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Hey, what's up, you guys?
Yes, You're probably thinking, Shane, why don't you just wave at us with one hand?
Usually you waving us with both.
It's because my other hand has candidate.
You guys probably already know Cheeto because they showed him in a video.
He is trying to get away from you as fast as he can.
He's screaming, but yes, this is my new best friend.
He loves me.
That's I love you and cat.
Yes, I've already introduced you guys.
A Cheeto.
He is.
Show them how much you love me.
I've never heard that noise you just threw up on me.
He's actually okay anyways.
Yes, that is the new love of my life.
So, yes, my life obviously has had a big change in it recently with this cat.
And not just because of that.
So there's been a lot going on with this cat that I have not talked to us about, mainly because it has been really, really confusing and really incredibly depressing.
But before we get to all that first off, let me explain why I got a cat.
So me and Ryland felt like you needed a friend you know, like we hang out with him and stuff, but we gotta work.
He's hero alone.
I mean, besides, you know, the ghosts and demons that live in the house.
But besides that, he's alone.
And every time I take him to my mom's house and she has dogs and cats, he like so much fun.
And he loves the cats in my mom's house.
Loves them.
So we thought, Well, maybe we could get a cat for, you know, to be friends with because I could not have two dogs in this house.
So we have been talking about this for, like months, and then we went to an animal shelter, and I was not expecting to fall in love with a cat, But I fucking did.
And then we left the shelter with a cat named Bubba, and the guy at the shelter goes, only you're not going to change his name, right?
And I said no, change his fucking name right away, and they gave him to us in a fucking box.
Almost like he was, you know, like a pair of shoes or like trash.
No, I'm just kidding.
They were really, really great at the animal shelter, and you gave him to us in a box.
And then we took him home, and I was just a big old excited bitch.
Oh, my God.
I'm carrying Cheeto right now into the house he's gonna meet, you know, for the first time, I am terrified.
I don't know how we're gonna do this.
I think what we're gonna do is open up this box in my office and, like, let him like Children run around and get to know that space and then bring, you know, in.
And hopefully, you know, doesn't eat him.
So then we decide to bring the box into my office and put it on the couch on.
We were terrified because we don't really know what was gonna happen.
We didn't know if you know was going to eat him.
Or, like, maybe there wouldn't even be a cat in the box.
Maybe they actually didn't give us trash either way.
I was excited.
Are you ready?
Oh, crap.
You know, Come on, come on.
Oh, ee Bring.
You love him so much.
If it's summer time, he's Ah, Hot Cheeto!
If he gets fat, he's a puppy, Gino, if you know it's him, he's a crunchy Gino.
Oh, my God.
This is just a new spot, bitch.
This is his new spot.
He's gonna be in my conspiracy videos.
He's my conspiracy cat.
She's a cat spirit.
So then, after we let Cheeto out of the box, we decided that it was time for, you know, to come into the room and meet him.
And I was fucking terrified.
Cheetos, two years old, He rescued him.
That's all we know.
He's employing his neuter, and he's neutered.
His name is Cheeto.
I love you.
I love you so much, E.
I don't know.
I guess we'll find out.
Oh, my God.
He's okay.
All right?
We're gonna God, I'm scared.
Oh, my God.
I love it so much.
Okay, He's like, Fuck the floor unites.
Be gentle.
He's our remember our family.
Wait, he seems funny.
I think I realized that I'm gone.
I think I'm gonna take a romance movie.
Hey, to Cheeto has no fox.
Cheeto gives.
Hey, baby.
Thank you.
Good boy.
Thanks for listening to that.
You want to meet you?
This is probably got you.
Oh, Okay, Okay.
They're gonna be best friends.
Hey, hey, hey.
You know, making noises.
So then, you know, and Cheeto just kind of, like, stared at each other for a long time.
Like it almost felt like like a Nicki Minaj grandma thing.
You know, like, who's the queen of rap?
Like, Who's the queen of my house?
Like, there was obviously beef in the room and I was just waiting with my popcorn to see what would happen.
I want their prisoner action to be joyous.
Okay, I don't know if that's gonna happen.
It took my mom's cat, like, a long time.
It's okay when I, when this happened in my family cap, hid under the bed for a week.
So now that that's from so it felt like it was kind of going good for, like, a second and then read me and Mickey got into a fight.
Cheetos grumbling, in case you missed how much of a fucking little bitch I was.
Let's play that clip.
Yeah, that's that's That's me.
So then, after the two queens of rap were going at it, we had to do some research to find out how to make them friends and not fucking kill each other's.
We're currently watching videos on how to introduce your dog.
You can So what do we D'oh?
It says we just have to take it slow and let the cat choose to meet the dog.
But the dog has to be on a leash.
Well, Cheetos gives no fucks tell, you know, got close is dangerously cheesy.
And then something kind of crazy happened.
I have never been a cat person.
