字幕表 動画を再生する
Sorry about that little bit of technical difficulties this morning.
I have brought back my train whistle.
Welcome to the coating Train.
A special Saturday morning edition.
It's kind of like the old days of Saturday morning cartoons on Lee.
It's Saturday morning coding.
I'm having a little trouble, like actually realizing that I have here and that I'm live streaming.
I'm not entirely sure that things building is basically, like, completely empty.
Actually, don't think it's completely empty.
Just this floor where I have this particular recording studio is empty and it's just it's like, so quiet, which is a good thing, because I could be loud and ridiculous.
But I feel this need toe be very quiet.
So I'm here.
I'm really excited about some stuff that I want to do today.
I feel like there must be some important announcements and things for talk.
Before I do that, I don't know what those are.
We just take a moment to breathe, maybe read some random numbers.
Uh huh.
I really need to get progressive lenses.
I think.
Casey, there's a book anywhere.
It's the problem.
54,695 All right, Does that helped me?
Uh, that helped be.
Get centered, mellow and think about what it is I want to say.
So first thing that I want to say is that two new experiments will be coming out on the channel soon.
One is a edited version of the neuro evolution steering car coding challenge that I did.
And what's going to be pretty different about that is that project was built over four hours, and I'm working on with matches help a sort of edited version of that where I skip large parts of the coding and just sort of highlight the key parts and then kind of come in and explain that interstitial stuff.
So that's gonna be a new thing, that if that works, well, then that might allow me to do some live streams where I build a very large, complicated project over a long period of time on, then able to release like a shorter video about it, which is something I've been wanting to do.
So the the ability to watch the full build of the project will never go away.
It's just that I think it could be useful to the audience for people kind of coming in and entering this world to be able to sort of, like, see a highlighted virgin of the project and then, if they're interested from dive deeper into it.
All right, so that's what I want to say.
The camera shutting off also reminded me of something really important, which is that this room that I'm in is going to be no more.
Maybe as of next Friday.
So it might be my last life street.
Well, not last, Lifestream.
No, no, no, no, no.
Just last live stream from this physical space next week.
Sometime, I'm not a hard percent sure.
It might be possible that I still have access to this at some point in July, but I'm not sure the good news is finally, someday soon.
I think this will be really sad.
The coding train will have a moment where the camera doesn't shut off anymore because I am setting up a new space, hopefully with new equipment.
Hopefully with son.
Some will be good and bad to it.
But the channel might actually go on hiatus for a little while just because just in order to set up this new space, I'm sort of figuring that out.
Stay tuned.
But there might not be very, very fewer.
If not, it's limited live streams in July and August and then coming back full force with the start of the school year in September.
But hopefully all of this is gonna be good for the the amount of content that I hope it would like to dio in the future.
Now, a lot of you have been asking for a video about how I set up this live streaming studio and how it works and how, maybe in the hopes of setting up your own or just learning more about it.
And I'm pleased to tell you that a week or so ago, I recorded a session in here with third camera.
So the actual live streaming set up and somebody else holding a camera screen capturing everything, and I plan to release that as a video, at least to document this space, this coating trade studio which let's let let me let you in on a little secret.
I think I can I think I could pull this off of the wall?
I rise.
My mouth is probably coming up right to the camera.
This is really attached The wall right above the camera.
Now, I just got hooked under this is this thing has always been hanging behind the camera.
This is my high tech solution to remind me toe look att you the audience like weird stuff all over the place in this room.
There's, like a guitar picked over here.
All right, What's going on now?
Um thank you, Simon, for reminding me, Simon, who is, you know, so helpful to me.
If you don't know Simon, check out Simon's YouTube channel.
Simon is one of the most loyal coating train viewers.
I don't know if Simon I'm inside.
It is probably missed the live stream here and there when it was, like, three and his time.
Otherwise, he's always here.
Um, all right, let's see just taking a peek at the chat.
It's nice to be here on a Saturday.
Feel so relaxed.
Like what could possibly go wrong?
Eso topic wise, I might actually start with building a processing Java library because I think for the past year.
It's been the thing I said I would do after the coding challenge and then I just never get to it.
