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  • welcome everybody to whatever this is gonna be.

  • I I decided that I wanted to do something different here on the channel, and I want to go over weird self that I can find online now.

  • Other people have done this before in the past.

  • Felix used to have an entire series on it, and I used to love watching them.

  • I wanted to do myself.

  • So now is the perfect time, because I do a lot of the mean videos.

  • I thought this would be a good opportunity for me to be able to do some of this as well.

  • So I went on to my discord on Di asked people to send me links to a bunch of weird products online on dhe Boy, did you succeed?

  • Way.

  • So we have a bunch of stuff that I am very excited to unveil.

  • Some of them are gonna be sooner than others on some of them.

  • I have wanted for a very long time, and some of them are completely gross.

  • So this is going to be very interesting.

  • But first I need some What of a wardrobe change?

  • Right now I look way too normal.

  • I looked like a youtuber.

  • I'm not supposed to look like that.

  • I'm supposed to look like a degenerate like I really am.

  • You all ready for the big reveal?

  • What are It's me, big beans, man.

  • I think of most of the weekend and mouth.

  • There's first be a mask that comes with this That has, like, a full English breakfast on it.

  • Full Irish breakfast.

  • But it didn't arrive yet, so I can put it on.

  • But we do have something else to round out the ensemble.

  • Get a load of this.

  • All of you feed people.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Oh, yes.

  • All remember Billy Bass?

  • This is him.

  • No, I'm gonna go out and catch a trout.

  • So that's half of my items already admitted.

  • Are you turned on yet?

  • And since I'm a big, whiny baby, uh, YouTuber people told me to get this.

  • She's a passive fire that has different shapes.

  • I wanted one that had, like, a really weird messed up teeth and didn't have the ring in the front.

  • But again, it didn't ship to me.

  • Maybe for next time there will be a sequel to most of these Look good, very professional.

  • You two over and This is my job day today I feel like I'm back in the womb.

  • It was so yes.

  • Silicone Orthodontic nipple.

  • Hey, Mom, pass me the silicone orthodontic nipple.

  • Sure thing.

  • Four month year old.

  • Okay, that can of things in my mouth for a really long time.

  • I'd be terrible.

  • It's sucking, Penis powering through these really quick.

  • We're getting through the easy ones first.

  • But another one that I said this recently I said recently because I have the sea onto MOGE I can't say the actual words or YouTube will be like not on my watch.

  • But now I have new MOCs.

  • I have the whole collection.

  • My infinity gauntlet is going to be complete.

  • This is my d ick moge So if we put on the dishes from now on and I'm like, Where's my smoke?

  • Smells like chicken here.

  • This is the one I want.

  • But not only do we have the mug, we also have the itch Smoke starting at my feet Do you want you wanna Littlefoot play?

  • I don't know if I'll actually get de monetized if I take off my socks I don't think anybody wants that.

  • Can't even show this because this is an orthodontic nipple.

  • Babies like it.

  • See?

  • It doesn't matter what age you are.

  • Everyone is so kind of titty We have my mug and now we have my itch mug.

  • My collection is almost complete.

  • I've had my own smug my ECOMOG and my each mark.

  • All I need now is my oak mug on Dhe my douchebag book on.

  • Then Then I'd have all the infinity stones get ready to get snapped.

  • He's gonna be Easter eggs in every video from now on.

  • So you're gonna have you're gonna have Thio go be a point system.

  • There's gonna be an exam at the end of every month, and you're gonna have to see how many times I used these mugs.

  • It will be an Easter egg hunt every single time.

  • Please watch all my videos.

  • Now we're getting to the stuff that I I'm really excited for.

  • This is gonna be the last one.

  • This is disgusting.

  • It's It looks like a pink Barry soap right now.

  • It doesn't smell like one.

  • Just think of it as flesh.

  • You're gonna want to see what that is.

  • The next thing we have is the speedball.

  • It's a thing that boxers usedto train.

  • It's a ball you put on your head and then you punch it and it comes back.

  • I'm gonna get a face full of bowls.

  • Why aren't they coming out?

  • One of them is a lot harder than the other.

  • I think you need to see a doctor of one of your testicles.

  • Is a lot softer than the other one.

  • Okay.

  • How does this work?

  • Where is the Oh, well, by keeping Boldon, I know they don't look like my regular feet.

  • I promise that the air Do you want us, Mel?

  • Wise Choice B.

  • Be wise choice.

  • Like all those years ago, Mr.

  • Miyagi taught me.

  • I'm ready to go.

  • Fight.

  • I'm ready.

  • I am ready to go out on Lake.

  • It's a big thing is really long thistles.

  • What?

  • I bought it for her.

  • Oh, yeah?

  • You what?

  • You want to go?

  • You want to go, Mr Ball?

  • I'm absolutely terrified of this.

  • I don't have the reach.

  • I'm not Logan.

  • Paul.

  • Yes, Paul Ks, I You want to watch that?

  • You wanna watch Jack fight himself?

  • The real enemy is within.

  • The real fight starts now.

  • E should go with a softer bowl.

  • Okay.

  • My way's not snatched no more.

  • It's round 20 yeah.

  • Here we go.

  • Yeah.

  • Come on, Me, Boldt.

  • It's got I'm not wearing the tit.

  • My right.

  • My beans got got going in the back of the suits, Actually.

  • Quite close your eyes and go for it.

  • I think we know who won that fight.

  • Okay, we'll kill.

  • Yes.

  • Understanding Champion.

  • Master of the world.

  • Gag her off nipples.

  • We have come to the final piece, which is this pink block.

  • Looks like any other pink block, right?

  • No, it has holes in it.

  • This is called the Post Popper baby.

  • Immediately.

  • V did out of the room when he saw this.

  • This is something that was sent in that I repulsive.

  • Lee gagged out when I saw the clip of it s that I was like, Okay.

  • Immediately have to buy that.

  • It's the thing that lets you simulate popping spots.

  • Pimples, po ce gros.

  • The stuff that's supposed to be in your body that built up because your body to nasty.

  • That's what we're getting out of this right now and I don't know how this works, so girls do here.

  • There's so much in there on.

  • It's greasy.

  • It smells bad Making sounds.

  • Oh, it's doing it.

  • Let's see.

  • Oh, gross.

  • Why am I still doing in ways It's satisfying you.

  • You who?

  • You know when you pump spots in your face and you want that nasty to get away from you.

  • Yeah, let's put that in a game.

  • I feel good about what?

  • I feel good about life right now.

  • I think that this was a really great idea, and I think that we should do more of it.

  • Thes air, all the products they have for right now, I have a couple of leftover, but those gonna have to wait till next time.

  • Um, so please leave.

  • Like in the video.

  • If you enjoyed it.

  • If you got repulsed by it, that only means that I did my job well.

  • And that means you have to like it even more.

  • Oh, my God.

  • I can squeeze all of them.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Ah, Somebody.

  • How much do you want to wash your face?

  • After watching this.

  • Thank you guys so much watching this.

  • This is extremely fun to do.

  • Please leave suggestions for other products to get put the put mainly Amazon links because that's the easiest place to get them from.

  • An amazon dot co dot UK is even easier because they get to me really fast.

  • That means that I can record more of these videos very quickly.

  • But also, don't forget to subscribe to the channel because the upload videos every single day on there's gonna be more of these ones.

  • So get a big old fat ball on that bell came back and I will see you guys next time.

  • Listen, guess you want You want to go?

  • Oh, for you.

welcome everybody to whatever this is gonna be.


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A2 初級

なぜこれが存在するのか?(ニキビポッパー) (Why Does This EXIST? (Pimple Popper))

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日