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  • What's up, guys?

  • My name is K J Apa.

  • I'm from New Zealand.

  • I'm gonna be going through with you guys some New Zealand slang.

  • I'm just gonna hope that some of these woods all right, by Karol Congratulations.

  • Ever on the 1st 1 is correct.

  • Bug roll means nothing.

  • For example, if someone was asking me how much food I got from the mark and I didn't have any money, I would say I got bugger all.

  • Wanna hide it?

  • Wanna hiding is one I heard from my father many, many times.

  • One of hiding means pretty much.

  • Do you want a snack or something for a punishment?

  • You know, if a New Zealander is talking to you and they saying that kind of stuff, you listen to the last word that comes out of their mouth.

  • So you know, means not if they go Ah, yeah, yes.

  • Well, then, yeah, Yann, he's getting you guys got such yon mains.

  • A check.

  • So, for example and the teacher called me in for a meeting.

  • It was a good young.

  • I was a good young, but yeah, we didn't really come to any kind of conclusion.

  • He's a pest to say something is a piece of piss, they said.

  • It's easy if I was playing rugby with the boys and I was like, that kick was a piece of piss.

  • That means that kid was throwing.

  • She'll be right If someone's car broke down and you know you're worried that the car is not gonna work anymore, she'll be right.

  • It doesn't matter if it's a female or male, Pecker said.

  • You're being dramatic.

  • For example, if I was playing rugby as a little kid and I got injured and I was crying, my dad might come up and say, Stop packing set month Did you know, I only really use mounted if one of my friends is mounted?

  • In other words, he's horse.

  • In other words, he's drunk.

  • Montaigne is probably the one word that I use the most out of all these words that means just like good.

  • You can use this word so many different instances as well.

  • So if someone's maybe some food and it tastes really nice when someone puts it in front of me, I'd say Watcher, you always say it with a smile on your face and every time of year, okay, pretty much gives you smile, Sir Kane is out of my favorite words.

  • Anyone who knows me really well knows that.

  • I said It's where a lot cane means.

  • If I was really into a Gill and I was talking to my nights, I would say I'm really came for that girl.

  • Chalker means full or peck.

  • So, for example, if the highway was chock full of cars, it means there are.

  • There are a lot of cards.

  • Is a lot of traffic squishes squeeze?

  • It is, um, it's kind of hard.

  • One squeeze is like playing the guitar, and I want to play the Utah.

  • Let me have a squid or I'll give it a squeeze.

  • Generals are flip flops.

  • We say channels run out his foot, folks.

  • Good as gold.

  • If something is as good as gold, it's as good as it can be broke.

  • Because I say bro a lot, I don't really say cause of all causes of big word people use cause you don't actually have to be there, cousin mean as this is what I stopped kind of using when I came over to North America, just because absolutely no one understand kind of what it means It's like the best thing you could say about something.

  • The cake, for example, was mean er's means the case pretty much was the best cake that you could possibly eat.

  • Bugger, bugger is what you would say if it's, like, damn or shit.

  • If I was using a hammer and I accidentally got my hand, I would scream bag a cocked it If something is cocked it it's died If a dog cocked it, the dog has died taking the purse, I would take the piss out someone you're pretty much just like embarrassing them.

  • You're making fun of them.

  • Or you could use that as if you're talking to someone.

  • And you say, Are you taking the purse?

  • That means, Are you kidding?

  • Like you're joking right now.

  • Are you taking a piss, sculler?

  • You guys not skeleton day two scallop Maisto to drown the bottle.

  • All right, guys, that was, uh, New Zealand slang Words from Cage.

  • APPA of you enjoyed it.

  • You learned something of your old listening.

  • There's one slang word that you want to use when you go to New Zealand.

  • I would definitely say, uh uh is the would everyone can relate to that word.

What's up, guys?


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A2 初級

KJアパが教えるニュージーランドのスラング|Vanity Fair (KJ Apa Teaches You New Zealand Slang | Vanity Fair)

  • 13 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日