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  • for the dough.

  • Mix first, like the leak lengthwise and chop on soda in a pan with olive oil and butter, too tender season.

  • Next, combine flour with a pinch of seasoning on.

  • All of all, I'm mixing your cook leaks.

  • Bring the dough together in a bowl with a drop of warm water.

  • Cover on rest for 20 minutes.

  • Allow the dough mixer to relax means the resulting bread will be nice and soft.

  • Then dust the dough with flour mold into a sausage shape.

  • Slice into rounds.

  • I'm flattered with a rolling pin, then simply fried in a hot, dry pan when golden and crisp on each side, removed for simple supper.

  • So with cottage cheese, lemon zest on fresh time.

  • So simple, so fast and so versatile flatbreads to die for all right.

for the dough.


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B2 中上級

リコッタとレモンのネギのパン|ゴードン・ラムジー (Leek Flatbreads with Ricotta and Lemon | Gordon Ramsay)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日