Let's start with that.
I'm gonna spend about an hour on that.
I mean, I think building a library will take longer than that.
But I'm going to see how far I get in about an hour early.
Just sort of getting set up and starting that discussion, that it will take a break and talk to you about the coding trains.
Livestream sponsor for today.
A brilliant dot or GE was actually one of the things I discovered about brilliant that I really love.
It rises have a nap.
So I spent a lot of time on the subway looking at my phone, which I really shouldn't d'oh, I should read or just, like, be one with the New York City.
But, um, I found that happened.
I was like looking through doing some of the quizzes and stuff on my phone, which I thought was like a pretty good, productive use of my time versus the other kind of nonsense.
My phone.
So if you're not familiar with brilliant, check out brilliant dot or GE.
You can sign up for free and really dot org's slash coding train that lets you know that lets them know that you found brilliant from the coding train, which helps me out a little bit, which is nice on.
And then there's a lot of free content, for example, a daily puzzle.
I'm gonna come back later and do the daily puzzle for today.
But there's also a premium subscription, which unlocks a lot of other courses of content, which I will show you some of later.
Also on the first junior people to subscribe to that premium contact at 25% off.
Um, so let's see.
David is asking in the chat, Will you have content to upload during the hiatus?
So I sort of thought, That's one of the reasons why I did that Big data and AP Eyes course, which I should pull up here and just mentioned I It's mostly complete, though, Um, so, uh, this is a good question.
I would like to, but I don't know.
I don't to TBD TBD.
What's gonna happen?
July and August?
I'm either gonna have contact or no content or have life streams or no less dreams or try something different.
We'll see.
But there are some ideas for some things that I could do at least have some content on the channel.
Nobody watches the coded training this summer anyway, come back to school.
And they're like, uh, Joubert.
Thank you for your Super Chat family friendly channel.
I'll accept your again with moderate.
The automatic moderation does not shut off your super chat.
Only because it's a super chat, I guess.
But thank you.
Uh, nice Avengers.
My gun doesn't know where I could get a stained glass.
Avengers stained glass.
Don't ask me why.
I don't know if I seriously want that, uh, looking at the chat.
All right, So what I want to do first before I start doing the processing library is show you some of the community contributions.
That's another thing on my list that I've got to make a video about how to make a community contribution.
There have been some really awesome ones that have come in, So this is the most recent coding challenge.
Incidentally, the Cody Challenge I'm going to do today is the gift wrapping algorithm to create a what's called a convex hole around a set of points, assuming I get to it.
A DVD, Um, but this is the most recent coding challenge video.
If you haven't watched it, you can.
It is a variation on the Google chrome dinosaur game and but using coding train characters and also using a new a feature of the ML five library, which is a machine learning model to recognize certain speech commands.
And by the way, one thing I wanted to mention is a lot of people commented that let me actually go, Let's go over to the Let's just let me just show you what it was.
And I want to talk about something.
So this is it here.
Um, wait, I think I have to have to click for uh, up.
It did work.
So when I say up, it's supposed to jump.
So a lot of people commented, Oh, this would work better, less late and see.
Be more accurate with the Web speech.
A p I that very well may be true, but one thing I want to emphasize about using this particular model and using Ml five, which is built on top of tensorflow Js, is the model is retrieved and run directly here on the client.
So your audio is not being sent anywhere.
It is staying local to your computer when you use the web speech.
A p I I'm like I guess I should fact check me on this, but I'm almost certain that your audio goes to the cloud and then is turned into text and returned.
And this is you know, I think something that is that I really like about working with tensorflow Js and being able to run the models directly in the browser is the data, the images, the audio doesn't have to be sent to a server anywhere.
And so there's a little bit of privacy consideration around that, which is something that is always important to think about with all of this stuff.
Okay, So minus terrible.
But let's look at the community contributions, and some of them do have sound, which is really fun.
So this 1st 1 is unicorn versus this dots by Melvin Abraham.
Uh oh, shoot.
I did terribly.
I'm like, standing in front of this a little less space here.
I'm terrible at this.
I'm gonna get I'm gonna get a successful.
