men might look for that sense of power and control

  • externally by

  • suppressing or

  • Segregating anyone who they feel threatened by whether that's other colours or other sexualities or

  • Gender so there's a crucial difference there one is about kind of inner

  • Integrity and and and just kind of being strong within yourself

  • and the other is about trying to take control through the kind of exterior I

  • Mean every public appearance that I've made that's related to the sort of topics that were discussing is overwhelmingly men

  • It's like it's like eighty-five to ninety percent

  • And so I thought wow that's weird like what the hell's going on here exactly, and then the other thing. I've noticed is that?

  • I've been talking a lot to the crowds that I've been talking to not about rights

  • But about responsibility right because you can't have the bloody converse. What are you doing? You can't have the conversation about rights without the

  • conversation about responsibility because your rights are my

  • Responsibility that's what they are

  • Technically, so you just can't have only half of that discussion, and we're only having half that discussion the question is well

  • What the hell are you leaving out if you only have that half of the discussion and the answer is what you're leaving out

  • Responsibility and then the question is well

  • What are you leaving out if you're leaving out responsibility and the answer might be well, maybe you're leaving out the meaning of life

  • That's what it looks like to me. It's like here you are

  • Suffering away, what makes it worthwhile, right?

  • You know you're completely. Oh, you're completely you have no idea what you're

  • You it's almost impossible to describe how bad an idea that is

  • responsibility

  • That's what gives life meaning

  • It's like lift a load

  • Then you can tolerate yourself right because look at your useless

  • Easily hurt easily killed. Why should you have any self-respect?

  • That's the story of the fall

  • Pick something up and carry it pick make it heavy enough so that you can think yeah well

  • Useless as I am at least I could move that from there to there well

  • What's really cool about that is that when I talk to these crowds about this the man's eyes light and that's very good

  • I've seen that phenomena because I've been talking about this

  • Mythological material for a long time and I can see when I'm watching crowds people you know their eyebrows lift their eyes let light up

  • Because I put something together for them. That's what mythological stories. Do so I'm not taking responsibility for that

  • That's what the stories do so I say the story and people go click click click

  • You know in their eyes light up, but this responsibility thing

  • That's a whole new order of this is that young men are so hungry for that. It is unbelievable. It just blows me away

  • It's like really that's what's that's the counterculture?

  • Grow the hell up and do something useful really I could do that oh

  • I'm so excited by that idea no one ever mentioned that before it's like rights rights rights rights Jesus

  • It's it's it's appalling. It's and and I feel that that's deeply felt by the people who are who are coming out to

  • To listen to these sorts of things to they're they've had enough of that

  • So and they better have because it's it's a non-productive mode of being

  • responsibility man

  • Peterson is part of the counterculture that he describes himself as a classic liberal and yet he's frequently

  • Described as right-wing by the media

  • This is not limited to Peterson

  • James d'amours infamous Google memo was described everywhere as an anti diversity screed

  • Despite him specifically stating he wanted to encourage more diversity in the workplace

  • Many believe that the Channel 4 interview was a significant moment in exposing this mindset as dogmatic

  • reactionary and fixed so during the interview we see an example of a

  • Delusional framework that is what appears to be largely incapable of perceiving and reacting to reality in real time

  • but much more interesting is what happened afterwards which was the sort of the

  • self-healing and policing mechanism of the larger social consensus of how when how the blue church

  • Reactively goes about maintaining the integrity of its frame

  • And so what ended up happened was there was a break in the frame there was a glitch in the matrix the

  • Mechanisms of the blue church reacted to endeavor to control the frame and to convert it into a way of sense of

  • Making sense of the what occurred that still maintained the integrity of its frame?

  • Do you mean when they tried to characterize it as sort of?

