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  • In this lesson we'll talk about tracking macro and micro conversions in Google Analytics.

  • We do this using a feature called "Goals."

  • We'll walk through how Goals are set up and then have you practice on your own test account.

  • Just a note - we're going to walk through creating Goals for a website, not an app.

  • But the app process is very similar.

  • Setting up Goals in Google Analytics is one of the most important parts of implementation.

  • Goals are the way that we map the data in Google Analytics

  • to the key performance indicators that you defined in your measurement plan.

  • Anytime you think of conversions, you should think about "macro conversions" and "micro

  • conversions".

  • Macro conversions are your primary business objectives.

  • Micro conversions are the relationship building activities that lead up to a macro conversion.

  • As an example, for our fictional outdoor company, the macro conversion is to sell products.

  • A related micro conversion could be a sign-up for a promotional newsletter.

  • When a user signs up for a newsletter it's an indicator that she wants to stay connected.

  • It gives us, as a business, an opportunity to continue to market to the user

  • and hopefully convert her into a customer.

  • Once you enable Goals, you get metrics like the number conversions and the conversion

  • rate.

  • These metrics are always available in the Conversion section of your standard reports.

  • But you can also find these metrics in almost every other report in Google Analytics.

  • This is useful because the reports allow you to segment your conversion data.

  • For example, if you look at the conversion rate metrics in the Traffic Sources report

  • you can instantly see which marketing channels drive the most value for your business.

  • Now let's talk about the specific features of Google Analytics Goals.

  • Goals are configured at the view level.

  • That means you can create different Goals for each view.

  • There are four types of Goals.

  • Each Goal is slightly different to set up, but they all do the same thing --

  • they track conversions on your website or in your app.

  • First let's talk about Goals that track user actions.

  • A destination Goal is a page on your website that users see when they complete an activity.

  • For an account sign-up, this might be the "thank you for signing up" page.

  • For a purchase this might be the receipt page.

  • A destination Goal triggers a conversion when a user views the page you've specified.

  • If you're setting up a Goal for an app, you'd set up a screen view Goal rather than a destination

  • Goal.

  • The second type of Goal you can use to track a user action is an Event Goal.

  • This kind of Goal is triggered when a user does something specific

  • like downloading a PDF or starting a video.

  • You need to have Event Tracking implemented on your website in order to use this type

  • of Goal.

  • The last two types of Goals can be used to measure user engagement.

  • Engagement can be measured based on the amount of content that people see

  • or the amount of time that they spend on your site.

  • A Pages per Visit Goal is triggered when a user sees more or fewer pages than a threshold

  • that you specify.

  • A Time on Site Goal is triggered when a user's visit exceeds or falls below a threshold that

  • you set.

  • Let's talk through how to set up a destination Goal for a website.

  • When you select "Destination" as the Goal type, you specify the Goal page.

  • You don't have to enter the entire URL for the page.

  • Just enter the request URI - that's what comes after the domain or hostname.

  • So, if the complete URL is,

  • you only need to enter /confirmation.html.

  • Make sure that the URI corresponds to a page that the user only sees

  • once they complete the conversion activity.

  • So, pick something like the "Thank You" page or a confirmation page for your Goal.

  • You can also enter a name for the Goal, like "Completed Order."

  • This name will appear in your reports.

  • When you set up a destination Goal, you have three choices for the Match Type option:

  • Equals, Begins with, and Regular Expression

  • The Begins with match type indicates that the page URI must begin with what you specified

  • as the Goal URI.

  • So, if you specify "/thankyou" as your Goal,

  • any page URI that begins with "/thankyou" will count as a conversion.

  • For example, visits to "/thankyou.html" or "/thankyou.php" would both count as a Goal

  • conversion.

  • "Begins with" provides flexibility with limited complexity.

  • It works to track most destination Goals.

  • The Equals match type means that the URI of the page visited

  • must exactly match what you enter for the Goal.

  • In contrast to Begins With, which can be used to match multiple versions of a URI,

  • an Exact Match only matches one single URI.

  • The Regular Expression match type gives you the most flexibility,

  • but requires you have expertise in Regular Expressions.

  • For example, if you want to count different pages, all with different URIs as a Goal,

  • you can create a regular expression pattern

  • that will give Google Analytics the set of rules to match any of these URIs.

  • To learn more about Regular Expressions, check out the resources in this lesson.

  • Another part of the Goal setup process is the verification tool.

  • This simple tool let's you quickly test your Goal settings before completing the process.