I'm getting better at it.
All right.
I think I got too good.
Remember, a coding train is now gaming J.
All right, I'm gonna let I love the sound effects.
I love all the additions that jumping feels much more, um, fluid and intuitive, the fonts being used or the coding trained funds.
That's fun to say.
I love the train whistle.
It's pretty great.
All right.
Thank you, Melvin, for that's really awesome.
All right, let's go to this dot Jumper by swift potato.
Awesome name, swift potato Or us, As always.
I always forget that this stop, Stop.
I love, I guess, President.
You to research.
As always, I always forget this.
Stop this.
Just stop.
Just stop.
Stop, Stop, stop, stop, Stop.
Why is it uh, let's try it some time.
As always, I always forget that this stuff this is kind of sad.
You know what?
This scroll thing is happening.
Audio is a little loud.
Thank you for letting me know that I can turn that down.
His swift potato in the chat.
It was super fun.
I love using the love using this dot song.
Thank you.
I love the credit here of everything.
Wonderful work, super fun.
Okay, let's Oh, some rough ideas on doing this in three D.
So this is pretty interesting.
This is from a date.
D C Baracetti Dave A jetty.
So this is interesting.
Let me this look.
Oh, cool.
Look at that.
So this this is Oh, how the Superfund a roller, which is like a little cunt.
And is this This is using p five Web G l.
Which is really surprising to me.
P five Web gel has really improved.
People have really been on to make projects with it.
This is really fun to see.
Thank you for this awesome workout.
I encourage everyone to check these out and check out the code.
And there's one more I know Simon Tiger.
And also just reminder you can add your own version Here is a little tricky You've never used get up before.
I might refer you to my get and get a playlist.
But But we I encourage you to join to try.
You can't break anything.
You can't do it wrong.
We will welcome you in to try it to add your own contribution.
So let's take a look at Simon's improved spawning of trains.
I love how Simon includes the algorithm here so we can see in mine.
It was just I just picked a random number and then added a new train.
But it looks like what Simon is also doing here, if I understand the algorithm correctly, is that there has is sort of like making a minimum distance between the train's.
So if it picks to in quick succession, it won't be allowed to do that because the timer has not gotten it ready to be able to allow the random number two pick the next train.
So that's great.
Space makes browsers scroll down.
This is out goes writing If the default is not prevented by the handler.
So that's probably something that has to be written into the code.
I mean, you wouldn't notice if I go back.
Thank you, Simon, for that.
If I go back to this dot Jumper, I always forget this now.
You wouldn't notice this because the whole page is there, but I usually have a zoomed in a bit.
Forget this space.
The default behavior of space in the browser is a scroll down to the bottom.
Excuse me for a second.
So thank you for these wonderful community contributions.
I love them.
And, um yeah, so let's move on to the next part of our day.
Let me close out a bunch of these things.
And, uh, I want to talk about this, um, myself, a little more space here.
And then where's my open simplex noise coding challenge?
Let's get this ready.
Oh, boy.
Eso Alka is writing.
I don't know if this came through a swift potato.
A sweet potato.
Ah, sweet potato is asking Is there any way to remove our override?
That behavior and Alka rights here in our slack channel?
Ah, window dot ad event listener key press.
And then the event comes in as the argument and you say, eat event dot Prevent default.
So an alka is writing there in the chat look up event that prevent default.
Um, and David writes I'm working on a dinosaur game for processing.
That also has birds.
You have to duck under, which is awesome.
Okay, um, so I think I'm just gonna get started here, and I might come back and records, um, Andrew e stuff for this, but let me just try.
Um I imagine this might be a multi part Siri's, and we'll see how it goes.
Uh, Gamma Chu writes, I'm watching you live for the first time given to you.
Where are you watching from?
I always love to hear what people are from and, you know, just to be just as important to be aware.
I kind of peek at the chat every once in a while, but I don't I don't catch every message.
I do often look at the chat after the fact.
And I do read all the comments of people right on the videos, scanning through them.
And if you feel so inclined, you can also join as a member or as a patron of the coding train, because I'm actually gonna do the recording.
So green screen recording session.