  • abusive trolls and you're right hero, and all of that exactly exactly it's sort of a

  • to use of a military language it was a fallback position that was a

  • Reactive almost instinctual and not almost in fact precisely instinct was that pure habit there was no

  • Thoughtfulness or even

  • strategic

  • Action there it was if if X then Y and in this case Y is. Here's a set of things that one does to

  • re-establish the dominant frame and

  • Now we're now were two levels deep you know the first. Level was a

  • sort of self-evident disaster, but then the second level was also a relatively self-evident disaster and

  • There isn't really a third level

  • In this approach so it ends up happening, and this is again. You can kind of just think about this from ordinary psychology

  • This is how?

  • delusions fall apart

  • As try as we might our desire to interpret reality to mean what we wanted to mean at the end of the day. We'll always

  • Be checked against what reality actually is

  • It may be some time. You know we're pretty good at making things up and pretending, but eventually

  • Reality is reality this isn't to say that Peterson is not controversial

  • He's saying things that challenge the most deeply held assumptions of the new establishment narrative

  • I guess the other reason that people are on

  • My case to some degree is because I have made a strong case which I think is fully documented by the scientific literature that there

  • Are intrinsic differences say between men and women and I think the evidence and that this is the thing that staggered me is that?

  • No serious scientists have debated that for like four decades

  • It's that argument was done by the time. I went to graduate school everyone knew that human beings were not a blank slate that

  • biological forces not

  • Parameterised the way that we thought and and felt and acted and and and valued everyone knew that the fact that this has become somehow

  • debatable again is just

  • Especially because it's being done by legislative Fiat. They're forcing it

  • Part of Peterson's argument based on years of psychological research is that much of the political?

  • Conflicts are due to try to integrate the different political temperaments of men and women

  • we were talking about the relatively the relative evolutionary roles of men and women this is speculative obviously and and

  • Because our research did indicate. It's tentative research so far that that the the the SG is

  • SJW sort of equality above all else philosophy is more prevalent among women

  • It's predicted by the personality factors that are more common among women so agreeable this and high negative emotion

  • Primarily agreeableness, but in addition. It's also predicted by being female and so I've been thinking about that a lot because

  • well men are bailing out of the humanities like mad and

  • Pretty much out of the university is except for stem the women are moving in like mad

  • And they're also moving into the political sphere like mad, and this is new right

  • we've never had this happen before and we do know know do not know what the

  • Significance of it is it's only 50 years old and so we were thinking about this

  • and so I don't know what you think about this proposition, but

  • imagine that that that historically speaking, it's

  • something like

  • Women were responsible for distribution and men were responsible for production

  • Something like that and maybe maybe that's only the case really in the tight confines of the immediate family

  • But that doesn't matter because that's most of the evolutionary landscape for human beings anyways what the women does did was make sure that everybody

  • Got enough

  • okay, and that seems to me to be one of the things that's driving at least in part the SJW demand for for equity and

  • Equality it's like let's make sure everybody has enough. It's like look fair enough

  • You know I mean you can't you can't argue with that

  • but there's there's an antipathy between that and

  • The the reality of differential productivity you know because people really do differ in their productivity

  • I think that the SJW phenomena is different

  • and I think it is associated at least in part with the rise of women to political power and and

  • We don't know what women are like when they have political power because they've never had it

  • I mean there's been queens obviously and that sort of thing there's been female authority figures and females have

  • Wielded far more power historically than feminists generally like to admit, but this is a different thing

  • And we don't know what what a truly female political philosophy would be like, but it might be

  • Especially if it's not been well examined

  • And it isn't very sophisticated conceptually it could easily be let's make sure things you've distributed equally. Well, yeah

  • Why

  • One of Peterson's main influences is the psychologist Carl Jung

  • Young psychology was built around the concept of the shadow all the things about ourselves. We don't want to accept our anger

  • negativity

  • Unconscious judgments, and how we need to integrate all those disowned parts to grow

  • I'm convinced. That's what's happening on a vast cultural level

  • since leaving channel 4 news

  • I've retrained as a counselor and started leading personal growth workshops for men

  • And thought a lot about how these unconscious gender dynamics are playing out in the culture

  • One of the central concepts is Jung's idea of animus and anima possession

  • How each have both an inner masculine and feminine essence in?

