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  • Good morning.

  • I said it selects.

  • And today I'm gonna answer the question.

  • I get asked all the time.

  • Where and what should I eat when in Paris?

  • Well, I can only tell you what I know.

  • So I'm gonna share my top five places to eat throughout.

  • Vicious, dreamy, A big cattle week.

  • And also quite you took in the in vice.

  • Ready?

  • Honestly, you can never be ready for that.

  • So let's move, E.

  • Okay, that's it.

  • I hope you enjoy the journey.

  • And if you did, then sums of light and subscribe.

  • You know that you were to be honest.

  • And luckily for me, I don't eat like that each and every day.

  • But whenever I can, I try to sneak like one two of those delights in my because it just bright and everything happen.

  • It's also a tiny but very powerful reminder that moments should be enjoyed and life should be cherished.

  • Bye, guys.

Good morning.


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A2 初級

パリへのラブレター (My Love Letter to Paris.)

  • 7 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日