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  • I've already started gaming Ken the episode has started now. Hello everyone. I'm making a cobblestone generator

  • You already made one

  • Almost died, it's fine. I don't even care

  • All right, so we have soul sand magma blocks

  • But I think we need how how are we get?

  • Some of you can beat the ender dragon in this version because there's the nether portal I said, it's less than yeah.

  • I'm just reiterating.

  • For people that haven't seen the episode.

  • It's called a flashback ken already know. Okay, you don't tell me

  • You're brai- I have been waiting to say this your brain is not that big

  • Look, I kept my brain so big I have glasses on right now

  • oh, I have glasses on right now - well, you know in gamer yeah in game of course what I have a small brain Oh

  • Oh did tree grow? Nope, nope they did not.

  • It's so small still.

  • Just like your brain

  • Yahoo's brain whose brain? That's right. That's right

  • Big brain baby bucket you safe bucket this safe. We're okay

  • Nothing important everything

  • What do you have I don't have anything, yeah

  • Okay, well you have absolutely nothing.

  • Nah, I put everything away so I wouldn't fall off and die.

  • Well, luckily we have enough so we can make one more wooden pickaxe if this fails

  • playthrough over

  • Oh God

  • Turned around you've got you died again using the water. Okay, I'm fine. I'm chilling water. I don't think it's I think it's working

  • The whole series has been me chopping at a freakin cobblestone generator

  • The whole- the whole- this is what? episode four?

  • episode four baby

  • This is the first time we've actually had a working cobblestone generator to start the episode

  • I think I think that's worth smash! like! and subscribe!

  • Heck yeah! Heck yeah!

  • I appreciate using heck yeah instead of the other bad one.

  • Gotta stay monetized bro.

  • I am in trouble

  • Thanks, bro, you saved life cobblestone generator very

  • dangerous

  • Do not work with these if you're not properly trained in cobblestone generation

  • I appreciate you calling it that's verb instead of bad one. Well, that's what I call it. Exactly

  • Okay, so now right I think what we should what we need to do ken is that we need bone meal

  • Okay, where do we get bone meal from skeletor's?

  • Skeletor's but why why oh, why is the trees not growing? Seriously, they always grow so fast for me that's on fire

  • Why is it on fire?!

  • What's happening? What's the fire? What?

  • What is this game the grass? I guess Oh

  • A tree grew!

  • We're saved, Ken! We're gonna live.

  • Finally eat an apple. You ate them all last time Oh

  • That is lie.

  • Happy day. Why would you lie about the apples, dude?

  • Seriously, like that's not cool people watches and they they will think they I'm lying and people watch it. They keep all this

  • Oh, I wonder why the trees didn't grow it's not like you planted and waiting next to each other dumb

  • You're the one that planted trees

  • How can you remember?

  • Come on you gotta let it go man. It was like three days ago

  • So long ago, dude, I can't even remember I keep making these Skyblock episodes with you. I hope one day that I'll be it

  • I'll be famous enough that I can actually be in a thumbnail

  • No, only Jack can give use enough. You're not good enough

  • I can put you want me to put you in as a little charity option. I

  • Was gonna say that the video gets less views now, I'm so sad

  • I

  • i mean look if Jack can be in the thumbnail literally anyone can be in the thumbnail.

  • A bad word. Oh, he says bad words, right? That's bad word

  • So the goal is to get the Enderdragon. Yeah, that's the goal of this playthrough. Okay

  • I can't believe you killed one of the villagers. You know what I think we actually need the villagers. So just look away two seconds

  • Try not to push him off this side here the whole time it was he just bamboozled his hide behind that tree

  • Not the tree down calm down. I'm just thinking realistically because we need them to freak right really

  • Yeah to get more aura. If you give them fruit they will they will make bEbE

  • This one is locked away. He's not allowed. Yeah. Yeah, his peepee is locked in storage enough of this other tree

  • Damn, all that. Oh wait over there over there Island. There's redstone and life presents though. Yeah, that's all we get is it?

