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  • grab your flip flops and sunscreen.

  • It's time to party.

  • Welcome to watch Mojo.

  • And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 spring break fact versus fiction for this list.

  • We're looking at commonly believed things about spring break and letting you know whether they're true or false.

  • Number 10.

  • It only lasts a week.

  • Fiction Spring break goes by many different names, including Reading Week and Study Week.

  • We all know we're not using our time off to crack open the books, and in fact, the term week is something of a misnomer.

  • Here.

  • You got the week off from school, but by that they mean the school week I e.

  • Monday through Friday.

  • On top of that, you also have two weekends to work with, making your entire time away amount to nine whole days.

  • Keep that in mind when you're planning your vacations because he wouldn't wanna waste those extra days.

  • So what if you're exhausted from driving back to campus on the Sunday before classes start up again?

  • Number nine.

  • A Muscle Beach Party fiction in 1964.

  • Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello start in the William Asher movie Muscle Beach party which was part of a trend in the era of creating fun movies geared towards young people with a beach setting.

  • Did you kiss him because he's lovable?

  • Because he's the only man on the beach?

  • The setting of this one is Malibu Beach, where beachgoers and bodybuilders alike supposedly Rome.

  • The real life Malibu has a spring break vibe no matter what time of year it is.

  • But you probably shouldn't expect to have a run in with a gang of oil of bodybuilders if you actually take a trip there.

  • It seems like this was a concept that was conceived of in the sixties, but it's somehow still remains in the cultural consciousness today.

  • Number eight, you'll meet someone interesting fact.

  • Okay, we cannot promise you're gonna spot a B or even a C list celebrity when you're on spring break.

  • But we can say that it definitely happens.

  • Who are you?

  • My name's alien.

  • Real name Tao.

  • Uh, truth be told, plenty of reality show stars, DJs, entertainers and minor athletes have been spotted partying with the regular folk a spring break celebrations around the world, Whether they're they're working or just having a good time like you are.

  • If it's your goal, tohave a celebs sighting and keep your wits about you and your eyes peeled.

  • Be surprised if you didn't see at least one recognizable face.

  • Number seven.

  • There are killer fish in the water fiction.

  • There have been many movies made that follow a premise similar to this carefree college.

  • Students air out to have some fun in the sun, but there's something sinister in the water that's gonna turn this trip into a bloodbath.

  • Instead, Whether it's prehistoric killer fish, a shark with an agenda or bloodthirsty peronnas, we can almost guarantee that you don't have to worry about them.

  • Of course, sharks are real and do sometimes attack humans.

  • But that hardly ever happens today.

  • Yes, you can.

  • Is this freaking nut?

  • Just do your research, practice safe swimming and watch out for each other While we're at it, you probably don't have to worry about a serial killer targeting coeds either.

  • Number six serenading a girl will work out for you.

  • Fiction.

  • There has been a long cinematic tradition of men managing to woo women by singing to them, regardless of their vocal skill level.

  • If you really love darling, Elvis Presley is one of the most famed voices of all time, and he pulled this off in the 1965 film Girl Happy, which takes place during spring break in Fort Lauderdale, Florida He sings the song Puppet on a string to her, and after that she's all his.

  • Let's just say that in the modern day this move won't get you the girl, but it might possibly make you a viral hit.

  • If someone films the embarrassing attempt Number five, someone will do something.

  • Epic.

  • Fact.

  • It seems like every work of fiction that centers on spring break features one member of the party doing something truly epic that they will be remembered for for the rest of time.

  • Sometimes it's the most unlikely guy in the crew's shocking everyone by winning a margarita chugging contest.

  • Or maybe it's the time your body went missing for an entire 24 hours and you had to help piece together his night hangover style.

  • It's in the trunk, but it's pretty much a guarantee that you'll have at least one super memorable story that you definitely won't want to kill your parents.

  • In On number four.

  • You will get a sunburn.

  • Fact.

  • Okay, there is a caveat to this one.

  • If you're careful, you can avoid it.

  • But in all likelihood, you will slip up at some point and get a sunburn.

  • We all know how serious skin cancer could be, and we know that getting burned is a contributing factor to this potentially deadly disease.

  • So let's all do our best to prevent it.

  • You know, we know you want to spend a carefree day at the beach and get your tan on, but just promise you'll pack your sunscreen and reapply regularly.

  • Even if you're not worried about the long term effects, At least try to avoid looking like a lobster for the rest of your trip.

  • Number three.

  • What happens on Spring Break?

  • Fiction In the age of social media, nothing you ever do will stay in the past.

  • I got this really weird message from Ross, he said.

  • Turn on MTV.

  • So while you might be operating under the idea that what happens on spring break stays on spring break, you might want to think again.

  • You never know when someone might be filming and then instantly posting videos to their insta stories.

  • That could be seen by your sister or your great aunt theme.

  • Even if the Internet isn't involved, you think your friends will ever let you live down that you're acting like a total fool.

  • Don't dance like nobody's watching, because people definitely are.

  • Number two.

  • You'll go away for spring break fiction.

  • Almost every movie and TV show that takes place over spring break shows college students heading south for drinking, partying and tanning.

  • Okay, with came check.

  • We danced.

  • We drag check Lee through it, but they seem to be forgetting one thing.

  • College is expensive.

  • You think everyone can afford to jet off for a week when they're busy saving up to pay next semester's tuition?

  • Not to mention not everyone wants to have that kind of vacation.

  • Doesn't sound.

  • Just is relaxing to sit at home for an entire week, ordering seamless binge watching Netflix and seeing no.

  • One.

  • Before we continue, Be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.

  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.

  • Number one, you'll get lucky fiction.

  • Some students may depart on their spring break trips, hoping for no strings attached.

  • Physical relations with people they'll never have to see again.

  • But things have changed, and you definitely can't assume you're just gonna get laid anymore with same exactly the same exact time.

  • Feeling the same exact Yeah.

  • How can you say something?

  • In fact, the more sure you are that you're going to get busy, the more pressure you're putting on it and the more disappointed you'll be if it doesn't work out.

  • So are you like a mattress or what?

  • I'm a wild wild girl while hooking up can be an aspiration.

  • Don't let it stop you from having fun with your friends and, of course, freaking people with respect.

  • Do you agree with our picks?

  • Check out this other recent clip from Watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.

grab your flip flops and sunscreen.


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トップ10 春休みのファクトvsフィクション (Top 10 Spring Break Fact vs Fiction)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日