字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント our company now has 900 of these pens, please. Years uploaded logo. Wow, that's an amazing ways. Just like you watching this video. Welcome, everyone to Miley. Infuriating This is making Miley infuriated. I have a confession to make. First of all, when I looked up this subreddit, this image shows up the way my grandmother eats pizza. I've eaten pizza this rate for over 20 years, and every time we are out with friends and I start eating my pizza and always goes weird and quiet, I'm like white and everyone's just staring to what I'm doing to the pizza. It's amazing what you eat pizza with your hands creams, Bro. Listen, there's a stigma. All I ask is that you try it, okay? It's really epic. I don't like the crust, and when you're done eating it, you have a pizza frame and you can put your face in it and be like a pizza face. It's also I'll cut you a deal. Try it and then you can see if you like it. All right, let's move on to more mildly infuriating Shin Buster 9000. I'm not sure what I'm looking at. It's not a bed frame that sticks out. I think that side is supposed to go towards the wall. You're clearly that you're using your bed backwards. That is making me more infuriating. Thin. The post itself Job expectations minimum five years experience in emotion designed, graphic design, animation or familiar seniority level entry. It's like the mean you need experience to get jobs, but I need dot to get experience. Society seems fair. YouTube to monetize is tons of videos. We no reason whatsoever. Also, YouTube lies that Cho Jane I got thistles. YouTube summarized. This video showed up in my recommendation. It has, like 80 million views because it has life. Psycho she naked. It be funny if you could use that thumb now and see if you get the monetize. Yeah, I'm getting I feel like I'm getting mildly. I'm getting mildly the monetized. I mean, infuriate it. It's happening. Written questions. Number two. Political efficacy. It's described as what your vote counts. Answer. Incorrect answer. You are vote counts. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my Friday is ruined. 123 Pull by seven. That's it. That is Miley infuriating. I don't always say I feel like Miley infuriating is worse than just infuriating. Because if you really gotta amp yourself up to get really infuriated about something, Miley infuriating it's like someone poking you with a second. And I Are you annoyed? Are you annoyed yet? That's what that's like. That's like when you're trying to enjoy your pizza and you start eating it and everyone judges you for the way your pizza. That smiley Infuriating. Okay, let me my goddamn pizza. They were like you in my God damn pizza. Incorrect. 1945.5. Correct. 1948 0.50 that I say it wrong. That would be Miley infuriating if I said it wrong. People who do this are just the worst. Sell chicken. What do you mean? People that aren't vegans? Shut up! Vegans. Okay. No, I I get it. I do this all the time. I wouldn't do it with a frozen food notes. Come on. They have people there. They got to do something. I'm joking. Of course. I only do it if I'm really in a hurry. Okay, I Actually, I I don't even do it that anymore. I don't do it anymore. Minor insurance refuses to pay for meds. I've been on for years. My doc gets free samples and gives them to me. This is the packaging for 15 days or pills? What? There's so many layers of in fury. Ation here, the waste of packaging Get a tune by be like, Ah, what? I can see the carbon. I work with an office full of sadists. Ah, the effort that this would have taken a swell as beautiful. Maybe they try to do like a creeper face. And then it didn't work out. At least that I will be a well valid justification these baseball fields in my city. Ah, this makes angry. What is it about symmetry that is so beautiful. And what is it about asymmetry that is so infuriating? What makes it so annoying? It's like I want to be God and just be like, you know, I'm saying make fart noises. Well, I just did a swell God that pisses me off. I'm not gonna lie, toe. I'm actually quite pissy piece. Please do not park like this. This is my car on the right. I was contemplating having to crawl across the passenger seat when the woman who owned the car on the left came back. I pointed out calmly that she needs to be more aware of the cars around her when parking. So you're on her side of the one of these people exist. It blows my mind. G even tweeted it out pieces. Christ, there's somebody delusional people. Oh God, it's like the other day I drove minds it to the airport, and there was these 22 trucks, literally next to each other. Taking up both in space is we're in a rush to go to the airport, and this is like a British road that changes frequently. It's not like there's this one road that they've been sitting on for a long time. There's no reason for him to try and pass this truck that is clearly driving the same speed as you are. And then when I passed him, I obviously have to tell him you're an idiot. So I hope B B B B B. You're an idiot. And then he looked back at me, and I hope you're watching because you're stinky brainer. Don't ever hold back to me again. You are a fool, a stinky fool. And I was Miley infuriating the way my dad puts things away in the fridge. This is a piece of steak. Delicious steak for later flip. I'll have that later. Thank you. A plate wrapping form. No wastes of environment. Straight to the fridge with you, You know. What is this? Someone in my office keeps pouring their coffee grounds that toilet and leaving it like this. That is very infuriating. I will say that's more than mild. We got on the rim of the seat there. I don't want coffee, but no one was coffee, but no one. I say it now I there's a stick by against coffee butts My school that started on ICO friendly project by giving out apples to students. Okay, I'm already annoyed. Did you do this on purpose? What it were? It's wrong with you. This feels like Japan. In Japan, they have super straight recycling rules to see if I can find it so naturally when me and my said try and recycle for the first time, we were terrified. You have to separate everything. And if you mess up, you get the red level of shame. Saying you you did it wrong and they won't accept your trash and you're like, Oh, that that's actually really good. Like everyone has to recycle. That's good for the environment. Everyone makes an effort to recycle. But, my God, they wrap everything in plastic. Nearly everything is wrapped in plastic. You buy candy and, like every single piece of candy, is wrapped in place. See you. Bye plastic. And that's wrapped in placing what they need to do. All right, here's my Here's my pitch. To save the environment, every single product has a designated carton, right? A recyclable carton that uses minimum amount, a wasteful materials, if not 100%. And everything goes in a specific place so they can all be used again at some point, right? Does that make sense? Am I making sense here? It would be easier to recycle. There would be no waste. Purity pie for president. Thank you. And if you don't recycle, you get thrown in prison and death. Possible death. Peter Piper, President. Thank you. See, I'm getting I'm getting worked up. I think that's why I'm so aggressive today again. Kent, what is wrong with this drop? My remote was looking for the batty. For our that is the worst.