  • A man when he's unconsciously possessed by his feminine side his anima he becomes withdrawn

  • Moody and reactive and when a woman is possessed by her male side the animus

  • she becomes aggressive and dominating and

  • How many women are pushed into that by the nature of the modern workplace?

  • The Kathy Newman I know is warm compassionate a successful and talented journalist none of this is criticism of her

  • Just the role she was playing in the interview

  • I would say technically and this is might be interesting for people who are interested in union psychology

  • If you want to understand what Carl Jung meant by animus possession which is a very difficult concept?

  • Then that that interview was a textbook case of

  • having a discussion with someone who is animus possessed life has been moving forward for three and a half billion years and

  • It moves forward in these pattered and manners like the dominance hierarchy for example, so that's that let's call that the masculine archetype

  • It's part of the masculine archetype in fact the onus

  • Proclamation was that the female representation of the male

  • so that's the animus is the

  • Dominance hierarchy it's the patriarchy

  • So that's that that's the unconscious archetype, which I think is extremely interesting given

  • what's happened say in the women's movement because that's what's projected onto men and

  • and

  • It can be projected in a very negative way

  • it doesn't have to be but it can be and so an animus possessed woman treats a man as if he's the

  • Manifestation of the tyrannical patriarchy he's a group he's that group of men

  • Yeah, the group of bad men actually you watched the Jordan Peterson Kathy Newman entity. What did he what did he think I?

  • My whole body contracted, and I I felt so sad for

  • womanhood I felt

  • disappointed and I

  • Could see how

  • the shadow part of womanhood was acting out I could see how the

  • collective rage was acting through Kathy Newman and

  • This is what happens is that when that's unknown its projected blindly on to

  • Whatever stick wherever it sticks

  • and it was very clear that she already had an agenda and she already had a projection that she was just

  • Looking to state she was she was just looking to have that confirmed so I felt on behalf of women

  • I felt sad and disappointed because we need to have intelligent

  • conversations, and I also want to say that this isn't

  • even though the the specific example is the Kathy Newman Jordan Peterson interview, it's not specific to

  • - Kathy Newman I think the fact that that interview has resonated with so many people that it's been so popular shows that actually something

  • archetypal was going on in that in that interaction

  • And I think as well why it's gone viral is a lot of people watching it

  • Recognize those dynamics. They're like I've been in conversations like that

  • I've been in this conversation where nothing I say works where nothing I say gets through

  • So there's something sort of fundamental about about the masculine feminine dynamic. That's going on in there

  • What do you think that is I think Jordan Peterson? He's everyman Kathy Newman

  • She's every woman I can tap into that rage like this

  • I know it in myself and women that say they don't they're just denying it because it is in the collective

  • So in that sense it just highlighted what what's that?

  • It's wonderful because here we really get to look at why is this so?

  • Important why is it so important to listen to?

  • To a thinker like Jordan Peterson and take it seriously and say what can we do with it?

  • It's just so obvious that it's needed

  • Because if this is where we are if this is where society and cultures is if this is the ability to have an intelligent conversations

  • Conversation then we are in trouble, I really feel that there is this

  • collective

  • subconscious rage that is just

  • boiling in women and it's coming up in so many ways we see we see in the media and

  • What's going on is this?

  • unknown

  • Rage that comes up in in many different ways um

  • And on one hand it needs to come out we need to clear it it needs to be expressed it needs to

  • Be acknowledged on the other hand it's not enough. This is only like this is breaking the ice

  • So that the next step of evolution, can you know?

