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  • like like specific Skinner, I think has little I'll use it because it is because of that fact.

  • For like, maybe like first few times that if I use it again based on all that's like physical parents like any other skin respect.

  • Same literally by every skin.

  • So if they had a female ninja Blond hair ponytail, blue headband, the yellow highlights you count me in.

  • I've been saying double pump my chat today.

  • Oh, dude, man, please.

  • I know it May.

  • It was you.

  • It's in your title now, but he wants look okay.

  • See?

  • Yeah, I know I saw, but it was earlier.

  • Was because Guess what, buddy?

  • Yeah, Yeah, we're good.

  • Job hopping off double club is You're here.

  • I was double pumping me chaps.

  • What you give it doesn't work all the time.

  • You can't really say.

  • I just mean I wasn't even trying to kill some guy without doing it on my own.

  • Like everyone.

  • My If I walked over to pumps something like Scully, don't go double.

  • Oh, my God.

  • And you not Traugott.

  • Another strong mother.

  • Trogir.

  • Huh?

  • Uh, Capital that I want to.

  • You don't.

  • I should have left you to die, dog.

  • Oh!

  • Oh, my God, Scully!

  • Boy, Get outta here!

  • Dude, you just scared me.

  • After death, I forgot about that guy from me.

  • Make it out here.

  • It feels good to have 90 pump.

  • Really?

  • Game on.

  • They are When four people rush you, no doubt.

  • Where else would you want?

  • Little Literally.

  • Nothing else had the air pump legendary and a grappler.

  • Edible shell.

  • I'm going thrown a slur and old bump.

  • Okay, I'm done.

  • E I should have changed my title.

  • I've been single pumping.

  • I got two pumps to open.

  • Let's take it, one of my family alone.

  • Thank you.

  • Unicycle.

  • According to my calculations, your double pump would be with these pumps.

  • Body body?

  • What do you mean, the divers?

  • Yeah, 200 damage your own, Not 1 20 What?

  • These things do you want a body?

  • That one time.

  • 19.

  • You want to hold back?

  • No, I don't like talking about just cause the body and And if you mess, you still hit 40 damage.

  • No matter what, I don't under field.

  • Let's go.

  • We film it with the I.

  • We don't man in just hyper.

  • I don't know him.

  • Huh?

  • I mean, the streaming late.

  • I think you 15 isn't living in house.

  • Going, going, going Going about that right now, Max smooch Michael his right.

  • He locks in the world.

  • Does he really expect it?

  • Thank you.

  • Uh, you locked the door leaving.

  • He didn't when he first moved in, but that we kept scaring him all the time.

  • So you just log?

  • Yeah, Really?

  • Talking door, but probably worried for his part.

  • After the third time that he woke up with missing in bed, he just really that stop pranking me said enough is enough.

  • Did and just started locking his picture because we're your man.

  • I told you things, Thio Brain.

  • I was Don't play what's in my mouth, okay?

  • Please don't wake me.

  • It's the same thing every time, Okay?

  • Wanted background.

  • Yo, son.

  • Oh, yeah?

  • What do you mean, brother?

  • My favorite man is when one says something like like a little gay, and he's just like the way you can't even take it seriously.

  • Just aren't smiling laughing so much Now there's anything wrong with that.

  • Chad, don't throw that out.

  • There is a plane here.

  • Lying bad boy.

  • Oh, you've got a plan.

  • Iss like What way?

  • Can actually lost somewhere in the air.

  • Let's get out of the fog.

  • Okay, even more, Obi, Huh?

  • Billy gets even more now.

  • You can't see them.

  • Grandma, This is Grandma, right?

  • Okay.

  • Attack!

  • Attack!

  • Attack!

  • Attack did best go in the game.

  • Do you want Tonight?

  • We got him.

  • Chooses a little sweaty, but I got him ever so strong.

  • It's so strong, perfectly legal.

  • You would use this carbon fiber.

  • I don't understand.

  • When you stop these advantages, I mean, all right, East.

  • I got him.

  • I didn't give you the option of hop on, guys.

  • I'm home balling soldier before the storm, but they are there.

  • I gotta hand with a boneless with about Doug on me.

  • I find it wins a zombie game if you want a batsman.

  • Thank you.

  • My way.

  • I wasn't making Don't get me already, but it's okay.

  • My diaper this inside were noticing that area.

  • We're noticing a pattern here.

  • Play.

  • My God.

  • Did you just You know I take storm damage.

  • You do.

  • You're fired.

  • You're out here.

  • I calculated Buddy Harvey's shop lax with Joe.

  • Toxic gas.

  • You talk.

  • Okay, let's drop it.

  • Drop on anywhere you're dropping.

  • Wait a little.

  • Wow, that was actually amazing.

  • We didn't get out.

  • Drive by, dude.

  • More like a fly by.

  • Uh huh.

  • Uh huh.

  • Uh, Bill, that's in there.

  • You're wrong.

  • I had a wait.

  • The plane's gonna blow up.

  • It's over.

  • All right.

  • I'm thinking I have to go.

  • Let's go and hear you.

  • I dated a guy with micro date doctor from the plane, and it said I sniped them and be like that.

  • Why do you always have to flex and all your skills?

  • We get a zay sniped them with a grenade launcher.

  • This I mean, I doing them in the head or something?

  • No.

  • Stop acting like you're good.

  • No, no, no, no.

  • I'm 65 of the mountain.

  • Don't have to act.

  • Wow, confidence.

  • I like that in a man.

  • Yeah.

  • Hey, you know, I think they work out.

  • Wait.

  • Yeah, tweet that glitch.

  • Cliff, You just said maybe maybe just know I got options at liquid.

  • I better not hear any more sass out of you three.

  • Always a prime bachelor or, you know, if you're not, I don't have my kid.

  • Okay, I got to Oh, I know what you have here in Victorian You Dallas.

  • So one team and rift that they were straight west at the lake and they drifted on where they won.

  • They could be anywhere.

  • I wish I could Us, I complain about you got me down.

  • They found a people.

  • People are playing soup.

  • There's a four wheeler way.

  • Oh, God.

  • Wait.

  • Don't you know you're always gonna get me for sure?

  • No.

  • Let's go.

  • Zombies.

  • Right, So I got down there, all right?

  • Like, I tried to jump the guy, but he was smart, and he also tried to jump me.

  • I would have thought I watch it all happen is great.

  • Come out of storm, bro.

  • Get three.

  • Yeah, I got him.

  • Okay, great.

  • Meaning on it.

  • Thank you.

  • I try.

  • I mean, if this stays like this might be the play.

  • Really?

  • A friend?

  • How funny is it?

  • Day one Secret skirmish.

  • It's titled Secret Skirmish.

  • Don't leave kids leak immediately.

  • 00 you're being Wait, Wait.

  • You're actually serious like that?

  • I thought I thought for tweeted that from that it's been it was called the secret skirmish from the beginning and it lasted 20 minutes.

  • Why do you think it's called a secret screaming because they weren't gonna Now probably.

  • I don't know.

  • Honestly, maybe they're doing some sort of built.

  • Aren't they doing it like an actual?

  • No, they're not.

  • Is Anoma?

  • Yeah, they're inviting people and hosting the tournament.

  • And that's why it's a secret I'm talking about.

  • They posted about it, dude, just a quick 17 bomb Jell O.

  • You know what?

  • I was tied with you a second ago.

  • Yeah, well, uh, well, that zip line really did a number.

like like specific Skinner, I think has little I'll use it because it is because of that fact.


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B1 中級

ダブルポンプは復活したのか? (Is The Double Pump Back?)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日