I've always been a dog person.
Like the only time I ever even connected to a cat was when I saw one dead on the street.
Because I'd be like, fucking me.
But besides that, I have never had an emotional connection to account.
I don't know what happened in this moment, but I literally became like soul mates with this fucking cat.
Like I actually really fucking go out with this cat here is like the moment where it happened.
He loves me.
God, Geo, I love you, but you don't go.
Oh, my God.
I'm gonna fucking bust!
I can't take this.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, I can't wait for you know to be here.
I don't will only together.
And I'll be like one of those crazy old people that's covered in animals.
So then something happened after that Felt like the beginning of something bad.
So basically, Ryland started getting like hives on his arms and he started like, sneezing and his eyes got red and we both were like, Oh, my God, are you allergic?
There is a chance that Ryland is a allergic, which is not good, because I love Cheetos.
It's So you think you're allergic, I hope?
So what do you feel?
Well, I have a big, like a red rash on the back of my neck, and I got all itchy and my nose is all stuffed up on bits.
After I was petting him on skirt, we'll go see him again.
He misses you.
Uh, so then rather went to the room with Cheeto and kind of, like, sound play with him, and the whole time that was happening, I just knew I was like, Oh, my God!
I'm already, like, so attached to this fucking cat and I'm gonna have to get rid of this cat, and it's literally going to fuck me up and not like in the fun way the kids say, like, it's not gonna fuck me up like this is actually going to emotionally fuck me up.
So then I started doing some research and I found that there was a shampoo that if he watched her cat with it could make people who are allergic, less allergic.
So I tried to give him a bath, which was a bad idea.
Shadow Just looking.
No, fucking me.
Me in this hour.
Oh, so then after the bath, Ryland was still like breaking out steps.
So he went upstairs and I just sat downstairs with Cheeto on, got more fucking attached to him.
Violence plan was to go to the doctor the next day and getting allergy test and see if he is actually allergic.
Or maybe there's a pill he could take.
So until then, he was just going to, like, not really touch the cat.
And I was gonna kind of be like Mom.
Well, then Cheeto started feeling so fucking at home here.
Bitch even did a house tour.
Yes, Bitch, Give us a house tour queen.
That's outside.
We never go out there.
That's the fridge.
We always go in there.
And that's the couch.
That's where we live.
He's touring the house.
He's doing a morning or team his first morning.
Her team.
Look how happy he is.
He's working too.
So since Cheeto was more comfortable in the house, I was like, Okay, let's try to make him.
And, you know, friends now, like they've had a little time to cool off.
Like Remmy went to her aside, Nicky went to hers like the beef instance washed.
And the whole time I was having an actual fucking panic attack.
He's, like, about lick my dick.
Come on.
It's gonna look your dicks together when they got sit here.
Damn, He's like, Get on my level, bitch.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
I'm a freaking out.
Oh, my God.
This is so cute.
I think they're OK.
She gets no fox.
No cheater keeps going.
Well, she's trying to say hi, but also by Get away from me.
Be nice call.
Okay, That was fun.
That was good.
That was good.
My God.
Oh, my God.
They're gonna be friends.
It's like mean girls like Regina George Lindsay Lohan back a guy lesbians.
Oh, my God.
I'm gonna cry.
I'm so happy.
But then, like slowly but surely they started really getting along and it was fucking cutest thing I've ever seen in my life.
Oh, my God.
Oh, like their friends.
And then they started playing a lot, and they've been, like, running around the house and licking each other's basses.
It's like fucking couple goals.
They love each other.
Oh, no, I got them.
Name better love story than that.
It's always been, you know, got too close.
And it pissed the bitch off.
Who, you know, Watch the fuck out.
Oh, shit.
Now you scarred.
Now you scarred.
But then after that, they just became, like, obsessed with you.
Okay, I'm gonna die.
Oh, my God.
I fucked it up.
I wrote Fuck!
Well, it was cute while it lasted.
And then he got even cuter and they even started kissing.
Oh, my God.
Oh, I'm gonna cry.
I love it.
I love it so much.
I fucked it up again.
Then They even started sleeping in the same bed.
And like, I think fucking why ae like, things were going so good until I asked them to share food, and they weren't fucking happen That Okay, guys, it's Sunday, which means it's time for a treat.
I got you guys a papa Gino, which Dad has quickly let me know, is a scam and fraudulent.
Well, yeah, it's from Starbucks.
So he's not being true to the cappuccino.
And this is common.
Well, it's just fucking whipped cream.
That's all it is.
That's what I want them to have.
A real normal childhood.
They're not getting name brands, bitch getting coffee.
Coffee Bean is a name brand.
She's sad, tacky ass sister to Starbucks re drink comedy, and I know, bitch, I'm relating to her eyes.
Hey, hey, hey.
Punching a week?
Gino, look.
Food, food, food, food, food.
No, no, don't leave me.