  • Consciousness can start coming through and that's what I'm lacking in women. It's really to take

  • responsibility for what we do as women in our

  • Manipulation in our seduction in our control, and and it's so easy for women to say

  • but that's just because we angry and men did this and patriarchy, but it's

  • It's such a lack of

  • responsibility and this

  • Women really need to know I mean, that's the the kind of shadow work is

  • The acceptance that we all have shadows that men certainly have a shadow. There is a shadow around masculinity

  • but there's also a shadow around femininity and

  • while part of the cultural conversation now is toxic masculinity and everyone knows what you mean by toxic toxic masculinity if

  • You talk about toxic femininity

  • Everyone still knows what you mean, but you can't have that conversation

  • Which is it's it's interesting?

  • What is allowed to be said and what is not allowed to be said at the moment and that that I think is?

  • is very

  • Dangerous that certain topics certain conversations are off are off-limits

  • And this is where we see where we see the victim persecutor dynamics activates it because women

  • become the become the victims, and we make ourselves the victims and we

  • Persecute men but in that aggression in that rage and when we are the victims. We are in perfect control

  • we become the persecutors because we say

  • It's all about blame

  • Men did this and men need to take responsibility

  • But in that we become the persecutors, and it's also very difficult as well because one imagines that that

  • Combative attitude is something that has served her well in the past and it's something that

  • She's maybe felt forced into because of the nature of the society that she's operating in so it's a kind of catch-22 situation

  • for the many successful women because they feel that they're pushed to be more masculine and

  • Then when they're more masculine they get judged for being more masculine

  • It's it's very sad and and and I can see that dynamics being played out absolutely

  • But I think the only thing we can do is to take responsibility okay?

  • I'm doing that do I really want to compromise my femininity do I want to compromise my integrity?

  • Do I want to compromise my gender and?

  • Play that or is there another way that I can be powerful without being aggressive without playing a power game

  • But resting in my natural power

  • resting in my natural dignity

  • Resting in that deep rootedness that we both have in our genders that

  • When we are peace with it and when we acknowledge it in ourselves

  • It's there as a natural thing and and this is the thing I don't want to make this personal about Kathy Newman

  • Because it's it's in that potential is in every woman, but it's because we are persecuting our own femininity

  • What's being played out that we're doing it to ourselves because we don't trust that it's good enough to be a woman

  • We don't trust that we can have conversations that come from a felt embodied perspective. We don't trust that we're connected to truth

  • because these these

  • Masculine ways have been have been very strong and women have been denying their own power

  • In my work over many years of working with this I find that very few women

  • Grew up in households which really?

  • Loved admired respected honored

  • cherished the feminine and

  • So there is intrinsically for so many women who've grown up in the I don't know the last hundred years that say

  • A kind of devaluation of the feminine that gets taken on and of course and as well as abuse

  • aggression all sorts of things so very

  • Many women out of an intelligent strategy to survive

  • Develop their masculine side as a defense against that devaluation for the feminine and over time they become very

  • Identified with that masculine side the male equivalent is animal possession

  • in anima possession it's the loss of relaxed confidence in the

  • Groundedness in the masculine and is overwhelmed by his own inner feminine side

  • a passive withdrawn

  • moody

  • bitchy

  • Complaining

  • not showing up kind of guy, which I think is really so much what feminists are angry about I

  • Don't see them as really angry about the masculine per se but it the way that

  • Males behave, and you know I have got a lot of compassion for that

  • Because for myself and most men that I know we weren't really shown how to be as men

  • We didn't really get initiated into it and so and then this strong thing comes from feminism

  • And we feel like it's it's maleness. That's wrong, and it's not it's not maleness. That's wrong. I don't even think feminism

  • feminists hate

  • The masculine it's like what the call is really for men is to develop their masculine

  • strength

  • presence courage

  • be relaxed and confident be protective and be strong and

  • Under this kind of assault which has come from a lot of animus possessed women a lot of men have retreated

  • And I think gone into feeling guilty about being men and have become passive

  • Indecisive and in that way a kind of feminized man has emerged

  • Those who followed Peterson's thought

  • recognize his analysis goes all the way down to the bedrock to the

  • Archetypal structures of consciousness itself the thing that I really see happening and you can tell me what you think about this in annoyance book

  • Consciousness which is masculine symbolically masculine for a variety of reasons is is viewed as rising up?

