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  • over three and 1/2 years ago, Me, James and Justin did a little Minecraft.

  • Siri's called crazy craft.

  • Now, if you don't know what crazy craft was because it was a while ago now it was a insane mod Pac and got the crazy name for a reason.

  • We had insane bosses, weapons, swords like this.

  • Where have you seen swords like this?

  • In Minecraft before.

  • It's actually insane.

  • There were literally hundreds of mods in this.

  • And is that a Is that a plane buying me?

  • Yeah, I think that's a plane.

  • See, I told you crazy.

  • So since I was revisiting and some of my old world's recently James Sawyer be awesome to hop back into crazy craft and see what we got up to.

  • If you remember the Siri's, this is gonna be an awesome trip down memory lane view.

  • If you didn't see the Siri's, you're in for a treat.

  • Crazy.

  • Croft is insane.

  • Enjoy, guys.

  • All right, all right.

  • So we're ready.

  • Let's go.

  • I like you know I'm numb.

  • Num num num num.

  • That's my cloud, pet.

  • Okay.

  • Tried to set me Oh, everything's on fire.

  • We've been here before.

  • Way out.

  • I heard that, uh, do its thing, but I think I got a rocket out of it.

  • Did you?

  • Yeah.

  • I didn't get on his back like a fancy lantern, but no, I got that.

  • Do I, Dad do it And I lie.

  • 32 Odd.

  • Oh, I didn't get me one.

  • Oh, are you guys doing?

  • There's a pet.

  • That's why I could see him looking at these, you know, I never go on what to do.

  • I'll find out right.

  • Here we go.

  • Oh, it's all right, guys.

  • I think we should start my base because it's easily the least elaborate.

  • Okay, Three, welcome back to my, um my coffee mug.

  • I've just noticed there's something on the top and I'm not quite sure what it is.

  • How do we even get up there so bad?

  • Just just you can fly.

  • I can't.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • OK, there's a There's a tiny you up here.

  • He was here for like, for, like, 20 episodes of your Siri's before you discovered him.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • I remember people didn't even tell me the comments is so That's impressive.

  • I don't know what this is.

  • I think it was like a helicopter.

  • Yeah, I mean, I feel like it's got no fuel.

  • Okay, so that's my That's my gassed Helly pad on the top.

  • I did not remember that at all.

  • Let's go back down to you.

  • I'm also trying to figure out who this guy is.

  • Stan Boodle.

  • I heard you have been a disadvantage.

  • Wait, This must be who set this up?

  • I think I did a pretty sure I did.

  • Yeah, s Oh ho!

  • Maybe you gave me This is called the Diamonds Mined Cloud.

  • Oh, yeah, right.

  • I feel like we've gone past a pretty major thing already, though.

  • This this this crown, right?

  • Do you remember the crown?

  • I do remember the crown The crown.

  • Still do what the crown used to.

  • D'oh Didn't use some reason he used to fart.

  • Remember that.

  • I think there's something under here too.

  • I think I might just be where the toilet goes.

  • You can still in it, Aluminum pet.

  • Ready?

  • Oh, hold on.

  • Hold on.

  • All right, I'll do it.

  • Do it!

  • What was it?

  • Adventure Backpack Confirmed.

  • I think you picked out a nice purple backpack.

  • Don't mind if I stole it.

  • So I don't mind if I tell you.

  • It was from your pet to be fair.

  • Okay, well, we have We have ripped horse.

  • You were kind of annoying.

  • Obviously.

  • Did have a great life.

  • Yeah, Organization of items isn't my strong point weight within the same once.

  • It'll really big ones.

  • And I'm gonna support in this Hercules Beetle.

  • All right.

  • 00 it's about the boss.

  • Easy, boss.

  • Oh, kid, come down with us.

  • Coffee inside the coffee cup yet?

  • Let's take a look because even I'm not sure it's your Oh, I'm surprised us to the life.

  • This is quite a long time without food.

  • A very loyal, very loyal.

  • I think if they hold diamonds, they stay still.

  • I'm pretty sure.

  • All right.

  • Okay.

  • Yeah, You lose.

  • She's left before leaving.

  • Dad.

  • She's just push you around like I'm finally free is, like, dopey and his sock.

  • Okay, that's set this one free to strawberry seeds.

  • Enjoy.

  • They go.

  • Thank you for my diamonds.

  • They're finding little bit nine that they've been standing still for what, five years?

  • Goodness.

  • Whoa, whoa.

  • Why's the girlfriend's changed outfits?

  • If you pour water on her should turn it.

  • She'll, like, wear a swimsuit.

  • She's changed.

  • How Do you remember just Oh, my goodness.

  • She does.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • Look, she's a nice lady.

  • Now.

  • I play a lot with the girlfriends.

  • I my wife, My little prince.

  • Dude, is it?

  • See, like, still alive?

  • It's a tiny I just warned in the toddler Prince is a tiny one.

  • Yeah, it looks like I didn't get very far.

  • Whoa, whoa, whoa.

