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It's David Hoffman filmmaker, and I'm going to present a film I just got from Jesse.
So, you know, I collect stories.
I'm desperate for stories on a story to me is something that somebody else experienced and they just share it and put up the cell phone tripod and shoot themselves talking.
So Jessie is an Australian.
He's a young guy.
He's a rock it roll guy.
He had a band.
He's out on the road and he has this experience with this girl, which when I saw it, I kept on kind of waiting for it to get winter.
And it did.
So I want to thank you, Jesse, for sharing this story.
By the way, Jesse became a musician, and he's still a musician in Australia, and he's still a young guy.
So I hope you enjoy this story.
Jesse from Australia.
Hi, I'm Jesse Squire.
I'm a musician from Sydney, Australia, and I've been watching David Hofmans, YouTube channel and single.
These amazing stories, um, one not being as amazing.
Yet I still find it quiet.
Um, you know what I mean after I tell it, I guess, Um So my story begins.
Um, when I was, uh that was about seven years ago, and I was touring with my band of the time.
We were just for young guys, just basically winning free beer.
Um, we would lie about when we were touring with another band who are friends of ours.
And we were all together in vans.
And, you know, I think I earned some feathers and things like that at the time.
And, you know, we were ah, meandering through the different towns heading north, chasing the hate in the summer like lots of beach towns, that kind of thing.
And, um, having a lot of fun.
Ah, and sort of by the time we had me end it all the way from Sydney to Brisbane, which took a long time, I sort of decided to break off from the band since we didn't have any more gigs for a while and gray hitchhiking.
So I tracked back south to a place called Byron Bay.
Which, um, isn't Orin throughout Australia is sort of being a sort of peopie city area.
Um, well, there now it's quite commercial.
And it was then, actually anyway, but, um, So you know our waltzed into the town.
You know, I have my guitar, and I was all like, a musician to there.
There was so many musicians there, and I plan on going busking and sleeping wherever I could and just, you know, living in the moment, man.
You know, um, and I met I met a girl, and she was really, really lovely.
Um, I'm obviously not gonna say what the name was, and, um, she, uh she we connected, we really connected.
We drank some white wine together, and we were having a good time.
And she was right.
Different too.
May I was sort of a kind of hippie gonna guy.
She was sort of like wearing a playboy shut, you know, on was interested in that kind of thing.
So I You know, I talked to her all night.
I met her on the beach, and we spoke for a long time all night, and she said, What would you have?
Anywhere to stay?
And I said no.
I said, what do you want to come and stay back in my place?
And I said, Sure, go into a house and you know, we drink some more wine.
And then she I went to bed and I slept on the couch and, you know, and then the next morning, I kind of work up and she had breakfast waiting for me, which is really nice.
And I thanked her, and I think for letting me sandy catches.
She said you could just stay here if you want.
You can stay here for as long as you're in Byron Bay.
And I thought, Well, this is great.
I can go out and bust, can know enough to worry about a place to stay.
Plus, she's also very attractive.
And I think we have ah, chemistry.
Um, so, you know, I went out on our boss skin, She worked at the caravan park, and, um then I we go back to her place and we would hang up.
Maura and I think, you know, should we drink some more than I'd go to sleep on the cash instead, Should sleep in a room.
And then I think it's some point.
Naturally, I think on the third day was hanging out.
We made love for the first time, and, you know, it was pretty standard stuff, you know, it was just too young people just connecting in that way.
I think after about the fourth day, as I started to notice some slack works in a, um she, uh she's definitely sort of in tow, Um, I guess, Like, weaker.
Or which Croft very subtly and should say subtle things about it.
And then and then not so suddenly.
One night she got a wee gee board up.
Um, which, which actually surprised me, because again, our appearance was very different to what you, you know, a cliche way.
We think that somebody in certain region boards in which crops would wear but look so always really to saving.
And I was too saved.
Um, so I think it was probably the fifth or sixth night.
She mentioned that she wanted me to stay forever, and she would chain me to the bed so I couldn't lave and fade me.
Um, but that's what she wanted.
And I thought she was sort of joking, and I laughed it off in the next day, she went to work, and she came back that night and I'd been busking him.
We're at the back of her house and I hadn't given much of a thought of what she'd said.
But she really drinking white wine again.
We're sitting in her backyard, just drinking, and I thought I was with a slightly quickie but otherwise really lovely and Amoco boo woman and we're drinking wine.
And she looked over at a barbecue and she said, Under there is my old cat and I said, Oh, he's he's buried over there His pasta bunch said Yes, he died just just a month and 1/2 ago, and I said, Oh, that's sad.
I didn't know you had a cat.
You hadn't mentioned it before and she said Yes, it was very sad about it and I thought, All you know, I said Sorry and we were started to talk about something else, I think, And then she said.
She said she looked at the barbecue and then she looked at man.
She said, Do you want it?
Do you want to dig it up?
And I said A vagabond said, Do you want to dig up the cat?
And I is a little shocked and one thing about May of the time is I would always say yes to everything was like a 23 year old.
I just just like I was just on that five men, I just would say yes to you everything.
So I said, You show up and I got a little shovel shot of a little kind of hand shovel and we moved the barbecue and I started digging and there was, um there was this shape in there that I kind of uncovered and sort of sore.
And that was the shade.
And she said, sort of in this instructive time with hand on my shoulder She said, Pick it up So I picked it up and I couldn't believe it.
I was holding this dead cat, and it had sort of taken part is through the shade a little bit.
But it was still mainly there, you know.
It was still a cat.
It wasn't just capped Barnes, and it wasn't like rotted flesh.
There was like a cat, and I sort of parted the the shapes thio her instruction and there was the cat inch and she sort of looked at me and she was like, um, sway it like it's your son and you know, I was drunk.
I was free and also I think she must have had this power over me.
I was the summaries, and I was doing this.
I think she was.
She's very beautiful, and I found a very drawing, so I think she had some kind of and I'm not a superstitious person, but she had some kind of spell on me.
So I am so hated the cat.
And she was sort of rubbing my back, and she was saying, just like we were holding our child.
Ah, home.
It's the only way I could describe it.
So we did that forbidden.
I put the cap back at some point and in the hole, and then she just pooed my clothes off and we just made love next to this.
Are you pin cat grave?
Um, yeah, and really vigorously.
Like that was cuts on my back, Um and so I put that get back on the couch, reburied the cat and put the barbecue back afterwards, and we sort of settled down to everything normal normally.
And then, of course, the next day she got up early to go and work at her job, and I work up and I thought about the things she'd said.
And I put a few things together and I just thought, I've got a guy.
So I Huh I write a night saying Thank you for having me about I left quite abruptly.
But, um, that's my story.