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What is a change you'd like to see in the world during your lifetime?
This sunset and sunrise for more people to pick Harriet the Bubble Gum game Thio.
Everybody be nice.
Less trash on the sidewalk, I want to say, is to be cleaner, less pollution and more homes.
Equality and no more animal abuse.
Equality for all people have more peace with other countries.
I would like to see more peace and happiness decrease and racism and poverty.
A cure for cancer, More peace.
Yeah, Donald Trump, out of office Want people coming together as one a society where people understand each other.
World peas, everyone getting along world.
He's human trafficking abolished.
I know.
Let's help one another build each other up in Stop knocking each other down for a woman to be absolutely anything that she wants And it doesn't raise any question or any topic for discussion of anything is just okay.
Having more uplifting content on the news.
A change in human interaction Maur real lifeless computer modified Well, I would like for people not to be threatened by my color that people take environmental causes more seriously free college for everyone, really good education at that.
More love, less hate, continued inclusion, acceptance and awareness being more accepting of others who are different from you.
More equality, racial equality, world peace.
Is that too much to ask?
Majority of women in power, the people who love each other, more people being open minded.
I think we're getting towards it.
But everyone being on the same page, everyone being equal, everyone being even.
I'd love to see that Children be allowed to be who they really are for people to be more aware off the world around them rather than themselves.
Women get paid equally as many people getting along, and except in one another, however they are.
I would love to see people default to kindness and respect before they default to fear.
Yeah, world peace so we can put our energies towards a better planet.
Countries stop fighting amongst each other.
No wars or no starvation.
I would like poverty to be abolished.
I would like to see everyone treated equally, all cigarettes eradicated.
I would like to see people come together and overcome their differences.
Universal health care, less judgment, the reduction of plastic and fossil fuels to never have to wear shoes at the airport before you board a plane.
Less violence, more peace, the end of terrorism and all of this extreme violence.
More opportunities for women in general.
Donald Trump out of office.
No awards, no anger.
I just love pure love.
That would have to be everyone coming to know Jesus.
I would like people to love each other more like it would be nice if we lived in Utopia, a true progressive in the White House.
Peace in the Middle East, a president that inspires me for Democrats to govern a new president.
Acceptance of people of color wherever they are hot to global warming case for people to pay more attention to what they're doing to the environment piece and understanding to re able to trust policemen again.