Hopefully a little later today.
Or else on Monday for members only two for the interstitial stuff for that new revolution challenge.
If you wantto get a linked to my members, only live streams.
You can do that again.
You don't feel you're missing anything.
Those were just kind of some raw recording sessions of me in front of a green screen and all that eventually comes out.
But if you want to tune in for that well, behind the scenes, that's what I did that with a smaller audience.
Okay, Um, all right.
Okay, okay.
I do this.
I don't want to start.
I'm gonna start this one's this one's for all you processing java people from the old days.
Let me just check, uh, Twitter and make sure nobody's telling me not to do this.
Uh, okay.
I think I'm good.
You all right?
Let's, uh let's see if I've got a whiteboard going.
I do not.
No whiteboard.
Okay, that's good.
Do I have a marker?
Is the question welcome?
New member Matias Azevedo Olivera.
Thank you.
You have made the lights blink at my apartment in Brooklyn.
I'm not there right now, but the lights are blinking.
Train whistle for you, By the way, I have this idea.
So I know I shouldn't get off on these random tangents, but I just do.
I have been really struggling to keep up with the rewards that people get for signing up.
Is a YouTube member or a patron which are stickers or books.
So I'm really, really trying hard to get some new system is in place and have all that cleaned up over the summer.
If you're someone waiting for something, I sincerely apologize.
And you should continue continuously bug me about it.
You shouldn't apologize for you should just bug me about it.
But I have this idea of creating this came up at the i O conference of creating a coding train branded like, laser etched train whistle.
Because that's a thing people want, right?
So like it.
Like order these in bulk.
And then I could laser laser etched them with the coding train logo or something.
And then those could be a thing that I mailed to people.
And then I think we'll be easier to do you suppose I could sign them also.
I don't know if anyone cares about that, but the books are just, like, hard to male, crazy, expensive.
It just doesn't if I have to.
It's not working out very well.
But if you sign up and you were promised one, you must get one.
Otherwise what?
Oh, world of the sense of the way the universe works will not be alive.
it will bother me.
I will lose so many nights of sleep.
So please keep me posted.
Alright, uh, putting down this.
If we have some time later, solve the cube.
You'll see my progress.
Still, just basically doing beginners method.
Um, but I could do the cross without having to put it on the yellow side first.
I mean, that's not that hard.
Yea, for me.
All right, I got a whiteboard.
We've got this.
I am going to start.
So let's see what you far and get in approximately 1/2 an hour or 45 minutes.
And then I want to take a break and look at that brilliance daily puzzle, and then either do more of the library stuff or move on to some talking about computational geometry.
I don't have a sip of this unbranded coffee cup from a not a sponsor.
Water has really let me down.
By the way these days, I have no water.
Come on back to me, Coming back to me with that great water h 20 sponsorship.
Let's get the slack channel up here.
Um all right.
Hello and welcome to a new series about building a processing Library.
So if you ever want to learn a little more about Java programming and how open source works and how you could contribute your own code through a library to the other platform, this is the place for you.
And I have to admit, I really I don't know how you Everyone says that I have this, like, really nervous tick.
I wonder if this is like some kind of genetic condition where when I start teaching her live streaming and never leave, my nose becomes very itchy that, like I feel like I need to scratch it over my nose.
It's like it's like a nerves thing, all right.
I started working with processing in 2003 which is some number of years ago.
It's too many years ago.
I can't possibly do that.
And one of the things that I first did when working with processing was contribute libraries to it and you could see her.
I'm scrolling through the Processing libraries page.
There are libraries for all sorts of categories.
I'm just gonna go under video for a second.
Oh, no, that's the actual video library.
There are library for their elaborate for all sorts of categories.
I'm just gonna go here under video and vision, for example, and we'll see There's a library for using, like, the PS I camera for doing open CV.
All look at this one for the connective was really not kept up to date on.
There's a lot of wonderful library there.
Blob detection.
This is a really useful one.
I have some videos about doing block detection process with your own code, but you could use a library for it.
So maybe you've used processing.
Maybe you've used a library before.
How would you make your own library?
This is what this video is about.
Are this is what this video series is about?
