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  • Hello, and welcome to another Beginner's

  • Guide to Machine Learning with ml5js video.

  • Now in this video, I am going to unlock something for you.

  • It's already unlocked for you, but I'm

  • going to show it to you, that is incredibly powerful for what

  • you could do now with ml5 that you

  • couldn't do before but many of you

  • asked about in the comments.

  • And what is that?

  • It is the Save/Load feature extractor.

  • This is a new feature that was added

  • to ml5 just five days ago.

  • You need to make sure that you are using ml5 0.1.3,

  • or whatever number in the future past that.

  • But certainly, this is the version of the library

  • that I'm using in this video.

  • Now what does it do?

  • So the last example, if you've been

  • watching these video series in order, was this example.

  • What this example does is it loads

  • a pre-trained image classification

  • model called MobileNet.

  • And MobileNet is trained on 1,000 different kinds of things

  • and recognizes puppies and dogs and birds

  • and different kinds of objects.

  • Transfer learning is the process by which

  • we take that pre-trained MobileNet model

  • and basically disconnect it from all those labels

  • and reconnect it to our own labels.

  • For example, I'm going to make up a label called Happy

  • and a label called Sad.

  • I could certainly have more than just two.

  • And I'm going to show it things like the train whistle

  • is me being happy.

  • I'm going to show it that train whistle a bunch of times.

  • Say, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy.

  • Now no train whistle is very sad.

  • I'm sad.

  • No train whistle is sad.

  • I'm spending way too much time on this,

  • because I haven't implemented the thing

  • that I want to implement.

  • Now I'm going to say train.

  • And it's going to train.

  • And then once it's done, happy.

  • Sad.

  • Happy train whistle.

  • Sad.

  • OK, so it works.

  • It is now learning to classify images in real time

  • according to those two categories.

  • But I'm a very big spaz.

  • And I'm going to just be over hitting Refresh.

  • And I have now lost that forever.

  • I no longer have that model.

  • It's gone.

  • The new feature is ability to save that custom trained model

  • and then reload it.

  • So if you're using this for an installation,

  • and you're going to take down the computer

  • and set it up every day, you can save that model.

  • You can imagine, there's lots of possibilities here.

  • So there's only two things that I really

  • need to add to the code.

  • There's a save function and a load function.

  • There's a bunch of pieces there.

  • But that's what I'm going to do right now.

  • So I'm going to go here into the code.

  • And I'm going to just add another button.

  • I have a Happy button, a Sad button, and a Train button.

  • I'm going to add a Sad button.

  • No, not a sad.

  • A Save button.

  • I'm going to call it Save.

  • And Save button, when the mouse is pressed--

  • I'm just going to say

  • That's it.

  • All I have to do is say

  • Let's see what happens.

  • So I'm not going to train it very--

  • actually, no.

  • I am going to train it.

  • Let's do a really good, solid training this time.

  • Because this is the one we're going to save.

  • Plus, it works.

  • So let's do the same thing.

  • Happy, happy, happy, happy.

  • Train whistle is a happy thing.

  • A happy, happy, happy, thing.

  • Just me is very sad.

  • There's no train whistle.

  • I'm so sad.

  • I'm very sad.

  • I'm very sad.

  • And now I'm going to train this.

  • Weird how the loss is 0.

  • I'm just going to not worry about that too much.

  • I'm going to hit Save.

  • You can see that, down here, by the way,

  • that I did this a couple of times practicing.

  • Now what it did is it downloaded to my download directory

  • two files model.json and model.weights.bin.

  • So those files will end up wherever the default downloads

  • directory of your browser is.

  • And the next step is just to load those files in.

  • But before we load them, let's talk about what's

  • in those files.

  • So those two files, I said model.json, model.weights.bin.

  • So what is a neural network?

  • What is a machine learning model?

  • What is the thing that we're saving?

  • Well, in this case, it's actually

  • saving the configuration of a neural network.

  • Now if you want to know what a neural network is,

  • I have some videos about that.

  • But I would refer you to the Three Blue One Brown video,

  • What is a Neural Network?

  • I will link to that in this video's description.

  • That will give you a much bigger deep dive into those details.

  • But if you look at that video, what you'll see

  • is there's basically a big diagram.

  • And the diagram has a bunch of inputs.

  • It has some outputs.

  • By the way, in this case, we could actually

  • say the outputs are just two.

  • A happy and a sad.

  • And what the neural network, what the machine learning model

  • outputs, is a probability.

  • Maybe 80% of it being happy, of that image being happy,

  • and 20% that image is sad.

  • So the whole point of this is to feed in an image.

  • It's the image, and maybe all the pixels of the image,

  • that are actually these inputs.

  • It goes through this magic neural network thing,

  • which isn't really magic.

  • It's a thing that you can learn about.

  • And then out the other end comes a guess

  • as to whether it's happy or sad.

  • Now what is all this stuff in the middle?

  • The stuff in the middle is typically referred

  • to-- and there many different styles and flavors and kinds

  • of neural network--

  • but in the zoomed-out view, in general terms,

  • is what's known as a hidden layer or hidden layers.

  • So every input is connected to the output but not directly.

  • There are some amount of nodes, maybe two hidden layers, each

  • with four nodes.

  • And every input is connected to every node.

  • And then every node is connected to every node.

  • And then every node is connected every output,

  • and so on and so forth.

  • So I could be here all day trying to do this diagram

  • and draw every connection between everything.

  • I'm not going to do that.

  • But all of the information about here

  • is what is saved in these two files.

  • Model.json is a file that just explains all of these pieces.

  • The layers, the outputs, the inputs, all of that stuff.

  • That is what is in model.json.