  • What's this?

  • Who landed a jumbo jet behind?

  • That was I literally just stole out your chest.

  • Did you like a free show?

  • This wasn't here before.

  • Oh, yeah, I think I remember.

  • This is I think this is I don't really like magic.

  • Welcome.

  • Oh, yeah?

  • Well, my library.

  • This is where I make books Out of blood's hell.

  • What's happening to me?

  • I think this is far as I got.

  • You know, I did a lot of exploring in, like, the and Dimension.

  • That's why I made these live on farms so I could go to d o.

  • Who hit Dumbledore.

  • Come on, now, what they doing here?

  • Look, if you right, click them love day really missed you on your birthday way.

  • I think I went away, didn't I?

  • Yeah.

  • You came here apparently because it's like, yeah, yeah.

  • Was this Cecil the banana?

  • What?

  • Thank you guys.

  • You guys like a boomerang?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • I just kill I didn't kill my prince in one short with Nana.

  • Yeah, I think that's pretty much mine covers.

  • We should probably move on to a more substantial creation.

  • Justin, Jaymes, change what?

  • You have to explain this thing's giant spider just saying I Yeah, you could write it, can you?

  • Well, yeah.

  • You know, I crushed.

  • I crashed to crush you, but you killed us.

  • Way, James.

  • Yeah.

  • Don't touch the spider way.

  • Talk about the Batmobile that's crashed into egg.

  • The best parking.

  • Oh, this is where you Oh, it's oh, Engine sounds.

  • Yes.

  • Going driving.

  • I don't know how to make it go, though.

  • Don't you remember the Batmobile?

  • Yeah.

  • This universe thing.

  • So this was, like, for a prank.

  • This told me, like, two days to build for, like, a 32nd prank thing.

  • This is a pretty elaborate prank.

  • Like a ticket guy on these signs were actual riel facts about animals.

  • Uh, which I lay the biggest eggs in the world's money to fact.

  • Check that.

  • Wait.

  • What about James uh, like the other ones were pretty educational.

  • But this one thing, this one has been madness had, like, the crystal animals.

  • For some reason, they go.

  • Yeah, well, look, this sheep is jealous.

  • Wishes you down here was like the Twilight Zone or whatever it was like in this end.

  • One.

  • You had to follow the path around.

  • Let's see.

  • Let's see if he goes from the Twilight Zone.

  • I do remember this.

  • See this thing?

  • I think both of you clicked it.

  • You see this chest of destiny?

  • If you click that, it takes a blood sample and then I could use that to do curses.

  • Oh, what's right?

  • Yeah, He took our blood.

  • I touched it.

  • I had you ages ago.

  • Waiting with W T f.

  • Okay.

  • Again.

  • I did enjoy the zoo.

  • My fine.

  • His six.

  • If it's a full attire, is you?

  • Yeah.

  • 00!

  • Oh, that is so cool.

  • Oh, the exit stuck here forever.

  • I forgot that this wasn't your base.

  • Just a frank.

  • So just before we go into the actual main base, this was an area used load.

  • So this was, like, part of the witch remark.

  • Remember that?

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • I didn't use it at all, though.

  • That even one so good, So annoying.

  • But this is an old friend from Justin Way thing, and it shows setting things on fire.

  • What?

  • President James, Your house?

  • Yeah, I think this was, like some kind of goblin fortress thing which just got destroyed.

  • Maybe when the server burned down one of the All right, so here it is.

  • This is the real deal.

  • This is the mighty cracker, right?

  • So inside the mighty crackin, we've got quite a few different bits and pieces.

  • You guys want to flick that lever there?

  • What?

  • This torch But eyes.

  • This was a secret superhero, lads.

  • I was trying to, like finish with superheroes.

  • So, like each one of the display cases is like a different superhero.

  • I guess it is.

  • Which is the witch in here?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • I've got some witches that just chill.

  • This is Opal.

  • But this is where all the fun happens.

  • Obviously, we got Justin.

  • I think this is probably one of your quest things.

  • Shield to this room is the special room.

  • This was my Well, you have a dog.

  • Friends leading to offensive.

  • You're right.

  • It is quite proud of this room.

  • And then this one was kind of just a simple on.

  • This was just basically every single infantry pat.

  • Oh, get his full polka.

  • Dex, I know I haven't got one more place to show you, but we've gotta, like, leave the base now.

  • Okay?

  • Okay.

  • So just one more place and then that's me.

  • Done.

  • But we go.

  • I think Jamie's one crazy growth I like.

  • I played a lot more.

  • Did you do the bad thing over here?

  • Because I remember seeing this on the wall here.

  • Yeah, it looks like about thing is supposed to look like a bat.

  • And this is the thing which I didn't quite finish.

  • But it's basically an underground back in the fact that this is all survival's or even though it's crazy, craft is insane.

  • I really I said I'd love crazy.

  • I need this our home.

  • Let's go.

  • I think like this is all I did.

