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  • Can I smoke?

  • Uh, no.

  • In here.

  • Sorry, Dylan.

  • You mind if I call you Dylan?

  • My name.

  • So we'd like you to call this.

  • It's all right with you.

  • Weather.

  • How far?

  • Way?

  • Mere.

  • Smith and I was dark.

  • Yeah, but there was light from our fire, so it's on the top.

  • Thanks.

  • Much.

  • One of the most was Did you see Emily?

  • Absolutely shooting.

  • But Melo cousins in her class at school.

  • She must have said something at the end.

  • She was running.

  • She fell.

  • He called.

  • What do you want, Jeff?

  • We're done.

  • Witness?

  • Yes.

  • Are you a man in the car?

  • Go back.

  • You off.

  • I just need to take poison.

  • She loved you so much.

  • She wasn't in her right mind.

  • She would have done this to us.

  • She was in her right mind.

  • Way, boys.

Can I smoke?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ジェスが真実を知る?| デヴィッド・テナント INTENSE シーン|デッドウォーター・フェル (Jess Discovers the Truth? | David Tennant INTENSE Scene | Deadwater Fell)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日