All right, let's see.
What am I gonna say next?
Um, I have to admit something.
I have not actually done any research or practice before.
I'm beginning this right now.
I have made processing libraries, but I haven't really made one in a while, So a lot of the Syrians will also be means We're figuring it out as I go, and hopefully everything works just fine.
It's somewhat of an ancient medieval art.
Out of built a job, a compilation of Java classes to insert as a processing library on dime.
A lot of the stuff you noticed.
I've been doing his job scripts on the channel these days.
But maybe after I do this, I'll come back and show you how to make your own job Script library as well.
Uh, my test is asking who edits the videos, and that is a matcha who is a video editor on DME or based in Montreal, Canada.
Uh, okay, Um all right.
So the very first thing that we need to do is go to the processing library template under the processing get hub organization and you'll notice something.
It actually said template here.
And there's this little button here.
Use this template.
This is a new feature of Get Hub.
How do it is?
Maybe it's been there for a while, but I've actually never used this future up until right now.
Mostly when you're using a get hub repo your cloning it, which means your stop beeping at me.
This extra computer here mostly when you're using this, should probably be like I don't know.
I'm so confused these days because now I do the offline recording with, uh, whatever.
I'm just gonna keep going.
This is what I'm doing.
Uh, now mostly when you a lot of times when you're using, get huh, Maybe you're just trying to find some code and you're clicking around you copy and paste it.
Or maybe you're even ambitious enough to clone or download.
So cloning is a process of taking this repositories and cloning it say to another to your local computer, Your laptop actually do that a little bit later.
In this video, um, downloading would just be downloading the code.
There's this process of forking a repo, which is kind of creating a version of it that is linked back to the original version.
But this is a scenario.
This is a rare scenario where when I want to do is build an entirely new project.
It's not really related to this.
It's related to this in that this is my starting point.
But there's no reason for what I want to build to be a fork of the template, because I am not contributing back to the template.
If there's an issue with something wrong in the template, then I would want to make a fork to fix the thing that's in the template, but I just want to start from it.
It was a very long explanation for me, just basically pressing this button.
So I'm going to press this button.
I'm acting to switch this to coding train because I would like this library that I make to be a community project that people could submit to.
And I mean, that could do that under shipment as well.
But this is a coding train processing library.
We're gonna call this open simplex noise library.
I call it four Processing.
Let's go in for processing.
So that's gonna be the name of the repositories.
This is a new a processing or open simplex noise, and I want to make it public, and I want to create the repositories from the template.
So I love this.
I love that this is a new repositories, a new project.
But get hub is being thoughtful about this and crediting back where it was generated from.
All right, now, what is the next step?
The next step is now I wanna work with this and update the code and change it around and put my stuff my open simplex noise stuff in it.
By the way, you might be wondering what is open simplex noise?
So have a whole video about what that is.
It's not really important right now.
The point is, how to make the library, But I want to make it in the context of that, it would be useful.
So I'll come back and talk more about open simplex and ways, and we'll look at some examples with it as we get a little further along, huh?
All right.
So I'm gonna click clone.
I'm gonna copy this, and I'm gonna open up.
Let me let me, uh maybe more fix up about this, right?
I'm gonna click clone.
I'm gonna copy this, and I'm gonna go to my console application, which I'm using.
I term and must get clone and paste that in.
So this is now going thio, and this should be bigger.
Try this one.
Words Five.
Uh huh.
So I'm gonna click clone.
I'm gonna copy this and go to my terminal application.
I'm just in the desktop and say, get clone and I'm going to clone this particular repo, which will now download everything to my computer.
I'm just gonna then open up that report.
Oh, no, I'm not.
I'm not.
I was about to open up that repo, and I'm doing it right now in visual studio code, which would be fine, because then I could kind of, like, look at, like, what's in there?
There's, like, a hello library job, a template and stuff.
But no, no, no clothes.
All this.
This is not what I want.
This is a very momentous occasion.
This might be the first time I need to use a Java development environment.
I'm sure there's a magical way I could make visual studio code.
Do what it is I want to do.
But I want to do this with a Java development environment, namely Eclipse.
