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♪ Lively piano intro music ♪
♪ Pop version of 'The First Noel' ♪
C: Where are we going? J: We're on the bus!
C: We are.
J: We're going to TWO birthday parties!
J: Even though it's Christmas and we should be going to Christmas parties.
C: It's quite refreshing.
J: Oh, the different? C: Yeah.
C: The birthday parties. J: Because you've been to SO many Christmas parties.
[Bus announcement]
J: How many Christmas parties have you been to?
C: I don't know; that not many, actually, this year.
J: One.
C: Oh.
J: We had one at our house. C: No, two, I had my work's one.
J: Oh, yeah.
C: So...
J: So, my goodness, so many.
C: So the first one is in our friend's house; the second one is in some kind of dingy bar.
J: Yeah! C: Dingy/trendy.
J: It's my cousin's 50th birthday.
C: We've been pre-warned about the toilets.
J: She's really cool, though. She's--she's cooler than...yeah.
C: So we probably won't film too much.
C: Just a few snaps.
J: I don't know, I might. There might be famous people.
C: Yeah, but...that's why you can't film them.
J: Oh.
J: That's a bummer.
J: But, yeah, she's always been like my really cool cousin that I followed around when I was little, like,
"I love you so much. I want to be just like you."
C: Aw.
"You're amazing."
C: My hand's getting a bit tired now.
J: Ow.
J: You look gorgeous, by the way. C: See you later.
[Bus announcement; female voice] Pinto Street
♪ Pop version of 'The First Noel' resumes ♪
♪ Loud club music ♪
[Sudden quiet; pouring sounds]
[Lively channel music]
J voiceover: We are now ridiculously tired. [Laughs]
We're heading back to Claudia's father in Guildford, who we left the doggies with.
J: We're going to be celebrating Christmas with him,
along with Claud's VERY pregnant sister and her husband.
[Lively channel music]
J: Hello. C: Hi!
J: What are we doing?
Er, walking up the Guildford high street.
This is, uh, where I had my Christmas carols, er, school concerts.
We'd have to walk down from school and come here and sing.
[Lively channel music resumes]
J voiceover: Guildford is a large, medieval town in Surrey
with a population of just over 140,000 people.
It's very quaint and calm.
[Lively channel music]
[Pop version of 'The First Noel']
Time for a break from Christmas shopping, with Caribbean food.
['The First Noel' resumes]
C: That's the good stuff.
[Jessica laughing]
J: That nice, huh?
C: Good stuff.
J: The kind of spice you like.
[Festive music]
J: Shall I pick up the lime and squeeze it?
C: Yes.
[General murmur of conversation and crockery clinking in background]
J: [Laughing] I'm so weak! I can't even squeeze a lime!
J: I am too weak to squeeze the lime.
J: Oh, my God! Oh, my God.
J: Claudia, help me.
C: I think it's a dried-out lime.
[Lively channel music]
J: This is dissolve-able Ibuprofen. I don't know how I haven't come across it before,
but it truly is wonderful.
[Lively channel music]
[Buzzer sound]
[Lively channel music]
J: I'm going to try to get a Christmassy fashion video out for you on Christmas Eve
and a stocking opening video on Christmas Day.
J: Remember, you only have until midnight on the 24th to enter the give-away.
I'll announce the winner on Christmas Day.
I hope you have a wonderful festive long weekend.
[Joy to the World instrumental]