Justgotinthiscar, andimmediately I have a senseofconnectioninitthat I don't haveinthebiggercars.
I lovethe 7 20 butit's a bitaloof.
It's a bitlikehaving a mealwith a reallyclevermateandhavingtospend 10 minutessourceofworkingoutwhereitsbrainsoutbeforeyoucanhave a conversationinthe 600 lt.
Youjustgetinandhave a natter.
Wegotabout 30 morehorsepowerthanthestandardcar.
Stifferpokey, a chassisSamarra.
Modificationsonsomeexhausttheexit a bithigherontheoldass.
I thinkthisis a playfulcardinthecenterandthenformeon a circuit, playfulnessiseverything.
I'm notherechasinglaptimes.
I takeitoverthebigone.
I justthinkit's really, reallyfuntodrive.
I mean, it's justbeginningtorainhere, whichisperfectwiththeexteriorshots.
I knowyouhavetotrustme.
I thinkhe's beenfussyontheoutside.
I don't mind a topuptogether, Okay, butAdam's air a bit.
Addon a I'm notsureaboutthiswholeltnamingstrategy.
Longtailmeantsomethingwiththeoriginal F onebecauseitwasmileslonger.
Butthe 600 ltiswaitforit 7.4 centimeterslongerthan a 5 70 s.
Callitnearly a Snickersbar.
Theextra 30 horsepowercomefrom a newcameraremap.
There's been 7 20 bits.
Thespringsdampers, a firmerthanthestandardcaronthetrackis a littlebitwider.
Overall, thecaris 96 kilogramslighter.
It's a lesscomprehensivemakeoverthanthe 675 lt, Butthenthecar, whichisbased, ismilesbetter.
Whenthisbabytrap, McClarenremindsusthatworkingisin a differentworldtoeallothersportscarmakersintermsofrawaccelerationnorto 60 to 2.9 seconds, 0 to 124 8.2 seconds, 204 milesanhour.