  • Oh man, this is time. Did you do the cobblestone generator? It's.. I improve it

  • It's better now. Like the song: aAnAaNa better now. Yeah

  • I'm singing it a little wrong so it does not get copyrighted.(good boi) Oh, yeah...... Big brain. BiG BrAiN

  • *little laugh :DD*

  • I'M STUCK AGAIN!! *sad Felix noises* AhHhHhHhh-OoOoO . Ken: AhH-haha Gosh. *both laugh*

  • When we have like everything in this game like full diamond

  • full

  • villagers full of hoes

  • We should still remember our past we should still remember the cobblestone generator I got oh god is there

  • Ever what I will never forget that that that's like I'm ScArEd for life after (can't understand) cobblestone generators.

  • What-what do ScArEd mean it means good, but like brain damage. I think very big brain damage or small brain damage? *both of them laugh*

  • I've haven't sure anymore, honestly

  • That must been big brain damage because you don't know where this village are doing he's standing on the bridge looking at me

  • You're gonna get pushed off

  • I think he's charged as a toll to pass. I was about to say yeah, I think that's what is it

  • You got a seedy place. What did you do with that? Yeah

  • Oh, yeah, yeah, I was just gonna say I need you to you're gonna have to be number one epic farmer guy

  • I got my hoe. I mean I am from you. Here's this accent. Of course, I'm a farmer. I

  • Get the joke because you are speaking like hillbilly

  • How can you built this up I can't and jump back up

  • For God farmers can't jump high. Yeah farmers. They're gonna they don't get up. What do we need right now?

  • Just like some more slabs

  • Um, I don't know actually, I think we're just good really as we just brought is the Sun moving

  • It was it definitely was night before yeah

  • It's two sons or that the moon. There's two sons this

  • Down here. Do you not see mister sides where there's one son? There's zero sons. Thank you. What?

  • Don't waste my time. All right that way

  • It's my big brain is very yeah, what is your big brain halfway? Oh my hunger. Mm-hmm

  • Do a fantastic don't get trapped under there and die. Whoa

  • Oh, we have a bill to either one of these you think your big brain because you can tell I'm dumy-dumb. Oh

  • Yeah

  • No, oh

  • Poor tree. Oh, this is a more tree. I'm trying to retrieve as much of the then I come back

  • Come on back my CPP boo for what you try get the dirt. Yeah, I think that should be our goal. Right? Yeah

  • Are you gonna be like?

  • Turnout here

  • We're learning we learn and we did finally I leave watch the series for how many episodes were finally figuring it out figure things out

  • Right. People are just screaming in the comments. Don't worry big brain. I don't expect

  • comments to understand big brain activity that's like giving

  • Einstein's theory of relativity

  • To a monkey they would be like wow big brains. I only know how to peel a banana

  • Concept of time and stuff. That's pretty epic. What is your hillbilly farming tell us?

  • I have three dirt

  • Reader if well, we have more dirt down. We just need more space

  • So bad guys will show up and we can kill them and then we can get stuff we need. All right, this is

  • Getting more big brain. Is that big brain?

  • That big brain, this is MBM

  • So this is all the dirt we get ever thought about that Dan

  • One of the pieces may have fallen off when I was trying to gather him

  • Cuz what what I didn't drop a single piece, how could you I doubt?

  • That's true. Damn. You're correct

  • Brain after all

  • There's no episodes about question my big brain, I don't know if I appreciate this it's not a question about questioning

  • How dare you question my big brain? Do you know who I am?

  • No, are you the guy in price thumbnails? No, I'm not I

  • Have no idea that I can't help you. Ah

  • Dang, it's gonna make

  • Engaging content you I don't know what to tell you

  • He's gonna make just get good. That's all you gotta do is easy like you shut your face. Are you saying? I'm not good. Oh

  • I'm saying you got small brain. *get roasted Felix*

  • I'm getting sucked!! but everyone knows if you want if you want to make it big on YouTube

  • You gotta you got to appeal to children and what better way to appeal to kids did not have big brain

  • Besides why Jake Paul it big. He has the smallest brain of all

  • Exactly, damn. Well, there's 17 their new big brain compared yourself to

  • Jake's Paul crew like you're you're the equivalent. Well, I told you that in private. Okay. Oh

  • Yeah, no, no, it's a good joke

  • I was telling them that that I'm basically just like a little hey you like guy that plays a PewDiePie, right?

