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you're about to see a short film I made to get people to lose weight.
It was made a very long time ago, and it involves a crazy creative idea.
I'm David Hoffman filmmaker, and I was a young guy when I made this film.
I was a little overweight myself, and I came up with the idea of a Broadway musical to get people to lose.
Weight went to met Life, the big insurance company, and they backed me in this film where I actually got to Broadway guys to write a Broadway musical about losing weight.
I don't know if you'll love it if you're not struggling with the problem, but if you are like, tens of millions of us are like hundreds of millions of us are.
If you look worldwide, I think you might enjoy this musical.
Part of my idea was the film this kind of like a documentary at my parent's house in Levittown, Long Island.
It could have been done on a stage, but who films Broadway stage movies that really look good on TV or in a screen this big today.
So I'm proud of this.
A little bit of a documentary a little bit of a Broadway musical.
Hopefully help people lose weight.
What a day.
I want a cold, Chris.
Beautiful day.
Hey there, little bird.
How would you like to go to the doctor with me?
I need moral support on you.
Don't have a weight problem.
I can't believe it.
Me All Star center on the basketball team.
A true Minister Ludlow.
High Overweight way.
I always thought that game of catch with my son Billy on the weekend would keep me in trim.
You know who it keeps in trim him.
I always thought that saccharine in my coffee would stem the tide, but it doesn't.
With a doughnut on the sign.
I'm not getting any younger, you know?
So I better lose weight now.
I guess this morning was really the clincher.
There it waas 199 Well, things have finally gotten out of hand, so I'm going to see the doctor.
Maybe he can show me how.
Uh, look at the gimmicks there in that store window.
That's really what you call wishful shrinking.
Like the books to be fat.
But look, then the Royal Tibetan Lama diet, Calories, count, calories.
Don't count calories Will calories.
Warm on the pills on flab.
Fat off instant thin, sudden slim flesh flatters tapering tablets.
Betty Bradley's But list brownies.
Pretty Pauline's protein pies.
Panty Freeman's fatness Bunch Surely bruises shot at Ross's.
They don't do the trick in the long run.
I guess it's a manner of mind over bladder.
But the platter was stronger than the mind this morning.
Yours will be ready in a minute, dear.
Here it is going to be brave and stick to my breakfast on Josh's black Me I'm reading my teeth and hovering through lane away with Rose away with because with Sam a pox on you got it got dimension strain of mind determination Revolution Just unordinary, Joe But I gotta be strong if I want to be the man I I made up my mind I gotta get back in my old guys.
I sure miss the Danish.
Our baker can make my mother.
She did?
Uh huh.
She baked it herself and her with her arthritis and all.
We're starting a diet of all the o, um uh, A little early for the doctor.
Got about 15 minutes for just one cup of coffee we owe you.
Wait, wait.
Exactly £200 six feet tall or your frame and body type way.
It's a problem with which I seem thio have no control.
Well, after a few more tests, we'll figure out what should be your weight gold.
Tell me, Doctor, give it to me straight.
I could take it.
Isn't, is it?
Is my problem glandular?
Then it's gotta be hereditary.
In a way, you're right, but not quite in the way you think.
I guess we've all inherited something, just living here from up high in their life that was rugged and rough.
A life that build a nation way progressed if you want to call it that to a push button civilization about poor timing or cleaning for copping, for pushing or pulling for washing or drying.
Ah, very convenient life under a very convenient life above for driving, for digging, for heating or cooling, for mixing for milking or mowing a very convenient life partner.
A very convenient life.
You don't have to work till your body is numb.
All you need is a good strong from above brings candy or milk or soda pop or sandwiches ice cream bars down the chute.
They drop If you're bored, just push a button than just sit and stare.
If you're tired, just push a button on your lounging chair.
It's a very complete, convenient life.
So when did this sudden Terry life that in?
When did this going to pot begin?
I guess it began on the day I was married The day that I brought home my bride, the loathe joy.