Yeah, Alka, this is pretty new.
I just turned it on because I have had been privileged, Alka, saying they've never seen the template repo before.
And I just turned it on.
And because I've been privileges of the processing organization and hope it was okay that I did that, Um, all right, now I don't even know if if I have downloaded eclipse and CD into the repair right now lives.
Oh, shoot.
Everything's going wrong now.
gamma shutting off intelligent, right?
Nobody wants me to use.
I don't know.
I never used intelligent before in my life, So I feel like I have to use the clips clips dot or ge um, And tell tell a J will pull that up.
This is the Eclipse Foundation website where you can download it.
Install eclipse.
I'm gonna do that in a moment.
I should mention also that Ah, lot people chatter saying, Oh, using Tell A J.
I like that better than eclipse.
I don't know.
Maybe it is better.
Maybe it's worse.
Who knows?
Who cares?
I'm just gonna use the clips.
It's the only one I've ever used.
And I wanna have at least one thing here that don't have to learn That's new.
But maybe I could come back and show until J at some point, or one of you can make your own video about doing the same thing with intelligent, and I can link to it.
All right, so let's download eclipse, So I'm gonna look down.
Let's download eclipse.
I'm gonna get this most latest version.
I'm gonna download the 64 bit.
Uh, this link looks good.
Um, eclipse much like processing is a non for profit foundation on.
You can donate.
I don't know if they're nonprofit.
I seem there.
I should try it once to form your Yes.
It definitely should.
What's going on here?
Uh, all right.
Clips installer.
But hold on, hold on.
Uh, I guess I'm doing it all right.
Once you've downloaded it, you're going to get this eclipse installer, and then you've got to choose what you want here.
I want eclipse.
I d for Java developers.
I think that's what I'm doing.
So I'm going to install it here.
Uh, except And here we go was fast.
Uh, except let me looks intel.
Ajay Idea community is free and open Source.
That's good to know.
All right, I've downloaded installed it.
I'm gonna launch it now.
I also should mention that I think the processing library template is designed for use with the clips.
It's creating a work space which is similar to like a processing sketchbook.
Um, welcome is great.
And I'm just going to do this.
Open it up.
All right.
All right.
Let's see.
All right.
Alright, here we go.
I have eclipse now.
Now I'm gonna have to do some work to, like, fix the font sizes.
I rise.
If you're watching this, you can barely see anything.
But right now I just use zoom for a second.
What the's air?
My options.
I could create a new project, a job project in short, junior project.
But what I want to do it, I'm pretty sure is import a project.
So I'm gonna click on import and then thes air all of my options.
Look at this.
And even as like, a git.
So I actually could probably imported from git.
But I think I could just do general existing.
I think this'd what I want.
I think I want existing project into a work space because the processing library template is an existing eclipse project so that I might hit next.
And I want to find that directory, which is just on my desktop called Open simplex.
Uh oh.
Plate simplex noise for processing.
I mean, hit open and you can see Look at that.
Oh, interesting.
It's called processing library template.
So there's probably somewhere that there's, like, a name for it that I might want to rename.
I'm gonna worry about that too much, right?
now I'm just going to click now Finish, uh, finish.
And Okay, there we go.
This is looking promising.
Oh, I have a red X, but you can see now this is an eclipse project.
It's got all of the files here in this like directory tree.
There's a data folder and examples folder.
A limb fold or resource is folder.
I may have to get into what's in those things, but the most important one right now is the source folder gonna click on that and we're going to see, like, this is really this is the Java file.
It's not a P D file.
Not a processing development of IRA violence.
An actual proper Java file.
This is what the file that I'm gonna need to work with, Um, is there a dark mode for eclipse?
Hold on.
People are telling me there's a dark mode.
Let's look for that appearance.
No, I'm looking.
The child has not told me where it is yet.
I haven't found it.
All right, let's Google.
I guess that's from 2014.
That's not gonna help me.
Oh, Preferences.
General appearance.
Ah, theme.
What's that about?
Uh, great.
Let me quickly mention that under the preferences under general appearance, you can change the theme to dark mode, which I'm doing right now.