  • so if we had like a big big vlog house, I'd be like that one guy in the background go like

  • And then they'll backstab eventually as well

  • I HaTe JaKe PaUl He'S wOrSt

  • I never liked you. I just ran because I wanted to be popular I just want an apple.. I'm hungry *poor Ken* YoU jUsT wAnT aN aPpLe

  • Well I took it from you *poor Ken*

  • Man jeez

  • Man you want me to do some cobblestone you've been

  • Like the cobblestone I felt like

  • I

  • Have to do like hardcore parkour every time I come back to here because one watch wait

  • Okay, you want me to put in another book for your brains? Like I have to

  • Thank you. Oh that helps. There's a lot of weight off my my small brain

  • Fixes stuff big break. Okay. Fix it some cobblestone generate their number -

  • Nice, right

  • Stone generator stone cobble stone. No

  • Straight stone baby. I think it's working better than well. I may be on fire, but don't panic

  • What am I doing just want to get the dirt yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah big break

  • Alright, I have 12 more pieces for you. You do it great. Oh, thanks, bro. See

  • Rowdy have to yell. I'm that guy in the video. Just have to yell everything Wow

  • There's one more block of dirt. Oh

  • my god

  • I think I almost got all of that. We're gonna beat the ender dragon, Ken. It's gonna happen

  • Are we are we gonna beat him? Well, not without at it - what happened - whoa

  • Ever been done before never

  • Never been done by two big brains such as ourselves as a spotter over here doesn't what he's in the lead. It's a spotter

  • He's in the is in the trees a spotter spider a spider. Come on. He's chasing me. What do I do?

  • Bro, it's over for you. Let me see. I'm coming

  • Okay, okay what you do is you say he's food a go down no

  • You push me you pushed me off this is all your fault, how could you I spent so long

  • It's okay, there's one block of dirt over here Oh

  • Better submerge, don't worry, maybe that maybe that villager over there has 12 dairy. No, I'm not going anywhere

  • I have three dares. I have three dirt. Hey take them

  • you took such good care of the other ones and pick you let's go say you could spawn more but

  • Push me up again spawn more what you want to

  • At least you're nothing it says a lot about their society

  • So, you know you from the South that's true

  • It's any person barbecue a they fry everything in your side only

  • I've been to put the Alabama in that just fry all the food. Everything is frying you're like Oh finally vegetables another fried

  • Broad vegetables delicious fried pickles that's close enough. I feel like I've been eating fried stuff all the time

  • I want to eat something healthy vegetables, please here you go. Radha fried okra

  • Mmm, you have okra. Well, they have a gator

  • Vegetable, it's not a vegetable. I mean, I guess it is really I thought you've been over like the animals what like the killer waves

  • Okay

  • You ever had some

  • We just go out the back yard and catch the kitchen, huh killer whale you know, no problem gotta catch him yourself though

  • Just get our food

  • Next time I come over again. Was it worker? I dish out one of the

  • Saddest but most pleasurable meals I had was turtle I had turtle soup and I'm like, this is so frantic

  • Shredder, you know any bad things. What are you vegan? I am pescetarian. I only to what IQ

  • I'm sure there is I don't know it because never had to know something like that

  • You just fry everything. I forgot. Yes right in barbecue. Is your computer private?

  • It's fun right now a brains fried display. Just watching you

  • Could you go look at doing great, you're looking at me. You can't look at me. Why?

  • Yeah, well watched you do it don't mess up. I won't mess up

  • You know, what? Do you do something all the time, but then someone watches you yeah, like playing guitar. I swear

  • I know how to play this. I

  • Can fuck it. Wait, let me track you

  • There's like oh god. Oh god this stuff. What do we got here? Laughs is gold Iren, and it's not very generous amounts

  • No, that's not very good. That's what they say when you came as well. I was gonna bring you the thumbnail Ken but now

  • It's okay the VOD bear that means

  • How's our firm going let me inspect nothing nothing's happening. I just check out what you're doing over here

  • They're worse with skeletons over there. I thought about killing them, but then I got scared because they're skeletons man

  • They're Undead this game is scary. You think minecraft is a little kids game. No, no

  • Oh, there's oh they burn today. We got their bones. There's bones. Look what I did. Look at this Wow

  • I'm so cool. So now we're the villagers bone meat and then we can put the bumpers for the village III

  • He fought valiantly trying to protect his love the skeleton scores came Scourge big break

  • Hey, he took my weed wrench hole. He stuck mine wet. Why is it not growing? That's me. I put bone meeting

  • How many squares I need around it the groom?

