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  • In this lesson we'll explore how Google Analytics collects and reports information about your

  • traffic sources.

  • We'll also cover how you can track your marketing campaigns.

  • Let's think back to creating a measurement plan.

  • One step was to identify the key segments for your business.

  • A common set of segments that almost every business needs to measure is marketing campaigns

  • --

  • the traffic-driving initiatives that bring customers to your site.

  • Being able to identify these campaigns and traffic sources in reports

  • allows you tie your marketing investment to conversions and revenue.

  • For each user that comes to your site,

  • Google Analytics automatically captures a number of attributes, or dimensions,

  • about where the user came from.

  • Two such dimensions are "source" and "medium."

  • The "source" is the name of the website that referred the user to your site.

  • For example, if a user clicks over to your site from Google search, the source will be

  • "google."

  • The "medium" is the mechanism, or "how" the user got to your site.

  • For example, if a user clicks over to your site from an unpaid search result,

  • the medium will be "organic."

  • Google Analytics detects three mediums without any customization.

  • The first default medium is "Organic."

  • It represents traffic that comes from organic, or unpaid, search results.

  • Another default medium is "referral."

  • Any traffic that comes to your site from another website that's not a search engine

  • will show up in your reports as a "referral."

  • The final default medium is "(none)."

  • This medium is applied only for users that come directly to your site by either typing

  • your URL into a browser or clicking on a bookmark.

  • In your reports, you will see these users have a source of "direct" and a medium of

  • "(none)."

  • But what about your other channels?

  • Like social media campaigns, email campaigns, banner ads and other programs?

  • How do these show up in Google Analytics?

  • To track campaigns in Google Analytics, you use a process called link tagging.

  • Link tagging is adding extra information to the links

  • that users click on to get to your site.

  • This extra information that you provide is stored in campaign tags,

  • and overwrites the default categorization that would normally be assigned to the incoming

  • traffic.

  • For example, let's say that you send a monthly newsletter to your customers.

  • The newsletter has links that go to your website.

  • Adding campaign tags to these links allows Google Analytics

  • to identify that the user came from an email campaign.

  • There are five campaign tags that you can use.

  • You'll usually use at least three when tagging links.

  • The "Source" and "Medium" tags allow you to overwrite the source and medium

  • that would ordinarily get set by default.

  • For the newsletter, you might set the source to "julynews" and the medium to "email".

  • Another campaign tag is called "Campaign."

  • Use this to name your marketing campaign.

  • For the newsletter, you might set this to "summersale".

  • You should always use the Campaign, Medium and Source tags when tracking a campaign.

  • The last two campaign tags are optional -- "Term" and "Content."

  • Term identifies the keyword for paid search campaigns.

  • The Content tag can be used to differentiate versions of an ad.

  • For example, if you have two different versions of an email newsletter,

  • you can use the Content tag to differentiate visits from "newsletter1" and "newslette2".

  • So why is link tagging so important?

  • Let's say we have two versions of a display ad.

  • And let's assume that both ads are running on the exact same site.

  • The first ad does not have any campaign tags but the second ad does.

  • When users click on the first ad,

  • they will be identified as referrals coming from the website hosting the display ad.

  • Google Analytics will not collect any campaign information because there were no tags.

  • When users click on the second ad,

  • they will be identified as coming from a named campaign,

  • because the ad contained the campaign tags.

  • So you can see, if you don't tag your campaigns properly

  • it can lead to incorrect data in your reports.

  • You can use a tool called the URL builder to learn how to construct your campaign tags

  • correctly.

  • The tool can be found in the Google Analytics help center.

  • To use the URL builder, first enter the destination URL for your ad,

  • which is just the URL where you want a person to land.

  • Then enter the values you want for each campaign tag.

  • Use consistent spelling and capitalization when entering tag values.

  • Since Google Analytics is case sensitive, a campaign named "PROMO1" in all uppercase

  • will show up separately from a campaign named "promo1" in all lowercase.

  • Also, standardize on consistent values for your specific mediums,

  • like "cpc" for cost-per-click,

  • "social" for social media activities

  • and "display" for your display ads.

  • The URL builder can only construct one URL at a time,

  • so you probably won't want to use it to construct every URL for every campaign.

  • If you have a large number of URLs to tag,

  • you can use a spreadsheet to simplify the process.

  • Spreadsheets with an embedded formula can make it much easier to generate thousands

  • of tagged URLs quickly.

  • Now let's briefly talk about tracking traffic from Google AdWords.

  • Google Analytics and Google AdWords are connected

  • so there is no need to manually add campaign tags to your AdWords links.

  • Adwords auto-tagging automatically populates the five dimensions that we previously discussed,

  • Campaign, Medium, Source, Content and Keyword.

  • In addition to these dimensions, autotagging also imports other dimensions specific to

  • AdWords campaigns, like keyword match type and the ad placement domain.

  • By default, AdWords auto-tagging is enabled for your account.

  • So far, we've talked about how to tag and identify traffic from individual campaigns,

  • sources, and mediums.

  • But what if you want to bundle some of these activities together

  • to better reflect how you manage your own marketing strategy?

  • "Channels" in Google Analytics allow you to organize rule-based groups of traffic

  • based on your own campaigns, keywords, sources or mediums.

  • For example, let's say that your email, search and display marketing teams

  • have created a joint campaign strategy for a summer promotion.

  • You could define a channel called "Summer Promo"

  • that groups these coordinated activities together for analysis in your reports.

  • Google Analytics automatically recognizes several predefined channels.

  • Some examples of predefined channels are Direct, Email, Social, Organic and Display.

  • These channels are all part of the predefined Basic Channel Grouping.

  • You can create your own channel grouping

  • and redefine these channels according to your own needs.

  • And, you can define your own additional channels

  • and add them to the Basic grouping, or to your own custom groupings.

  • Now let's look at where campaign information shows up in your reports.

  • To view your data by Source and Medium, use the All Traffic report.

  • This report includes all the sources and mediums you used in tags

  • as well default mediums like "organic" and "referral."

  • Data for your campaigns is in the Campaigns report.

  • Here, you can see the data for each campaign you used in tags as well as for each AdWords

  • campaign.

  • Keywords that you've tagged will show up in the Paid Search keywords report.

  • Finally, information from the Content tag will also appear in the Campaigns report.

  • However to see traffic by Content, you need to change the Primary Dimension to Ad Content.

  • Remember, the campaign tags create standard Google Analytics dimensions.

  • So you can use these dimensions in many other features, like Custom Reports, Custom Dashboards,

  • Unified Segments, etc.

  • How your marketing campaign data appears in your reports impacts how well you can measure

  • the success of your business.

  • Be sure to establish best practices within your organization to make sure your campaigns

  • are tagged consistently.

  • Now it's your turn to practice creating campaign tags.

  • Complete the activity in this lesson to apply what you've learned.

In this lesson we'll explore how Google Analytics collects and reports information about your


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B1 中級

デジタルアナリティクスの基礎 - レッスン4.5 キャンペーンデータの収集 (Digital Analytics Fundamentals - Lesson 4.5 Collecting campaign data)

  • 52 10
    小小佩娟 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日