Um, on get the font size.
We're with the font size B.
Um, you think we'll be under appearance?
Colors and fonts are there?
We go.
Only God, this is, like, insane.
Well, seriously.
Okay, that actually change it.
That didn't seem to do anything.
Text reviewed by text editors.
Okay, that's good.
So at least I got the fun.
Bigger for the text editor.
Job editor, text font under job click job editor.
Okay, I think I've got No, I think I'll leave the rest of the fonts.
Um, small.
I've also gone.
This will, This is not something that's so you'll need to do.
But I've also gone and increase the font size for the code editor just so we could see it bigger.
So where I am right now is I have got I'm looking at.
Hello, library dot Job.
I'm looking at this code and I'm in the Eclipse Editor.
So the next thing that I wanted you here is a terrific crowd.
Why do I have these errors?
I know why I know why.
All right.
Oh, this is exciting.
This is very exciting.
Um, all right.
These are the errors.
P apple.
It cannot be resolved to a type.
The import processing cannot be resolved.
Why do I have these errors?
Well, three idea.
This project where I'm building a processing library depends on the processing core library itself.
And I don't have that anywhere on my computer.
Yes, I have the processing application.
So maybe there's some way for me to link this to the processing application, but I'm gonna do you one better.
What I'm going to do is I'm now going to clone the entire processing sort core library source code.
And I'm going to have that as a project in eclipse.
And I'm gonna have this project refer to that.
So let's look at how it would do that.
Pretty sure, by the way, there's probably some instructions for how to do this.
Let's look for that for a second.
Rename your eclipse project.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, I see.
So I could just get core dot jar?
I think I'd rather have the full, uh I think so.
Oh, by the way, So this we can now change, but by the anyone who wants to submit a pull request to processing library to change these instructions because you no longer need to do fork you can you use as a template which makes so much more sense on that can be fixed.
But let's not I'm not gonna worry about that right now.
I'm just gonna mention all right before I do this next time, I should point out that even though I'm kind of haphazard, leaf has at least not the raper.
Before I go into the next step, I should point out that women, before I go into the next step, I should point out that even though I'm like awkwardly trying to figure this out as I go, there is a guide to how to do this.
That's part of the process library template.
Read me.
And the step that I'm on right now, actually, is this ad core Dutch are or an other jar files to your class path.
So one way that you could do this is just to get poor Dodge are what is core Dodge are.
It is the entire processing core library package into a single file.
A jar file is like a zip file of all of these Java files, all packaged in tow one.
But I'm gonna do this in a slightly different way, which I think is interesting.
I don't know if it's better or worse, which is to instead of adding core dot jar to the class path, I'm gonna add the processing source code project to the class path.
That way, if I need to, I can actually poke around that as well.
So to do that, I'm going to go to I still edit point here.
I'm going to I'm going to go to the processing main processing Repo itself.
I'm gonna grab this clone.
I'm gonna copy that.
I should point out that you should also mentioned I should also mention that I am using SS H meeting.
I've already gone through some instructions for how to set up A s S s meaning.
I've already gone through some instructions of how to set up A s S H key on my computer to authenticate to get home automatically.
You could do this more simply by just using https.
I should really make a video on how to do that.
Somebody remind me someday.
But that's why this is working for me so automatically, because I'm gonna grab this.
I'm gonna go back.
I'm gonna go back.
Thio, go back to my terminal and I must say, get clone.
I hope the full processing library.
It's gonna take a little while.
Get to that orange Julius likes called orange.
I hurt myself there.
This is really taking a long time receiving Jack's forties 7 65% proto ever typeset way.
All right, now that I've cloned that repo, I could go back to eclipse.
I'm gonna say file import, uh, existing projects into work space.
You can see that's what I'm doing again.
Next, uh, rows, uh, back to the desktop processing open.
And, uh okay, so do I really need all of these?
Great idea.
So these are all of the processing projects that are part of the core processing repo.
Let's try for right now, just processing core.
I'm pretty sure that's the only one that I need a dependency to build.
My processing libraries uncheck all the others when it finish.
It's there.
So now we could see I have processing.
Cool with also.