  • Sure, the comments won't tell his back. Whoa. He's bags back a favorite part about Scott

  • I

  • Saw that that was beautiful. Yeah, it's my favorite part. I love that part

  • My favorite part is dying violently. Why is this guy following me? Stop following me?

  • Freaking me out. Don't let me just stop. Oh, it's one of your fans

  • Oh, hey, you want selfie. Just give him a selfie. Maybe he'll go away. Would you give him a one selfie?

  • No, I'll take it. I'll take it I do that yesterday

  • I got recognized when I was in a real hungry, so I kind of just asked hey

  • Do you want it? Do I take a photo? No?

  • Bye, okay. Bye

  • My brain can't wrap my head around this well

  • Animals and stuff spawn too, but I think they need room

  • Okay, we need some more dirt. I really didn't either we're gonna build a house

  • I feel so I watch there's all these time-lapse episodes of a scott walker bill all this crazy stuff. We're just out here

  • Just making bridges look around

  • See we have three bridges but only one of them actually go anywhere that you haven't made it thick

  • You dis my bridges again and see what happens. Okay. So what should we do? Then gonna build the house? Yeah

  • We're gonna build a bit we don't have any would you do huh your house I can live here. This is good

  • Right here on the edge just kind of go up in this little corner here

  • Yeah, pretty much used to this pretty much. Do you have you seen my youtube channel?

  • Pretty much you she's lived in boxes in the corner

  • Yeah, why don't you slab to make the ground though you big brain

  • Oh-oh-oh there. I just cut it off to make sure how howdy

  • So we have two villagers we have food I think we're doing pretty good. I'm not gonna lie

  • Yeah, I think we're we're about to win this game right now. BEC is

  • Well, we could actually make it to one of these other alan and see what's out there build a structure of some kind we could

  • End it all I think we should have a fact oh, oh

  • Slaps only I think when you're making a sword over there top, yes. Oh, but first I burnt

  • All right, all right everybody who wants to guess this you wants to bet that he's gonna have a cobble style I

  • Can't believe I can't believe

  • Why do you have to die again

  • Well, I win I keep being on fire. I can't stop bingham fire. You're just so hot. Okay we go. All right

  • Ah

  • You dare challenge me

  • Oh I challenge you

  • after this, oh

  • How dare you?

  • My heart no, I'm sorry, huh? You will not be able to withstand this

  • What do we use this nether warden stomach here for we have never words that's reproach things

  • They're like can't you just make water elevators out of water. Have you go superfast?

  • Can you have so much as I do you can tell how much progress I've made my own playthrough mine

  • Bill, dr. Phil that's it being

  • No, that's good enough

  • The cobblestones you get

  • the woman that their box and I'll go put them all in there and we get

  • Larry think, you know about the south of some cars - Oh mater you taught me well

  • The exact same

  • Yeah, they do in the south they sure do

  • Yes, definitely, ow, skeleton shot me in and killed itself. It just couldn't couldn't take

  • Scalf another skeletons are bad guys are starting to show up that's good and our trees aren't growing them I can reposition

  • This is dangerous

  • Oh

  • Wow, got your back. I got a store here. Take take the have a state. It's okay state stick it

  • Works well, thank you

  • PewDiePie touch this

  • My seventeen cobblestone, oh

  • Hey bust you get myself, how could I go myself right? I'm gonna get what stuff I'm gonna get my stuff

  • Give me a beer. There's your sword back

  • I'm coming

  • Scared me they even hurt it's like lying we hit like you hit like a fly

  • One of these trees growing anymore would

  • Maybe remove the giant cobblestone thing. Huh? Look. Okay. Now you're just now that's big brain. Okay, that's big brain

  • Yeah

  • I got a big brain idea. Look now less stuff will hit llama. I improved cobblestone generator

  • Wow

  • Maybe

  • Brave

  • People some people make cool stuff do this. Like I think we learned really quite okay

  • I think we've done well, yeah, is there any wood your way out of wood do we drop it all yeah all the

  • Wood Wow

  • That you look exactly like me. Yeah. Yes. I wish someone would pay me. What's really good mixer dice

