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well, One of her gaze throws an olive at my head, and I think it's like an accident.
Olives just fly up bars.
All the tiny Perry's just like them like, Let's just keep dancing, like real supportive.
So we just keep living our lives.
And then here comes another all of it, my head.
So I stepped down at this point, and then once I'm down, my high heels are gone.
Someone's instill yo shoes, Yes, welcome back to another creepy video.
Now, in today's video, we're gonna be focusing on something that might be one of the scariest things imaginable we're gonna be talking about now.
Even if you aren't a religious person you definitely know about.
There's been books written about it.
There's been countless movies made about it.
It's been shown in TV shows.
It's been shown in music videos.
It's terrified you in some of your favorite games, and it's even been shown in kids cartoons.
Now, even if you don't believe in hell, I'm sure you thought about what it would be like to go.
How hot would it be?
Would it burn off all of your flesh instantly?
Would you see famous people there, Maybe even serial killers or Hitler.
Would you be in constant agony and pain?
But it will never go away because you can't die.
You'll be feeling this pain for eternity.
Well, today we're gonna be talking about the theories of whether or not hell exists.
And if it does exist like now, before I get into this video, I want to let you guys know this is not me trying to make religious video.
And I don't want to offend you or your religion.
But I am gonna be talking about a lot of different religions because the crazy part of it is pretty much every type of religion has their own version.
So here's a few of the common threats.
It's a place that's hot and filled with fire.
It's filled with bad souls, people who did awful things when they were living on her, and it's ruled by a devil who shows no mercy.
All right, so first we're gonna talk about where hell came from.
Haiti's the nether realm of the dead and the demons in which condemned people suffer everlasting punished.
So the dictionary says it's based on these now.
Haiti's was a Greek God, and he's the ruler of the underworld where he lives and rules over the dead, which is very similar to the devil Now.
Obviously, Greek mythology in Christianity are very different, and technically Greek mythology came before.
Yet they both still have some type.
But they're not the only ones that have an ancient Egyptian mythology of Cyrus ruled over the dead in the underworld called Hindu cultures believe in Iraq and underworld, full of demons ruled by the god of death.
So the idea of a big evil entity living underground is something that a lot of nearly all cultures have believed in a real underworld, a universe of the debt beneath the earth.
Almost every religion of the world believes in the place called hell.
And it's actually believed as a literal, tangible place, this domain of evil beneath our feet.
Now I know what you're thinking, Shane.
How could we ever know if hell really exists?
I mean, we can't go there.
That might not be true.
There are a lot of people who have claimed to die.
Go to hell.
Come back to life to talk about it.
I mean, sometimes it does happen where somebody will temporarily die in the hospital and then we'll come back to life.
So for that brief moment that they were gone, what did he see?
Did you go to heaven?
And in every sense of the word, that's what my what my experience showed me even the after Sharon Stone had a moment where she died and she was It's sort of like passing out except you up you pass up a sort of and you have this big blowup thing.
And you know, I don't I don't know.
I never had it.
So I don't know anybody here, have it?
I don't know Now.
Those two cases were great.
Those people supposedly went to heaven.
But for a lot of people think Pilot was in a plane crash and he was in the hospital where you temporarily died and he says he went is the most horrific, hopeless, terrifying feeling that you could even imagine.
Yeah, and it just gets morning.
When I was in the darkness, I felt what it would like to be eternally doomed, incarcerated, and it was non negotiable.
There was no turning back.
There's another man that talks about his experience I just knew that I was going to hell, and I knew that was the enemy that came for me, because when I looked up, I looked right into his face and eyes and it was so huge.
It was almost like like a fallen angel.
Yeah, and the way this next guy described it, there were people literally inside this pit burning.
It's the most awful sight to see a person on fire burning, screaming.
The screams were so loud, from just millions of people at the top of their lungs screaming.
Now there's even this tape of the supposed exorcises.
A teenage girl is supposedly possessed by a demon who lives in hell.
What's it like down there?
Still, So your body is burning up down, the people screaming, people screaming, Everybody's screaming!
He's down there another leg and nobody likes.
I know those experiences were very intense, but some people don't feel anything.
Some people who died said that they died.
It was like a total blackness and then they came back to life.
What is interesting is the people that said they saw health specifically, all saw very similar things.
Now is that because they really went there, or is that because their brain was fucking with them?