  • I'd never finish this completely, but it is supposed to be a special look like, you know, the bat cave in like the Batman movies and stuff.

  • But I feel like that was about it for me.

  • I think?

  • My goodness.

  • Open up your practice.

  • This was where I got those crazy laser things from Because you did it first.

  • And then I said, Oh, ee Oh, yeah, Yeah, I remember this.

  • You didn't it?

  • Yeah, he did.

  • One for both of us.

  • I mean, so we'll start with the chest.

  • I think this was my first build.

  • There's you guys wearing dresses?

  • I think this is what James threw me down A small child.

  • I sure, but it looks really violent.

  • How could you, James, look a seat, not James.

  • And see my chest.

  • Okay, this is like, yeah, this is proper organization, right?

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Which Israel?

  • Obscene on stuff, Miss Lane.

  • But he's like, the fun stuff.

  • Splash potion of harming is fun stuff over here.

  • I landed a plane.

  • Apparently, Andi just might wake hard on the second ways I've been following this.

  • This is not you.

  • Wait.

  • That's raees way like, Oh, he took his eyes off you.

  • It's because he's killed me before.

  • I owe you one.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Just it even, you know.

  • What's the name tag over your head?

  • I know it's so good.

  • I've set up some missiles Where you pointing those?

  • I'm not sure how you been.

  • Oh, no.

  • Oh, no.

  • Oh, no.

  • Oh, this was another little house that I built.

  • This is my bed up here in my head.

  • Hard to build.

  • And I abandoned it.

  • There's also a weird portal.

  • I don't know where that goes, you know.

  • What were you plotting?

  • Sure.

  • I can't remember anymore.

  • I think you've got a guest waiting for you inside.

  • Yeah.

  • So inside.

  • Oh, is it my wife?

  • Yeah.

  • Yes.

  • Amazing.

  • Apparently, I stored someone for five years, just like Dan.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Wait.

  • Yeah, You go.

  • Go.

  • Oh, what did you just put my wife, Katie she's gonna hear about This is what she gets away and see.

  • Mama thought this is my dog without a tail.

  • Look, how did you get talking about you?

  • Just you never had it to this one.

  • Sad tales.

  • They do.

  • Yeah.

  • I don't know why he just never had one.

  • I'm not sure what happened to ah, missy's tail.

  • Oh, I don't really strange friends.

  • Whoa.

  • I feel like I didn't do this.

  • I just saw him square in the face.

  • I don't know what I think was Frank Yeah, I think it was a prank.

  • Right that you set up with?

  • Yeah.

  • You having dinner with them?

  • Just minions.

  • Cool.

  • And then I made a toilet.

  • I can't remember why.

  • Oh, like little dragon words.

  • Toothless.

  • Wait.

  • I think I think this thing works to flesh is right.

  • Yeah.

  • I think the server command blocks her off.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Ah, because this used to flush did yeah.

  • Theme for you, Justin, You know, down in here, things thinks Tree does enter.

  • Yeah.

  • Yes, I like him.

  • I think this was supposed to be 00 there's, like, a hamster wheel here.

  • And then I have I have access.

  • But only I can access this because he's got a retina scanner.

  • Like, if you go like, yeah, go up to James, try Dad.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Uh, yeah.

  • What things where All my other duplicated trees work.

  • I followed you in?

  • Yeah.

  • So these are all duplicated trees now?

  • I don't know.

  • I don't know what this is.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • This is my practice room.

  • James, if you break in this with a lever.

  • Yeah.

  • Nice.

  • Some serious.

  • That's how I got in the first time.

  • Oh, Jesus.

  • Fuck it was a wait.

  • One more thing.

  • There was one more thing I have so like here, you see, Like my hill, right?

  • Like, you see this, like, here.

  • Okay, but then if you go here and you go in through this little I think it's here, through here, through this little cave here.

  • Yeah, right here.

  • Uh, right here.

  • And this is well.

  • Oh, whoa!

  • Yeah, This is cool.

  • Yeah.

  • And you can't see it from the outside.

  • No.

  • So, yeah, this is where we're looking from.

  • Like, we're looking right at this, but you can't see.

  • I just I just lost your rowboat.

  • There's a run on.

  • Yeah, it's a transformer.

  • I don't owe me.

  • And then I s Oh, that's amazing.

  • Look.

  • Nice.

  • Oh, this'll I think that's all I've got, I think Yep.

  • Times land.

  • Yeah.

  • How long ago was it?

  • Was it three or five?

  • Three.

  • I think you want to say over three.

  • Maybe Like three and 1/2.

  • Yeah, it was a long time.

  • I really want to try this robot spider.

  • Do it.

  • Do it.

  • How do you do it?

  • Yeah, right.

  • Click somewhere on the body on it.

  • Yeah, that's me.

  • Gone.

over three and 1/2 years ago, Me, James and Justin did a little Minecraft.


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マインクラフト CRAZYCRAFT 3年後をプレイ! (Playing Minecraft CRAZYCRAFT 3 Years Later!)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日