  • Just click the "Verify this Goal" link and Google Analytics will give you an expected

  • conversion rate for this Goal,

  • based on your settings, for the last 7 days.

  • If the conversion rate seems too high or too low then there's probably an issue with your

  • settings.

  • The "Goal Value" field allows you to specify a monetary value for a Goal.

  • This is really useful because Google Analytics will interpret the Goal value as actual revenue.

  • By setting a Goal value, you make it possible for Google Analytics

  • to calculate metrics like advertising ROI and average per visit value.

  • These metrics will help you measure the monetary value of a non-ecommerce site.

  • If you're having trouble calculating a Goal value

  • think about how much each user action, or Goal conversion, is worth to your business.

  • Let's say your website generates sales leads.

  • If your sales team closes sales on 10% of the leads, and your average transaction is

  • $500,

  • you might assign $50 or 10% of $500 to your Goal value.

  • For each destination Goal that you create, you can also set up a funnel.

  • A funnel is the defined process that you expect users to complete prior to conversion.

  • A sales checkout process is a good example of a funnel.

  • To complete a transaction, the user must add items to a cart,

  • enter shipping information, and submit payment information.

  • To define a funnel, you specify the pages leading up to the Goal.

  • Notice that there is no match type for the funnel steps.

  • Google Analytics uses the same match type that you used for the Goal page.

  • You can also provide a name for each step in the funnel,

  • which will show in your reports.

  • Defining a funnel is valuable, because it allows you to see where users enter and exit

  • your define process.

  • Using the Goal Flow report you can identify where users might be having issues with an

  • important step.

  • For example, if you notice that many of your users never go further than the shipping information

  • page,

  • you might focus on redesigning that page so that it's simpler.

  • Knowing where customers drop off during the process

  • allows you to eliminate bottlenecks and create a more efficient conversion path.

  • In addition to conversion metrics, setting up Goals also activates the Multi-Channel

  • Funnels reports.

  • These reports show you the path a user took toward conversion across multiple visits to

  • your site.

  • Conversion path data is generated for each Goal conversion and ecommerce transaction

  • recorded by Google Analytics.

  • If your site sells products or services online, you can also use Google Analytics ecommerce

  • reporting

  • to track sales activity and performance.

  • The ecommerce reports show you transactions, revenue, and many other commerce-related metrics.

  • Some examples of the kind of information you can get from the ecommerce reports include

  • the products that were purchased from your online store, a list of transactions,

  • and the number of times people visited your site before purchasing.

  • In order to use ecommerce reporting, you need to do the following three things.

  • First, enable ecommerce reporting within your Analytics website view.

  • Second, add the Google Analytics Tracking Code to your receipt page or "Transaction

  • Complete" page.

  • Finally, add some additional ecommerce tracking code to your receipt page

  • so that you can capture the details of each transaction.

  • Your development team needs to be involved with this set-up process.

  • Please refer to the resources in this lesson to find more details on how to implement ecommerce

  • tracking.

  • If you do use ecommerce tracking in Google Analytics,

  • there is an important difference between Goal conversions and ecommerce transactions that

  • you should be aware of.

  • A Goal conversion can only be counted once during a visit,

  • but an ecommerce transaction can be counted multiple times during a visit.

  • Here's an example.

  • Let's say that you set one of your Goals to be a PDF download

  • and you define it such that any PDF downloaded is a valid Goal conversion.

  • And let's also say that the Goal is worth $5.

  • In this case, if a user comes to your site and downloads five PDF files during a single

  • session,

  • you'll only get one conversion worth $5.

  • However, if you were to track each of these downloads as a $5 ecommerce transaction,

  • you would see five transactions and $25 in ecommerce revenue.

  • One more thing about Goals and ecommerce transactions.

  • As a best practice, you should only add a Goal value for non-ecommerce Goals.

  • The reason is that Goal value is cumulative.

  • If you add a Goal value, and you track transactions with the ecommerce tracking code

  • Google Analytics will add the value of the transaction to the value of the Goal.

  • Now it's your turn to try setting up a Goal in your test account.

  • Follow the instructions in this lesson to complete your Goal set-up.

In this lesson we'll talk about tracking macro and micro conversions in Google Analytics.


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B1 中級

デジタルアナリティクスの基礎 - レッスン4.4 目標とeコマースの設定 (Digital Analytics Fundamentals - Lesson 4.4 Setting up goals and ecommerce)

  • 66 13
    小小佩娟 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日