And that's what they expected to see?
Well, that brings us to a few theories on why people see different things when they die.
So first is the expectancy.
The theory states that the mind sees what it expects to see based on thoughts and experiences the person experiencing vision like a self induced dream.
So basically, if you're dying or you're having a New York experience, your brain might create a vision of hell, because that's what you I think it looks like.
You know, we've talked about the process of death before, and we talked about how I saw my grandma die and she saw heaven to build this exactly what it looked like.
She put her arm out to reach for her husband.
So in my heart I feel like that was really but technically it could have just been her brain, creating all those visions.
Now some people have a near death experience where they see nothing, and it's like total blackness that's called the disassociation.
The theory states that in order to disassociate with fear or sometimes painful experience of dying, that our mind sends us into a place of comfort peace and gives us a sense of detachment from the body.
So think about it this way.
You got into a car accident and you're trapped and you're bleeding to death.
The pain is probably so intense that your brain might create another place for you to go.
And maybe this place is peaceful, dark, black, and it feels like you're dead.
Maybe that's your brain's way of helping you out.
So you don't have to feel that when some people have a near death experience, they say they see the light well.
This could be the birth now when a baby's being born, what it sees is a tunnel of light on.
As it comes out, the light hits its eyes and it blinds the baby.
This sounds very similar to what people say when they see the light.
So makes you wonder.
Is it just full circle or forget about those theories?
What if when you die, you're reborn?
It's something else, and that's why you see a light because you're being reborn.
I got something very comforting.
Now listen, I could get really in detail about the real theories of why hell exists.
And a lot of those theories involved Christianity and brainwashing.
But I'm not gonna lie.
I feel a little uncomfortable talking about it.
As some of you guys know, I was raised very religious.
I mean, I grew up going to a Catholic school.
Then after I left there, I became a born again Christian at 12.
And as I've gotten older, my thoughts on Christianity have changed a lot.
Clearly, I'm in a relationship with a man which by all means I will go to hell.
So over the years I've created a different relationship with God.
I kind of see God as something bigger.
He's somebody who I talked to, someone who I feel is watching over me now the god that I believe in, the God that I feel is watching over wouldn't have, I mean, at least not the type of hell that we've seen.
But here's where it gets kind of crazy.
If you really dissect the original version of the Bible, how was mentioned?
But not in the way that we know it now.
Now there's even some priests who believe that translation of the Bible might have been heightened a little bit when I was talking about help because maybe they wanted to scare.
They're believers.
Now here's a priest that's talking about just I don't think hell exists.
I happen to believe in life after death, but I don't think it's got nothing to do with reward and punishment.
Religion is always in the control business and not something people don't really understand now.
He's not the only priest that feels that way.
There's a lot of others do.
But for every one that believes in that there's about 10 that there is there is a fire sale in more, check the number 94 times talking about Hale, he said.
It's a place where the fire is not quenched, where the fire is not Quinn.
There is a literal fire.
Inhale that now.
Now I know this is all a little confusing because priests are Catholic and Christian is different.
All I'm trying to say is the idea of hell has been around for a long time, and it's not just Christians, and it's not just Catholics, pretty much every.
So now I'm going to get into my do.
I think hell exists kind of.
I don't think it's fire.
I don't think it's some big demon, fucking something people, but I think it's dunker.
I think it's complete isolation.
I think the way you live this life is what's getting ready for the afterlife.
And if you've lived this life well, you could be reborn and go to the next phase.
But if you did not let this like well, then maybe it's stuck in complete isolation and you have to slowly try to get to the next phase.
Maybe you'll get there.
And to me, honestly, that sounds worse than fire.
That sounds, but I'm curious what you guys think.
Let me note down the comments.
Do you believe in hell?
Have you been raised to believe that there's some place or do you not believe in any of this shit?
And you think we're crazy, that we're even talk?
All right, you guys hopefully enjoy this creepy video.
Give me a thumbs up.
If you want me to do more after like theories, I kind of want to do one on reincarnation.
I kind of want to do one on heaven.
Also, make sure just in general, down below the notification bell, because I make videos every day.
And if you want to see some of my other scary videos I didn't want about the end of the World Series.
And I've done one on the simulation theory which basically states that may be awful world.
All right, you guys, I'm gonna go, and maybe you hopefully not, boy.