Don't leave me.
Oh, he's fucking with you.
You know it It I keep wanting to call him Oreo.
Oreo ham.
So thistle is literally me.
And you had a restaurant trying to share food, and you're like, let me taste And I want to get the flavors, and I'm like, fuck it.
All right, back in.
All right.
Come on in.
Get that long tongue in there, bitch.
Oh, my God, Yeah, I love a pet nuke Bang.
So while all of this was happening over the course of a week, it was also really, really fucking hard.
I didn't film like the sad stuff because that would be weird.
But while all of this was happening and while they were getting really close And while I was getting really close to Cheeto, we were also dealing with whole Riley thing.
So he went to the allergy doctor and they did tell him that he was allergic to cats, which is so fucking weird because he has never been allergic to Cat's before.
But I guess now is so during that week, we were going to try to figure out what we're gonna do because Ryland was going to start taking allergy shots, which is like a whole process like you have to take every week for, like, years.
And there's a chance it might not even work.
And he'd have to take a pill every single day.
And I, of course, don't want him to, like, live like that or be constantly afraid of getting sick in his own house.
Because, like every night, for like the 1st 4 days he was just covered in fucking shit.
I even thought of a plan that was so fucking crazy.
I was like, Okay, what if I get in apartment for, like, filming videos and like, Cheeto could stay there and then like, I go there every day, don't hang out with them, and then I'll come home and then I'm like, that's actually crazy.
I was just, like, desperate.
I mean, literally two nights ago when me and Riley were laying in bed.
We're talking about what we're gonna do.
And there are a couple options were taken back to the shelter, which I just didn't want to do or get him to a friend because all of our friends are obsessed with or have her island take all these pills and beyond all this medicine for fucking who knows how long.
And just the idea of getting rid of this cat who I like formed this fucking crazy bond with.
I started crying harder than I think I've ever cried to appoint work.
I think it scared him.
I think it scared Cheeto.
Cheeto is like, growing better.
That's a clicker.
I know.
I was, like, actually devastated.
I cried for like, an hour, and it was really, really fucking hard.
But then something kind of crazy happened.
We woke up the next morning and Brandon didn't have any bumps or anything.
And then the next morning he had, like, a little one, but that was it.
And now, today, he hasn't had anything, and we've been hanging out with the cat all day.
So this is a clip from earlier today when we're talking about it.
And, uh okay, guys.
So it's been almost a week, and Ryland has not had any breakouts or hives.
Okay, that's a lie.
The other night, I had a huge rash all over my knee.
That was ringworm, but no, it wasn't.
There were literal, but took pictures, have receipts.
E thought I was going to get away.
But day I was holding him.
I haven't broken out at all, so maybe it was because he was really sick.
Maybe I was allergic to a sickness.
Also, you're acting like I'm the only one obsessed with this kind of It was my idea to get a cat.
You don't even want to count it first.
And I made you get a cat because I was like, oh, needs a friend.
But I'm not like you're acting like I'm the crazy one that's, like, obsessed that Europe's is Look at two.
I do love the cat, but you have, like, this bond with the cat, but I never expected.
That's like a little bit scary because he's like your child and you're obsessed with him.
And I came down to you versus the cat.
You already said if we had to get rid of him, we will.
That's very, very last resort.
If I start like not being able to breathe because we have a cat in this house, then we're gonna have to get rid of him.
But right now it looks like we're gonna be able to keep him.
Also, I grew up with cats my entire life, so I never thought this would be an issue until I started not being able to function with a cat house.
So, guys, there you go.
I think ci those might stay with us.
He does not.
No Fox, no fucks.
But I'm excited.
So yeah, I think we gotta keep Cheeto.
I think I don't know.
I'm still going to give it like another week.
If the old bumps and fucking all the other ship comes back, we need to figure it out because I don't want Ryland living in like that health.
But as of now, pretty sure the Cheeto is going to stay, and it makes me so happy.
I don't know what Look, this guy so much, it's really fucking weird.
This cat has not left my side in, like, over a week.
So there you guys go.
That is the full story of Cheeto and how we got him and why.
I haven't really talked about him that much videos, but I really, really hope it works out.
I hope you can keep him because I just really, really, really love this.
And he loves it.
When I was so much, you know, loves him, read me and Nicky.
They got back together.
So guys say, Welcome to Cheeto.
Hopefully is gonna be here for a long, long time.
Oh, my God.
I love him.
So buys.
He actually does love me.
He doesn't like the camera, but he actually does love me.
That was not convincing.
All right, you guys.
Hopefully you enjoyed that video I know this was kind of different.
I've never really done a video like this.
But if you liked and you want more of like, he's talking and then blogging, whatever.
Give me a thumbs up.
So I know.
And make sure subscribe to mention went down below And the notification bill, because I make new videos every day.
All right, you guys.
Me and Cheeto and see you tomorrow.
Don't know.