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  • Have you been studying English for a long time but not reached your fluency goals yet?

  • Are you frustrated by the gap between your passive knowledge and

  • active skills?

  • Do you catch yourself thinking in your native language and

  • translating the words into English?

  • Many English students all over the world are

  • facing the same challenges because they haven't found an effective study method

  • to follow.

  • Hello and welcome everyone. This is Minoo at Anglo-Link.

  • Becoming fluent in a foreign language is not easy. Especially if you have had no

  • contact with that language before the age of seven.

  • It needs a lot of

  • motivation and hard work on your part, but your time and effort can easily be

  • wasted if you don't use the right tools and study method.

  • My greatest wish has always been to take

  • difficulty and frustration out of your English studies

  • and make it fun and easy for you.

  • In today's tutorial, we're going to do two things.

  • First, we'll look at what fluency actually means because if you have the

  • wrong idea, you will waste your efforts on things that will not help you reach it.

  • Then we'll look at the method that I sincerely believe will help you to

  • achieve your goals.

  • Okay, let's start with the definition of fluency.

  • What does fluency mean to you? Would you say I'm fluent in English when...

  • a) I can make long sentences with complex structures.

  • b) I can use a lot of expressions and idioms.

  • c) My pronunciation is like a native speaker's.

  • d) I speak quickly and without hesitation.

  • e) I speak and write easily and clearly.

  • f) All of the above.

  • Some of you may have chosen f),

  • but in fact, the correct answer is e):

  • "I speak and write easily and clearly."

  • However, many of us mistakenly believe that to be able to communicate

  • easily and clearly, we need to be able to do a), b), c), and d) first.

  • The fact is that we don't.

  • You can express yourself easily and well without using complex

  • structures and many expressions and without copying a specific native

  • speaker accent or speaking quickly.

  • The key to fluency is being able to use

  • language with clarity and ease.

  • Don't take my word for it; let's look at some dictionary definitions of fluency.

  • Merriam-Webster:

  • The ability to speak a foreign language easily and effectively

  • Oxford:

  • The ability to speak or write a foreign language easily and accurately

  • Macmillan:

  • A clear and confident way of expressing yourself without seeming to make an effort

  • So, it seems that fluency is about

  • ease, confidence, and clarity not complexity, speed, or accent.

  • Once you achieve ease, clarity and confidence with simple language,

  • you will gradually introduce more complex vocabulary and structures into your speech as you

  • continue to expand your knowledge.

  • In light of this, let's replace some

  • unrealistic goals that you may have set yourself with more easily achievable goals.

  • Some of you may have set yourself a goal to learn complex structures and

  • make long sentences when you speak and write.

  • Well actually, in English, complex

  • structures are only appropriate for formal writing.

  • In everyday exchanges, the

  • shorter and more concise your sentence is, the better.

  • So, a better goal would be:

  • Learn and practice all the basic structures in writing and orally until you use them naturally.

  • Or, you may have decided to memorise a lot of idiomatic expressions

  • and try to use them all the time.

  • Remember that idiomatic expressions

  • constitute a very small percentage of daily exchanges among native speakers.

  • Making a huge effort to learn and use these correctly will not help you with your fluency.

  • It may only occasionally help you with your listening comprehension; that's all.

  • To reach your fluency goals you need to:

  • Learn everyday vocabulary that we use 90% of the time when we speak and write,

  • and keep practising those until you can use them reflexively.

  • And now, the most challenging of goals

  • some of you may have set yourselves,

  • and that is:

  • Try to sound like

  • an American, Australian, or British native speaker.

  • If this is your goal, you must

  • realise that it will take a lot of time and effort to achieve it unless you are

  • a naturally talented voice actor.

  • If you're not training to become an actor,

  • then I truly don't see why you need to be able to copy a specific accent.

  • Your focus should be on speaking clearly so people can understand you easily.

  • So, the best goal I can think of is:

  • Work on the areas of your pronunciation that may be affecting the clarity of your message.

  • Okay, let's speak about the method now.

  • If you agree that it's better to set

  • realistic easily achievable goals, the next question is:

  • What's the best way of achieving them?

  • Let's see what you think.

  • Which one of these methods will get you to fluency:

  • a) Get a grammar book and a phrase book to study at home and

  • supplement this by watching YouTube lessons.

  • b) Watch movies in English, listen to audio books

  • and read English books, or live in an English-speaking country for a while.

  • c) Sign up for conversation classes, study with the private teacher,

  • and practice with other students.

  • And d) All of the above.

  • Well, I think you have guessed that the answer is d) "All of the above",

  • but with a very important condition.

  • You need a systematic well-planned combination of all of the above.

  • If you just do a little bit of this and a little bit of that

  • without any plan or guidance, you will just drown in an ocean of information.

  • In order to become fluent as a young adult or adult learner of English, you need a

  • systematic and integrated method that gives you:

  • First of all, a step-by-step study plan

  • Secondly, lessons that cover all aspects of the language:

  • pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary going progressively from easy to difficult

  • to eliminate the need for explanations in your own language,

  • and with lots of written and oral exercises so you're practising writing and speaking

  • actively all the time.

  • And also, you need

  • ongoing teacher support including periodic feedback from your teacher

  • on your speaking and writing skills so you know

  • what's good and what you still need to work on.

  • If you find that the way you're currently studying English

  • is not getting you to your fluency goals, that there is a gap between what you

  • know, that's your passive knowledge, and your active usage,

  • and particularly, if you're still using explanations

  • and a lot of translation into your native language,

  • then you must look for a better study method.

  • If this is your case, then I hope you will come and join my self-study programme

  • where you can generate a personal study plan

  • for yourself based on your goals,

  • and then gain access to all my lessons

  • that we have organised for you from easy to difficult

  • with lots of audio and video content

  • and written and oral exercises

  • and tests.

  • This programme also includes many exclusive video lessons

  • that are not available on YouTube.

  • Thank you for watching this tutorial;

  • I hope it has been helpful to you.

  • You can find this and my other lessons and tutorials

  • on our website:

  • Happy studies to you all!

Have you been studying English for a long time but not reached your fluency goals yet?


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B1 中級

流暢な英語の話し方・書き方 (How to Speak and Write English Fluently)

  • 7 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日