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- Productivity secrets, how to master the art
of doing more in less time and have more time to do
what you enjoy, what you love to do.
So, first question that Sigel has for you is this.
Imagine you had a bank account that deposit
$86,400 each morning,
imagine you had a bank account like that.
And the account carries over no balance from day to day,
allows you to keep no cash balance,
and every evening cancels whatever part of the amount
you have failed to use during the day.
My question to you is what would you do?
What would you do?
How many of you would draw out every dollar each day?
Put it in the chat.
Would you draw every dollar every day, yes or no?
- Spend it all Marcus says.
- You would spend it all, you would spend it all, exactly.
We all have such a bank account,
it's name is what, time.
What it's name, time.
You do have that, every morning it credits you,
every morning when you get up.
86,400 seconds every day.
Every night it writes off as lost,
whatever time you failed to use wisely,
it carries over no balance from day to day,
does that make sense?
So you do have that account, just a time bank.
It is a time bank.
So each day that count starts fresh,
each night it destroys an unused time.
Now if you fail to use the day's deposits, right,
the time that you have, those seconds that you have,
it's your loss and you can't appeal to get it back.
Now what would you do if you think of your time that way?
What would you do differently?
What would you do if you viewed that,
that you actually deposit, that's money,
(speakers drown each other out)
Time bank, every day.
- Minimize waste, get the most out of it.
- Invest. - Do more in the seconds
or invest, yeah.
Don't waste a single minute.
- The first term that I wanna teach you, write this down
is called return on time invested.
TI, our TI, time invested.
Just you know the term return on investment,
why we walk about that as an investible log.
But return on time invested,
meaning that every activity that you do,
any task that you choose to do,
you have to ask yourself what's my return?
What's the return on time invested?
Is there even a return, doing this thing, right?
Accomplishing this task.
Or is it just because I am busy and busy and busy.
Write it down, business is also a form of laziness.
Business is a form of laziness.
Do you know a lot of people who are very very busy,
but they don't get any shit done?
Right, they're busy, they're always like
"I'm busy man, I'm working on this,
"I'm getting back to people, I'm making this call,
"I'm doing all these meetings."
But what's the result?
At the end of the day, what's the result?
What's that return on time invested?
- Bobby said "Don't be busy, be productive."
- That's right, that's a big difference.
Just because you are splashing in the water
doesn't mean you're swimming, right?
You're making a lot of splash,
but that doesn't mean you're going anywhere.
And sometimes do you know why some people
they like to keep themselves busy?
To kind of almost fool themselves they're being productive.
- They're being productive, yeah.
- Why is that?
So, they wanna feel important,
instead of actually being important.
So imagine this, two different scenario,
first person, you ask them
"Man how's it going, how's business?
"Like, what's walking?"
- Oh man I'm so busy I've got,
yeah you know like, last week I had all these new
projects going and man, yeah.
The deal's about to be closed, and yeah.
Man I just so, yeah, just overwhelmed.
Building a team up, I'm bringing on a new member.
- Got something going on all the time, right?
Now that's one scenario, let's take the opposite scenario.
You ask so how's it going and the person says like
"Oh man," (mumbles).
- Yeah, I'm not struggling.
(speakers drown each other out)
- I love that I got a lot of free time.
- Yeah man I'm bored, no leads are coming in,
y'know I'm just sitting around waiting.
- I feel a fucking loser.
I feel like a loser, that's what happens, right?
So a lot of times people use the busy-ness as a disguise,
as almost a way to escape, right, a way out,
instead of focusing on what's important.
A lot of entrepreneurs are like that by the way.
You ask them all what are you working on
and they'll tell you like
a zillion things they're working on,
but when you drill it down so out of all those things,
what produces results?
Now they're like oh well, I guess, I don't know.
They're just working on a lot of stuff
instead of focusing on what's important.
A lot of you have that problem too, right?
How many of you are busy, be honest.
You're busy but you don't feel like you are,
you're making the progress that you want.
You're not productive enough.
- At least you're honest, okay, Estaban's honest,
Chantelle's honest, right.
- 'Cause it feels good, it feels good when you're like,
you get the adrenaline running,
like oh you're busy, you're busy right, versus.
Calm, getting stuff done, precise, right?
So what does productivity have to do with making money?
- Yeah what does it--
- 'Cause you might think, right,
but Siefer what does that have to do with making money?
I just wanna ratable freedom, I wanna have more success,
I wanna make more money, I wanna grow my revenue,
like what does this have to do with making money?
Do you know what this has to do with making money?
Do you know?
(mumbles) do you know?
- I'm gonna take a stab, y'know--
- Everything!
- Everything, are you sure? - Everything.
Every fucking thing, everything.
Because how you use your time,
ultimately determines how much money you make.
- Right, okay. - Period.
How you use your time, it has to do with everything.
So I want you to imagine Bill Gates, Steve Jobs,
Jack Maher, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bazos.
- Yes. - Millionaires, billionaires.
We have the same amount of time.
Right, we all have 24 hours a day,
we have the same 24 hours day as them, as me.
We all 52 weeks a year.
We all have 365 days a year.
We have the same amount of time,
the difference between them and you
is how they use their time.
Meaning their output, what they're able to get done
within that period of time.
That's the only difference.
When it comes to time, there is one advantage,
everybody's equal, it's a level playing field.
It is not like oh he's Bill Gates,
so he actually has 40 hours in the day.
Or he has 36 hours in the day.
No, it's 24 hours, 24 hours, the same 24 hours.
It's the same, right?
- Yeah, people talk about oh that person's got
some personality benefits 'cause they're a outgoing person,
I'm an introvert type of thing.
Or that person's got more money, I don't have money.
- Time doesn't pick, time is equal.
- That person had better education,
I didn't have better education.
- They speak more different languages,
or my English is not as good, doesn't matter,
it's all equal.
24 hours, we all have that, makes sense.
Does that make sense?
- Yes. - So when you understand
this concept that what it means is this,
that you would know how you use your time
ultimately determines how much money you make
and the long term success that you have.
One thing I wanna emphasize is although
mainly I teach entrepreneurship,
I teach business, I teach marketing,
I teach to business owners, also a lot of professionals.
But a lot of my students, they are actually
working at a job.
A lot of these principles applies to you.
It doesn't matter if you run your own business,
or you're working for someone else.
Because at the end of the day what my focus
and what the mission of our company,
is to help people to become a better version of yourself.
- We have waiters that have increased
the number of tips they get,
we have business managers that have promotions like this
or get bonuses because they applied the closing principles
on negotiation skills,
you know all this stuff here.
So there's lots, we've got stay at home moms,
who have been able to freelance their work
and earn more commissions.
They probably even bring in more money sometimes
than their spouses or partners.
Because they use the skills that you taught them.
- Yeah, well what I wanna do is,
next month, whenever we teach a class,
I wanna see you on there.
I want to see your success story.
I want you to have those (bangs table)
booms right, create your own booms.
Be inspired, don't be intimidated, right.
Don't be "Oh, yeah, I mean Grace could do it
"and they can do it, but I don't know if I can do it."
No, you can do it.
If you want bad enough you can do it.
How many of you want to be featured,
want to be mentioned, during class.
How many are committed to create the success,
create the booms.
It's not about bragging, it's your doing it
to remind yourself, but also to inspire others.
Other DoD family members, right.
What they could do, what you have done,
don't be selfish.
Sometimes you're selfish
you feel like "Oh, I don't want to be braggadocios
"and share my success," no you're being selfish.
You wanna be selfless, which is share your success stories.
Inspire others, that's how you up come others right?