All right, let's see.
So before that's gonna work as a dependency for processing library template.
This can't have any errors in it.
So let's see what happens here.
Ah, so there's an issue with I should have just gotten corn ajar issue with with the Java FX renderers.
That you can see how that's the entire error.
Uh, what's think?
Different da java.
There's so many little like, uh, Easter eggs inside the processing source code crossing job FX.
So job FX is missing.
Is this because of the version of java that I'm using?
Ah, Nathan is asking, why is the process repo more than a gig?
I will get back to you on that.
I should probably just go back to the core.
Dodge are Things would be so easy.
I should really just figured court, not jar.
It will be done in two seconds.
I should probably follow the instructions, but I do want to fix this.
Um uh, John F X.
Why don't I have a job after, like install that separately?
Oh, installed new software.
Okay, that's not so bad.
Let's try.
That is not anymore.
Included I am using Job eight.
I'm pretty sure I need to use the correct version of Java with processing, but I think that I am set up.
All right, let's try this.
I think I think that I found the issue here, which is that Java FX, which is something that processing uses is not by default included in the version of Java that I'm running with the clips.
And so what?
I need to go now to help installed new software, I assume that I could just search Java FX.
No, I really believe we find that.
Ah, but where Installed new software under E FX Eclipse.
You know Adam tonight help.
It's a whole new software.
Yeah, that's where I am work with.
Well, there's a drop down.
Oh, there's a drop down Dfx eclipses in the marketplace.
The FX eclipses in the marketplace is so it's like the tiniest font ever.
I could barely read it.
Select a sight.
So there's like a marketplace eclipse market lights.
Okay, that's right.
Here we go.
Okay, that's good.
All right, through this.
So I can actually just go to eclipse marketplace in under.
Find Aiken, type F x and This is what I want E fx Eclipse on.
Let's let's try installing that.
How do I tell other was installed or not?
What version of processing am I using?
I mean of Java job 12.
I don't know what that is.
S E Oh, yes.
Oh, it installed.
All right.
We start now.
Oh, well, that's bad.
Having me when it finishes installing will ask you to restart eclipse, which is what I'm doing.
And I can see that everything is totally working now.
Did it install?
I think I might have to go back to the core dot jar, No updates found, and I have to go back to my Korda jar.
Java FX is not provided in Java.
I should be using job eight for processing.
Does it say in the processing library template?
Oh, I just need to add this.
I need to explicitly add it.
Let me just see if that fixes it.
I didn't fix it.
Java s C 1.8.
That's what I want.
Don't I need like, a J t k or something?
Hold on.
Let's see.
I'm following this.
Maybe I need to make sure I have J D K.
Downloaded five would refresh everyone's time.
I should be using intelligent No, I'm gonna using clips.
I use the clips 15 years ago.
It's what I'm gonna use Now, let's see.
Says it gives me a little F five.
I don't have the functions anymore.
That's a ridiculous Mac.
I should just go to import core dot jar.
We'd be done with this nonsense.
Hold on.
Let's go.
Is this what I want?
Do I want this?
Do I need this?
But that's there on projects, libraries.
We'll have to move on from this soon.
Let me do this.
Well done.
All right, I'm going back to court dot Jar.
I got rid of the errors in, like, two seconds.
All right?
This was like, a cool idea so that I could look in the crossing source code, but it's so not necessary.
Let's just not do this.
I'll come back to this another time.
All right?
I'm just gonna do the core dot jar from head beans.
Uh, I'm gonna just do the core dodge our solution, so I'm gonna go back to where I was here.
Who could get edited back?
I was trying to be ambitious, and I'll look into that later.
So Nathan is suggesting that we redo the process, attempted to use intel.
Ajay, I think actually, a contribution of version of the template for intelligent would be great.
And that would probably be something that would be accepted, or at least could be pointed Thio.
So if you're interested, I would say, rather than replace it, Although I could imagine maybe in the long term sense, maybe it makes sense, but for as a first step would be to just create a duplicate version of it.
All right?
Maven or great, All I know Look, I could only do what I could do.
All right?
The pea apple.
It cannot be.
Oh, new membe