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  • So Kevin's birthday was a month ago and has great friends.

  • We're going to celebrate it today.

  • Yeah.

  • So holding your surprise party for me.

  • He's also oblivious.

  • So it's good.

  • Easy.

  • Hopefully it goes Well, you got it.

  • We're gonna set up.

  • I probably Harry.

  • Michael, the cameras rolling.

  • Take off your pants.

  • Let him put on pants.

  • Freeze!

  • We're making a film.

  • 8 50 Devon's at McDonald's with Justin.

  • Yo, it's a mark.

  • Old ever.

  • What?

  • Yeah, just a bunch of through that.

  • That's why I took so long.

  • Try opening that.

  • I couldn't open it.

  • That's work.

  • What's in there?

  • A bit of my school stuff and alcohol.

  • I got it.

  • I got in this door right on.

  • Then I realized I can't get out because what?

  • Because I can't do this and none of the other doors work.

  • Are you excited for tonight?

  • What are we doing?

  • I don't know What the other plan?

  • Nothing.

  • We're gonna I guess we could have a movie night.

  • Wait.

  • The window.

  • No, see, that's the problem.

  • Oh!

  • Oh, good, Good.

  • Yo, yo ho McDonald's try and save money.

  • Yeah.

  • Try to see if my stones that I only got two meals and I didn't get a drink this time instead of getting a large fries medium fries this how exciting life.

  • Now, who is this?

  • Your quick.

  • I gotta go see.

  • Oh, yes, it is that I'm super late and I'm going to hear anything over convinced.

  • Required head home now?

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, I moved in.

  • I was like a few of you.

  • You You're the run.

  • Run.

  • Just, you know, you can You know what?

  • Whoa, whoa, whoa.

  • Where do you want your coat?

  • Like?

  • Wait, wait.

  • Take it up the stairs.

  • Working overnight?

  • No, you don't get that one's gonna be Oh, wait.

  • I want to do But wait.

  • What?

  • Doctor?

  • What is it?

  • Oh, no.

  • Oh, no.

  • I never said I'd never seen this picture in my life that way.

  • Wait, Devon, if you want to go nto your actual smooth that window.

  • So first he doesn't walk into just over here.

  • He walks up and goes, Let me go, man.

  • I got into a different beer.

  • Can reduce your user scythe most, like conceded.

  • Sure.

  • Well, Booth, wait, wait.

  • Losing sight of my lifetime.

  • I have got a single one.

  • Yo, what's up?

  • We'll see my channels.

  • Quinn's blawg.

  • I'll give you your birthday present in the glass booth.

  • Yeah, the neighbor.

  • Is it a pen?

  • Wait, no day Call me Brightness.

  • Brightness way?

  • No, they call me Stacey.

  • All right, guys.

  • So how's it going?

  • People watching this video?

  • Uh, it's two days later.

  • I'm wearing this this nice clothes because I just got back from a wedding.

  • I did not have log it.

  • I didn't feel like flogging it, but, uh, yeah, yeah.

  • I was wearing like, uh was wearing, like, this suit type of thing.

  • I have to spend the whole day today.

  • It's Sunday right now.

  • So I have class.

  • I have class tomorrow, and today I have to spend the whole day trying to get a job.

  • Not exactly get a job.

  • But I've been working on on putting all my projects together.

  • You know, s O.

  • I have to put all my projects together.

  • And there's about 10 jobs that they have.

  • Ah, deadline.

  • Today I'm in a clock program.

  • Right.

  • So I'm gonna have a work term starting in May, and it's going to go to the end of the year, so it's gonna be eight months along that right now, I have to start looking for jobs.

  • And this is why I like I wanna I wanna film and stuff on you to begin.

  • But like, this is gonna be a very difficult time Thio film.

  • And I'm I'm just thinking that's perfect.

  • That's that's the reason I should be filming it, you know?

  • So, um, let me know if you guys are interested in the journey of like, like, uh, being at university, trying to figure out how to get a job, just all the things that come along with it, like sometimes you just come home and there's a surprise party that's never happened to me in my life.

  • I didn't really, um I didn't really film like I didn't really vlog it.

  • I mean, I filmed the whole thing, but, like, I didn't really talk.

  • I didn't really explain what was happening to you guys.

  • It just kind of happened.

So Kevin's birthday was a month ago and has great friends.


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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日