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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • Hey it's me, Destin. So, um...

  • We got a hairbrained idea and we came to an art festival...

  • It's not really an art festival, it's a festival, here in Alabama.

  • We've made art with bullets and tried to sell it.

  • So this is what we've got.

  • We've got a bunch of art that we've made with uh...

  • With bullet impacts.

  • And we tried to make the manliest setup possible.

  • I know it's a rainbow, but I made it, which makes it manly.

  • [Bang]

  • [Bang]

  • [Bang]

  • [Bang]

  • Oh, that was sweet, dude.

  • So so far we've had... how much success?

  • - Zero. - Zero, but we're men.

  • - We're men. - We also have a high speed camera.

  • [Briley] We're introducing the public to high speed video.

  • Welcome to Smarter Every Day.

  • [Splash]

  • (Destin) Alright. So what we do is we just capture the image, or video of her

  • popping a balloon and what we're going to do is go back and play it.

  • It's kind of like a time machine, only different, so...

  • Look at this, right here.

  • [Music]

  • Captioning in different languages welcome. Please contact Destin if you can help.

Hey it's me, Destin. So, um...


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

スローモーションの水風船 - Smarter Every Day 24 (WATER BALLOONS in SLOW MOTION - Smarter Every Day 24)

  • 1 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日