  • against the countervailing force of tragedy from an underlying

  • Feminine symbolically feminine unconsciousness right and it's something that can always be pulled back into that unconsciousness

  • That would be the microcosm of that would be the Freudian eatable mother

  • Familial dynamic where the mother is so over

  • Protective and all-encompassing that she interferes with the development of the competence not only of her sons

  • But also of her daughter of her children in general, and it seems to me that that's the dynamic

  • That's being played out in our

  • Society right now is that there's this and it's it's related in some way that I don't understand to this to this

  • Insistence that all forms of masculine Authority are nothing, but tyrannical power so the symbolic representation is

  • tyrannical father with no appreciation for the benevolent father and

  • benevolent mother with no appreciation whatsoever for the tyrannical mother right and that's that and

  • Because I thought of ideologies as fragmentary mythologies

  • That's where they get their

  • archetypal and psychological power right and so in a balanced representation you have the terrible mother and the Great Mother as

  • Anointment laid out so nicely and you have the terrible father and the great father

  • So that's the fact that culture mangles you have to death well

  • It's also promoting you and developing you you have to see that as balanced, and then you have the heroic and adversarial individual

  • But in the postmodern world and this seems to be something that's increasingly

  • Seeping out into the culture at large you have nothing but the tyrannical father nothing

  • But the destructive force of masculine consciousness and nothing, but the benevolent

  • Benevolent great mother and it's a it's an appalling ideology, and it seems to me that it's sucking the vitality

  • Which is exactly what you would expect symbolically, it's sucking the vitality of our culture you see that with the increasing

  • demolition of of young men

  • And not only young men in terms of their academic performance

  • Which like they're falling way behind in elementary school way behind in junior high and bailing out of the universities like mad and so

  • And I well the public school education it's become completely permeated by this kind of my anti male propaganda

  • I mean, and I need to mean public schools are just a form of imprisonment. You know right now

  • They're particularly destructive to young men who have a lot of physical energy

  • You know you know I identify as transgender gay mic myself way

  • But I do not I do not require the entire world

  • To alter itself okay to fit my particular the self-image I do believe in

  • The power of hormones I believe that men exist and women exist and they are biologically different. I think that I think there is

  • no cure for

  • the culture eles right now except if men start standing opera in demanding that they be

  • Respected as men here's the problem

  • You know this is something my wife is pointed out to she said well men are gonna have to stand up for themselves

  • But here's the problem. I know how to stand up to a man who's

  • Who's?

  • unfairly

  • Trespassing against me and the reason I know that is because the parameters for my resistance are quite well-defined

  • Which is we talk? We argue? We push and then it becomes physical?

  • Right like if we move beyond the boundaries of civil discourse

  • We know what the next step is ok, that's forbidden in in discourse with women

  • So I don't know like it seems to me that it isn't men that have to stand up and say enough of this even though

  • That is what they should do it seems to me that it's saying women

  • Who have to stand up against their crazy sisters and say look enough of that enough man-hating enough?

  • Pathology enough bringing disgrace on us as a gender but the problem there

  • And then I'll stop my little tirade is that most of the women. I know who are saying are busy doing same things, right?

  • They're off they have their career. They have their family

  • They're quite occupied

  • And they don't seem to have the time or maybe even the interest to go after their their crazy harpy sisters

  • And so I don't see any regulating force for that that terrible femininity, and it seems to me to be

  • Invading the culture and undermining the the masculine power of the culture in a way, that's I think fatal

  • I really do believe that I too I too believe these are symptomatic of the decline of Western culture

  • And we and it will just go down flat. I don't think people realize that you know

  • Masculinity still exists okay in the world as a code among jihadists, okay?

  • And when you have passionate masculinity, okay?