  • We have these new service. Who do we pay? My son watches ninja let's pay him. Yeah

  • Yeah, how much we give hundred million not too little snap plus a contract deal. You're free villager. I'm freeing you from your shackles

  • You're free to be promiscuous

  • Don't push me off villager. I get revenge stop it. Push him this whole episode

  • Here's me looking at this cobblestone generator, dude. I got just got another Chabert block of dirt

  • Yeah, well this tree grew a freestyle three two one go

  • My name is PewDiePie, and I like to not die

  • Name is Ken and he don't know how to be Jen told men

  • They got you mad me

  • My rhymes so hard that before love are you mining are you getting the goods I'm getting I'm so good at Minecraft

  • I got the goods. I gotta see it

  • Rai me I'm speaking, you know. Oh

  • Yeah, I went. Tellin ya. This is how we party

  • We can make oh, oh

  • Why is that I've become to you is just the guy you knock off. Yeah. Yes

  • Oh we haven't made a

  • Sometimes my brain say stuff tonight forget what they did here me too for Gia, right? I gonna say yeah see

  • Wow, you know your brain is so big that you just have to sometimes stop speaking. It's called a furnace

  • Can you make me laugh? Huh? Let's go furnace. I don't get cold though. I guess we can just use wood

  • Yeah, that sounds good that put a great idea rhymes is ever you say

  • I

  • Have 49 cobble stone slab, how many do you have have nine then?

  • Please oh god don't make me fall into lava. Oh god

  • You're crazy you take it too far you take it too far

  • There's a skeleton that I hear. Hope you get some bones gonna get me cum trees grow. Hey Oh

  • Got some hardware good job. Oh, wow. I run pickaxe Oh

  • Double achievements not become designer

  • Oh my god, I'm from rapping - what is that?

  • Rap attack. No, I didn't know listen to sound a little puppet up. All right, give me the Flint no flame right bad luck

  • What Oh

  • Diamonds in moon. Okay, we have to make sure we save you this Ken

  • This is the only diamond slide we get in the game after this nothing after this

  • Damn it. Ooh, several diamonds here. Nice what there's enough to make one we dig gangs

  • We do it make a pickaxe or do we make a sword to slay the Ender Dragon?

  • Play with fire. I saw you it was nothing. I'll be edge

  • Yeah, I don't know I think we should save diamonds probably right every time I'll come back to this middle area

  • There's just like more combos

  • He's like coming put one back every time you come over here

  • the cobble comp list on a scene

  • Hey, hope composer excuse me guy that stands on bridge me you paid at all

  • I said

  • Do you know who I am and he let me pass does he actually didn't know you're that you to bring these Tumnus?

  • You accept the game. Yech septic guy

  • What a guy? No, I'm

  • Mercury you think you're markiplier?

  • seriously

  • You know, the big brain is actually from markiplier. Is it? Yeah, there's like a meme where it's his face and it's big

  • Maybe I guess it makes sense

  • Well there, you know memes are there ironic, right

  • So I'm saying that me would have to come from not a big brain

  • Right, right. Yeah

  • Oh

  • Yeah, I can run out the worst it was growing and now he started it over it wasn't growing why you do this

  • It wasn't growing me. There's these freaking wheat, these things been planned forever there every plane that

  • More trees, you said I just got him at yes I sit on trees. Is that weird? Oh

  • Yeah, yes, he's dangerous he'll push you off I got to put my stuff in the box rats starve to death

  • Yeah, bro, you never have you never wanted for food did you put everything away

  • Buddy. All right. We have to slap each other to death

  • I guess we could fish if we get enough to get if you kill spider No

  • Okay guys if you want more sky

  • Then smash like and subscribe. Bye bye what you never played super simulator

  • You know, it's fun right I'm not supposed to give my opinion

  • But give it a try and then you can tell me if it's good or not not convinced yet. Okay

  • I'll cut you a deal the game is available for free and that's a great price

I've already started gaming Ken the episode has started now. Hello everyone. I'm making a cobblestone generator


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マインクラフトのスカイブロックでAMAZINGの進歩を遂げました!- スカイブロック #4 (We made AMAZING progress in Minecraft Skyblocks! - Skyblock #4)

  • 5 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日