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  • *Swedish Noises* The rule is simple -

  • You laugh,

  • You D̠̘͞ͅI͈̻͕̲ͅE̦̙͕̩̼.

  • Let's go, bros.

  • ???? thumbs up???

  • "Bat Man But I Removed SOME Animations"

  • Oh my god.

  • I love these

  • *Pewds snickers*

  • Okay, pretty normal so far.

  • "Hey what are you-"

  • (gunshot)


  • NOOOO!!

  • (laughs ... more)

  • alright lets see the batman

  • Come on.

  • "Get it open."

  • "On it."

  • "Bring the whole God damn place down."

  • *Pewds laughs*

  • "Stay focused!"

  • "We'll be out of here before anyone can stop us."

  • *Silence*

  • Who would have thought...

  • ...that all they needed to do...

  • fix the Tell Tale Games...

  • this remove all the animations?

  • And it's ta-weny times better!

  • "Sometimes, you need a monster."

  • c-come in! come on!


  • *look at him enjoying himself*

  • Get 'em Bat Man!

  • wOw the action is InCrEdIbLe!

  • Woah!

  • Where'd they learn-

  • What is this new Jujutsu?

  • *giggle*

  • WoW

  • "Without a scratch"

  • "So far"

  • *dun dun dUN DUN*

  • "You broke the law"

  • He's asserting his dominance!

  • *insert epic fight noises*

  • (his laugh uwu)

  • Why is it so funny?

  • It's so dumb.

  • Alright I think that's enough,

  • 10 out of 10.

  • *meme review?*

  • Well, I guess I failed already, first clip guess I'll die

  • I'm fine. *doubt*

  • Turns out I have an extra life.

  • Oh my God it NiNjA

  • *I don't know if Ninja is speaking or just laughing?*

  • [Ninja] swipe up

  • [Pewd's from stream] There's briDGES IN FORTNITE?

  • [Ninja] There are two bridges.

  • [Pewd's] WHAT THE **** HAVE I DONE?

  • [Ninja] Look dude, I'll make sure to steer us away from those, okay? *a true bro*

  • (weird throat noise turns into laugh?)

  • I played Fortnite for 3 hours

  • and it was totally fine I'm so proud of myself.

  • Who says I haven't become a better person?

  • Who says I can't learn from my mistakes?

  • Thank you Ninja *with a Swedish J* very cool

  • ya know, lot of things when you play games

  • are you satified *fruit* or the

  • things that frustrate you about games? what do you wanna see games do?

  • eyubagidkhsg

  • elon: "uuhh, I don't know if I should say"

  • come on elo-huh huh huh huh ha

  • you workin on a game too?

  • he's with dog?? idk help me out

  • like idunknow, ah- oh- i- i- i- du- du- bua bua bua

  • more R rated? *cheeky wow* idk

  • *pewds laughed he's now officialy dead* also pause at 3:09 tell me he doesnt look like elon reacting to the deer

  • tryna be honest here

  • todd is like WE'RE ON IT, WE'RE WORKING ON IT

  • *egg on frying pan sounds*

  • DOPE

  • thats awesome ta ha ha

  • This clip aged well a preview of when doc goes back to games

  • *music*


  • .... oh i get it tyAHAHAHAH

  • *neck has been deleted*

  • he head through the bathroom, I get it he got banned again

  • docs only weakness

  • I got my br-jeheheheheheheheh

  • docs got his bathrooms B)

  • *ear rape* you see the full context here is that he went into the bathroom

  • he filmed inside a public bathroom

  • I used to be such a big doctor disrespect faN


  • doesNt HE KnOw TherES PeNisS FlYIng EvERYwhERE In A BaThRoOM?!

  • Has anyone ever been in a goddamn bathroom?

  • Like a mens bathroom? I know like half of you haven't. (yeah cause all of his subscribers are bots ;))

  • it's not like tha- *wheezes*

  • maybe I dont get it. I clearly don't get it.

  • But you won't see penis unless you go HMMMmMmMmMmm???

  • Like just filming in a bathroom when people clearly know theres a camera.

  • I don't really see a problem with that alright?

  • If you go into a bathroom with a hidden camera

  • n-now thats fricked up okay? (bet pewds has done that)

  • it couLDvE BeEN sO BaD *cries*

  • Involuntary moan

  • Hey there I'm James McAvoy.

  • and youre only one week away from seeing sherlock gnomes in the theaters

  • you can get your tickets in the link below *insert pewds laughing*

  • Hey there I'm J-

  • Sherlock gnomes

  • I can't wait to see sherlock gnomes

  • he looks completely faded (like spiderman)

  • n-word is held hostage (i need the pass)

  • okay he plays it again

  • He's gnomes yo

  • they're touchering him

  • *pewds laughing*

  • James McAvoy

  • what else has he acted in-What???

  • is that the same guy? hes been in so many good films.

  • split wasnt that great

  • why is he not credited wait there he is SHERLOCK gnomes

  • gnomeo and juliet

  • this man signed a contract 7 years ago

  • see this is the thing they do with actors. If they wanna see a sequal

  • I think they are contracted to it (wait what about dora)

  • most likely he was. So, here he is.

  • WHAT?I IM ONLY One WEEK AWAY To wAtcInG SheRloCk GnoMES? WhaT?!

  • Oh, God.

  • Sorry i feel for him. I will truely do.

  • Video: you see my sword isnt actually my weapon of choice.

  • Urgh, God Damnit

*Swedish Noises* The rule is simple -


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

あなたはあなたの笑いを失う - YLYL #0061 (You Lose You Laugh - YLYL #0061)

  • 10 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日