When I carried her over the threshold with pride, it was not just a way that she but all Dr the way that girl cook on her specialties Gary and such meat on DDE Hey, does on lower on honey on sugar maples and craving salt Nick, you chul it.
I could hire me, Wait to get through it so I could have a second thing in every home.
It should be unnecessary.
Fixture on one gives the pilot that final go This something off the gravy with ah, very tasty beginning other.
But then it often starts on.
When did you realize that things had gone too far?
What was, uh, the moment of truth?
The moment of truth?
Well, way were out on the town with some friends way ended up in this artist's studio.
You know the kind Who do you caricature or a couple dollars?
While my friends all said I oughta let him draw me So I sit on, he draws on, he finishes on, he shows it to me.
Oh, that's not me.
Can't you see that guy couldn't draw simple treat you?
You You You impossible.
I don't believe it.
You're all against me.
It's not me.
But it was me a little exaggerated But me, Why can't me easy for me as it is for everyone else to Lulu, It's not easy for everyone else.
The important thing is wanting to go on.
And why do people want Oh, look better feel better, Have your clothes look snappier, have more vigor, Live longer to be a whole lot happier, A very important point on a very important point.
At first it's gonna be rough, but you gotta know when enough is enough.
Refusing that second portion, maybe a strain, but your eating habits, you're gonna have to completely re train a very important point after a very important point on, then this babble you're planning to win.
You must be more active, more active than you've been.
A very important point.
So will set your weight goal and then begin.
That's a very commanding, important point.
Now let's see blood pressure.
Normal heart normal.
£180 should be your goal.
You should lose at least £20.
Aunt, I can't over stress how important this is for your help.
Too much weight with strain on your heart.
The answer is diet and exercise exercise.
Not just occasionally, but every day.
Can you do it?
Can you do it?
Can you steel yourself and go through it?
Thanks, Doctor.
We'll see.
We'll see.
I do it.
Can I do it?
Can I steal myself on?
Go through it.
I There's a character who's really got it made what a life you said A mouthful, Charlie.
The name's Arthur.
Don't know.
Yeah, sir, But you're right.
I got it.
No strong strain and no stride.
If I do any work, I might hurt myself.
So I see that I never exert myself.
Yes, brewing is doing just, uh so I'm still like you.
I don't have no soon, though.
Most people, my bigger would not end child next to some.
That I look at a very grand over with Wayne is just No, my keepers just feed me once today because the kids meet me peanuts and cookies and candy on line one won't say no need my will bury supposed to wear.
So allow me to make this suggestion to you if will power and wait.
Is your being mugged just fine?
They're not bad thing.
Cycling's the best exercise you've had way.
Now let's look at the record for the day.
Had breakfast on lunch time.
I watch those calories really stayed on the booth, but the real test is coming test that determines whether I stand or I fall.
If I can just stick to it for dinner and forgo that midnight snack, I might wind up a winner with a letter marked in black, and I'll smile when I hear that voice within me.
Not bad, not bad.
Not that.
Hi, honey.
What's for dinner?
What is that beautiful role?
It's something special here for Billy on.
You can have a little if you like hung lush play bird with spices and led to my downfall.
It's one off my vices.
But I must admit it.
I'll be sparing discreet on ISS and I'll just spoon.
Hey, you read it in your eyes.
Way you can, boy, that's good.
I've stayed on the ball today.
Why not?
Maybe if I just have half of my dessert.
Justice once won't hurt.
Enough is enough.
Enough taken away with my booth for there's one thing.
No, I know.
It's a nice learning howto say no, I can hear my friends now.
I'm stuck to this thing for a while on and they see the new me e Just hear him.
They'll be singing a different tune offer.
Have you lost weight?
Would you be available for my next?
There's a marvelous part for a thin sleep.
Gorgeous Panther.
You Where have you been hiding?
Not the Arthur.
We'd like you to run for mayor.
You've got just a figure for it.
Please, boy, come back to Truman s Tried Lo.
The basketball team needs you.