  • In a moment, I will just open up that file and look at it.

  • Model.weights is an interesting thing.

  • So the magic of a neural network,

  • what makes a neural network work,

  • is a number that's associated with every single one

  • of these connections known as a weight.

  • You can think of it as a whole bunch of dials.

  • So I'm tuning the dials, or I'm trying

  • to get the dials in the right position

  • so that it really makes good guesses about happy versus sad.

  • That's the training process.

  • Once that training process is done,

  • I want to save where all those dials are.

  • All of those numbers are in this file.

  • This is a binary format file, because there's

  • a lot of numbers.

  • Millions upon millions of connections,

  • potentially, between a lot of pixels and a lot of labels,

  • and a lot of hidden layers.

  • So this, you'll notice the file that we

  • saved is five megabytes.

  • Because it's tons and tons of numbers.

  • But this is just a very small file

  • with a little bit of text information about how

  • this is configured.

  • I spent a lot of time on that.

  • Hopefully, that's some helpful background to you.

  • Let's go back and actually look at those files.

  • So now I've got those files.

  • What I'm going to do is, I'm just

  • going to drag them into Visual Studio Code, which is what I'm

  • using to code this right now.

  • But you could be using any environment.

  • They didn't make it into the right place.

  • Let me try that again.

  • I'll clean this up later.

  • But I want them in this directory.

  • So you can see that they're there.

  • Model.json, model.weights.bin.

  • If I click on this, you can start

  • to see all the stuff in it.

  • There's information about the input shape.

  • And is it a sequential model?

  • And what kind of algorithm is it using?

  • And is it dense?

  • And it uses something called softmax.

  • All this stuff.

  • So this is way beyond the scope of what

  • I'm doing in these videos.

  • But if you're interested in more about these details,

  • you could look at some of my videos

  • that use TensorFlow.js natively to understand more pieces here.

  • But you can see here, this is where--

  • looking for the weights file, et cetera.

  • And this is really important.

  • This is really just what TensorFlow.js

  • would do natively.

  • But ml5 is helping with a little bit on top of it

  • by adding these happy and sad labels.

  • So now all we have to do is load the model now.

  • So we're going to go-- we saved that model.

  • And so the steps are--

  • the first thing we have to do is load the MobileNet model.

  • So we're not actually saving that original pre-trained image

  • classifier.

  • We're just saving the bits and pieces that are hooked into it.

  • So we can't hook into it until MobileNet is ready.

  • So once MobileNet is ready, we can then

  • say, classifier.load model.json.

  • Now there are two files, model.json

  • and model.weights.bin.

  • But ml5 is set up that, if you just give it one file,

  • it'll look automatically for the other file in the same place.

  • There are ways of customizing the file names and their paths

  • and all of that, but that, you can

  • look into in the documentation.

  • But the easiest thing for just to do this.

  • And then I'm going to say, custom model ready.

  • So I'm going to write another event function.

  • CustomModelReady.

  • And there, I'm going to say, custom model is ready.

  • So it's a two-step process.

  • We have to load MobileNet.

  • MobileNet is ready.

  • Then load model.json with the weights.

  • Custom model is ready.

  • Let's just run this.

  • Zoom back out.

  • And there we go.

  • Everything's loaded.

  • But I don't see any results.

  • I don't see any results.

  • Why?

  • Well, this sketch was written originally with code to train.

  • So I'm such a press the buttons in that train.

  • But now I don't need to train, because I loaded the model.

  • So this is where I don't know what you should do next.

  • Maybe you want to keep two separate web

  • pages, two separate sketches, one for training

  • and one for loading.

  • Maybe you do it all in one.

  • You'll actually see, if you go to the ml5 examples,

  • there's one that has a button that you can drag and drop.

  • You can actually select files and load them and save them,

  • all in the same sketch.

  • But what I want to do now is basically a workflow for--

  • I'm done with the training.

  • So I'm not going to ever train again.

  • So I can actually remove all of these buttons.

  • They're no longer relevant to me.

  • The text that should show up at the beginning

  • is just loading model.

  • And then, when the model is ready, I would say,

  • label equals model ready.

  • So let's run this now.

  • So now loading model, loading model, model ready.

  • And now, once the model is ready, all you need to do

  • is start classifying.

  • And before, I didn't classify until the training

  • was finished.

  • The training is now irrelevant.

  • I could actually completely comment this out as well.

  • And basically, I want to start training

  • when the model is ready.

  • Not training, sorry.

  • I want to start guessing when the model is ready by saying,

  • classifier.classify.

  • Got results, and now here we go.

  • Loading the model.

  • The model is ready.

  • Happy.

  • Sad.

  • Happy.

  • Sad.

  • And I can refresh the page again.

  • And happy.

  • Sad.

  • Happy.

  • Sad.

  • So it works.

  • We're done.

  • Yay.

  • This is a thing you can do now.

  • You can train your own transfer learning model.

  • You could do this with the regression example,

  • too, if you watched that video.

  • You can save it.

  • So I don't know.

  • You could share models.

  • Let's all share models with each other.

  • Share your model with me.

  • Let's see what happens.

  • I'm curious to see what kind of creative stuff

  • you come up with.

  • The interaction that I've done here is super awkward.

  • I'm going to press the button all the time.

  • And you don't actually have to train with just video.

  • You could load a bunch of images.

  • So there's so many possibilities here.

  • And I look forward to seeing what you make.

  • And stay tuned for more ml5 videos.

  • More stuff is coming.

  • I don't know yet what.

  • But more stuff is coming.

  • Goodbye.





ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ml5.js: モデルの保存/読み込み (ml5.js: Save/Load Model)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日