  • Circling the borders like the Huns and the Vandals during the Roman Empire that that's what I see I see this culture rotting from within

  • okay, and

  • disemboweling itself literally

  • We have this

  • Bit of combat let's say

  • It produced a scandal

  • Now we actually talked about it

  • Yeah

  • No tricks just a conversation

  • And then everybody wins right because I can admit whatever mistakes

  • I made she can admit whatever mistakes

  • She made we can drop the persona

  • So you're saying the polarization that we're seeing right now that we are speaking out. It's not

  • In the future we will act out that polarization well if we don't if we keep

  • Accelerating it especially if we keep accelerating with lies. Yeah, you know and and this this whole

  • channel for

  • Rat's nest is like 90% lies. Maybe more and

  • You know a lot of its ideologically motivated lies, but it doesn't matter it still lies like Kathy as I said

  • There was virtually nothing she said in that interview that was actually

  • Coming from her like like a deep part of her the soul of her or so it was all persona

  • It was all persona and and and all

  • use of words in a in a

  • Expedient manner as tools to obtain I think probably

  • probably

  • status dominant status and reputation

  • I mean what advice would you give to people to?

  • To navigate this new world the first is for your mind. Be aware of the fact that the habits of the blue church and

  • And how it works

  • Don't work anymore recognize that your way of making sense in the world that used to work

  • Don't work, and you really really need to set yourself free to begin learning the new

  • child's mind beginner's mind

  • second

  • this by nature must in fact be exploratory so

  • Swim, do not make sense prematurely in spite of the fact that the world feels dangerous inside of that you may want to

  • protect yourself in this dangerous world

  • Doing so too quickly did not allow the natural exploratory

  • Approach to do what it needs to do

  • really, just listen and

  • Learn go all the way dad back down to human base

  • Turn inward

  • Learn how fear shows up in you

  • Learn how not to allow fear to drive the choices that you make

  • Learn how to listen to the whole way that all of you perceives. What's going on become more integrated with your own body

  • Go out into nature

  • Spend a lot of time not connected to the chaos

  • That's going on and a lot of time

  • Reconnecting yourself with your fundamental capacity to perceive reality in all the different modalities these human beings have the capacity to do

  • Then relearn how to use other human beings as allies in figuring out how to make sense of the world I

  • mean that really relearn like we have been abused and

  • constrained by

  • institutional frameworks that remove us from our own native capabilities

  • So relearn that understand how to be a friend and an ally how to have a conversation with somebody where you're really listening closely

  • To get a sense of what their perspective brings to you where you're not obligated to agree with them

  • We are not obligated to move out of what you feel is right to form some new

  • Consensus reality, but where you're actually authentically?

  • Recognizing that their perspective has some capacity to bring richness to your perspective

  • This by the way is almost exclusively possible in person and what we're doing right now is an OK version of it

  • But we need to be very mindful the fact that

  • Linear broadcast is bad and even interactive

  • Bandwidth like this. It's not good enough. You know you've got to learn from raw

  • Physical and get yourself into places where your consensus reality, and your habits are willfully destroyed

  • Human to human conversations and and get as far away from ideology as you can

  • Your job is not to know what the fuck is going on

  • Your job is to be absolutely certain that you have no idea what the fuck is going on and learn how to feel from raw

  • chaos from raw uncertainty

  • up

  • Then and only then are you finally able to begin the journey of

  • Beginning to form a collective intelligence in this new environment

  • That's my advice

  • this is why we've created rebel wisdom to host these conversations to try and unpack what's going on and

  • through our workshops and events

  • Start to build this collective intelligence for the future

  • To see longer versions of the interviews featured in this film and our full-length documentary about Jordan Peterson check the rebel wisdom website

  • Help us create more films about these subjects by sponsoring us on patreon and come to our events to have these conversations in

  • person

  • You

Sometimes there's a glitch in the matrix where the limitations of the old operating system are laid bare and something new pokes through


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ドキュメンタリー。マトリックスのグリッチ(デヴィッド・フラー製作 (Documentary: A Glitch in the Matrix (David Fuller production))

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日